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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8005878 No.8005878 [Reply] [Original]

>go to good uni they said
>get good grades they said
>get good stem degree they said
>have internships they said
>no one ever tells you the technical skills you needed to get a job

anyone else here teaching themselves how to use a plethora of software so they can get a normie job?

also general /collegehate/ thread

>> No.8005987

I'm also on the exit of Stem.
No idea what pathway to go down, majored in Genetics but no real interest in Research/Academia pathway

>> No.8006040

Yea I feel you man. Have you considered a master's degree? I was thinking about it, but I figured I'd just be in the same position but with more debt and older.

>> No.8006135

Very much so problem is I lost passion for science. Might do a master in education.
For now travel to America and find some full time work in July. Of course throwing cash in crypto hoping for the best, what pathway do you see for yourself?

>> No.8006155

Economics degree freshman, 19yo, lost all motivation because of crypto discovery.

also knowing that all this calculus etc im learning is not easy (i'm too lazy) and i have to spend so much time on it without having a once in a lifetime opportunity to use it is obnoxious

>> No.8006167

Same position. Did a $30,000 Biology degree, got good grades.. No fucking jobs. Teaching myself how to code, and hope to go straight into doing a Master's course. Wish there was a way to generate passive income (through web dev for example) in the mean time. Any advice anons? Feel like I got fucking jipped.

>> No.8006205

At this stage I'm starting to not give a fuck as I'm considering joining the military in the hopes of fighting terrorist scum.

>> No.8006221

College is so fucking gay. Honestly anyone that wants to make this shit free is a fucking retard, it's literally a waste of four years and you're not even really better off when you leave. It's just an extended high school for so many retards here.

>> No.8006238

College is a scam

>> No.8006307

Dude learn calc it will help you so much not even memeing. My biggest regret was not doing even heavier science.

I'm taking classes on data analytics then digital marketing. Might get a Ms eventually like this anon>>8006167

Its a huge jip honestly. Totally wasted my time. Also everyone there is really lame.

Life sciences are useless. I memed myself into a dumb science degree, ecology

>> No.8006353

how will i use calculus in fucking corpos

>> No.8006355
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>originally went to DigiPen Institute of Technology in order to get a software engineering degree
>dropped out after two years once I realized I could literally just look everything up on Google
>got a comfy software engineering job with a very nice salary just a year later
>mfw I got a year head start of everybody else that stayed
>mfw their college debts would be twice as high as mine
>mfw most of my college debts are already paid off due to getting said head start and investing in crypto

>> No.8006361

>study comp sci
>help retard class mates to learn shit
>they get jobs
>I don't

>> No.8006388

Yeah I did Ecology too. What a fucking waste of money and time dude. They lied to us.

>> No.8006432

Lol thanks

R u:


>> No.8006434

being good at math is a prerequisite for a lot of graduate programs later on. Just take it so you're up to par. Also keep with economics or do something harder. Don't pussy out

nice going anon, mind sharing some advice for other anons struggling? you seem pretty knowledgeable about the industry, what is your advice for people who want to break into software jobs without a degree?

sad but true man. this will be a good lesson to always put yourself first man

>> No.8006449

>in 2nd year uni
>98% average first year
>Get offered to teach a 1st year class for $44/hr

My god this shit is so easy. I love watching everyone who puts 0 effort into uni complain how useless it is

>> No.8006454

yea what dumb ass bullshit. did your program have a bunch of global warming garbage in place of actual scientific principles? Had to teach myself tons of stuff, even fucking GIS

>> No.8006473

calculus takes you one day to learn of youtube videos, check out Khan Academy

t. BSc degree in Economics and I actually failed math class 1st semester, because I didn't bother to learn

>> No.8006484

what's your uni rank?

>> No.8006488

so 88$ a week? Good job anon, really raking in the big bux

>> No.8006504
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guys being a TA is hard

>> No.8006564
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I will offer you certificate double plus good Microsoft, I get good professional training to read script, only $50 iTunes card to be please sending.

>> No.8006567

Bounty0x lets you do freelance jobs and get paid in crypto

>> No.8006599

One of my reasons for learning computer sci is to learn GIS coding so that my Ecology degree wasn't in vain. I even tried to be proactive, helping PHd students to do research etc. What a trivial pursuit. Fruitless is the word. They never taught me GIS and yes they had an entire course dedicated to global warming. Now I'm thinking I'll just aim for being a software dev. What's your strategy, bro?

