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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 690 KB, 1080x1920, sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7964737 No.7964737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It boils my blood when my wife says I don't love her.
I can't fucking stand it.
I already had a great career.
I could have been so much more without this depressing sack of shit being dead weight all the fucking time. I am fucking done.
I'm fucking done with this shit tonight
5 years and a baby down the goddamn drain.
Ungrateful cunt.
I can't fucking deal with this anymore.
I was a naive little fuck.

My life is permanently scarred for this shit. I'm sick of fucking STRUGGLING for a bitch who fucking pisses and whines all day and throws away a FUCKING GOOD MAN.

I'm sick of trying to cope.
Maybe I did make a bad decision to think loyalty and dedication was fundamental.
I think I do want somebody else after all this.
Maybe I just rushed in
Maybe I don't want this.
Why would I stay ? Why did I stay?

>> No.7964746

nice blog post faggot

>> No.7964749

>falling for the marriage meme
it's 100% your fault, just like it's my fault for taking the bait

>> No.7964759

What does your wife do for a living? It sounds like she's lacking fulfillment in life and projecting that problem onto you.

>> No.7964764

this board is really going to shit

>> No.7964785

I was considering marrying but I'm probably not gonna pull the trigger. It's already looking like what you've described. Dead fucking weight. Constant nagging and moralizing over everything you do, gives you no time to actually focus on doing shit but finds plenty of time to complain about not achieving enough, then there's her whole family who has some idiotic expectations and actually thinks they have a say in my personal life...

>> No.7964802

It really is. I was think about how it’s becoming more and more like /r9k/. At least before 2017 it had more successful minded people here.

>> No.7964805

>the ravings of a manchild who has never done any self-questioning or shadow work.

I can't believe shit like this is reproducing, Idiocracy is too creepy.

This is the kind of fucker who needs an ayahuasca trip

>> No.7964829

Sorry to hear anon. Not in as bad of a situation as you, but currently in an engagement with a nice Christian girl, but her family and the people from her church have been really patronizing towards me in the past few weeks. I hold a good job as a software engineer, graduated from an ok state school, no debt, etc. But they always look down on me like I'm some fucking kid that they have to impose their opinions on-- "You should do this. You shouldn't do this. Why arent you hanging out with us more? etc."

I have no idea what to do. I love her to death but recently this shit has become unbearable and for the first time ever in my relationship, bailing doesn't seem unimaginable.

>> No.7964866

>it boils my blood when my wife says I don't love her
>this depressing sack of shit being dead weight all the fucking time
Sounds like you don't love her though.

>> No.7964949

>falling for the normie "love" meme

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7965037

He thinks women are logical and reasonable.
Most frequent complaint of married men: "she doesn't appreciate the things I do for her"

>> No.7965168


they're dumb as fuck emotion-driven creatures
you would need some kind of emotion simulator to predict what they want

>> No.7965195

>doing things for your woman

there's your first mistake

>> No.7965208

>caring what they want

amateur hour tonight

>> No.7965210

no one gives a fuck you low test cuck, now fuck off of biz.

saged and reported

>> No.7965262

can i have your crypto? you can save another life through ending yours, transfer energy

>> No.7966218

Haha that's funny, I just got off the phone with my gf and I feel the same way. Except she's 21 and young and naive and dumb af.

But I do feel like she's holding me back with her nagging, clynginess and her 'my way or I cry and bitch and nag until you agree' way of being. It's not good. Women truly are the spawn of satan.

>> No.7966905
File: 255 KB, 500x236, 52f965ed4d7c54583175a56f563a2c96d4ca4d3e94ad2eb78356d9322b2a8150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads. You normalfag sexhaver retards will get everything you deserve. Keep on sacrificing everything for dumb sluts because (((society))) brainwashed you into thinking you "have a duty to procreate" lmao. Meanwhile I'm going to keep living my comfy ass life full of self improvement and enjoy my crypto gains

t. 24 yo khv and I could not be happier

>> No.7966986

>tfw sexhaver as you say
>not planning to get married ever
Lmaoing at ur life

>> No.7967336

>t. 24 yo khv and I could not be happier

what in gods cock is a kvh?

>> No.7967390

Lurk more

>> No.7967440
File: 31 KB, 532x720, cb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog faggot

>> No.7967520

Nice blog faggot.

>> No.7967542

There's no way any of you turbo-virgins could ever even hold hands with a girl, let alone marry one.

>> No.7967549
File: 42 KB, 258x620, 1512336470085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the christcuck meme

>> No.7967560

That is a beautiful drawing of a youthful chinese female. I am honored to have even seen this.

>> No.7967589


the absolute state of virgins ITT
you all sound like christian weston chandler bitching about women but desperately trying to get laid and find a woman who will clean up your chicken tendie messes.

>> No.7967660

>Lurk more
>Posting in /r9k/
>Acting like an oldfag for using an acronym from 2016
>Lurk more
More like get cancer you weeb faggot.

>> No.7967697

it's nice to see others who appreciate fine art, Simon

>> No.7967711
File: 146 KB, 1280x960, 1514948640059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so insane and delusional you openly brag about being an autistic MGTOW incel virgin on /biz/

Just LMAO at your life

>> No.7967725


Do you have kids? If not pull the brakes son. Come with me to thailand and we fuck trannies and eat mushrooms together

>> No.7967732

/adv/ is over there
go away

>> No.7967736


> but her family and the people from her church have been really patronizing towards me in the past few weeks

Took the bait now wait for the switch.

>software engineer

cuck in the making

>> No.7967772

If you want the ultimate black pill here it is:

Beat her up. Simple as that, the complaining stops. The best part is that they love it and secretly desire it. Give her a good hand treatment.

>> No.7967972
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1500, 1480226914081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that tzuyu?