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7985626 No.7985626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your plans after you make it?

For me it is retire from my wageslave job and move to a college campus. Then I'd just roid and become a bouncer at a club. Easy way to guarantee young pussy every weekend.

>> No.7985681

How can you live on a college campus if you aren't a student? You'll be considered the biggest loser ever.
Also enjoy peanut testicles lmao

>> No.7985707

dream big, anon. dream big...

>> No.7985736

moving to Poland.

>> No.7985776
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Try to find a wife from Eastern Europe, Finland, or if I don't make enough shekels East Asian will suffice.


>> No.7985808

What a meaningless existence.
Hope you feel teal proud after you have had intercourse with your fellow dumb ape women.

>> No.7986016

All life is meaningless anon.

>> No.7986201

buy a house, buy a penthouse, pay for my sister’s school, make more money, buy a lambo, do donuts in front of all my enemies house at around 2:46 AM every night.

>> No.7986266
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>> No.7986277

my dream life is build a giant helium house out in the middle of the desert. Inside of the helium will be sharp pointy crystal ornaments on tables and hanging from knobs and such. As the desert sun beats down on the house the helium inside inflates larger making the floor and walls of the house bulge unpredictably. Any one of these bulges could cause the sharp ornaments to fall, puncturing the house and thus destroying my abode. Same thing during the night when it deflates.
Protecting my house from itself by catching the sharp ornaments before they fall will bring purpose to my life at last. I'll need to hit net worth 1 mil before this becomes reasonable

>> No.7986329

Is there an uncensored of this picture her tit is obviously out i want to see it

>> No.7986375

Move to HK and become a pro ping pong player, I'd get mad pussy because I'd be a national hero.

>> No.7986386

Your a fool if you think associating yourself with young drunk whores will make you happy. Invest in more crypto, at least we have each-other.

>> No.7986454

this is aspergers level autism

>> No.7986536

Achieving gnosis

>> No.7986607

I hope you purchase an English class.

>> No.7986656

buy lexus sedan

>> No.7987142

I'm sorry anon but.....

>> No.7987261

I would move to san diego so I can go over to tj and fuck prostitues after my first mil. Once I have 5 I will move to vegas and do it again but with white girls. Also ill buy my mother a house or some shit idk love that bitch.

>> No.7987604

id love to see what any of you retards do once you have 5 mil and "make it". actually retarded how much money you faggots think life costs

>> No.7987694


>> No.7987718


>> No.7987802

Invest it for 5% return yearly. Made it.

>> No.7987806

Travel and bang whores, eventually buy a house and a bunch of guns, find an ideal women to give me at least 3 kids

>> No.7987835

Move to america ;_; hate canada

>> No.7987865

Idiot y

>> No.7987901


>> No.7987909

Your hand looks weak.

>> No.7987911

There's typically tons of off campus dorm style housing that you don't have to be a student to live at.

If you're mid 20's or over you're the "creepy old guy" to them. Remember when you were young, people didn't have to be that much older than you to be creepy and old.

Also roids don't fix your face faggot.

>> No.7987928

I only have 500 link but I also only owe 18k on my house. So I’m close enough to making it for me. I’ll continue to be a cop but go part time. Spend a lot of time doing the things I want, traveling and being /out/.. hopefully be able to do that and still have enough money coming in to put my daughter through private school.

>> No.7987930
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>> No.7987940

Fuck lots of whores. Then find a nice property and play vidya until I figure out what the fuck else to do in life

>> No.7987942

>college town bouncer
>ever getting pussy

>> No.7987976

Yeah but if you’re attractive it doesn’t matter to sluts. They have zero qualms about banging a hot older dude. Besides if you’re pulling them at a bar what’s the difference anyway? It’s not like you’re in their class with them asking them the answer to question 69 on some faggy exam.

>> No.7987993

Nah, things actually matter on this sphere of shit. We didn't build civilization on accident.

Nhilism is just a juvenile escape for pussies.

>> No.7988543
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>Went to a large state school
>Was a bouncer
>Can confirm

>> No.7989007

You do know aspergers is a mild form of autism, right?

>> No.7989281

This is easily the most pathetic plan I've ever heard for after someone's made it. For fucks sake you can do that now you fucking retard.