>> No.8006745

sure thing. From what I've experienced the best two languages to learn and know right now are Python and JavaScript. You should also pick one other popular language like Ruby, Java, or Swift. Knowing and listing three languages on a resume will look extremely nice

Python has and always will be extremely useful due to how ingrained it is into Linux systems. It's also the easiest language to pick up and learn so I recommend starting with it first

JavaScript used to be laughed at because all it was useful for was doing neat things in a web browser. However, Node.js is getting more and more popular and it isn't slowing down. You can do pretty much everything with it all the way from creating desktop applications to making an entire web server with it

Also, even though you don't have a degree you could just lie and list a generic CS one from a community college. Most employers never ask or even care about verifying your education. If you can prove yourself in the technical coding interview they give you, then you should be able to 100% do your job. Software engineering degrees mean nothing so I don't feel bad at all about lying. In the rare case they do ask for your degree, just say you'll "get it to them soon" and then cut all contact with that company while focusing on other places to work for

>> No.8006835

>Lying on your resume
That's a terrible fucking idea

>> No.8006862

Honestly pretty much the same as yours. I'm taking some classes to at least get me a job (or help the hunt) and brush up some technical skills. I'm shooting for a software job or something with some god damn skills.

>> No.8006876

>implying TA even works

literally astrology

>> No.8007003

science needs to be removed from stem
zero practicality outside of academics and only leads to meme research or teaching

>> No.8007010

teachers assistant you fucking dumbass

>> No.8007033

I’m most of the way done studying finance. My grades are perfect but I’m realizing you can’t get a job in it unless you have inside connections or are the president of a fraternity or some shit. Should have done engineering or computer shit.

>> No.8007038

It is a terrible thing to lie about knowing technical skills that you actually don't know. Lying about a paper that costs tens of thousands of dollars (sometimes over $100k) is perfectly fine because that paper has no basis on your actual skill level as a programmer. You could have a degree but still know jack-shit about code

Colleges are a scam; their degrees are meaningless so nobody should feel bad about lying over weather they have one or not. The only thing that matters and what the company actually cares about is if you can perform your duties or not

>> No.8007054

I see, I see. It's interesting that we seem to be on the same path. Which programming language are you learning?

>> No.8007074

in the same fucking boat. Mechanical Engineering degrees should be 4 years of 3-D modeling and learning the physics/math behind what the programs do.

>> No.8007240

Could be great to keep in contact, considering we're on the same kind of path. Could give each other info etc etc

>> No.8007249

even with a PhD you might as well be a plumber

ehh at least its better than a meme degree. But I will agree that its hard to get in. my friend went to a top business school undergrad and had to do 40 fucking interviews before getting a job in IB.

python and javascript, I'm going to do data analytics and go from there.

indeed man. wish we could have a fucking course on excel too. seems to be fucking everywhere and I had to learn it on my own.

>> No.8007290

for sure. I think im going to make CHG from now on considering Im so fucking angry with my uni

>> No.8007324

21yo, dropped out of uni in my 4th year construction management degree (last year)...
all uni roads lead to a path of misery and 9-5 shit.
Heading towards my own passions and being my own boss now

>> No.8007490

give me an email if you're keen, jhrynhart@gmail.com. Leave a relevant msg on this thread so that I know that it's you. (Maybe... email through a keyword, and put the keyword on here too). Chur!

>> No.8007520

you dun goofed, buddy. Construction Management is pretty good. Shouldve finished since you were so close.

Im finishing up last year of civil engineering and i have a 60k comfy job lined up with my state's DOT. Private companies suck to work for but government jobs are the tits.

>> No.8007586

He can always go back to it if his own endeavors dead end, so it's fine..

>> No.8007659

damn thats fucking rough, I was solid with all MS programs going into college but some kids who went to school out in the country near big engineering firms learned solidworks and other CAD software in fucking highschool, and this was about half the class leaving the other half completely fucked

>> No.8007688
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>dropped out of uni in my 4th year construction management degree (last year)...
Wouldnt it have been easier to be your own boss with those qualifications and some experience? Whats the plan now?

