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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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796896 No.796896 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't a business hire me already?
11 months of applications now and still nothing.

>> No.796900

do you have any marketable skills?

Can you program? Can you write copy? Can you produce art or other content?

try freelancing look up upwork, elance, etc.

>> No.797046

I wouldn't hire u either.

>> No.797068
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>>Why can't a business hire me already?

Human Resources reporting in.
You're CV is shit OP.

You need to write a personalised cover letter for each position highlighting your skills and experience applicable to the job in addition to your motivation.

Employers expect more now, if you are using a Word template for you're CV you are a cesspool of disease to us.

Personalise each CV for the position.
Add the company logo, pictures, icons make it stand out.
Identify some personal branding, explain why they should hire you.
Start here and don't accidentally your future

>> No.797082

>Human Resources
>You're CV
>you're CV

>> No.797090

What else can you expect from HR?

>> No.797098

>Human Resources reporting in.
Human Remains more like

>> No.797102

I got a job at fedex with no experience. No resume either.

Just say you are in college and that is why you don't have a job.

>> No.797106

FedEx will literally hire anyone for their package handling jobs. It's basically the mcdonald's of warehousing.

>> No.797108

True I guess considering how there are so many lazy older people I work with who just are not meant for doing this job. They have a really bad hiring process as well as it takes literally weeks upon weeks to get a new person in. They also never fire people who deserve to be fired.

nevertheless its an easy job and pay is better than min wage. Good part time job if you want. You're an idiot if you expect to make a living off it though.

>> No.797111


Why should someone hire you?

>> No.797118

>My friend got fired at Walmart, then FedEx, then a call center
>0/3 so far

>I work at a restaurant
>"But you make less!"
>But I'm still employed

>> No.797179
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This. If it was written in perfect English I would be much more suspicious.

I use Latex for writing important documents. Do HR people masturbate to that or is just another Wednesday night fantasies of mine?

>> No.797231

>personal branding

LOL just b urself

>> No.797254
File: 177 KB, 805x773, Awoo_Mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 months unemployed
>Over 1000 applications
>40 interviews
>Last interview went stellar even if most of them do
>Got a call that info was being sent to HR for hiring
>1 week later and still no call back with offer

Should I call or let them do their job? I haven't done anything illegal but I can't help but worry that something is showing up on background checks that is ruining my chances at being hired.

>> No.797314

network. charm like your life depends on it.

In todays market, there is no fucking way you're getting a job by just "applying online".

You gotta dig deep, hit the streets, meet greet, email, close.

Sucks but it's true.

Maybe try sales? people will always hire salesmen, and sales will teach you job-getting skills.

>> No.797344

HR people don't know about latex. Either meaning. They are hired for being stupid and dull.

Sadly this.
>> Great CV
>> Lots of skills
>> Applied a bunch of jobs
>> Some interviews but nope
>> Upwork instead, fuck those guys.

>> No.797364

You can get your LexisNexist file here:

And your Axiom file here:

You can also get your credit file from the major credit referencing agencies. For free, once a year, but often you have to sign up and cancel within a month (which is painless).
You should be doing this anyway as a matter of course.

Getting criminal records in the US is a massive ball ache but fairly cheap.

Getting your own references could cause trouble if someone recognises your voice so just get a friend to do it. Google a referencing agency and your friend can pretend to work for them.

>> No.797506

What are your skills OP? How can we help if you don't give some background info?

>> No.798129

>that fucking feel
I'm about a month in though

I've got about 2k saved up and seriously debating with myself on starting to sell drugs instead or hiring someone to sell for me and we split it

I think I'd do ok

>> No.798392

I know that feel.

Thousands of resumes and only a dozen interviews over the past month and a half but so far, nothing. I keep getting turned down.

My parents think I'll never make it on my own and I need a jobs coach. It's painful to tell others I'm still unemployed.