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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 320x180, Explain This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003154 No.8003154 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it going up? This is like the first green candle in weeks.

>> No.8003449

People are waking up to the fucking potential this coin has.

>> No.8003469

pump before the anoouncement

>> No.8003625

Some whales are trying to accumulate but they're doing it wrong and accidentally are pushing the price up. Idiots.

>> No.8003787

There is less than 100 ETH between the current price and the previous ATH.

The book is thin as fuck.

>> No.8004179

is the announcement about muhammad bin salami investing 10 billion?

>> No.8004300

I read it was delayed in another thread.

>> No.8004434
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Nobody is selling


>> No.8004453

It's Tether for Pajeets. Will be nice in the short term, but this kind of kikery will crash the crypto markets.

>> No.8004518


... The reason why pajeets keep fudding this board is because you dumbfucks believe everything.

>> No.8004692

In all fairness I knew it was around the end of February and that is tomorrow. It made sense.

>> No.8004751


A lot of people know it's potential and how wide the scope of the project is & how strong the team and advisors are. The 'problem' with its growth is that it has months until its full value is realised so people would rather trade other coins and make short term gains. I'm in this with 20k JNT have been tempted to sell off some or all of my position to ride other short term moons (NEO, Bluzelle, Nano etc). In the end I didn't, and I missed out on easy profits. That's just what comes with holding a coin with an incredible long term road map but a lack of short term hype. A lot of people are watching this project cautiously and trying to expand their portfolio without missing the biggest period of growth that is inevitably coming (spoiler: nobody here knows 'when' that growth is coming, if they did they wouldn't even be holding the coin until then).

>> No.8004847

It will probably be delayed as Talal just quoted in Tel

"Why not annonce it yourself instead of putting the responsibility on the media?

Announcing it ourselves means reaching our existing customers and user base (Telegram 5829 users, FB, Twitter, Medium, etc).

This isn't very effective when you want to reach the masses, and this is why you depend on media outlets to spread the news to a new segments of the market (user acquisition, brand awareness, etc)"

This is why I invest in this.

>> No.8005052

I can't stand the brainlets who keep saying shit like 'announcement when?', 'moon when?'
maybe they're just memeing but if they're not they should understand that it's not up to the jibrel team anymore. I'm fairly confident in the project but some of the 'investors' don't seem too smart

>> No.8005055

So it was being delayed?

>> No.8005119
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mfw still all in

>> No.8005195

Once this gets on a big exchange it will go up to $2. Screenshot this

>> No.8005251

It was supposed to be on Binance very quickly I thought.

>> No.8005282

Any price prediction for the end of the year?

>> No.8005370

Yeah the telegram has a few very vocal kids and retards which is kinda annoying.

>> No.8005376
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>> No.8005406


It's up to the media outlets. It's recorded. Noone will know until it's suddenly March.

>> No.8005477


>> No.8005517
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>> No.8005654

Will 30k be enough to have my own pet tiger and gold plated Rolls Royce?

>> No.8005819
File: 23 KB, 456x137, What does this mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From telegram a few minutes ago. Does that mean there might not be any news?

>> No.8006094


Afaik only Arabian TV is confirmed. For the rest, it's up to them.

>> No.8006242

From what I understood all this time, is that the royal family will announce the news when they decide to announce it. Jibrel have no control over that

>> No.8006347

which is way better because it isnt jibrel announcing stuff - it is other media outlets. they will reach way more by having other people announce it... all you guys whining about the announcement should be happy it isnt jibrel announcing it themselves, the fact they want other media to announce it means it is pretty big - if not in terms of tokenization amount, at least in terms of the impact it will have in the news

>> No.8006544


because i sold the bottom

-t cuck

>> No.8006712

What do you guys think about their "build now market later" philosophy? I think they should do both (market and build). If they wait too much to market, another similar product can come and Jibrel will be the second coin (similar to Vechain being 1st and Walton being 2nd in people's mind).

>> No.8006804

VeChain actually came out before WTC and was worked on for longer. They just had zero marketing until the end of 2017. WTC wasn't first it was just the louder.

>> No.8006831

They will also market, I'm not sure where you've read that. They have a PR office in China and in Korea, and have an office in the SEED group.

>> No.8006996

So what are they supposed to be announcing?

>> No.8007060

Allegedly the details of the partnership. Supposedly a new road map, website and details but nothing has materialized and it stays in the "future".

>> No.8007133


Question is, who are they marketing to? If they market for long term development I'm all for it. If they market to appease the biztard crowd then no.

>> No.8007232

usually I'd say it's a bad idea to not market more but I think the crowd they're targeting right now won't be drawn in by traditional marketing

currently they're primarily targeting financial institutions and investors so they're not going to be attracted by advertisements and such. I think once jcash is up and running they'll probably market that because that's something people like you or I can use.

>> No.8007241

1-2 dollars

>> No.8007257


>> No.8007298
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Corporate advertising is in the form of unlisted links to 1-5 minute videos

projects that offer corporate value = winners of 2018

>> No.8007446
File: 174 KB, 900x506, 1519530518886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual whale here I willl give you a hint because I like you biz,

I will pump it very hard in the few upcoming day, by Sunday the price will be below what was this week.

