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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 121 KB, 733x489, Meka-Prefab-in-the-West-Village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
799305 No.799305 [Reply] [Original]

Why not just buy a cuck shed pay it off and invest the rest of the money? You'll get rich quicker this way as most of your money isn't going to pay off ridiculous amounts of debt. Cuck sheds are the future. Embrace em and stop being a sheep.

Also always remember that debt is slavery gents.

>> No.799330

shit thats a dank little home. how much does one cost?

>> No.799337

and why the hell is this board so damn slow?

>> No.799345

75 grand plus permit costs

>> No.799356


My sides. Within another month or so, I should close on a 50+ acre plot with an old house and a barn (house is ~3000 sq ft) for just over $100k. Rural countryside. Needs some repairs but nothing major. USDA government loan. Put down $8k. 675 credit score. 25 years old.

And you're talking about living in a cuck house.

>> No.799361

I could go back to live in Sasquatchewan and buy a home for 40-50k in a rural town but I really don't want to go back to the cold and snow.

>> No.799362


I hope you enjoy handiwork, landscaping, and all the other tedious shit that goes along with owning not only a house but a fixer-upper at that AND property. I really hope you do.

>> No.799364


Think about long-term. My feeling:

>When I get this shit paid off, I have a house for life. If anything happens, as long as I can come up with the property tax every few years (if things are that bad, seriously, it takes 5-10 years to seize due to unpaid property tax depending on state), I have a roof over my head. I'll never be homeless.

You may want to consider a nest egg in an inexpensive place just to cover your ass.

>> No.799370


Oh yes, I've lived on farms my entire life. It's nothing for me.

I plan on raising goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and llamas.

And this new property, it's not really that bad. Had HVAC overhaul three years ago. Roof is aluminum and looks great. Carpeting is shit but it's going to get ripped up and I'm going to buff out the original hardwood. Appliances need replacing and a few odds and ends but nothing major.

A lot of upgrades were done 15 years ago. The owner died and his family moved mom back up north with them. They're all yankees and just wanted the property sold because none of them ever intend on living in the area.

Realistically, I will probably spend $6-8k doing what I want done, and add in another $10-20k over the next year buying fencing and farm equipment so I can raise my llamas.

>> No.799425
File: 76 KB, 499x334, prefab-shipping-container-homes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more dank cuck sheds

>> No.799426
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>> No.799427
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>> No.799432
File: 80 KB, 600x375, roundup-container-homes-adam-kalkin-califon-nj-600x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.799445

How is this any different than buying a mobile home? This is just trailer trash rebranded

>> No.799458

http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ build your one tumbleweed house (to expensive to buy premade)

>> No.799481

I cant believe thats really what theyre called

>> No.799520

this one looks pretty dank

>> No.799530


I wish I lived in a country where one can actually afford to own property

>> No.799753



It's nothing but a flashy trailer.

>> No.799756

>75k for a fucking shipping container

>> No.799761

But I don't live in Sweden.

Besides would Jamal even allow you to rent out your cuckshed? Where else would you live?

>> No.799773

Because not everyone lives in North America where you can buy 300 square miles of empty land for a bag of pretty beads.

>> No.799808



the tiny home and pre fab home thing gonna die real quick.

It's just middle agers freaking out about their fucked life anyway.

>> No.800360

This feels stupid to me. If I have a bunch of land why would I get something modular that is more expensive than building a home from the ground?

This makes sense, making living space in something like a city where you can stack a bunch of these units without having to have a traditional home form factor and land is expensive.

>> No.800417


>> No.800641

I'm from Australia and I'd love to live in a cuck shed - if land wasn't so fucking expensive these days.

Seriously fuck the house prices here, it's an absolute joke

>> No.800646

Its more like a mix between an urban apartment and a suburban home.

You get to live in a tiny box with a small mortgage in the city. But you don't have to deal with roommates.

>> No.800648

75grand.. .are a fucking joking with me, with that money i could buy 1house

>> No.801134

Trailer trash is a brand on mobile homes

>> No.801140


What city?

Micro apartments that size are like 200K in NY, Singapore, HK....

>> No.801171

a good house in my area is only 80 grand
enjoy your overpriced shed.

>> No.801180

They're not. It's a /pol/ meme about sweden.

