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File: 804 KB, 1600x743, 1608_Belanger_How-artists-changed-NYCs-SoHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8011693 No.8011693 [Reply] [Original]

i'm trying to move to nyc

i have a master's in mechanical engineering with a few years of experience in industry and want to live in manhattan in a nice neighborhood. i don't have any debt to my name and want a job before i get out there

can anybody on /biz/ offer any advice? i'm open to working in finance but not sure if it's possible for me to break into finance with a degree in mech e.

also i'm unmarried and have no kids. 29 years old.

>> No.8011728

Do not move to NYC.
Do not even think about it.
Move to Houston if you must

>> No.8011755

>he fell for the NYC meme

>> No.8011768

I lived in NYC for 13 years. Got nearly killed by niggers about 3 times, so be sure to purchase a gun if you want to live there. This applies to nice neighborhoods even, yes.

>> No.8011774

where are you from? why do you want to go to New York?

>> No.8011780

>i'm trying to move to nyc

Are you retarded?

>> No.8011803

my friends all live there

>> No.8011835

i like nyc a lot more than houston tho

not gonna walk around armed everyday because there's a chance i might get mugged once every 5 years

>> No.8011918

Doesn't hurt to try. If you have friends there with real jobs ask them about getting you in

>> No.8011948
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>I want to move to jew york

>> No.8011980


>owning a firearm in chairman cuomos new york

>> No.8011988

Don't do it, rent is manhatten is 4k/month for a 1 bedroom shit box.

>> No.8011989
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>i'm trying to move to nyc

Lets trade places, I've been trying to get out of this nigger shithole for years.

>> No.8012099
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Don't move to nyc. The people here suck. It's basically all a bunch of rich assholes that have their jobs because their parents knew somebody. Have fun working under a bunch of 40 year olds that act like 19 year olds. There are some redpilled people here, but for the most part it's all people that live in a bubble of hypocrisy. I live 15 minutes across the river and the only things I found that I really care about in new york are going to nice restaurants and going out to clubs. Aside from that, you really won't find much depth in the people here unless you move out to Brooklyn. And even out there the minorities hate all of the white pepple living in their neighborhoods because they're being pushed out by the rising rents. Most of the people that move here are idiots thinking they're going to come here and it's gonna be the new York they saw in their favorite black and white film. Sorry folks those days are over. If you aren't in tech or finance and/or have a connection you will not be able to start out here. It's Versailles. "Peasants" haven't been welcome in Manhattan for over 10 years. Honestly just live right across the river and pay half the rent you would pay if you lived in the city and if you still feel the urge to HAVE to live there then go, but don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.8012106

what do you do?

supply and demand

>> No.8012134

i'm an engineer with programming experience though. i think i may be able to land something in tech or finance

>> No.8012252

If you land a job that pays $120,000 per year you will be poor as fuck living in Manhattan.

>> No.8012278

Those are the only fields of work left in nyc that you can realistically work your way up from the bottom. There really isnt anything else here. Mainly $12/hour slave jobs. A recent study showed that only 9% of millennials living in Manhattan can actually afford it(meaning they make at least $100k). So basically 90%+ of the young people here are larping. Much like this board.

>> No.8012311

And probably be working 100 hours a week for that pittance

>> No.8012323

Try Google NYC, they seem to keep hiring my engineering friends from around the country.
That said, Manhattan is really not that nice to live in... the newer developments in Brooklyn or (now) Queens are the same price but a lot nicer and take only 10-15 min longer to get to places. I guess since you'll be moving here anew you might as well try out the Manhattan thing for a bit, just to live it yourself, but seriously, Manhattan is remarkably third-world in a lot of ways.

>> No.8012358

i don't think i'll be "poor as fuck." i just won't be able to save anything because half my paycheck will be going to rent

>> No.8012361
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>i'm trying to move to nyc
On purpose?

>> No.8012368
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>wanting to live in NYC, especially manhattan
>ME degree

Native new yorker here. Secure a job with union backing and avoid manhattan at all costs, especially for living. If you have the mentality that you're going to live in UWS/Park Slope/Flatiron, give that up. Even living in East Village is expensive nowadays. If you want to live in manhattan, we're talking about 250k/yr after taxes minimum, no family. Every working/middle class shitter is migrating to Staten Island right now because of the cheap real estate on top of getting priced out of Brooklyn/Queens. Investor jews already claimed the coastline by St. George and real estate prices there(SI) shot up 3-5x in the past 5 years.

Working for the big banks/big finance will require you to have an extensive network at hand, a recommendation or you managed to intern there. There's enough big name unis here for most of the companies to pull grads out of. I have no clue about tech, but there's startups popping up here and there so use some DD to research what's in demand.

On a side note, public transit is and smells like shit and in terms of crypto the only exchanges you can use are GDAX, gemini and bittrex. If you don't change your mind, I wish you the best of luck anon. I'm planning to move out of this shithole and forsaken state within the next decade to somewhere else like Houston.

