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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7995849 No.7995849 [Reply] [Original]

When bitcoin crashes and brings all your shitty little altcoins down with it, are you gonna give up and sell or hodl like the weak little crypto cuck you are?

>> No.7995888

Cope harder, nocoiner.

>> No.7995895


>give up and sell
>hodl like the weak little crypto cuck you are

What did he mean by this...????

>> No.7995921
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Stupid crypto dicks arent even prepared for the massive dumps that are about to happen. All these alt coin scammers from china and india are gonna cuck you out of all your money . Youve been warned

>> No.7995961
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Enjoy explaining to mommy and daddy why are your (their) money is gonna.

>bb but, it was ss- supposed to b be the future m mom

>> No.7996077
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>muh $1000 crypto investment gonna make me a millionaire by 2020

>> No.7996199
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I will buy more

>> No.7996221

Im what your wife and mom call a HOLD BULL

>> No.7996252

O the irony

>> No.7996265

haha epic troll dude lol

>> No.7996288
File: 253 KB, 610x915, 1515079537362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you havent already profited and cashed out to fiat from this crypto fad then youre an idiotic chaser just begging to get cucked.

>> No.7996326

I'm dead inside. My hands forgot how to loosen grip due to lack of blood flowing through them.

Beat me harder daddy bitcoin.

>> No.7996330
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>> No.7996345
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Ironic why? cause you actually think this will happen ? Or because youll be taking condiment facials while serving $5 dirty water dogs to people on some city street?

>> No.7996365
File: 555 KB, 2268x1484, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodl. just like I did last time, OP

>> No.7996367
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Buy when it hits rock bottom just like the Jews.

>> No.7996398
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What is this creature.

>> No.7996426
File: 28 KB, 696x365, Is-the-Bitcoin-crash-repeating-itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.7996433


Hodl like the little crypto cuck I am.

>> No.7996479
File: 63 KB, 590x350, Crypto-crash-Bitcoin-and-Ripple-falling-prices-913552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my money off this scam already. Maybe ill buy in after the crash when the pajeets and chinks get ready to pump and dump you cucks once again

>> No.7996498

Good goy

>> No.7996535

>misinterpret my words to maintain your market bias
-warren buffet

>> No.7996766
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what are you really gonna do when this falls through the floor? I think buying into suicide hotlines might be a great investment at the moment

>> No.7996815

why do you have 10 posts in your own thread?
cringey desu

>> No.7996829
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I'm spreading the awareness to morons like you.

take my advice and cash to fiat before its too late

>> No.7996846

>take my advice
definitely not FUD

>> No.7996875
File: 34 KB, 1220x762, bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will happen when eveyrthing crashes and tether scams? i mean will exchanges scam us out of our fiat that we hold on their sites? can they do that?

>> No.7996930

Why are people so salty about what other people do with their money?

>> No.7996968
File: 251 KB, 500x580, goodnightETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think a foreign government like China is going to give a shit because a chinese crypto exchange stole all your money?

Moreover, do you think the USA or whatever country youre from will do anything about it? after youve been investing money into shitholes like china?

>> No.7997011

no im talking about coinbase and the like, gateway exchanges which sell crypto for fiat. In an immense crash, sell off would they block withdrawals or even steal our fiat?

>> No.7997177
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they've done it before. why wouldn't they do it again?

>> No.7997228

then its best to remove all fiat from exchange. bye coinbase. i sold really early and was waiting for bear market sub 4k, but i wish the best for everybody. we must remember though not everybody gets rich in crypto. thats the game => pyramid. gl anons

>> No.7997253
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good luck, you're making a smart decision

>> No.7997311
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gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7997376

Not b8

>> No.7997595

Alright I'll bite.
Let's assume it's really a huge scam/Jewish plot. What if I've taken out several times my initial investment over the last year? How am I being scammed, how has anyone with some brains fucked up by investing in crypto throughout the last year? This just seems like cope and sour grapes honestly.

>> No.7997620

good for you that youre taking profits. most here aren't and eventually will be justed

>> No.7997639

I'm pretty sure most everyone occasionally takes money out, for peace of mind and security. I mean that's literally the basics of investing.

>> No.7997757

You have too much faith in your fellow biz tards

>> No.7997798

Literally KYS. Only a severe autist loser fuck would waste so much time to FUD crypto on a Singaporean basket weaving forum. Your efforts are futile and literally have 0 impact on the market. Your every word is literally like stinky farts that comes out of a stinky shitty Indian butthole that nobody cares to see or smell.

>> No.7997850

Every single surplus cent you withdraw came from somebody who lost it. I'm not arguing about the morality of it. I'm saying that by very definition most aren't winning.

>> No.7997887

Yes but I presume that's from normalfags who bought at 18k, not /biz/raelis.

>> No.7997988

not an argument

>> No.7998059
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If I can save even just one anon from wasting all of his money then my time spent here is worth it.

You however are beyond saving. F

>> No.7998089

But i already cashed out my initial investment

>> No.7998109

t. salty nocoiner

>> No.7998192
File: 13 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cashed out a lot more than my initial investment, thanks for your concern

>> No.7998225

These threads give me hope.

Moon incoming, screencap this

>> No.7998265

we're in for a dip any day now, after that we're going to fucking pluto