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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8006429 No.8006429 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 10 days after completing a successful token sale, REMME is to release the Alpha 0.1.0 version of its Core protocol.

This isn't even a question of what has your favorite ICO done for you, but what has even your favorite shitcoin done for you? Remme has a real working product and making huge strides, while you sad sacks sit around crying about VEN and fisting yourselves...


>> No.8006741

Are IDEX and TIDEX the same thing? Which should I use and why is one cheaper than the other.

>> No.8007417

Prepare to moon rembros

>> No.8007775

yeah lastpass does a better job that this shit lmao

>> No.8008068

nice try fgt
Lastpass still uses passwords, so the account can still be compromised if someone guesses/cracks the user's password.

A certificate is something entirely different. So, like an SSL certificate is issued to a website to verify its authenticity, the same thing is done for a device or a user. There is no password/string of characters that can unlock the account. Only the certificate can unlock the account. The certificate is basically just a file stored on the user's computer that verifies their identity.

>> No.8008370

Classic whale manoeuvre. Remme team stopped whales from buying too much so they tanked the price in order to buy enough. Now that they've purchased thier share, the price will do what other ICOs have done. Expect a 30% rise tomorrow.

>> No.8008395
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Fuck, had ~ 6 tabs open researching about remme & you post this fucking shill. Can't see the need for the coin here, explain to the brainlet.

>> No.8008474


So if I gain access to the pc there's nothing stopping me from logging in to websites that authenticate using a remme cert?