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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 81 KB, 700x865, ven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8001611 No.8001611 [Reply] [Original]

buying VEN was the worst decision of my life

>> No.8001654


what a fucking piece of shit coin absolute garbage

>> No.8001734


Do never trust a chinkcoin. Not even NEO is safe in the long term. People investing in HPB and Matrix seems to forget DBC. I have learnt that the hard way.

>> No.8001771

I'm up over 700% on vechain

>> No.8001780

Holy shit please stop going down It literally isn't stopping.

>> No.8001804

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.8001814

i've been adding up all the chink coincidences and slowly divesting myself of chink holdings. So far it's worked out pretty well

>> No.8001830

I'm still up from initial, but this is the most manipulated pos shitcoin I have ever seen. I just don't see myself making any more money with all these asshole whales forcing the price down. Probably gonna sell everything in a couple more days and put more money into something worthwhile.

>> No.8001838

Not for long

>> No.8001856

I bet your VEN bags aren’t as heavy as my ICX

>> No.8001898


I'm selling the next correction. There is absolutely no way this shit goes anywhere before end of June.

>> No.8001981

It will go up I think, but the fucking whales are bringing the price down so hard that I will make waaay more money investing in something else. I've been in this coin since .50 but I'm just so sick of this bullshit manipulation.

>> No.8002023

That's brutal, I have no VEN, but seeing a coin go reverse on good news is always torture.

>> No.8002025

You must live a very boring life

>> No.8002031

CCK tweets, BMW details, Japan food conference in a week or so, fiat/Ven via Circle. Once this pumps I'm probably dumping too, but no idea what to go into. Thinking MAN.

>> No.8002104
File: 333 KB, 2151x2603, 4F8A2CC9-5DBC-4E1D-9B43-E7CD8AD7981E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isnt even doing small corrections. Its goin going straight down. Send help

>> No.8002120

The thing that's pissing me off is I wanna get in REQ before the mainnet or this week's update and i fucking cant because this pos decided to dump on the news without a pump at all beforehand. And now whales are making sure this crap stays down until some random ass time where they decide they've accumulated enough. I'm pretty pissed desu, should have gotten out earlier but now I'm just holding these heavy bags.

>> No.8002144


>> No.8002197

Holy shit, if this shit wont pump till June Im just gonna sudoku

>> No.8002212

FRANKY!!! Come back FRANKY!!!

>> No.8002219

It's a shitcoin pump through and through. I hope you learn from your mistake OP. Admitting is the first step.

>> No.8002241

Which Hotel chain you think it is? Cck tweet 3rd paragraph.

>> No.8002259

>literally buying the worst coin on the block
even turtle coin is better than this abomination

>> No.8002274

>without a pump
my dude it pumped literally 100x over the last six months. A HUNDRED FUCKING X. nothing can maintain that sort of growth without a sizable correction. how are you at all surprised that it's dumping?

>> No.8002283

After holding my WTC for two months I sold it and went to VEN. Why am I such an idiot.

>> No.8002289

Never trust a coin that needs more show then the movie bladerunner then to announce their partnerships and tech visions

>> No.8002337

>req 100x
no it didn't what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8002344

The shill for VEN on reddit and 4chan was top notch.. huge paid shilling that could fomo even the most hardened skeptics (same group that shilled XRB to the moon). When you see this level of shilling, it's my #1 reason to avoid a coin. VEN doesn't really have anything other than decent marketing and a nice website.. no whitepaper, no patented hardware.. they need an api and 3rd party chips and scanners. It's a joke. This is going to sub $2 soon.

>> No.8002349
File: 147 KB, 1224x444, Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 22.11.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, how did you feel when you found out that CCK is literally a vechain employee/contracted marketer? Do you agree is shady as hell?

Pic related.

I'm glad I dumped before finding this out. I won't be back.

>> No.8002351

It started at 20 cents so tell me how that is 100x?

>> No.8002355

Some people are convinced it's the foundation itself suppressing prices. But I agree. Honestly, I don't care right now if this is the "next big thing" and I should be thinking longterm; this coin is leaving a sour taste in my mouth, and the whole CCK+Whales+(maybe)foundation pump n dump and suppression is fucking annoying.

>> No.8002417

It went x10 post-ICO not x100 you brainlet.

>> No.8002420
File: 142 KB, 600x842, ropeinvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into ROPE. It will only dump if you dump.

>> No.8002472

But ICX cheap. Sell high. Don't hold through the correction like grade A moron

>> No.8002484

it traded well below 10 cents when it was listed on liqui back in september. that's when i picked it up, sold at about a dollar like a fool though.

>> No.8002501

I dumped for MAN already. Bias obviously since I bought in but it's a fantastic choice. Gonna be shilled hard as fuck next month

>> No.8002503

>they are still holding after the obvious sell the news event
>they didn't learn from the past 10 coins going through sell the news
>they didn't listen to bearfags warning on the day of the dump
>burgers will wake up and pump it they said
K i'm done, if faggots aren't going to listen you have everything coming to you

>> No.8002530

You are reading way too much into this. The product is vaporware+marketing, that is all. That is why it is dumping and WTC is rising (because it's an actual tech with it's own chip to blockchain technology and hardware).

>> No.8002545

legit buying all your bags. thank you sirs. see you again sirs.

>> No.8002557

>tfw could've sold when it was 81000 sats
>decided not to because everyone was saying the prices will skyrocket when rebranding comes
>it didn't even pump at all after the ATH, just stayed at a stagnant $5-6 average range
>sold yesterday at 61000 sats immediately before it started dumping

At least I made a profit but nowhere near as much as I was hoping for. Holding for nearly two months was annoying as fuck with the price suppression.

