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8006375 No.8006375 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, time for a MEGA thread.
Which of these three should I go all in on for the year
-Coin Metro

This isn't about what will be best, but what will offer the greatest returns. Right now I'm leaning towards COSS because of the fee splits.
However I can easily see coin metro becoming something like the next coin base if all goes well.
Then we got legolas... I shouldn't even have to explain why this might be all that matters eoy 2018.

>> No.8006441 [DELETED] 

Here is the link https://coinmetro.win/ and you'll get +7.5%

>> No.8006453

Fuck off pajeet, this is probably why I wont invest in coin metro

>> No.8006538

how do you like blockport?

>> No.8006553

When will the CoinMetro ICO end? I dont want to throw in money and have it locked for 12 months

>> No.8006565

Invest in whichever might rise soonest based on news. I'm in on XCM but don't know much about Legolas. XCM is getting vested and will hardly dump if at all, so there's no BAD time to invest in it.

>> No.8006614


Legolas had a 60% private sale, whereas coinmetro sold 6% of it's tokens at 500% discount, but it did so PUBLICLY and with a vesting period.

Your choice which is worse (Legolas).

>> No.8006625

When will be able to access to tokens?

>> No.8006645


March/April, but I wouldn't expect the exchange to really be up and running until Summer.

>> No.8006654

If you bought in at 0.03 or 0.05, like 30% instantly and the rest over 6 months. Read their site.

>> No.8006670

Blockport looks good, I just think it has less short term potential than these three. 2019 will be the year it really shines

>> No.8006672

March 23rd. Unsold tokens will be burned but according to telegram admim that wont be good overall because less money to inject into the project. Hoping for the america thing to be sorted.

>> No.8006694


>> No.8006700

Yea, but at least they have exceeded their goal of 10mil

>> No.8006740

but legolas is hybrid
what does Coinmetro bring to the table technologically? ICO express? Startups will just use Ethereum

>> No.8006743
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http://coinmetro.info for 2.5% bonus

https://xcmprice.com for price projections

>> No.8006759

The beta drops end of March beginning of April. Not a long wait. Get in...also those referrals aren't 7.5% bonus for you, it's 5% for the person that links you, and you get 2.5%

I'm a cool guy so if you want your 2.5% should you decide to buy, you can use this link. just remove the spaces.

h tt ps :// g o. coinmetro . com / ?refId =5a62 4b8ada66970c da 5ff539

>> No.8006766

Coinmetro will bring to the table many things,
-Fait onramp
-Fait to alts
-Debit Card
-Instant Withdrawals

>> No.8006808


Government regulation approval due to their FX connection, a fast platform, a liquidity pool, along with everything >>8006766 mentioned, plus TAMs which are really cool. A TAM basically allows you . to manage a portfolio that other people can invest in, it's like being a mini ETF manager yourself and getting paid by people who subscribe to your trades.

Also the ICO express will be fuelled by ETH not XCM, XCM will be burned as a result of fees.

>> No.8006828

Will i be able to access / sell my purchased coins in march / april as well? Or do i ahve to wait for their full platform to go live in summer?

My purchase amount varies by the answer

>> No.8006848

debit cards, fiat pairings, access to foreign bank accounts, ETFs, ICO's can launch immediately after the sale, democratic coin voting, Forex exchange linked, 20% of profits are used to buy back tokens to maintain stability...check the whitepaper. should be good

>> No.8006884

yes you can, the people that bought in first at the lowest price have coins locked. they can only release certain percentages at a time. anybody that buys now has zero restrictions. they want the coin to be relatively stable. check the white paper, it has lots of key info about the tokenomics. Kevin will answer anything on telegram too. he communicates regularily

>> No.8006897

very cool
I gotta say, the name, design, a lot of these seem like really nice features
so if I have a chunk of XCM, I would collect fees based on trades in the exchange?

>> No.8006917

Probably coinmetro, it's owned by the same people who run FXpig. Legolas looks decent and coss is utter shit.