>> No.801196

Because quality of life does matter as well. You're better off living in a real apartment in a cheaper neighbourhood, than to live in two fucking containers.

While I don't defend cuck sheds/shipping containers for homes, you can't compare your dung heap (rurual countryside/"my area" (where houses are $80k, i.e. bumfuck, nowhere). Nobody wants to live where you guys are, which is why it's so cheap.

I'm not a jew yorker, but a quick googling shows that west village (NY) apartments start at $450k for a broom closet with space for half a bed and your hipster scarf collection. Rentals there are like $4.5k+ so yeah.

>> No.801797

wtf is a cuck shed...

>> No.801802


Nice rust stains on that wall.

>> No.801967

A shed you live in
to cuck you from a real house.

>> No.801972

I'm going to try and read the rest of the thread but the first 10 posts and OP's picture made me laugh uncontrollable for 2 minutes straight.

>> No.801978

Still breathless.

I can't believe a 75.000 wooden box is actually the topic of a discussion here. My sides have disovered new parts of the universe.

Also that name cracks me up every time I read it.

Fucking cuck shed oh God have mercy.

>> No.802698


>> No.802966

>banking on govt taking time to seize your property if the worst happens
the fuck sort of idea is this

>> No.803004
File: 1.97 MB, 400x242, goodhue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck sheds

>> No.803007 [DELETED] 



Alert NASA my sides have left orbit.

>> No.803043

What state? I'm in MA and 1 acre lots go for 100k-200k.

>> No.803045

If it's any consolation, that's only the non-coastal states in the US. We're big enough to be like entire different countries; a 2 bedroom condo made of papa john's breadsticks and elmer glue still costs me 150k-200k and I live in the same country as that anon.

>> No.803066


>putting "culture" and "location" over having a good roof over your head

If I want culture, I got an SEC college town 30 minutes from my house with all kinds of slutty white bitches who love older men that will throw some money at them. I don't need that hoity toity stuff.


A good one. Because it's not them "taking their time" but limitations they have. There's a complex process for auctioning off delinquent property.


Georgia. And we're not even the cheapest. Been looking at some land in Arizona and Idaho and Arkansas that's dirt fucking cheap. Well under $1000 an acre.

>> No.803471

i know im dying here too

>> No.803686

What are the expenses in maintaining a property like this, especially taxes? You're living my dream right now, I've got about 30k cash saved (plus other savings) but I'm hesitant to bite the trigger since my income isn't very reliable (no in-demand skillset). I'm looking at 5 acre+ places in the midwest that are a few miles from town, usually around 50-80k. I don't know anything about auctions or the like. I'm interested to know what you went through to acquire that land.

>> No.803695

>Georgia. And we're not even the cheapest. Been looking at some land in Arizona and Idaho and Arkansas that's dirt fucking cheap. Well under $1000 an acre.
that's because it's shit land that can't be easily built on or farmed.

>> No.803707

that's pretty great. if it had a bedroom with a desk for a computer i'd live there, i spend most of my time outside the house anyway and it would be easy to live downtown

>> No.803733

75k? Maybe if you pay 50k for a lot. These motherfuckers are cheap as fuck.

40ft, 9" by 9" shipping containers cost 2-3k each, less if they're used.

>> No.803789

shipping containers cost like 1k to 5k each, and building a big mansion out of nigh invulnerable shipping containers costs like 200k.

>> No.803983

No, you can get shipping containers for 2k-3k. That is cheap for the main structural components of a dwelling. 4-6 of those and you got a decent structure to finish for 8k-18k. After plumbing and wiring it is just is how nice you want to do the interior for the rest.

>> No.804202

I'm building my own cuck shed with my father and it's only costing me $4k NZD max. You really, really, do not need to even consider a shipping container. Just built a cabin on concreted piles, get second-hand windows and doors, and ask for trade rates at your materials supplier.

>> No.804204


It doesn't have a bathroom or kitchen though (since that would require council permit) but were I to add one including plumbing and wiring, you would probably be looking at $10k total.

>> No.804209

we have cucksheds m9. Lookup:
A few builders such as Hutchinson builders do lots of modular developments. All you need is some land to set up - thats the real expense. If you wanna go full-cuck then buy rural

>> No.804274

What about insulation? Or are these designed for places where temperature never drops below -5 celsius?

