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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7982686 No.7982686 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine if VEN had catapaulted after the rebrand, rather than this weak fizzle. Biz would be filled with nothing but shill threads. People would have felt as though they invested in the most promising coin of 2018. $100 EOY

That is called post hoc rationalization and it's why most of you will forever be poor. I read these threads, I read some stuff on Le'ddit and all I can do is laugh.

You'd think some of these sunny grabbed my nuts memes had come to fruition. Or maybe the partnerships were fraudulent. Or Jim Breyer detached himself.

But no, all we've seen this week was another handful of billion dollar partnerships, a pair of extremely illuminating technical AMAs, a unification with Oxford's math lab (crypto is pure mathematics), and a successful rebrand.

And what do we have? A bunch of brooding manchildren whining because the coin didn't pump and grant them financial freedom overnight. The FUD is comically petty. From conspiracy theories to basic worries about the token model which has been described in detail by Sunny himself on the YouTube AMA.

Sometimes the markets are just as irrational and chaotic as they seem anons. Look around you. Is any coin thriving right now?

>> No.7982765

This desu. I should just get a masternode now

>> No.7982769

Agreed anon. If you fags are so unhappy why didn't you sell your bags before the event? You know how sell the news works in this fucky market right? Or you could just live your life normally and sit on your VEN for a year and be 10x more wealthy.

>> No.7982791
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Fucking piece of shit

>> No.7982795

Not reading all that shit but based on the sheer volume of text, you sound worried.

Just dump like the rest of us did.

>> No.7982817

>But no, all we've seen this week was another handful of billion dollar partnerships, a pair of extremely illuminating technical AMAs, a unification with Oxford's math lab (crypto is pure mathematics), and a successful rebrand.
Cool, Now show me the whitepaper.

>> No.7982834

Pretty much. I got in early and have a decent portion in my long term. No worries.

>> No.7982843

Thank you senpai holy shit /biz/ is so fucking retarded. I am holding my node for 5-10 years earning passive income. You faggots keep trying to time the market and see how that works out for you. Get rekt. VET Top 3 by EOY

>> No.7982866

Show me any Fortune 500 companies whitepaper.

It's being released within 1-2 weeks according to Sunny last month anyways desu

>> No.7982988

I'm not selling but the immaturity of the whole thing worries me. They have amazing partners, yes. However watching that stream and the promo video I have to wonder how they managed to get them. You could see it on Luca criscottis face, it was extremely cringey stuff. Nevermind that the last minute announcement of BMW basically confirms that cck works for them. Which is pretty unironically shady considering his racist 4chan posts.

This has great potential and I won't sell as it'll be fine long term. Some mixture of Breyer/pwc/dnvgl is hooking them up with clients and that's all that's needed.

>> No.7983007

Then again maybe the marketing aspect is lost in translation for me, I'm sure the Chinese love it

>> No.7983070

Sure it was cringey, but seriously, who the fuck really cares? /biz/ makes it seem like that somehow invalidates everything the company already is and the connections they have.

>> No.7983103

Honestly anon I liked the marketing

>> No.7983113

This is exactly the sort of stuff I'm taking about. If the price was mooning you wouldn't be thinking twice about this sort of thing. But instead you're looking for trivial points of failure out of fear.

>> No.7983127

I think people should have noticed when you had who actually works for VW shilling IOTA that the BMW shit wouldn't have done anything.

The thing is everyone is forgetting the most important part and that VeChain already has a token (BitOcean) planning to run on VEN's platform.

BitOcean will be huge too, the first actual financially regulated exchange in Japan,

Now imagine if BitOcean has primarily VEN pairings for most coins.

>> No.7983156

I'd recommend you all watch this


>> No.7983318

Did they actually put "The Rumor is True" on their own marketing material?

>> No.7983389

Hey I understand what you mean but I'm not selling anytime soon unless sunny literally rapes someone. As long as the real world uses keep rolling in its okay in my eyes. Still, I do have my concerns about their marketing and I don't think it's nitpicking.

