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7988115 No.7988115 [Reply] [Original]

Have you gotten family members to invest in crypto? What do they hold? My dad's been buying 50-100 LINK every week since I told him about it

>> No.7988128

jesus fuck thats cringe

>> No.7988147


>> No.7988171

Jeez dude...

>> No.7988177


>> No.7988180

Half my friends and family own link in varying amounts. The other half are retards but I just cant stop loving them, you know?

>> No.7988183

That would make me sell if I were your dad.

>> No.7988206

this would make me go out to get milk and never come back if i was his dad

>> No.7988211

That would make me regret not forcing her to swallow

>> No.7988219
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1517908444857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant believe this faggot is my son
>i hope these link dollars he autistically researched take off so i can move to the bahamas without him or his mother and leave these people for good

>> No.7988242

My dad's more autistic than me, just about different things. It feels good having someone to reveal your power level to

>> No.7988262

>be dad
>tried best to raise a respectful son
>fml son turns out to be a degenerate linky

>> No.7988302

for humanity's sake i hope this is a larp

>> No.7988306

This would make me finally tell you that you were adopted if you were my son

>> No.7988336

>son has been bullied all his life
>tried to make friends in school but never quite fit in, got beat up once pretty bad in high school
>in time, I became his best friend
>now he just sits in his room all day on the computer doing God knows what, he barely talks to me and I don't know much about his life
>kind of wish he would open up to me more
>"your mother and I don't get along but that doesnt mean we can't"

>last month he came into my room, extremely excited about some weird new internet money
>I didn't really get it at first but it was really nice to see he's passionate about something new, finally a spark of interest in his eyes
>kind of afraid of losing my son, so after pretending to be interested in his new hobby I start buying these weird Links on the internet
>yfw you read the first letter of each line

>> No.7988352

Kek my dad has just over 500 linkies too

>> No.7988365

>it feels good to have someone to reveal your power level to
>sorry its just a meme in the community
>post to /biz/ heh memes

>> No.7988382
File: 34 KB, 817x443, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stinky liky

>> No.7988384

Holy shit kek

>> No.7988393


>> No.7988395

Shit. This was my first try at one of these.
>now I've fucked it up

>> No.7988404

My father buys 1k of ETH every week.

>> No.7988430

telling your dad to invest in shit like link

LMAO no wonder your parents think your a looser

>> No.7988439

Entertaining and didn’t notice odd sentence structure at all, good work anon

>> No.7988442

>Have you gotten family members to invest in crypto?

i suspect most of my family have an understanding of value at least as good as mine.

if they want to play with crypto they will, otherwise they probably won't

>> No.7988464

"stinky liky"

Good job.

>> No.7988522

thought it was funny when I read the side and thought it was funnier when it was spelt wrong.

>> No.7988537

Thanks buddy. The y was the hardest one and k's took some thought as well, otherwise it was pretty easy. Now if only I knew all 26 letters and had remembered the n...
That's OK I'll get it next time

>> No.7988553

I emailed my mom and dad about it. They just ignored me like I was etardss. But that’s a good sign because I usually win big when they think I’m doing something recklessly stupid. Still will give them some money if I make it.

>> No.7988593

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.7988697

>told friend about my sick gains
>he gets interested and asks for advice on what to buy
>tell him to buy zclassic
>he called me a genius when it was at 200 a few days ago
>now he's mad as fuck
kek sorry bud

>> No.7988760
File: 261 KB, 570x444, 1517769782778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not cringe bro

we linkies dont care what other people think

>> No.7988782

Just got my dad to purchase 50 OMG. Looking back he never took my investment advice and missed out every time... he didn't want to make that mistake again.

>> No.7988832

My dad wants me to invest $500 for him. he's not expecting this shit to blow up with crazy gains in a month, just wants a small piece of the crypto pie long term, what should I get him?

>> No.7988893

And don't Fucking say Chainlink

>> No.7988915


>> No.7988927

Something that's a blue chip.I'd say NEO

>> No.7988937

What is my rank? I have 55,000 LINK

>> No.7988986
File: 92 KB, 287x360, e42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post.

>> No.7989019

convinced my mom to buy a bitcoin at 2000 sold it at 11600, gained a new fancy thinkpad out of it.

>> No.7989039

No they are all fudders not worth my time to convince them.

>> No.7989078

op you are a massive faggot

why you would want your dad to end up poor with you and your retard linkfags is beyond my comprehension

>> No.7989234


>> No.7989243


>> No.7989859

>Half my friends and family own link
>The other half are retards

>> No.7989938





>> No.7990268

I'd say omg is the best medium term risk reward coin you can buy right now. Its as close to a high return gauarntee as you can get in crypto.

>> No.7990312


it's value will increase significantly in the next few months but long-term the staking/dividend type rewards will pay off no matter what's happening to the crypto market.

>> No.7990339

I gave my bro 50 link for christmas

Told him to hold for 2 years, he's going to be happy with it i guess

>> No.7990467
File: 300 KB, 935x909, 824C35FE-ECA5-4914-AD21-EED642784F0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother and I are FUNchads.

He’s out stacking me right now but I’m more diversified.

Good to have support you can trust when the other alternative is places like this lol