>> No.8007689

eh, yes and no. depending on what university he was at it might be very hard to get accepted back.

He was in his last year, he should've finished. Even if he hated it, he should've finished the degree just to have a backup plan.

You always need a plan B. Ive made nearly 6 figures in crypto and ive learned how to trade stocks pretty well (been learning for more than 2 years now) and I still would never imagine dropping out now after all that effort (and i hate school as well)

>> No.8007722

College is useless unless your going for medicine or some sort of math discipline, like engineering.
You can learn just about everything OTJ

>> No.8007725

You're very wise, anon.

>> No.8007776

>the absolute state of collegecucks and ameribros
meanwhile I am happy being poor but not in debt or suicidal comfily clicking pictures of store fronts all day

>> No.8007802

Are you me?
Same situation, but older. College takes time which could be used to study the crypto meme.

>> No.8007808

naw, im just very very stubborn and when i put my mind and decide i want to start something, I finish it.
I wouldn't waste 3 years of my life in uni to not finish the 4th one. There were so many times I wanted to quit trading because it seemed i would never learn the right way, but i stuck with it for 2 years and now I'm making decent bread. And when i finally got gud at trading I really wanted drop out of school because I hate it but I'm too close now and always need that safety net. You never know what life with throw at you. Crypto might die tomorrow and that plan goes out the window. Everybody who quit their job to trade crypto is now fucked.
Stock market might collapse tomorrow and my trading skills are done-zo.
You never know

>> No.8007877

Definitely a shithole if they're letting undergrads teach/TA

>> No.8008047

Indeed. Life is uncertain, but if there's one thing we can be certain of, if you work hard, you will succeed. So many normies put in 0 effort and get no where.. Leaves a good niche which hard working anons like you and I can exploit. God I wish I got into crypto 2 years ago by the way. I'm envious.

>> No.8008094

Is academia as cucked as /pol/ would have you believe or is it worse?

>> No.8008117

>be me
>in the middle of final semester of mechanical engineering
>never had an internship
>no job lined up
The only thing I have going for me is that my GPA isn’t complete shit (~3.3). I’m looking at around $65k in debt and have little faith that what I learned in school will help me get rid of it any time soon.
I’m also sitting on a $18k memefolio, but I pretend it doesn’t exist.

>> No.8008144

It's a joke. Half the students in my uni are in liberal arts so the demographics reflect that. I never see these whales outside of campus.

>> No.8008186

I want t go back to college because I hate being a wageslave. I don't know how people put up with it

>> No.8008205

ME too. I'm surprised more people don't just punch their bosses straight in the head.

>> No.8008224

Yup. However, 'working hard' is kind of a boomer meme. You have to know how to play the corporate game to not get taken advantage of.

And ya m8, I wish I knew about crypto sooner as well. I've only been in since middle of May, first purchase was ETH at 90 dollars. If only I had heard just a few months sooner. What sucks is I used to come to /biz/ years ago once every few months, but back then the board moved so slowly that it was boring. I stopped coming back until it was too late and most coins had already mooned too much. One thing I will never forgive myself for though is I bought a LOT of XVG way back in May when that shit was 10 sats. If i had kept it, id be up 31,500% on my dollar amount right now. Ridiculous.

where do you live anon? If close to a large-ish city then start googling civil service tests for the DOT, DEP, DDC, etc etc. Government agencies are the perfect place to get entry level job experience. I was like you till I started working for my state DOT 2 years ago, now I have a cushy mainly office but also some field inspecting work lined up for 60k like i mentioned here >>8007520
. And just because you're mechanical don't mean shit; any engineering is good engineering. State agencies have low standards

>> No.8008242

anyone here thinks learning another language can improve your chances of finding a job or has this been the case for anyone here?

>> No.8008274

Me too I'm glad I'm getting laid off next month my dumbass might have stayed at this dead end job for a few more years just because I hate changing routines. But since I'm getting laid off I'm forcing myself to enroll in school before getting a new job so I can't make any more excuses. I know uni will probably be shit but it has to be better than working customer service all day every day

>> No.8008294

I'm Aussie, we're not as bad as in USA but we are getting there. STEM is mostly fine but everything else has left tendencies and a ton of Marxism posters get put up.

