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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 512x512, 893959D7-4E58-4B5A-B7C3-4C13BE513B71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7955483 No.7955483 [Reply] [Original]


holy shit

>> No.7955543

Great when does the movie come out?

>> No.7955559

Fucking sunny spent the whole budget on a 30 second trailer, were screwed. $1 EYO

>> No.7955566


>> No.7955591

No Whitepaper
Working product is a $500 nfc sticker printer
Ven is a stinky chinky

>> No.7955623

im invested heavily but this is cringe

>> No.7955677

wow a coin with a 7k a year partnership with bmw

>> No.7955696

wow that is a huge red flag

>> No.7955725


>> No.7955788

WTF is this WOW LOL fantasy-teir abstract larping bullshit?

A world where everything I do creates power?

Where we decide the shape of this world?

This company does realize they are a blockchain-as-a-service fucking group of nobodies right..? just show me guys in suits conducting business and some 13 y/o faggot buying crypto-kitties this ad is stupid

just sold 50k

>> No.7955852
File: 817 KB, 1280x800, planex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell was that?

>> No.7955917

holy fuck. would never buy into this chink marketing scam targeting legit 14 year old plebbitards just lmaoooooooo

>> No.7955918

I thought it was ok, why is everyone being a contrarian

>> No.7955926

thx just bought 100k

>> No.7955938

Yeah that was awful indeed almost made me drop the bags honestly.

>> No.7955995

Did they just steal clips from that Tron movie ? C’mon pajeets you gotta try a little harder than that.

>> No.7956012
File: 99 KB, 798x798, smilelaugh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bitcoin maybe won't last but blockchains is here to stay

hold on


>> No.7956089

Sunny is gonna get sued once walties find out

>> No.7956122


>> No.7956149

The koreans will eat it up
2x tomorrow

>> No.7956302


Can anyone redpill me on this thor shit?
In a short? Do they "airdrop"thors to all ven holders or something? If i am a pajeet with 20 ven on binance for example, will i get some thors? Gimme gimme

>> No.7956451

Yes, you get Thor for every Vechain you hold. There are nodes. So if you have 10k Vechain you get a higher percentage of Thor, and then you have nodes for 100k that give you even more etc etc. But even if you have 1 VEN you will get Thor.

>> No.7956460

This. That video was gay af, but we are probably the minority. Most will either not think anything of it or think it's awesome, especially the non Americans. Chinks will eat it up.

>> No.7956502

this is the most effective FUD i've seen.

>> No.7956535
File: 26 KB, 780x438, fudddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fudded vechain so much that the fud is getting on me. shill this for me again so I dont sell my bags.

>> No.7956589

And dosent matter on what exchange i have my vens?

>> No.7956687

They're releasing a wallet but I heard theý're trying to make Thor work on Binance as well. I dont trust exchanges with that shit though.

>> No.7956721
File: 1.57 MB, 1345x712, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are they serious?
This make it looks extremly childish.
Fuck it, I drop my holdings.

>> No.7956729

dump them, I need a better buy in

>> No.7956738

So u are not sure about fact that i get thors on binance?
Tnx for answers anyway

>> No.7956740

sell your 100 tokens no one gives a fuck about you

>> No.7956798

Just sold my 10k strength node. This doesn't look professional at all.

>> No.7956813

The new bladerunner looks good

>> No.7956814

binance gives gas fine so its not gonna be a problem.

>> No.7956859

yes just come to this ad from imdb
when in cinema?? is v chain new superhero?

>> No.7956868

There is so much FUD on this page.

>> No.7956885

the story of VeChain is over, isn´t it?

>> No.7956929

man im selling, will buy dip after news

>> No.7956940


>> No.7957017

Nobody care what broke teenage Amerifats think. Or what Eurofag cucks think. VeChain is fire from the East!

>> No.7957059


>> No.7957137

This summerrrr... prepare your anussss.... to be violated.... in. An. Elevator.

>> No.7957398

LOLed at blade runner clips tho

>> No.7957642

Anyone got the live stream link?

>> No.7957647

This trailer is obviously crafted for baiting Normans. NEETs already know about VeChain, judging by everyone's comments.

>> No.7957665

i cringed

>> No.7957705
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x1333, 1516574411278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is a YLYL
Why did I have to lose to this?

>> No.7957983

holy shit theyre gonna hype the fuck out of Vechain
>mfw I bought some coin about handbags and now theyre pumping it with hollywood style movie trailers


>> No.7958828

A trailer for a rebrand, only Sunny Lu can pull this off

>> No.7958952

>being capable of being professional

>> No.7958972

no you didn't you fucking broke 13 year old faggot

>> No.7959007


of course it's cringe
we've known this since they called their secondary coin THOR

it's the chinese ffs, they're different kek

>> No.7959049
File: 1.04 MB, 160x120, retarded kids dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the comments and find the average peestain holder :D

>> No.7959055

nice screenshot, faggot. Stay poor. The gooks eat this kind of western hollywood shit up

>> No.7959063
File: 79 KB, 717x617, frogtrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful thing my eyes are bleeding

>> No.7959116

These guys are fucking geniuses. Creating a scam coin with a date that they will sell all their bags on. Thousands and thousands of free bitcoin and ethereum for them... they are set for life. For the bag holders after this fucking scam has run its course? Worthless ethereum tokens.