>> No.804296

There are ways to put in insulation, and some types of shipping containers already have insulation in them.

>> No.804300

I'm in GA to. Where you at?

>> No.804303

It's easy as hell to farm on GA land

>> No.804307

these are nice houses not cucksheds

>> No.805154 [DELETED] 

so glad i own property outright. thinking about sellng my 3 bed place and buying a shithole 8 bed place. when property prices become so loony that everyone is desperate for somewhere to live, i'll have one room for myself, and 7 to rent to penniless 18yo grils.
enjoy your cuck shacks.

>> No.805182

ill enjoy my cuck shack the same way you enjoy your plan, in a purely fictional way

>> No.805201

I totally get that. all I need is a place to browse the internet, shit, and masturbate.

>> No.805245 [DELETED] 

i'm cereal breh. my 3 bed is worth about 150 in a mediocre area. all i've gotta do is move to a big house located in a shithole area festooned with peasant thatch. 30 quid a week per vagina, after expenses, is easily achievable. 200 quid a week just for living with shitloads of teenage girls sounds like a pretty good plan to me.



>> No.805248

because most people who know their way around money have better things to do than waste time on 4chan

>> No.805265


Living with teenage girls is not fun, believe me.

>> No.805273 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 585x765, g (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe me.
besides, i'll be their superior. i'll make sure they're all on minimum wage so frequently struggle with the rent. they'll do as they're told.

>> No.805283

Better than living with red necks in a country shit hole.

>> No.805830

>Its more like a mix between an urban apartment and a suburban home.

You're reaching

>> No.805833

It's what the rest of the internet refers to as 'tiny houses'

The 4chan name stems from the fact that the Swedish government is now giving these out to students and young people because all the available apartments have already been allotted to Somali refugees

>> No.806164

Ozfalian here

because the fucking land to put it on would cost me about $1 million or $500K at least

so no

>> No.806193

I've been laughing at this shit in the catalogue every day i come by biz for the past few fucking days, jesus christ.

That aside, I'm never intending to marry or co-habit, currently saving up to buy a small property. In britdosh I'll need maybe £70k or so for a nice, small flat on the outskirts of my city. I work from home and I only really want dogs and my friends and qt's to bang so no need for a fucking 500k 16 bedroom bin to throw money into.

Found ones for about 30k but they're all in areas that are crackdens.

>> No.806255

FYI shipping containers are terrible to construct living environments in. They simply aren't made for it. I wouldn't do it unless it was a custom built container with structural changes first.

>> No.806312


This is what I heard. I did a lot of research into it before tinyhomes became mainstream. The consensus is that shipping containers have a lot of hazardous materials they're coated in, that you don't want to be breathing.

Nothing wrong with tiny homes. I adore them; I'd love to live in something the size of a studio apartment. But made out of clean materials, not chinese waste.

>> No.806451


If you work from home, why not buy a house in the country?

I don't know how prices are up in britland, but 70k for a small flat seems like a lot (depends what you mean by small, i know).

I guess you could probably buy a decent sized house with some amount of land for the same moneys.

Wouldn't the only issue be finding a place with decent internet connection?

>> No.806481


I wish I could start a business of building cabins in woods and then renting them out/selling them. But land is too expensive.

>> No.806530

>tfw even your own house can cuck you

>> No.806611

Can you expand on this anon? I live in the middle of tornado alley, so I was thinking about building a shipping container home. Living in a giant storm shelter seemed bretty good, but the prospect of lung cancer does not.

>> No.806725


Some sort of spray or preservative that is lining the container. If you live in that shit, you breathe it. If you powersaw out a window, it gets a ton tossed up in the air. It's like asbestos, only a different chemical. Idk exactly what, but you could google it. (I probably found it on /r/tinyhomes originally, but the info may also be archived elsewhere.)

I dunno shit about tornado proof tiny homes. I don't live near tornadoes.

>> No.806733
File: 255 KB, 4500x4334, 1433141227159[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm freshly out of high school with no debt
I'm going to make a cuck shed similar to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VckbqU4kK2I and I'm going to pick up an electrician or carpentry trade that costs 5k to learn
I'm going to save so much money and travel everywhere while everyone else is a wageslave who is 200k in debt from university and paying off a mortgage that will take 25 years to payoff.

>> No.806946

Spoken like a true cuck. Congrats!