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File: 6 KB, 200x200, tezosimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7985660 No.7985660 [Reply] [Original]

Eth developer Yoichi Hirai dropping due to laws being broken. EIP 867 is shit making Eth basically MORE centralized. Faulty codes in smart contracts found.
Clif High names his mystery coin: Tezos
T2 foundation is now official and Gevers stepped down from foundation. Arthur said that launch is approaching soon. Delegated proof of stake is the future. Baking and voting is the main reason I am hyped for this coin.

>> No.7985745

Breitmans should be sued for being so stupid

>> No.7985799

Stake United and you won't have to do any work yourself. https://stakeunited.co/ - stakes for you.

>> No.7985813
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>biggest ICO in crytpo
You don't want a legacy anon?

>> No.7985870

Yoichi Hirai ended up not leaving and EIP 867 was shot down. This FUD is so outdated lol

>> No.7985895

ETH will be the shining example of overhype and will be the most glorious crash in crypto history. beware the ides of march

>> No.7985903
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Another smart contract blockchain. Why is this better than Aeternity.

>> No.7985964

>EIP 867 is shit

What, the proposal that ISN'T going through after almost unanimous reject, including by Skelly?

Nice troll pajeet.

>> No.7985977

Looks like an alchemy symbol.
Illuminati confirmed, bought 100k.

>> No.7985980
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>> No.7986005

This is going to moon so hard. Ethereum is still trying to move to PoS & over a year behind what vitalik said. Tezos will deliver a secure probable multisig out of the gate which ironically is all it takes to kick ethereums ass. Tezos is being advised and programmed by the core devs of Omcal vs JavaScript kiddies of ethereum. This will be the ICO of 18

>> No.7986103

DPoS is the future lol !!! Heard of bitshares?

>> No.7986142

Tezos is a scam? Whrere ya tezzies? A scam!

>> No.7986186
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LOLZ you think Tezos is going to be top 5 or 3?

>> No.7986317

pretty sure tezos is running a hybrid delegated and individual staking mechanic. I don't believe that has been done before.

>> No.7986363
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What happened you missed the ICO?

>> No.7986392
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*blocks your path*

>> No.7986457

when will you stop you insufferable faggit. KYS

>> No.7986570

This shit will dump hard on launch

So many people got in for a 4 months cycle, it's has almost been a FUCKING YEAR AHHHHHHHHH


>> No.7986571

have you seen the goddamn Liquidity decompiler? that is what you get when your smart contract VM is built to an actual spec, and the high level language has strong isomorphisms to it.

trusting contracts based on human inspection and non-exhaustive testing is quickly going to become a bad joke.

cap this shit, $100 EOY easy

>> No.7986605

Gevers leaving literally was a hail Mary that saved this project. He easily could have kept that money for his own purposes.

>> No.7986657

whats the circ supply on this shitcoin

>> No.7986686
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That is what Clif predicted as well. BUY THE FUCKING DIP!

>> No.7986706

Any source in this?

>> No.7986727
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>> No.7986749

Yea, we will moon. What's better is maybe without all the exploits in ethereum we can get some real smart contract applications and serious players in the space.

>> No.7986883
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>> No.7986932

Why has this shit been in presale since the summer?
This is the longest, overdrawn shill campaign I’ve ever seen

>> No.7987002
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You are thinking EOS. Tezos fundraiser is closed.

>> No.7987037

So Cliff hates tezos but his data said the investors would make bank? Interesting ... Thank you

>> No.7987106
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This is going to be huge

>> No.7987185

Exactly. The Breitmans have Wall St backgrounds, and Kathleen has reported successfully pitching Tezos as the first smart contract platform worthy of institutional trust.

>> No.7987389

I seriously doubt this is going below ICO price ... But maybe that's just because I have a huge fucking bag.

If it does, I will have an even bigger one ...

>> No.7987452
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Arthur going to Trusted smart contract conference next week

>> No.7987519
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Not gonna lie I bought in the ICO...BUT I do want more so I wouldn't mind hodling and grabbing more if it dips.

>> No.7988109

The play of you want more is buying IoUs. Dumping before release. Then rebuying whatever dump there is.

>> No.7988331
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Enjoying my sky mansion because it will be SKY doing the stomping.