>> No.8002563

VEN is a fantastic hold. The reason you asperger fucks don't like it is because it hasnt gone 1000x since you bought it last night. You guys expect instant fucking gratification. You want 10x in an hour. But this doesn't always do that. Be happy with 10-20% pump over two or three days, because Wall Street players would shit themselves to see that.

Also, stop expecting instant gratification in general. You will be much happier and content in life.

>> No.8002566

Bummed since I'm at a loss with VEN right now, banking it all on the supposed rise. I do believe VEN is oversold right now, so I've got my fingers crossed.

>> No.8002569

all these weak hands disgust me.

>> No.8002590

>3rd party chips and no patterned hardware
You mean the chips tailored specifically for them by the company Innolux? The same company who is the top RFID innovators in the world and partnered with them in a two way relationship so they can use the tech for the other companies they provide for? And the companies they supply are Coca cola, Samsung, apple, and other big names?
>No whitepaper
Read the development plan if you can't wait for the white paper of a product that is NOT open source. Or buy TRX and ADA if you think a whitepaper means that much.
I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.8002622

Admit it, markets near dead bud
BMW partner ship, dumps to fucking hell
Coins don't sustain their pump no matter how good they are

>> No.8002630
File: 8 KB, 249x243, t455x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it nigger, it's a shitcoin.

>> No.8002639
File: 72 KB, 513x600, 1nn3gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding VEN and ZCL from 5.89 and 110.12

>> No.8002643

trading one manipulated chink shitcoin for another manipulated chink shitcoin. Good choice.

>> No.8002653

well when your partnership is literally just a logo on a screen, announced AFTER they had said the conference is finished in a cheap act to pump the price, people are going to react badly.

>> No.8002658

That's fine, I dont want them. Ive been with this project too long and I'm sick of this same ol' bullshit. I got my 10x and I'm ready to move on. I can make way more money with other coins.

>> No.8002666

sub $2 incoming, accept it.

>> No.8002667

this whole thread disgusts me. all fucking children on this board

>> No.8002679
File: 55 KB, 655x527, 1469035896657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm the fud posts and despair are at an ath.
Tells me the pump is soon.

>> No.8002691

Not much else to bank on in my opinion. Bare minimum I'll get more short term gains from it. Was also thinking of Cardano, I guess.

>> No.8002705

Hope so, I can't wait to sell this shit.

>> No.8002718

I've held through year-long periods of sideways trading and downward corrections in BTC. You wanna know why? Because I can see past my own nose.

>> No.8002722

Pro tip
Cardano has been consolidating at sale price for a long time.
You will be rewarded soon if you buy that coin

>> No.8002740

First of all, because it already tracks 30 percent of wine imports on its blockchain in China it can't be vaporware, because vaporware implies that there is no working product.
Its like you guys don't understand marketing. Technology is not the most important aspect of a products success. Its partnerships, ease of use for consumers, and adoption. Why do you think the PSP and Wii U bombed despite having better tech than the DS? Because if trash marketing, poor usability, and lack of desired games. Plenty of products don't make it despite having stellar tech.

>> No.8002745

I legit really hope it'll pump so I can get my money back but I highly highly doubt it. This coins manipulated to shit.

>> No.8002750

Are you an all in kind of guy?
I refuse to be all in on 1 coin because if shit like this happens, then i will be bored. I like trading

>> No.8002752

Someone who doesn't need instant gratification? Jeez..
I swear if you told Biz they could double their money in a month just sitting in a coin for the entire month they'd chase 10x pumps all over and just lose money.

>> No.8002765

down 12% wow this is in total collapse, one of the worst performers in the market right now.

>> No.8002775

If it's 2 dollars I've almost 10xed, I just want a proper explanation from you instead of low tier FUD.

>> No.8002798

this. if a coin pumps from $0.10 to almost $10 in the span of six months, a slow crawl back to $1-2 seems highly likely imo. that's where i'll be buying.

VEN's a good project but anyone who's been in this space for more than a year saw this crash incoming from a mile away. the only thing sustaining the price after the last peak was the rebrand hype

>> No.8002812

Thanks Anon, I noticed that. I got into it in Dec when it was cheap and flipped it near 50c or so. But it's MAN and XCM I'm most interested in. Got a small bit of XCM already.

>> No.8002850

You should always multiply the amount of coins you want to buy by the # of white papers that coin has

>> No.8002853

Of course. When you have clear as mud investment opportunities like this, you go all in. It's genuinely being handed to you on a silver fucking plate and all you have to do is forget about it for a year or two. It's that easy.

>> No.8002857

I'm critical of VEN but will grab a position at around $1.50-1.80

>> No.8002889

I got in at the same time, wish i sold at $1.20 but fuck it. I'm still in profit on ADA, and it is the 1 coin i don't trade. I just have it in a wallet chilling, all the rest of my coins i try to increase my stacks

>> No.8003567

And people call VEN holders delusional. The only way we are seeing those prices is if BTC tests 5k.

>> No.8003666

I hold 4k Ven since $1,17 and one thing i know about it foundation controls its price. It will not drop like pajeet poo and start recovering at some point. My guess is $5 is bottom. We will see green dildos from there.

>> No.8004283
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 1516137539006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking holding

>> No.8004312

VEN is a good long term hold but let's admit it, there's no point of holding it now from June. It's overvalued as fuck.

>> No.8004465

I know this feel.

>> No.8004496

literally children lol i bet most of these faggots in this thread have chump change in crypto. like a few hundred bucks.

>> No.8004583
File: 171 KB, 1242x997, 1F573E9F-96AC-48E8-9716-6DF48D26EB1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are too wise for this bored (sic)

>> No.8004880

just sold 100k

>> No.8004990
