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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7990067 No.7990067 [Reply] [Original]

It’s that time again oldfags

Post here what you were told not to tell anyone .

>> No.7990104

uncle leroy told me not to tell anyone about the tickle game or he'd cut my head off

>> No.7990103

Last time I saw one of these someone shilled DTA. Once it hit kucoin I picked it up.

These bags are already gettin heavy

>> No.7990286

Nano is in talks to be added to Coinbase.

Brian has been really excited about Nano once Jeremy G told him about it, Brian called Charlie Lee and asked him to investigate and see what his take in it was . Charlie have green light today, so now Brian and Colin are negotiating numbers.

Coinbase will also add Stellar in either March or April .

Nano will most likely be in June or July .

>> No.7990325

Insider here. I like cookie dough ice cream. Its good. In fact, it's damn good.

>> No.7990357


the only thing I don't want to tell people about is the coins I'm investing in. for some reason I feel comfort in them staying low price so I can flip more money into them.

>> No.7990425

Several top 25 link wallets are owned by the executives of a very well known publically traded social media company. They bought pre-ico and are very firm believers in the project.

>> No.7990455

I want to believe

>> No.7990469

ZCL will be forked into another privacy coin, announcement in 2 weeks likely

>> No.7990515

Satoshi here, trust in Sergei guys

>> No.7990526
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>> No.7990597
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This is now a LINK thread

>> No.7990599

1. Chainlink team has become concerned with the memes. They think it's bad press but try to play it cool because it's an unexpectedly massive part of the community.

2. Stellar will be added to Coinbase before Ripple. It will coincide with a staggered launch into their platform.

3. People have been accumulating Cindicator in this down swing. Everyone in-the-know knows it'll break $3 into 2019.

4. No one talks about Raiden anymore, but they have some big news approaching. It will rival Ethereum at some point in the future.

5. Kin has been keeping a low profile and hasn't even tried applying to larger exchanges because they're waiting to convert from Ether's platform to Stellar's. Once the token swap happens, they have a bomb of a partnership waiting to drop. Circulating supply be damned. The price will hit an ATH.

6. Naga is a sleeper to overtake Metal and Monaco as the go-to card ecosystem. May or may not have been in a group discussion with Mr. Verr and this project is his lowkey baby.

7. Fun is looking to partner with Wagerr.

>> No.7990602
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It’s true anon.

>> No.7990616
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>> No.7990624
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>> No.7990646

Don't listen to this LARPer. Coinbase is reluctant to adopt Nano because of some drawbacks that make it less than ideal for preventing spam tx. I'm jot saying Nano won't fix this a year from now, but there's a reason everyone isn't already using the magical fast and free Nano.

>> No.7990658

juicy predictions anon. i want to believe

>> No.7990677

how many cryptos does /biz/ consider longtime holds.

I've got 7 i'm decently confident on,
and 2-3 i'm somewhat comfortable with.

>> No.7990851

Coinbase WILL add Nano. That is 100% . When exactly is the question , it has been surmised June/ July , but could be in the fall possibly.

Also yes like anothe anon said CND will be worth a lot more very soon and hedge funds are buying it . It will probably be $1 end of spring .

>> No.7990870


I invest in more lowcaps than largecaps, but they all have solid projects, and I'd be comfortable holding them for a long time if I needed to. Need to stop messing with my stacks.

Also fuck VEN. It's a heavily manipulated piece of shit. It's just a bunch of ICO whales squeezing money out of people who bought in late.

>> No.7990902


>> No.7990962

It's called Lumen and it won't be.

>> No.7990972
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>Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin

>> No.7990975

>Coinbase WILL add Nano
So full of shit your eyes are brown, Pajeet.

>> No.7990990

Something shady is going on with coinbase. Can't tell more but you should exit the market.

>> No.7991012

Bch 30k in may

>> No.7991053

ADA is about to pump

>> No.7991062

so youre an insider at every coin ever then?

shoo shoo

>> No.7991081

Vertcoin will go on bithumb within the month

>> No.7991087

No, sir. But, like your mom, I get around.

>> No.7991123

How do you know

>> No.7991127

i sharted in my pants
literally shaking now in front of my screen
it smells awful

>> No.7991170

London conference tomorrow, it's oversold af both against eth and btc.
Alts season coming as btc pumps and people who feel they missed the train look for cheap buys.

>> No.7991183

What do you think about CND? I was thinking of trading some for it

>> No.7991213

Never heard of it. Enlighten me

>> No.7991238

ok guys, fresh dior pants incoming
wetwipes did the job
tomorrow ast will announce their mou with the goldmannjews

>> No.7991267

so fucking clever, pajeet

do you do your best thinking squatting over a sidewalk?

>> No.7991379

it does look oversold af. bought some before seeing your post. Set sell order at 4%~ gains.

>> No.7991416
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nano will be added on coinbase is a pajeet discord meme. They just pumped and want to get rid of the bags they got by following pump groups.

Nano is a pajeet coin.

>> No.7991438

Brian likes one fucking tweet and this happens... BAKA

>> No.7991492

"uh yeah i have insider info that could make a lot of people rich i'm just going to go and share it with the guys over on biz. See ya"

btw i hear sergey has a very small penis. Do with this info what you will

>> No.7991515

>micro penis segey
does it look like a mushroom?

>> No.7991528
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>> No.7991564

eastern european countries are subjected to the same dark influences that sparked the arab spring and are currently undergoing similar scenarios.

second tier eu country citizens are subjected to radio wave experiments to dull their senses and reactions.

source: freemasonry friends

>> No.7991581

Very much so. I hear people compare it to the Phallus impudicus mushroom

>> No.7991599
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>> No.7991900

VEN and a very well known alcoholic beverage company coming soon.

>> No.7992029

The Storm Token dump was orchestrated to crash the price. It’s going to 20x - 40x over the next 3 to 6 months.

If you think this isn’t true look at their team and advisors. Investigate their backgrounds.

A big marketing campaign and multiple giant exchanges are coming.

This is ironically not a larp.

>> No.7992161

Fuck off

>> No.7992205
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Something like this?

>> No.7992251

Fake. “Private and Confidential” is redundant and nobody says that in the business world. Close but no cigar.

>> No.7992645

Stay poor.

>> No.7992677

It's literally written on all the post I receive. Maybe your japanese kawai crate doesn't have that mention though when your mom brings it downstairs

>> No.7992742

a minor exchange is going to add nano pairs
keep an eye out on the official telegram

>> No.7992805

Not insider info but I'm in the top 1000 wallets and my rank keeps dropping and I didn't sell a single link since August

>> No.7992886

>second tier eu country citizens are subjected to radio wave experiments to dull their senses and reactions.
Absolute waste of money, we already tv trash, social media and football. There is no microwave shit that can compete with that

>> No.7993240
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