Pushed me from centrist to /pol/ nationalist, this year we have a mandatory sexual assualt/harrasment online module and 2 years back they added an Abo heritage compulsory module before you start classes.

>> No.8008335

Living in north NJ. Most people tell me to look for New York City jobs, but I’d probably want to kill myself doing anything there.

>> No.8008354

yes its even worse. you will have to deal with intense liberals and angry women/minorities. stay away like its cancer

>> No.8008467

I'd love to get laid off for the layoff package. I'm borderline about to quit. I got the best possible performance marks on my review and only got a raise that keeps up with inflation. I would have already quit but I am forced to work because of debt.

>> No.8008487

God, it's gotten so out of hand hasn't it, anon. Their rhetoric is discriminatory towards straight white males, and it's anti-free speech. Many moderates are welcoming to people of all demographics, yet are discriminated against for not discriminating against straight white males. What a FUCKED up time to be alive.

>> No.8008544

Sad thing is I can't actually claim unemployment if I'm gonna be in school full time so I don't even really get any benefit of being laid off other than I still get a good reference. Luckily I live with my dad and he'll let me stop paying rent for a bit so I don't absolutely need the money but still it would have been nice to collect unemployment for a couple months

>> No.8008681
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>bachelors in history
>masters in teaching
>61k dope benefits muh pension plan
>passionate about teaching Econ and psychology but job is basically babysitting illiterate 18 yr olds
>considering moving on and applying for a consulting job after 6 yrs of hard work to get to this point
>remember choice of bachelors/masters degree

Kill me

>> No.8008741

do you have debt? if not you can pivot using an MBA

its absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe it man and when you talk to your parents they have no fucking clue which is super frustrating

>> No.8008754

This is why education's so shitty. Nobody with a brain actually decides to teach. Besides, much cheaper to pay adjuncts below minimum wage.

>> No.8008803

school is gay

>> No.8008843

did you think that once you finish school you'd never have to learn something new ever again?

>> No.8008868

Got smoked in school because I actually had ADHD. Did pretty well in all areas besides math (didn't have enough brain capacity to learn it). My math skills are a haze past algebra level. My career requires math. Fuck.

>> No.8008875
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Just a car payment. I’ve thought about it but I’ve been through enough school already. I’ve got ted bundy charm and soft skills that would make you ED faggots rock hard

I actually love teaching. I know it sounds cheesy but I don’t really do it for the fiat. There’s just so much other bullshit that goes into teaching red tape wise it makes it unbearable.

>> No.8008880

heh NYC that's where I'm from. my nigga
i hope you still ITT because depending on how far your commute to southern NY would be, I have a job for you. You're a perfect fit.

The internship (really seasonal position but I call it an internship) is exactly what I did for 2 years as an undergrad. This is the position:


Here are the applications for it. Pay isnt the best, you'd start at around 15 an hour (I worked my way up to 17 when I left) but fuck it you sound like you got nothing better.


Look on the map and check what region would be closest to you. From what I've heard, they NEED TCIs upstate. Ive heard that old nearly retired men do that shit because of how few college kids there are.

You have to act fast btw; my old boss emailed me applications to reapply 2 weeks ago and they're due soon. Of course each region handles their own HR but still, this job starts as early as April. It's a dumb easy job as well, you have hardly no responsibilities
Good luck, possible fellow TCI

>> No.8008908

if college is a scam, why are there so many people happy, married, successful and with money after getting their degree?

maybe you lack what it takes to be in college.

>> No.8008928

what do you think about trades, /biz/?

>> No.8008930

You should use your spare time to read about politics a lot and become a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.8008970

It's what I'm gonna do. I plan to read the Koran too, so that I can be informed enough to speak about Islam with authority.

>> No.8008992

lol no I am fully aware of how naive I was. I'm angry my expensive education didn't prepare me for the job market.

>> No.8009019

I think if you got good at Chinese that would open a lot of doors for you. Next best would be Spanish assuming you live in North America.

But of course learning a language as an adult is not easy and you will probably never reach fluency

>> No.8009066


i'm fresh out of college w/ a chinese minor, it's gotten me nowhere
might be because i don't want to move to china for the next 5-10 years and most of the ching chong opportunities are there.

i'd love to do consulting for businesses that want to do business in china. those fuckers are insane. just have no clue how the fuck to get my feet in the door.

