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File: 17 KB, 500x250, 1503658278bittrex-logo-white-no-tagline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7983045 No.7983045 [Reply] [Original]

If bittrex is not supporting the fork. why are they not saying it? why are they waiting to the last day? (genuine question)

>> No.7983123

Wish i knew

>> No.7983158

insider trading, preventing pump and dump or just not supporting it(which i find far fetched)

>> No.7983175

Yeah cryptopia came out and said they werent. Bittrex should have the balls to just say no we aren’t either

>> No.7983220

This. Neither side wants a massive pump and dump. By leaving it as late as possible, people will most likely hold through the fork.

>> No.7983248

They left it till the last day with BT Gold, they'll do the same again

>> No.7983353

so if they didn't support it they would have said something earlier?

>> No.7983400

I emailed them about it. I'll see if they reply. Even saying nothing is saying something. Everybody try this yourselves, they are bound to reply to someone.

>> No.7983409

Bittrex announced BCTP, Blockmason protocol not BTCP... OPen your chink eyes.

>> No.7983424

Fucken Normie Newfags, Go back to redit....

>> No.7983437

ZCL is the highest volume coin on bittrex but they dont support the fork?
Makes no sense to me

>> No.7983496
File: 61 KB, 1135x511, 00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7983508


They dont owe you faggots and your shitfork anything.

>> No.7983520

fuck off commie

>> No.7983528



>> No.7983565

that is photoshopped lol

>> No.7983592

.... thats my point YOU RETARDED SHIT

>> No.7983689

Obviously they don't want to give it the legitimacy of even making an announcement about it. It's a shitcoin, it's going to be another pump and dump. Finally exchanges just aren't bothering to even comment on these things.

>> No.7983747

HitBTC has something to say to you...

>> No.7983796

Does anyone know if Binance is gonna give BTCP to BTC holders?

>> No.7983874
File: 31 KB, 608x162, btcp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7983979

HitBTC is complete dogshit...

>> No.7983990

thats actually pretty good news

>> No.7984041

Lmao they didn't even apply. Probably because it'd cost them too much on a real exchange. BTCP worthless confirmed. I bet they already dumped their bags at ATH.

>> No.7984062

bittrex dont ask an admissionfee

>> No.7984094

thanks for that bit of hope

>> No.7984113

I guess you're right, though maybe they still didn't apply. I mean why would they need too when they could just sell for 100x?

>> No.7984117


>> No.7984169

they probably did apply, cuz bittrex and shittopia are the mainexchanges selling zcl. btw not everything is about money and if it was, there is a lot more money to be made with btcp.

>> No.7984230

It's a p&d, albeit a very elaborate one. Why would they want blood on their fingers for supporting a scam coin?

>> No.7984291

how is it a scam coin? only way it would be a scam coin would be if rhett owned hundreds of thousands of ZCL. he said he owned something like 50 ZCL but he might be lying

>> No.7984317

when a smart guy like me talks you should listen. im always right. bittrex tweeter recently they would annouce fork support in advance if they were going to do it. they haven't so they wont. i 10x'd on zcl last month and sold last moonth. i knew no exchange would support. you wont listen to this advice because you arent as smart as me, but ill tell you anyway. sell now while it's still above $2.

also stay away from INT

>> No.7984333

Bittrex is free, and they got bajilions from the donator pool

>> No.7984374

link to the tweet?

>> No.7984386

Any man who must say I am the king is no true king

>> No.7984395

I feel so bad for you, poor soul.

>> No.7984432

Bittrex is free and above all that they made 120 BTC with the mining program.


>> No.7984434
File: 79 KB, 1744x828, 56324543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a reminder that this is what happens to shitcoin forks

>> No.7984441

cyptopia not listing. like being ghosted by the ugliest girl in school.

>> No.7984446

you think I am gullible?
why would they put in all this work if it was a scam?
if it was a scam they would have exited months ago after then massive increase from $2 to $100.

>> No.7984493

why FUD INT? I have 1k bag in it currently

>> No.7984510


Oh snap... that's interesting. I'm going to pick up a few just because that pic. Don't let me down bro.

>> No.7984523

>be scamcoin dev
>pump your coin while announcing a privacy fork
>pay shills to keep hype going through selloff
>fork gives 1/1 untracable scamcoins for every scamcoin you own
>now pay shills to spread the idea that "btcp will make up for the dump 1k end of month"
>untracable scamcoin pumps
>dump it without anybody knowing it was you

>> No.7984562

all of you deserve to lose your money
holy shit youre all retarded

>> No.7984587
File: 53 KB, 912x205, Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 1.06.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting too, first mention of a BTCP exchange

>> No.7984703

if he has sold off his coins other people have bought it because the price hasn't tanked.
bottom-line is that tech is good and branding is good. I feel safer using Zcash/BTCP when buying drugs online than using XMR. But I don't want to use Zcash because I don't like the founders fee so I prefer BTCP or Zencash. What I am trying to say is, it is a good product on paper. The idea behind it is good, that is why I bought it. BTC had a bunch of scams going on in the beginning, like MtGox, that didn't kill BTC. Why? because it was a good product

>> No.7984707

Wow that’s actually really good news. BTCP actually looks like it could be the future.

>> No.7984837

>mum im smart
Shut the fuck up entilted cunt choke to death on dicks like your whore mother

>> No.7985213

could it be a way for people to avoid taxes if trading to and from a private coin?

>> No.7985289

They barely respond to verification emails you useless brainlet do you expect them to reply to thi hahaha

>> No.7985484

Decentralised exchange with the main market paid a private coin. Just think of the possibilities.

This was satoshis vision, a completely decentralised system with a private coin for complete singularity. Holy fuck BTCP is so much bigger than what it sounds like.

>> No.7986145

next level deluded. biz turning into a make a wish foundation.

>> No.7986179

>no applications have been applied

>> No.7986301
File: 435 KB, 1242x1921, 86F90BB3-B5AE-4D40-924F-A524437E937F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FUD is real.

This thing is going to fucking take off. Mark my words.