>> No.7983403

>biz is nothing but instant gratification manchildren
That's not a /biz/ exclusive trait. That's more like a 4chan thing. Just look at /v/, /a/, /pol/ and even /ck/.

>> No.7983464

Sunny even said "oh yeh and one more thing" like he's Steve Jobs or something, cringy as fuck.

>> No.7983478


>Now imagine if BitOcean has primarily VEN pairings for most coins.


>> No.7983483

Bmw has been a rumor for a while before even CK confirmed it.

>> No.7983495


i recommend you watch this

>> No.7983502

I'm just upset that i didn't buy more at 1.50
Really don't want to buy more at 5, i feel like i'm losing

>> No.7983517

Do you know what the word cringe means? It's YOUR perception and nothing more. 4chan seems to find anything that isn't racist, misanthropic, or vulgar cringey anyways, so the word becomes meaningless.

Anyways, the BMW partnership was confirmed in early Jan if you watch the AMA

>> No.7983543

LOL Literal chink scam. Closed sourced, centralized. No 500 company wanna trust chinks. BMW and Wine have no problems with fakes. Who every had a fake bmw or part or fake wine? Chinks love fake shit. Everything fake made from china. No company buying ven tokens to put items on blockchain when fakes were never a problem

>> No.7983544

pretty much summed up biz nicely. bunch of fucking kids with 200 bucks in crypto wanting to become a crypto millionaire overnight. stay poor faggots.

>> No.7983550

when are they releasing the winner of the slogan competition?

I'm gonna win it

>> No.7983573


>> No.7983586

> implying people aren't ironically fudding VEN so they can accumulate until it inevitably blows up

>> No.7983590

It typifies VeChain for me. Amazing announcement, details need to be released but likely to be one of the biggest real world applications of block chain tech so far, they aren't making these partnerships up.

On the other hand you have the ridiculous way it was announced, the very dodgy cck angle (let's be real, he works for them) and just the whole event in general.

It's almost reassuring to me, my guess is their advisors are pulling some serious strings behind the scenes. I can't see how all these partnerships keep happening otherwise. This thing is either gonna fall flat and be remembered as some chink hypecoin with some genuine uses or its going to become absolutely huge.

>> No.7983608

>implying /biz/ has an effect on the market

>> No.7983612

I'm wary of chinkcoins now so not buying this fud or no fud, holding a bag of icx and a bag of dbc

>> No.7983621

Investors want to see working technology, not hyped partnerships and an unnecessary “rebrand” event. I think a lot of people got turned off by VEN’s underwhelming tech demo video, CCK tweets, and the non-stop shilling.

VeChain sets huge expectations for itself and fails to live up to their own hype. That's why everyone's dumping them. Investors want to see VEN's product, not partnerships and marketing promos.

>> No.7983631

Yes, a Walton masternode

>> No.7983643


>> No.7983648

No tech talk, shitty little tag presser being used commercially, no whitepaper, no talk about token economics aka no one knows what the token value on the blockchain. Inside information being leaked, pay shilling on all cryptoforums.
There is no Github activity
DNL GV cooperated with Deloitte labs to create blockchain.
Vechain tweeted about Vitalik being advisor, later deleted tweet when called out by Vitalik himself.
None of their partnerships has mentioned that they will use RFID.
People saying their blockchain is in use now, so then they dont need your masternodes?

they claimed vitalik was their general manager back in December until January when vitalik made things clear that he never joined their

>> No.7983649


>> No.7983662


how do you think they're getting these partnerships without a working product, you moron
DNVGL are already shilling that the tech is already working on current projects

>> No.7983666

It's all the newfags who are looking at how rich people got last year and going "WAAAAAAHH I WANT THAT NOOOOOWW"

>> No.7983683

it's a copypasta dude. as is >>7983648

>> No.7983690

> not buying chink shitcoins
> holds icx and dbc

>> No.7983722

That's why I'm not buying anymore, icx and dbc haven't done shit except for approach 0

>> No.7983738

This fucking bear market right

>> No.7983745

It's my own pasta you brainlet. And you still can't refute any of my points.