>> No.8009150 [DELETED] 

are you being sarcastic? I loved politics for years but a recent event destroyed my reputation unjustly and now im disgusted by politics.

>> No.8009183

Find a company that does business with Chinese, get an entry level position and kiss ass to the top. Like, start reading a Chinese shipping order in front of your boss just to show that you can. If that fails find another company and try again. If you find the right boss/management maybe they'll take a liking to you and you'll go far.

Of course this has never happened to me but I've seen it happen at jobs. Fresh face comes in as a 'regular' employee, wows the higher ups with his talent and is suddenly propelled above all the dummies that have worked there for years. Its like you can't try to sell yourself too hard in the interview, you gotta show them what you can do in the company environment. That's the best advice I can give, sometimes its too hard to find a good job right away so the next best thing is to find a good company where the potential is there.

>> No.8009273

>have GI Bill
>hate school
I could also use it on an apprenticeship, but I can't help but feel like I would be limiting myself if I were to go that route straight away.

>> No.8009339

Fucking lol. I'd rsther go to fiverr or elance. You're shitty platform is going to zero.

>> No.8009363

>go to public school in the USA
>make it through in 4 years with a 2.6 GPA
>have a B.S. in comp engineering, $12k in debt, and a job fixing bugs for $62k/year
>fast forward 5 years
>Make $120k/year, $0 debt, just shy of $300k net worth not including crypto

Don't sweat a little debt after college, your income ramps up after a few years and it'll be like nothing. STEM is the best way to make 6 figures while only having to work ~35hr/week and never having to network or bullshit to sell yourself. I might not make as much as some finance cuck working 80hr/week but STEM is a low stress, easy life.

>> No.8009418

You can change paths and go into programming/AI/neural networking. It's sort of related to genetics... sort of.

>> No.8009443

>mech. engineering major here
>no job
>fell for the open jobs meme
>graduate, all the jobs are in coding, computers and electrical engineering
>even worse is I prefer the coding over the physics and materials
>kill me

>> No.8009472
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>When you realize you could have just become a plumber or electrician and make $55K per year.

>> No.8009498

how well can you speak chinese? I feel it's impossible to learn properly if you're not living for years in china. I also think it's way too hard to learn to ever become some sort of global language like english

I already speak spanish (first language) and german, have been learning some portuguese also now and then but it's too similar to spanish so it doesn't feel like that much of an advantage.

>> No.8009559

>neural networking
That actually does grab my attention, i feel i should pick up programming, be fine doing that on my own time?

>> No.8009564

this is truly a terrible feel

>> No.8009591

enjoy dying for people who think you're moron trash dude

I wouldn't debase myself like that

>> No.8009643

If all you want is an easy average life then there's nothing wrong with those careers.

Its definitely a risk but its not like that many people die in the fuckin 2018 US military. You're probably safer in the Army than you are driving in rush hour traffic every day. If anon doesn't know what to do in life its not a bad choice and it will set him up with benefits when he gets out.

>> No.8009649

If you already know basic programming (~1 yr), then you can jump right into this course: www.fast.ai

It's free, gets you hands on very quickly, and teaches you cutting edge techniques.

>> No.8009690

Conservation degree reporting in

There are huge opportunities in ecology it just doesn't pay well

I just wish the government didn't have such a tight grip on land, because then people could create their own private parks with whatever they want

>> No.8009750

is it too late to learn python well enough to get a job? im 26. ive done some codeacademy and stuff, generally speaking things were clicking, but also so fucking deep and overwhelming. I dont want to dive in for months and hit a wall or find out I'm just a total brainlet. competition seems fierce too.

>> No.8009752

Chinese is more efficient when typed out, but it's shit with new words etc. Chinese and English will just mix together, just like we see in countless sci-fi movies

>> No.8009768

How to get 150K in 10 years
>Stem degree
>Military cyber security officer 4 years
>Top 10 MBA (50% admission for vets regardless of GPA, look it up) 2 years, free tuition
>MBB consulting, 2 years
>Switch to corporate at VP level

>> No.8009823

>Chinese is more efficient when typed out, but it's shit with new words etc

It's not the characters, it's phonetics I find problematic. Imagine people from all cultural backgrounds trying to nail the 9 different sounds for a

>> No.8009838

It's never too late.

