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7976048 No.7976048 [Reply] [Original]

Holy Shit Mark Cuban just endorsed ChainLink


>> No.7976142

Wasn’t even mentioned fag

>> No.7976143


>> No.7976160

mark cuban sucks jewish cock

>> No.7976165

He's not wrong. I've never seen an engineering student do well in a philosophy course.

>> No.7976169

>0 results

>> No.7976212
File: 346 KB, 938x435, fucking_sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to think for yourself and read between the lines

>> No.7976228

What a dumb subject tho lol.
The automation will be automated in the next 10 yrs gois!!! Coding is useless all hail ART

>> No.7976262
File: 65 KB, 1200x600, sisqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisqó confirmed partnership with ChainLink.

>I will deploy my new album through a smart contract, people pay after listening

>> No.7976318

He's right.

>> No.7976399

>I'll redefine a word while mutilating it's original meaning and keep using it that way, making myself into a special snowflake.
>not being a tremendous faggot

>> No.7976458

lurk a bit more before posting shit

>> No.7976498

I hold more LINK than most on this board you pussy faggot

>> No.7976543

big if true, but so what? you still don't know shit and need to lurk more.

>> No.7976554


More worth in debt? Probably

>> No.7976704

Oke cool, I registered for a computer science study but I guess I'll switch to philosophy (I enjoy that more anyway) I always thought it was a crapjob.

>> No.7976798

i like mike rowe's approach... don't follow your dreams.

>> No.7976813

>computer """""science"""""

>> No.7976816

real talk. I had to take a symbolic logic class for my math studies. It was a 400 level class and also required for philosophy majors (it was in the philosophy department).
Holy shit. I stopped showing up after 2 classes and aced all the tests. Shit was basics of math that we learned in the first couple weeks or the first year. Green haired, pot reeking phil majors were almost brought to tears.

My point is, math and philosophy have a lot in common (after you get past the calculus courses) so dip your toes in both. Don't be a weirdo burnout philosophy major.

>> No.7976846

aw yeah sonnnn


>> No.7976861

everyone in the future is going to be a liberal arts major lmao

>> No.7976902

Like for real, what does this have to do with link

>> No.7976927

I put all my required liberal arts credits for this semester including philosophy and English wtf guys take me back I’m bored out of my mind.

>> No.7976943

I don't smoke pot, I don't do drugs

But yes what Math and Philosophy have in common is the way you approach a problem, how you think about something. Philosophy is mostly about thought and the way you think.

Its less about knowing all the terms such as contrarian or conformist or a right- leftwing.

If you can adopt a proper thinking pattern that can connect dots, or learning reason, logic and rationality then you will ace everything.

>> No.7977336

Sergey studied philosophy at uni

>> No.7977650

>study philosophy at university
This is one of the few times where the "get the info for free at a library" meme applies. All the works that matter are in the public domain and you can actually live philosophically by not giving money to people who want to put you in death camps.

>> No.7977716

>I don't smoke pot, I don't do drugs
>I just use reddit spacing

>> No.7977753

I used to smoke tons of pot. I gave it up when I turned 20. Its a waste of money and the people you hang out with are fucking idiots.

>> No.7977802

cool story breow

>> No.7977993

Is that his mom?

>> No.7978096

classic link FUD is that the project is lead by a phil major.

>> No.7978653

>This is one of the few times where the "get the info for free at a library" meme applies.
Literally this. Things like philosophy, history, sociology, etc are things are one studies in his free time, as a matter of personal cultivation. It's not a real career.

In the same way you don't need a journalism major to be a journalist. It is also one of the most meme degrees there is.

>> No.7978699

nah. Who wrote those books? Academics. It might not be a good idea to put your life into these pursuits... but we all benefit from those poor bastards who do.