>> No.7989293

Professionally kill jews

>> No.7989348

>make it
>buy Apple
>do a service to mankind and kill it

>> No.7989353
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>unironically go back to africa
>start up businesses and create jobs for my relatives and 100s/1000s of my kinsmen
>become a chief in my dad's village (could do this now desu)
>commision the building of a massive mansion at a fraction of the cost compared to american/european cities
>marry a 10/10 naija babe and have kids
>bang a bunch of bitches on the side
>hit the gym as hard as i did before i graduated and started working full time
I only need like 5 mil USD to make this happen.

>> No.7989378

More like $40

>> No.7989397

>bang a bunch of bitches on the side
I hope you're immune to aids my nigga

>> No.7989445

>finish my army service (still 2 years to go)
>marry my fiancée
>finish uni
>buy a big house in Doha or somewhere in Singapore and move there with my woman, take our moms too so they can eventually raise the kids and so they don't get bored

A man can dream. I only need like 1 mil for all of that.

>> No.7989464

She has already cucked you if you're still in boi
Dump the bitch

>> No.7989465

Your life prospects suck dick just like you, you fucking faggot OP.

>> No.7989478


>I only need like 5 mil USD to make this happen.

just sign up for Stellar, im sure you'll get your free money some day

>> No.7989491

We've been together for 4 years and has supported me, both emotionally and financially, since the start. I'm also her first bf cause she comes from a Muslim family and it's all haram etc etc.

>> No.7989502


>> No.7989552
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>> No.7990225

actually dont want that money for me, im 20yo so i still have plenty of time to earn my stuff, but right now just want to provide my dad an early retirement from his physical wagecuck job so the only person i have to be worried about is me, since my mom spent all his money during their failed marriage.

>> No.7990247

No amount of vibranium can achieve this. Just give up man.

>> No.7990282

I live in Aus but love the snow, so I'll buy a house on Mt Hothem and live up there the 3 months it snows every year. I'll just keep trading and shout all my friends free ski passes.

The rest of the year well if I keep making it I might try sailing, always loved the sea. I've seen in the US they sail actually wooden sailing ships wouldn't mind doing that for a few months.

>> No.7990294

Also doing the above finding a gf will be ez af. I am already /fit/ so just need to money to reduce my ugly factor

>> No.7990307

Pay off debts
Acquire land/assets after the bubble pops
Do whatever the fuck I want

>> No.7990628

If like to say I'd travel, be social and make friends but who am I kidding. I would stay at my home playing vidya and smoking pot until I killed myself.

>> No.7991493

5 mill is more then enough to make it, even if you set it on the bank and bank just 10K a month, that's more then enough to live a comfy lifestyle, i could buy everything i want and then some from that

>> No.7991736

History is my passion, I would like to teach at a university as a hobby.
Knowing I can tell them to fuck off at any moment because I don't need their money.

Basically doing what I like with no pressure.

You should read some Nietzsche instead of crawling in passive nihilism.

>> No.7991763


>> No.7991795

When crypto bubbles give you ptsd and you have to live a bubble. Dubs confirm

>> No.7991814


Build myself a nice secluded home and spend my time drawing, expanding my book collection and gardening like a faggot. Buy myself some meme-car like the RX-7 and screw around with it. Make a fund for my younger siblings just in case. Kill myself some time later because all of it is bullshit anyway.

>> No.7991857

Cash out by 2020
Buy real estate assuming it's crashed by then, otherwise commodities then real estate.
Buy bac in 2022
Making money and investing never ends.

>> No.7991859


Yeah, sure does cost much if yoou are some retard who blows his money on booze, 20 different accounts he does not need, eating a restaurants and so on. I can easily live for 3 months for 1k if I plan everything out accordingly.

>> No.7991885

pay for my sex change op in thailand so i can become an instagram thot and make real money

>> No.7991955


>move to Detroit
>buy a bunch of dilapidated homes for dirt cheap
>demolish them
>hire illegals to build two mini castles
>hire blacks to be one army and mexicans to be the other
>have them engage in medieval warfare

I know it won't happen, but the idea of mexicans being catapulted into the black castle puts a smile on my face every night before I go to bed.

>> No.7992033

fucking kekked

>> No.7992073

Fuck the demiurge

>> No.7992116

>ill buy my mother a house or some shit idk love that bitch.
>love that bitch

kek, I laughed

>> No.7992148

Become a recluse, surf, ski, make music, grow food work on bohm de broglie interpretation. Take satisfaction in the fact that i escaped wageslaving

>> No.7992164

chimpout detected

>> No.7992165

This is an amazing fucking idea.... I'll see you there. we make it a sports league, stream it on twitch. They instantly ban us. Start our own streaming service from outrage coverage