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7982315 No.7982315 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw my grandparents had to slave away on a farm in a developing country just to have 2 nickels to rub together, and here I am on the verge of becoming a millionaire thanks to electronic coins.

This doesn't feel right...

>> No.7982353

they could've gotten rich if they tried

even today many are content full-time wagecucking just to barely scrape by

>> No.7982366

return to the land of your forebears there you will find meaning in this life

>> No.7982417

They could also afford to buy a home and have multiple children

Many of us should not confuse our comfortable status with actual wealth

>> No.7982434

Enjoy life, that's what they were likely doing and they were hoping future generations will be better off! Go prove them right!

>> No.7982452

Your grandparents had opportunities to get rich too. It's not your fault they blew it.

>> No.7982462

People will take the biggest opportunity that presents itself to them. To them it was their farm, to you it's crypto. I am sure they would. understand.

>> No.7982492

Some people don't give two shits about money anon. There's more to life, although having lots of money obviously helps a lot.

>> No.7982531

exactly. and it's all random anon. you could have been descended from kings. just do your best.

>> No.7982575

But, unlike your grandparents, you can rub your 2 internet nickles together.

>> No.7982638
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MFW I am hoping to get rich off of electric coins so I can slave on my own farm.

>> No.7982688

>tfw I cashed out more in crypto than my parents made all year
At least I bought my dad a used car for work. His old POS taxi had over 500k miles.

>> No.7982744

Remember that when Michael Jackson was a kid, his father was a black steel worker that was able to support 5 children on one income. And blacks have the nerve to say things are better now.

>> No.7982774

honestly the only thing that makes me feel ok with it is that everyone laughed when i told them to buy at 1k. i felt like a scumbag, like it was too easy, like i was cheating but it takes a certain level of balls to throw your money at something while everyone is screaming that its a bubble

>> No.7982786

It's just a landgrab scenario.

My grandmother had a HUGE patch of land back in the days when all you had to do in our country was to build a fence around some land and claim it yours, then later the government just awarded deeds to everyone.

But she sold EARLY (like other people who sold BTC early at 2-3 digits) and we were left with a small patch of land.

And now there are skyscrapers around us (while she had a small apartment complex built).

Sure, we live comfortably because she sold (and had the capital to build her apartment), but we'd have much more if she had HODL'd.

>> No.7983055

One problem with hodling is time.. not everybody has it. Lots of items are sure to go up in value over time.

>> No.7983652

they worked hard so you could be in this position, dont squander it, be grateful