>> No.8006918

ty, this is the info i needed. Hf with your 5% ^^

>> No.8006934

Have in mind that you need to go through a KYC thing for it

>> No.8006958

just wondering why is coss shit? don't know much about it but i'm all in xcm and LL

>> No.8006971


>> No.8006975

btw I meant to say the design/name look really nice, I could totally see this being used

>> No.8006986

Know your client. Means they need to verify your identity somehow.

>> No.8006999

I see, i am from central europe, this should not be a problem. I have researched this project a lot and someone i know invests an.. absurd amount of money, i absolutelly trust his calls (BNB was the last). I think this will be one of the greater ICOs of 2018. Ty everyone, see you in the insane shill threads soon.

>> No.8007009

COSS kinda gives me the high school project guide if that makes sense.
They are aiming fairly high, but seem much less professional.
The main thing Id give them though is the fee split does seem like great potential. Basically if COSS gets up to 50mil volume which is doable you could get a times 10.

>> No.8007030
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can anyone elaborate if that xcmprice projections shit is legit? I have 40k XCM, and if the exchange hits $50m in daily volume, I'll be fucking ecstatic
gl bro

>> No.8007029

High school project vibe*

>> No.8007037

Try using their exchange
It's a slow, buggy piece of shit
The only reason it keeps getting shilled is because the coins give dividends so holders want it to be popular
It's bad. Like bitgrail level bad.

>> No.8007042

One last question please, can i withdraw directly from binance to the given wallet address?

>> No.8007043

you get a very low discount on every transaction. the fees on the exchange are the profits of Coinmetro but they commit to using 20% of those profits to buy tokens from the exchange at market price. so giant purchases from the company will influence the price dramatically. and if the coin dumps (like how BNB dumped from $23-$8 ) they will jump in and save it from a plummet unlike the binance chinks. Kevin won't let these things fly on his platform because he's trying to out do those other existing platforms. i'm not the most informed guy, but i think his knowledge of global currency exchanges, and regulatory bodies and legalities of currency exchanges all learned from his FXpig platform will help make this a smooth transition to a fully regulated exchange. Normies won't want to use some bullshit that they can't withdraw from or can't insert fiat, so he's on it. i put my money in because i want to use it. nothing more than a product that i want so i bought it. i'll gladly switch over from the shit that i've been using. and also they have already hired over 100 people and will focus on customer service. that right there tells me i can use it. i hate waiting to here back 2 days later from some asshole. it's money so i get stressed at those cunts

>> No.8007064

you'll make it! jealous anon. very jealous but glad for you

>> No.8007080

Its bad, but slowly improving. I think itll limp along towards acceptability. Also keep in mind they will potentially have fiat to alts before coin metro.
Another interesting point regarding COSS, I could easily see it becoming a niche Singapore exchange..

>> No.8007093

you mean send BTC/ETH from binance to the XCM ICO? Yea, you can specify the address, and I think you can choose to leave the XCM on the exchange, or withdraw it to an ERC20 compatible wallet. Just go into your profile to set the address.

>> No.8007103

Yes. But have in mind the binance cut(check the amount after the fees). I used ltc to pay for the cheapest withdraw tax but binance still use old wallet address or something so I had to contatct support for the ltc address converter but you can google it too.

>> No.8007118

Awesome. I asked because i got the following message on binance:

Minimum withdrawal:0.002 BTC。
Do not withdrawal directly to a crowdfund or ICO. We will not credit your account with tokens from that sale.

Thanks /biz/ bros.

>> No.8007137
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>BNB peaked at $24 before the crash and CoinMetro would work in a slightly different way than Binance does.

>You're FORCED to use XCM for all platform fees (every fee is automatically converted to xcm) which means a stronger correlation between rising trade volumes on the exchange and rising prices due to increased demand for XCM.

>You also get discounts based on the amount of XCM you hold, meaning you are incentivized to hold larger amounts of XCM, further increasing demand and restricting the circulating supply.

>> No.8007181

Ok m8 I will test the direct withdraw from binance with 0.2btc. If this works out well I will reuse your link for my purchase. Have a nice night. Dont spend it all at once.