Don't say I didn't warn you..

>> No.8007479

Give me proof somewhere

>> No.8007486

Nearly everyone in this coin is in for the long term, its only currently at 2x ico.Why the fuck would anyone be dumping it when they have made no money?think brainlet and stop larping.

>> No.8007553

proof of coin or gtfo

>> No.8007555

you said it yourself, 2x. ico holders can still lock in profit dump and then rebuy lower

>> No.8007718

I know half the big holders, not larping here, none of them are touching anything for a year or more.

>> No.8007738

The telegram is full of biz children spouting memes all day.

>> No.8007756

if this is actually true I'd probably just buy more rather than sell and risk getting btfo if it pumps higher

>> No.8007766


Big holder here, can confirm. Lol at 1k JNT brainlets threatening to dump and even bigger lol at biz fudders who have no clue about this project.

>> No.8007927

This is the funniest part, i know alot of the 400k plus holders, they are quiet, intelligent, holding this as they know it will make thrm rich as fuck, all the big boys are holders.Then you have the 1-10k holders who talk the loudest and act like they are gordan gecko, trying to sell and squeeze a few more jnt out.Kids, just shutup and stop embarrassing yourselves, you dont have the money or intelligence to have any effect on this coin.

>> No.8008083

You realize how much of a larper you come off as right?

>> No.8008148

>i know rich people so that makes me rich r-right?
how about giving us an eoy prediction then you massive fucking faggot. you're the equivalent of a crypto groupie and it's pathetic

>> No.8008188


Allah actually delivers when you praise be upon him, unlike SOME deities

>> No.8008332

Cool story bro

>> No.8008643

Yeah well my Dad works for JNT.

>> No.8008916

Man I am getting excited. Alot of big talk around this coin

>> No.8008981


I'm neither quiet nor intelligent, but hey, I hold 330k. And that will be enough. I know what Yazan predicted as JNT price to very early angel investors. I'd be fine with 1/100 of that lmao.

>> No.8009096

what did he predict?

>> No.8009099

...did he predict $1k?

give me the R U N D O W N my jibroni

>> No.8009137

I wish I could be this confident, I've only got 10k in and I'm nervous as fuck. I'm not one of the weak handed shitters who plan to sell if it dumps to 10 cents or like the impatient ones who can't wait 2-3 years but I just can't imagine what my life would be like if I made it.

>> No.8009138
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if this thing gets any volume in the next couple of days it will explode so hard easy 2x atleast

>> No.8009302

When you thinking about pumping it my man? I only have 2k so I'd love the opportunity to potentially double my stax. But I'd kinda wanna know what it's being pumped to and stuff like that.

>> No.8009319

Because now the real scamming begins.

>> No.8010052

are bots actually profiting on bibox?

$250k vol
$65k vol

>> No.8010126
File: 1.22 MB, 1555x1443, 1519687779772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.8010233

uhh guys

that's a fucking cup and handle

>> No.8010259

screenshot it pls im phone fagging.

>> No.8010299
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not a very good signal but it looks like one

>> No.8010329
File: 20 KB, 500x333, 1508296534451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we're ready to blast off?

>> No.8010357

Meme TA lines are bullshit.

>> No.8010389

There is not enough data for you to TA on. Nice though

>> No.8010506

not me. I missed out on all the moon missions last year and I'm stuck with putting 1k of fiat in per week. Sick of seeing all these 300k fags in every single thread

>> No.8010525

I only have 1k and it's 100% in JNT

>> No.8010573

Did you consider that they were larping?

>> No.8010651

I know they are but there's at least 3 of them in every thread and it's literally driving me insane

I have a hot wife that cooks for me and does the dishes
I don't have a real job and go surfing whenever I want
I have a dope vegetable garden

but I have under 10k JNT and under 1000 omg and both of them are fucking mooning REEEEEEEE

fuck it I'm applying for a personal loan tomorrow

>> No.8010664

Taking out loans for crypto is a good way to get rekt. You have 10K JNT. Just wait for it.

>> No.8010735

even if JNT and OMG go to zero I can still pay off at 50k personal no problem.

If I bought in this morning I'd be most of the way to paying it off completely by right now. I have a visa in another country if I do go bankrupt I can still hodl my coins. Only faggots don't leverage their buy ins. I'm doing it pussy.

I'm getting antshares vibes from this shit here.

>> No.8011080

Best of luck fellow. I hope it doesn't go horrifically for you.

>> No.8011723

do yall jibraltarians think that we're eventualy gonna reach independence from bitcoin? or if it dies we're basically doomed.

>> No.8011820

If bitcoin dies then everything is doomed

>> No.8011874

I think towards the end of the roadmap it'll be free from btc

>> No.8011931

Most coins are free from BTC at the end of their road map.

>> No.8011951

I think near the end of this year jibrel becomes the first coin to not be dependant on bitcoin.exciting times for sure.