>> No.8012381

brooklyn is cool but i want to live in manhattan. i can always cross the river on the weekends if i want

>> No.8012400

Also, keep in mind the subway moves much slower than you'd expect it to, so if you're in Manhattan but outside of Midtown (e.g. UES/UWS/Harlem/LES/TriBeCa/etc.), you actually take /longer/ to get anywhere, than you would from those new parts of Brooklyn/Queens I mentioned.

>> No.8012420

NYC is romanticize by movies and books.

when you live there, it's shit. cold and snow in the wingers.

expensive rent. niggers. rude people culture everywhere. no service

>> No.8012452

are you saying i can't get jobs with a degree in ME+professional experience as an engineer?

>> No.8012625
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I knew this 26 year old douchebag that made like 140k a year and he would've been fine if he didn't fall into the NYC lifestyle trap that so many fall victim too. He had a fucking 4200 a month apartment , a wine rack filled with $200 bottles of wine, an E-class, memberships to private clubs. I later found out he got locked out of his apartment for not paying his bills because he spent literally every fucking dime. If you're not that asshole, then you'll be fine.

>> No.8012700

if i only made that much i would just be hooking up with brooklyn tinder and hipster slags, not trying to impress trust fund girls who do biannual vacations to monaco

>> No.8012729

I moved out of NYC 6 months ago. PLEASE, DO NOT MOVE THERE. Save your sanity.
It does not matter who you are or what class you from—poor, middle, or rich. You WILL become insane. I can guarantee this.
I'm warning you. Fuck the career and whatever "money" you'll make there. It won't be worth it when you get there. Save your sanity and don't go, cause no one has it in NYC. I can not stress this enough.

>> No.8012753

why? Not OP but I've always been curious b/c of how romanticized it is

>> No.8012762

what's so bad about it? i've lived in big cities for years and always liked it

>> No.8012809


I live in NYC on the upper west side, I've been up here for over 2 years now. I love it here, but unfortunately it's nearly impossible to own any property because it's so expensive so I'm probably going to move back to the south in a couple years so I can buy a house and land. Also ignore these other people saying it's dangerous, it's really safe up here.

>> No.8012831

i've been there several times and always enjoyed it. nyc gets a lot of hate because the city is really competitive but if you're doing well i don't think there's any other place i'd rather live desu

>> No.8012837


>> No.8012841

oh honey...

>> No.8012861

I've noticed that the only people that can handle nyc without going insane are people like myself that grew up in the ny metro area. To us it's just "the city". It's always the people that come here from bumble fuck I see ending up running out of money or becoming addicted to drugs and having to leave in less than 2 years . Dance puppets dance.

>> No.8012869

Philly has a much better nightlife, just sayin, especially the rave scene

>> No.8012910


I agree, this is my favorite place in the entire world, I think you should do it. Go for it. I remember asking people like you are now, I'm glad I went for it, I've made it further than I ever thought I could and I'm happy. Good luck.

>> No.8012948
File: 4 KB, 208x206, 5bcd02d709811acb7356be78bbd7474acf39cc15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop lusting after money

>> No.8012950

thanks man. what industry are you in?

>> No.8012961

NYC is great if you love crime, the smell of sewage and trash, and schizos.

>> No.8012965

>posting this stupid shit on a board with a bunch of degenerate shitcoin gamblers

oh, anon

>> No.8012980
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2560, NYC tax payers funding chinese translators in public schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC in one picture. FUCK NYC

>> No.8012991


I work in health care and I fell for the marriage meme and my wife also works in health care. We don't have kids. Came up here from Kentucky

>> No.8013020

This is pretty accurate. The wealthy people in nyc pretend they want things that way, but in reality it's just an act they put on to look good in front of their friends. They all exploit niggers and brown people for the cheap labor while they rake in millions.

>> No.8013045

cool man. MD?

>> No.8013055

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

>> No.8013108
File: 190 KB, 631x595, mcwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting for my shitcoin to moon to buy a place in nyc

>> No.8013191


Nah. If I was an MD I could probably buy a penthouse or something. I'm a CT tech and wife is a FNP. We make about 100k each. Rent is $2750. But I have a really nice apartment in a great area. I probably could get by a little cheaper than that if I had to. Still have enough left over after rent and buying whatever stupidly expensive food and shit to throw the rest of my money at EOS

>> No.8013198

NYC is for people that have already made it elswhere. Most of the people i've known in the city are only here for maybe 3 or 4 months out of the year. Nobody with any kind of serious money lives here the whole year round.

>> No.8013277

sounds comfy. good luck out there.

the most populous city in the USA by a longshot is only for people who live in other parts of the country. gotcha

>> No.8014054

I live in morningside heights by riverside drive. You ever go to that sandwich place by Columbia? it's soo good. I think its on broadway it's an "italian" bakery but run by hispanics.