>> No.8007187

You can but they recommend not doing so. Also, if you use LTC, you'll have to convert it using https://litecoin-project.github.io/p2sh-convert/ since they use a different algorithm or something for the address.
Any Anons willing to help out, that'd be cool. Don't listen to the "higher than 2.5%" fucks.

>> No.8007202

I am dumb. Oops.

>> No.8007209

i like you and your shillage

>> No.8007221
File: 65 KB, 300x300, coinmetro-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL ABOARD next stop moon!

>> No.8007222

Be careful. The deposit to xcm must be a single one like they state. You will end paying binance cut twice.

>> No.8007242

I withdrew a bit more on binance, untill it said "you will get: exactly the amount coinmetro expects me to deposit". I hope it will work out. Last time i had this feeling with binance and omg if this works out only half as good.. wow.

>> No.8007245

The world is a better place when biz works together...are the pajeets on holiday? this thread hasn't been derailed...

>> No.8007271

Yea this is a fairly solid discussion, we had one pajeet in the beginning, but I told him off

>> No.8007272
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my body is fucking ready.
>also they have already hired over 100 people and will focus on customer service
This is the thing. Not only am I pumped for all the fundamentals like >>8006766 but also Kevin and his team seem dead serious about being customer centric, which will be critical for normies and institutional investors.
I don't know if any of you saw in the telegram a couple days back, there was a literal pajeet/nog complaining about some bullshit about scammers on telegram in voicenotes, and basically insulting Kevin. Kevin responded in a fucking based and professional manner, and the fucking nog was floored. Shit was so cash.

But seriously, everyone is super impressed with their level of support and engagement. I hope future ICOs and exchanges live up to that level of professionalism

>> No.8007295

I got an email from coinmetro like 10-15 minutes after I transfered to their wallet. Good luck, anon.

>> No.8007347

Thanks m8. Rarely you get really good amazing ICOs i nearly had lost all hope hahaha. I am waiting for the transaction to appear on the dashboard, if everything goes well I will enter it for good.

legolas (wtf) sounds interesting as well, i might take a look, altough going for 2 DEXs is a bit overkill and I will happily stand with my decision.
My last ICO exit - scammed and took 10Eth from which I have been traumatized haha (god)

>> No.8007368
File: 19 KB, 300x300, cmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get 2.5% bonus on your purchase when you sign up through this reflink : coinmetro.me

or put this code in the referral box when you sign up : 5a65ebec589c124f7b19af43

I get the bonus too so it's a win-win

>> No.8007386

Too early, operasion CM-Pajeet-Shilling will start then we are at 0.15€

>> No.8007415

>10 ETH
that's crushing. that could be a thing of the past with all the regulations coming about. by all means diversify between exchange platforms, but the likely hood of any of the listed exchanges fucking up is low. they can get outperformed and have a low utility token due to volume, but it's safe enough to assume they'll exist for long enough to dump for profits.
10 ETH, fuck...probably had murder on your mind

>> No.8007416

which ICO was that?

>> No.8007421

This is just a short note to confirm that your COIN Purchase has been confirmed. Details of the transaction are enclosed below. Thank you for your support. Be sure to follow us on Telegram for the most up-to-date news on our project moving forward.

That was fast :)! I am done here, have a nice night.

>> No.8007461

I'm in Coin Metro, so don't mind the shilling that goes on here once in a while

>> No.8007481

why would you shill it tho?
the unsold tokens are burnt.
the less they sell the better it is for us.
pls stop shilling until main sale is finished.

>> No.8007516

It was (fuck me) "World of Battles" .. I must admit i am a really big eSports fan and it was the only time I did not research. Back then ETH was 280$ a piece, no big loss.

I wanted to test- purchace 0.2btc worth of tokens, rounded it down to 14000 XCM, already got the 350 bonus XCM confirmed as well, very nice. Will reuse the referal link.

Now i really hav eto go, you can have a very, very good laugh at my WoB purchase haha, I was retarded back then and learned a valuable lesson, always do an insane amount of research.