>> No.8009862

Yeah but if someone grows up in it's not a problem

>> No.8009864

My geology professor was based as shit. He spent the better part of his 30 years determining the "effect of global warming" and straight up tools is it was bull shit and proceeded to break apart all the globalist shit they try to shove down our throat.

>> No.8009886

>He spent the better part of his 30 years determining the "effect of global warming"
sounds like a nutjob

>> No.8009887
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I got my food science degree and am just now realizing I'll have to do a shitty 42k/year quality control technician job for two years to get experience if I ever want to have a real food scientist position and earn 65k+.

I would say it's a scam, but I went to state school and commuted. It turned out being around 46k total but my parents paid for 30k

>> No.8009927

None of this is gonna matter when the dollar collapses

>> No.8009929

Forgot to write this. If you are 18, do NOT go to college unless you are doing pharmacy or actuary work or something lucrative. My friend who did a three month IT certification course is making 51k + lots of overtime. Don't feel like you need college

>> No.8009994

where would one find this jobs?

>> No.8010031

tfw my gf is doing actuary work.
plus she's a 9/10 qt slav and we've been together for long enough that i've been slowly and methodically redpilling her.

most women are pump and dumps but once in a while you find that long term hold.....

>> No.8010055

>that humble brag
Glad you made it anon

>> No.8010114


Only don't go to college if you are OK being a fucking wagie grunt your hold life. Any 4 year degree, a couple years experience, and you will be making twice what any IT monkey with 10+ years experience will be making. The degree might not pay off the first year, but its a career, just not a dead end job with average pay up front but no where to go.

>> No.8010211


Rural locations, I guess with relatively easy access to urban areas. You'd want to look at conservation management; hunting, population controls, tackling invasive species.

You also have companies which build and manage wildlife areas on small scales. Maybe you can make this kind of business.

I think the key is location

Or there are research projects abroad

>> No.8010333

i was just surprised you mentioned actuary, it's such a rare thing i almost never hear people talking about it. But then yes i had to just include that nugget. i sniff her brapper everynight

>> No.8010382

pls be true
I sometimes feel like a retard for going to school because it's my final semester and I feel like I've learned so little for what I need for a job. I spent so much time getting a piece of paper.
But at least I'm in my final semester and majored in software engineering. It sounds nice, but the school was (is) shit. I fucking hate everything. I'm so glad it's almost over.

>> No.8010520


No, you did it right. And yes, the piece of paper is all you need. Anyone can read cracking the coding Interview and pass a google interview to make 6 figures starting, but they aren't going to get the interview without that piece of paper.

>> No.8010530


>Not doing a year of TAFE before Uni

You deserve this retard

>> No.8010545

Hey man look into dropshipping.

GUIDE 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ti-laBUbfmIfyBifCHz5PwTDdJjeGtH_w18OdFhHE1M
GUIDE 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NxyGH6B_5czjnqtxjUuOGsv-hUz8NrvWcK7JRnqmMgM/edit?usp=sharing
GUIDE 3 (made by Shopify, not me) : http://1.shopifytrack.com/SHcb

>> No.8010657
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Well boys I fell for the science meme
>B.S. in Physics 3rd year / 3.6 GPA
I'm currently a Research Assistant for a biophysics lab
Thinking about dropping ship and applying to medschool after I wrap my turd sandwich degree up.
Anyone else got other suggestions?

>> No.8010701

>"calculus 1 for business majors is too difficult"
These are the people saying college is a meme for sheep and that they're going all in on buttcoin.

>> No.8010744

we cant all be winners. 100IQ is national average

>> No.8010774

>Med school
fuck no dude
You want to spend another bunch of years in school and likely racking up a ton of debt to become a shitty doctor?
Doctoring is not even that fun unless you're into that kind of thing

Ironically, become a UPS driver, you will outearn a doctor until you're 40 or something and by that point you will have had enough time to grow your wealth with investments and such to the point that you're richer than said doctor

Unironically though, finish your degree, you only have a year and being in research already is actually a very good boost to your after-tutorial stats once you get into the real game

>> No.8010811

j...j... jo jo?

