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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7984803 No.7984803 [Reply] [Original]

like what kind of properties do i buy

>> No.7984824

You short it

>> No.7984826

have you seen "the big short"?

>> No.7984831
File: 75 KB, 645x773, 1366602777386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting whores if you want real answers

>> No.7984863

How do you time the bottom of housing?
Big cities in Canada and the US will never crash

>> No.7984873

T.redditor sjw cuck

>> No.7984893
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Aw someone is angwy.

>> No.7984894
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kill yourself

>> No.7984941

My advice for everyone that owns property is sell now and sit on the money for 2-3 years even if you don't buy the bottom you'll make a solid profit.

>> No.7984956

Somethong people will rent. Cheap units or flats.

>> No.7984968
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The more mortgages you take out the greater the profit in the event of a crash. Once you declare bankrupcy you go online and access the secret strawman account fund using your social security number. Because you have filed for bankruptcy the gov can touch that $$$.

>> No.7985063

sell now and buy the dip

>> No.7985257

put money in gold, then when the crash hits sell the gold and buy property in areas hit hardest

>> No.7985338


I'm genuinely curious why everyone thinks real estate is in a bubble.

We just hit pass 2009 price points, the economy is doing great, and if wage growth rises like anticipated, modest inflation will keep the housing market alive even if rates are higher.

If wages don't rise, I can see the point. But that seems unlikely with the tax cuts. Companies will have to get more competitive with attracting talent as the more aggressive companies will use the savings to higher better talent. My company has already started doing this.

>> No.7985383
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That woman is not a whore, that is an Anime (cartoons from Japan) fan posing as her favorite Anime character. (Misty from Pokemon)

Show some respect.

>> No.7985390

Tf real estate is about to crash again already?

>> No.7985408

Buy a salvadorian hood and white it up

>> No.7985476


Oh fuck no. You need a ton of capital before even thinking about playing that game. Those guys got so close to liquidation too.

Anyway, best way to profit off real estate crash is to wait in the wings with cash in hand and buy up on the sale prices when they plummet.

>> No.7985527
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>tfw no ISDA

>> No.7985588
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Thx biz, was just about to buy a house but now I'll spend that money on rare pepes instead

>> No.7985610

buy credit default swaps

>> No.7985624
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>cozy pepe

>> No.7986124


>> No.7986550
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This bith should stop trying to pull this cosplay, is not fucking working.

Pic related, this one has neither the body, but at least the expresion is perfect.

>> No.7986928

You're right, but if the dems take both houses or Trump loses in 2020 then it'll crash. For now it'll just putter along, probably moving up with inflation.

>> No.7987340


It's not a bubble. We're entering into a grind that will last decades. Adjustable rate mortgages really aren't a thing any more because poor people fucked it up

>> No.7987471
File: 10 KB, 182x90, 65E99EEF-01AB-4738-A1AF-CBCEB7D80273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dems probably aren’t getting majorities, and definitely not supermajorities. You fags are safe till 2020. There’s a chance that Trump loses but the alternating president/house trend means whatever’s next, he/she/it’s not getting shit for a legislature. But that’s not likely Trump’s got enough devout, brainwashed goons, Political stratification, capital and a revived far-right movement passively getting permanent right-wing voters. So that means you’re not going to lose everything long-term.

In any case if he does lose in November 2020 you’ll see a dip like never, ever before.

>> No.7987492
File: 33 KB, 362x366, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of this bitch right now. full body

>> No.7987685

leaf here. You have to be a millionaire to live in places like Toronto and Vancouver. Other places have been heavily inflated by low interest rates and FOMO. A lot of home owners have huge debt loads and if interest return to normal levels, they will probably go underwater.

>> No.7987789


>> No.7987920


>> No.7988339

>Tax cuts lead to higher wages.
The absolute state of biz

>> No.7989012

literally this, buffet said so too. get rid of any debnts and be ready to dive in.