>> No.8007544

I won't laugh at your misfortune because i suspect you are a legit good guy from this thread

>> No.8007574
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gn and here's to a great 2018. definitely join the telegram. You'll be fucking impressed. Ask all questions there, they'll answer fast
I don't think we'll be able to stop it from selling out. Their marketing is going to go online in the next few weeks. In any case, user growth will make this more profitable, than any amount of token burn, so we'll take a win either way.
no laughs from me mate. Everyone's been burnt one way or another, more than they'd admit. I think XCM will more than make up for all of our past mistakes.

>> No.8007581

When does the coinmetro token sale end? For some reason I can't find how much longer it could possibly sit at 12 cents, maybe I'm blind.

>> No.8007600

Oh and if I made an account already can I still use a referral for a bonus? Sorry for the stupid questions.

>> No.8007627

The private lgo sale only had 30% discount. Hold bonus and burn and platform usage after launching for institutional investors in March will make it moon at crazy speeds. The interest was evident when public sale took only 10 hours to collect 2000 btc.

It is also a semidex and partnered with makor group. Look up makor group. There is no bigger exchange token moon than Legolas tokens in 2018.

>> No.8007728
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got myself some of it during the flash sales, im comfy. i dont really care about shilling because i know the more money the team has the better work they'll be able to pull off.

>> No.8007784

Nice thread op

I'd stick with going for COSS
Fiat for all coin pairs is gonna change the game
You are also correct in your attraction to Singapore.
Coss is both publicly working with the government closely for regulatory compliance, and is also on the hush hush endorsed and backed by the government.
Coss is the official exchange of Singapore, no if ands or buts. Its heading towards its endgame right now. Things are moving for it that the alternatives cannot compete with. Even if you divest later, now is the time to get in.

>> No.8007828
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coss is an assured loss

>> No.8007884

COSS is shit. Everything about it sucks. The only reason its still mentioned its because a lot of bagholders dreaming of the meme income.

>> No.8007909

No, worst case scenario they top out at 10mil in volume per day. At that level you'll see $2-3 COSS which is a times 5

>> No.8007964

>coss is an assured loss
I'll see from the moon

>> No.8007984

>COSS is shit. Everything about it sucks.
Subjective, I really don't care about your opinion.
Listen, Its a good exchange with a good team and its marketcap is not going away anytime soon. Coss is here to stay and your just gonna have to watch it grow.

>> No.8008014

rofl. no it wont. at that volume you'll get what, 40$ a week for 100,000 COSS? maybe even less.

are you fucking out of your mind?

its already super overpriced, even if it had 20M volume a day

>> No.8008160

do any of these have 0 trading fees forever like cobinhood, will probably main that one when they get more coins listed

>> No.8008203

Nebula exchange is considering having a fee token burn mechanism. Private Beta should be launching soon. There might be no ICO, but Chaintrade holders might get tokens as compensation for that project run by the same company going bust.

>> No.8008436

Right now the yearly ROI on Coss coins is 3%. Increase the volume tenfold to 10-15mil/day along with higher fees for fiat and you get $2 Coss tokens no problem.
Think before you speak.
I'm not saying COSS is some spectacular investment, but at this point it looks like a decent pick for some safe couple hundred percent gains by year end.
If you're looking for a 100x moonshot then yea.. Coss isn't gonna deliver. Doesn't mean you should shit on some safe gains

>> No.8008470

The best exchange is a few months off and will be based on an ethereum competitor. I'll say absolutely nothing else on this matter but you'd be a fool to miss out.

>> No.8008524

Youre talking about neonexchange.org (NEX)

They had a huge private sale as well with, as far as i know, no vesting periods. Congrats if you made it in the private sale. If now, good luck man

>> No.8008570

Stellar I assume

>> No.8008571

Happy to see this thread doing well.
I don't know much about NEX, can anyone fill me in if possible? I'm just a bit put off based on their site. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I'm hesitant on shifty looking exchanges.