>> No.8010873

>be me
>bad a maths
>get into amerikkkan college with full ride
>pretty middle of road state school
>major in Japanese/Russian and poly sci
>working in Law Firm now
I just feel like I dont want to do this. I cant find any kind of job I enjoy doing. I worked in finances but again, i cant number, and law makes me want to jump in front of the next train.
I like le coin meme but im too stupid to computer because I cant math. Where do I go from here? REEEEEe

>> No.8010952

Freshman comp sci major here. I'm halfway through my second semester and haven't learned shit aside from basic Java (which i already had a good amount of knowledge in) and VBA. I've been learning Python and R on my own, trying for this data analytics co-op this summer.

If I can just get experience working in the field with this co-op, will I even need a comp sci degree? Would it be worth it to just dip out of college and actually work for a decent paying job instead of paying a shit ton of money every year to go? It seems kind of useless considering how skills-based programming jobs seem to be.

>> No.8010959
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>get a second graduate degree they said
>the humanities are important they said
>its fine to take out loans for an education at such a fine institution they said
>don't worry anon, you can always teach they said
300K in debt later
>sorry anon market is saturated with more qualified candidates, how about an adjunct position?
Discovers crypto early in the game
>comfy now and debt free - almost impossible to believe

>> No.8010973

I got a degree in computer science, started working last year in silicon valley, I make about 130k base salary and another 60-80k in stocks, cash bonuses and equity. Last year I sold the stocks and put that straight into crypto, I might retire at 30-40, idk yet. I think I'll have more than enough to retire in a few years, I'm going to start accumulating enough crypto for my retirement fund. My company also matches up my 401k contributions up to $15k per month, I max it out every month. Also pre-ordered a Tesla, you niggers should seriously do research before you do some fucking arts degree and start complaining about not finding jobs.

>> No.8010978

I genuinely feel bad for you.

>> No.8010986
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>kicked out of the house at 19
>bartended made 20k a year
>went to community college
>now work in bizness, $60k a year
>job paying my bachelors to justify paying me $100k a year when it's done.
>5 weeks off a year in america
>low cost of living
>matching 401k
>sweet crypto gains
>good health insurance
>I still talk to neets about pretend internet money
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

>> No.8010991

(pic related)
>me showing head of faculty search committee how much I care now

>> No.8010994
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stop being a brainlet

>> No.8011001

how did you get into crypto

>> No.8011005
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>no one ever tells you the technical skills you needed to get a job
how did you graduate

>> No.8011020

curious as to where you did your undergrad

>> No.8011022


>> No.8011026

thats kinda dope
its a shame it costs so much to be literate. if i can make it in crypto ill have no regrets, but man, imagine being born like 20-30 years ago and I could have been living a sweet ass english professor at an okay or better tier university.

>> No.8011069

UPS driver w/ physics degree?

>> No.8011125

my father has a masters in electrical engineering

he works as a garbageman for a major us city. 100k+sweet benefits thanks to strong union.

UPS is the same. Theyre very well known for having a very strong union, most if not all senior drivers are making 100k

>> No.8011126

assuming this is true you're leaving out a lot of details. like how you work for amazon/facebook/google/etc and they work you like a fucking dog, so very, very few people actually get those jobs while you make it sound like a regular thing, oh and they work you like a fucking dog until you wish for death.

>> No.8011155

Holy shit what the fuck.

>> No.8011168

Thanks for the advice, I end up being the person my classmates copy since I finish first

>> No.8011208

HTML is definitely the easiest language

>> No.8011226

any strong (even blue collar) job with a strong union (most important) will make big bucks.

I work for my state DOT so I know how much construction pays since i see payroll sheets. Simple entry level laborers make 38 an hour, ironworkers make 60. Crane/machinery operates make 100-120 bucks an hour. Plumbers and electricians are all making 90+ bucks an hour.

The 5 year apprenticeship sucks and you make shit pay but once you're past that and in the union then youre set for life

>> No.8011254
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>> No.8011255
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>> No.8011540
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>fell for the chem eng meme
>very saturated field where i live
>finally managed to get a job through a friend of a friend
>not even related to my field of study
>get about 60k minimum, up to 90k if i work night shift and sometimes on weekends
>mfw its all manual labour

Who here kinda getting JUSTed here? I wake up at 4 am for work and feel tired as fuck everyday. Not used to these start times and have never done a labouring job in my life