>> No.7983763

i can i just cbf playing into bait, obviously.

>> No.7983828

This point does worry me actually

>no talk about token economics aka no one knows what the token value on the blockchain.

>> No.7983834

And that sums up the VeChain community right there. Sunny is separating the laowai from their money and y'all can't be bothered into doing anything about it.

>> No.7983866

Do you ever get sick of copy pasting the same bullshit all the time?

>> No.7983878

except I'm already over 100x in profit so, regardless, that makes no sense with respect to me

>> No.7983883


>> No.7983931


The vitalik FUD was disproven on plebbit months ago. It was not the team who published that. You probably know this as well, but like to be a little shithead. Nice life

>> No.7983932
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>> No.7983966


kill me

>> No.7983977

Fakes never a problem? I live in NYC where there used to be the biggest underground counterfeit market.

Now these guys get raided non-stop and have to sell out of trucks and line up customers in a nearby park.

Leave your basement you fucking NEET.

>> No.7984025


>> No.7984031

I think Vechain will benefit holders with thor power rewards not pumping VEN's price.

If you don't have a node, there's no point in buying Vechain reminder.

>> No.7984076
File: 67 KB, 462x356, wui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anyone will read this short-story

>> No.7984084
File: 136 KB, 800x502, Vitalk VEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn’t disprove shit. VeChain lied and are still lying. Look at the VeChain Development Plan, page 15:


“In the whole process of evolving, our technical team got many supports from lots
of great leaders, like the founder of the Ethereum- Vitalik, the founder of JaxxAnthony and many others. We feel grateful and appreciate of your open mind and the passion to the technology innovation”

Vitalk tweets this:

What's VeChain? (exagerrating a bit, but seriously, I've never talked about it)


>> No.7984149

it's because Fenbushi capital invested in Vechain and Vitalik was an advisor at the time. They shouldn't have done it but seriously why are you so obsessed with this? Nobody cares

>> No.7984192

You still left out the fenbushi connection.

Are you doing this for a dopamine hit? Nobody believes that you care about the well being of anyone here. You want attention. Congrats

>> No.7984218

Because it shows a pattern of shady behavior. Sensible investors care about stuff like. And the lambo moon mission kids are too dumb to care.

>> No.7984231

The lambo moon mission kids sold when it didn't immediately moon.

>> No.7984236

There can't be shady without sunny

>> No.7984277
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 881c53ce-0938-40b6-977e-6c4ad525e42b_1.ca16c438846fd2539e4f8dcd8591448b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related

>> No.7984286

Vechain is such shit, anyone investing in this did so because of hype. Put money in vechain and you will lose it.

Only good for pumps, this shit will be dead in a year.

>> No.7984371

Thanks just bought 1000 VEN

>> No.7984381

Lmao CCK has never even heard of this site

>> No.7984464

lol cck started on 4chan lil boy

>> No.7984489

Lol.. in some of his deleted tweets he made fun of pajeets and linked to 4chan.

>> No.7984513

Who doesn't make fun of pajeets? They're piece of shit scammers. They don't bring anything to the tech community.

>> No.7984525

30k VEN reporting in, are we still going to make it VEN brahs?

>> No.7984541

areyou retarded? CCK links direct /biz/ threads on twitter

>> No.7984552

Yeah if you stake it, you should be set for life and you'll get bonus shit from VeChain

>> No.7984570

watch the neo rebranding and tell me that was anybetter.
its just a time to have fun, and make some announcements.
neo dumped hard after its rebranding live stream, im glad we arent dumping too hard but fizzling out. people know now not to dump because of a cringey rebranding event. thats for shits and giggles

>> No.7984601

>tfw you will never have a strength node

>> No.7984664

you will have 30k$ eoy

>> No.7985036


Have fun translating. And good luck with the bmw partnership.