>> No.8014105

how does a CT tech make 100k? pharmacists in manhattan only clear like 110k. you are telling me someone with an associates degree is getting paid as much as a doctorate degree ???!

>> No.8014195

>nice neighborhood

Pick one.

>> No.8014335

Maybe in Murray Hill with a doorman and granite countertops. An average 1 bedroom in NYC is anywhere from 1800-2200 a month for a plain, no frills unit, which is most of them. You can go lower, but they suck. 4k is Village, upper west side prices. The rest of the city - or most of it - is considerably cheaper.

Granted, it's that much for a small box, one or two windows if you're lucky, shitty neighbors, sjitty neighborhood, and the utilities will kill you, especially in the winter, and no parking except street parking. But you'll be in the city.

I'd rather spend that much on a large condo or small house an hour north on Metro North, and live among trees.

>> No.8014362

I just moved to NYC at 32 so it's doable. if you're not autistic you could try getting sales job for an engineering company. they usually want people that can talk tech. when you apply use a NY address and say you're in the process of moving.

>> No.8014464

You also have to explain the NYC lifestyle to people who have never lived there. People are never at home in the city, they're out doing shit. Nobody shops enough for more than a day at a time, or keep more than the basics around. If you're a homebody and never go out, living in the city is a pointless waste of money, when you can do that far cheaper in Queens or Brooklyn, or in a smaller town and commute by train. Most people in the city don't have cars, unless they can afford to rent a spot in a garage, and that can be as much as a one room bedroom in other cities. Everything costs more, too, because everything has to be delivered. Food is WAY more expensive in the city. It's a completely different way of life there, and it just overall kind of sucks until you can afford the better buildings, the better bars, clubs and restaurants, and dealing with NYC coop boards and landlords is fucking bullshit. Plus, chances are, you're gonna have to deal with fucking tourists on a daily basis, and fuck tourists right up their ass.

VISIT NYC several times, during the year. Do the AirBnB thing to get a feel for how it is to actually live there. Spend at least a week, and try to food shop, do laundry, and do a daily routine there.

Some people can hack it. Millions do. Millions don't. If you're not into the things that make the city what it is, like theater, the cultural and social circles, and the business side of things there, you'll fucking hate it. It's not a place to live if all you do is play video games and order pizza, because it'll cost you 3 to 4 times as much as anywhere else to do that. You move there when you're young, rich, and want to have adventures. Everyone else is there to support and serve someone else's dreams.

Try LA, or Chicago, or even SF. You'll get a "big city" experience and have more of a chance to enjoy it. Unless you know a shitload of people in NYC, moving there blind is one of the dumbest fucking things I can think of doing.

>> No.8014485


Have you actually BEEN to NYC?

What exactly is it you plan on doing there? There isn't much you can do there, that's cheap, except walk around.

>> No.8014497

I don't want to write a lengthy memoir, so I'll try to keep it short.
What's most important that you need to know is it's culturally screwed from top to bottom (i.e. rich to poor), environmentally screwed in many aspects, and, important for OP personally, you will have a constant lack of energy if you have to work there; you'll be drained with little to nothing left to spare. Let me know if you need me to elaborate a bit.

Yes, it's true that people who typically stay the longest are people who grew up in the city. I was born in Manhattan, but I did not entirely grew up in the city during my childhood; I've been around many other places.
From personal experience, I could make a claim and theorize WHY NY natives stay in the city is simply because they don't know any better. What goes on in the city is normal to them. However, looking from an outsider's point of view, I see life could be much better. Many can't see that.

This is true. In fact, the rich from the Upper East Side (the wealthiest residential neighborhood in all of NYC) ARE literal racists. I can confirm that racism is alive and well in Madison Avenue.

>> No.8014499

The cold is one thing.

Tell him about August, and the humidity, and how everyone who can gets the fuck out of town as fast as they can.

>> No.8014536

i'm going to fuck hoes

>> No.8014604

>What goes on in the city is normal to them. However, looking from an outsider's point of view, I see life could be much better. Many can't see that.

Yep. I went from upper west side to Westchester, in the woods...it's like you get to where quiet freaks you out. I couldn't fall asleep because it was so quiet. You just get so assaulted in all senses all day and night in Manhattan, you just kind of go numb to it all.

>> No.8014670

Hope you know how to swim / have diving gear ready.

>> No.8014715

i lived in chicago for many years and nyc is in another league. that's why i want to move there

i've done the airbnb thing in nyc several times

>> No.8015185

Yep, I know exactly what you are talking about. It feels like a completely different experience.

>> No.8015312
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I live in nyc and the rent is way overpriced.
Please don't come here.

>> No.8015523


I'm down in the 70s so I'm rarely that high up there but I'd like to check it out sometime.

I'm at the absolute top of my payscale for this job. I worked my way up and now I work at for a high end place. I do scans on a lot of celebrities and upper east side rich people. That and I also work quite a bit of overtime. So yeah, I have a 2 year degree and I'm making it. Wife has masters degree and most the time I make more.