If you think this is going to make you rich, go play in traffic. The only people you are making rich are the creators of this ponzi scheme scam. Rich with decentralized, valued cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH.

>> No.7959184

Ironically, Americans are stupid as fuck so I'm guessing this will go down well with them.

>> No.7959242

Do you unironically think you're intelligent or something? You haven't researched this project for two minutes.

>> No.7959249

This is how its going to play out:
>sell the news
>dumping hard
>lowest point of the dump just before the event (you sell here)
>korea picks up your bags
>event starts
>sunny spitting fire to the microphone
>every brainlet rushing back to VeChain at loss
>green dildos
>traders dump their bags on you
>back to 65k sats

Never change /biz/ buy high sell low

you really thought you would outsmart Sunny and the whales, didn´t you?

>> No.7959265

I sold my strength node the last time it went above 60k sats. Never looking back. If you were smart, you'd do the same. I'm unironically looking out for people who were as deluded as I was.

>> No.7959333

1/10 Fud stay poor faggot Vechain is the best performing coin of 2018 so far and will continue being the best performer for the entire year.

>> No.7959336

FUD me right now out of my thunder node. You can't. Are you really hinging this entire thing on some stupid fucking video? You're clearly an american basement dweller who has no understanding of asian culture. They like this kind of cringey stuff.

>> No.7959379

You're putting your putting into this guy right here. I want you to watch this video, all the way through, and tell me you think you have made a wise investment choice.

Notable moments you realize this whole thing is a scam:
11:57 when he cracks a fucking SMILE because he knows he's lying through his teeth

Why the fuck does he have an earpiece in? So some professional fucking scam artist can tell him exactly what to say right before he says it?

>> No.7959412


Is this the next transformers movie?

>> No.7959456

>pronounces thor power as SORE power
Chinese people can't even fucking pronounce the word Thor. The biggest fucking hint that this is being shilled to deluded westerners. I hope the retards that hold this worthless ponzi coin are culled.

>> No.7959481


>They like this kind of cringey stuff.

I don't know if they 'like it'. I would say that it is more of an expectation that everything have some sort of trendy or attempt at trendy marketing attached to it. Not having flashy cgi commercials means you are a nobody.

This is extremely basic bitch tier advertising, but it dots some i's and crosses some t's for chinks and gooks.

>> No.7959522

honestly you're being so subtle I can't even tell if this is a troll job anymore

1) this AMA wasn't live. So why would he need an ear piece?

2) I have several chinese friends who make these quirky facial expressions while speaking english. It's compulsory you can tell.

I could go on but I think I'm being trolled. Post your sell order screenshot and I'll really get into it

>> No.7959580

yep. Confirmed FUDster. Honestly dude you're being so believable that the humor is lost. And nobody with a stack is selling cause of this lmao. Yeah VeChain is all a sham. He laughed about wallet vulnerability. He's going to take all your VEN. A public known figure is going to steal from tens of thousands of people. He'd have a bounty on his head and be killed in a day. Do you sleep with a gun under your pillow as well? Hahaha this was so bad

>> No.7959606


Here's my etherscan address buddy. Sold 15k vechain. Fuck off, and I hope you lose all your money.

>> No.7959617

10-15 years ago westerners would have found this cool as well. Now it's insufferable. Chinks are usually half a generation behind western culture.

>> No.7959638

doesn't tell us a damn thing. What would be much easier is if you just posted your sell order history

>> No.7959643

Lol dude that's my address not yours.

>> No.7959657

>Rips off Star Wars and Bladerunner in 20 seconds.
>Stupid Hollywood trailer style

This ridiculous piece of shit is basically an ad for WTC.

>> No.7959663
File: 82 KB, 1534x458, Screenshot from 2018-02-25 19-41-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7959677
File: 289 KB, 382x465, 1505699264944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.

This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).

But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.

>> No.7959715

oh, I see. You're FUDing because you sold the fucking bottom and want to get back in. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH HOLY SHIT EVERYONE LAUGH AT THIS FUCKING RETARD


>> No.7959722


This isn't true at all, anymore. Chinks and gooks have their own distinct cultural trends, and have for almost a decade. Fashion, entertainment, food, and yes even technology and trading are all decoupled from the west.

What you are describing is a meme that people who want to believe that the west is still culturally relevant in Asia like to spread, because it makes them feel relevant in turn.

About the only place in ASEA where western culture has dominance is the Philippines, and even then it is slowly losing out to china/korean trends.

It's not really because china/asia has its own strong culture, it's just that the west is so devoid of valuable and interesting culture that they have to come up with their own stuff to sell to their normies.

>> No.7959727

kek. good shit anon
these faggots never learn. i did the same with icx

>> No.7959734

No, I sold because I know it's going even lower. 30k sats incoming. Have fun going broke, retard.

>> No.7959738




>> No.7959749

lmao you sold the bottom shut up retard boy

>> No.7959751

This little preview isn't cringe. Wtf are you guys on about.
Oh, I get it now. Point and laugh at the retard who sold his Strength node at the absolute bottom of the retracement.
>I'm not mad that I sold the bottom because it's going to go lower. Trust me guys!

>> No.7959756

"Good shit anon"


>> No.7959760

You have to be retarded.

>> No.7959768

Laugh now. I will laugh later. Good bye.

>> No.7959773


You know that, do you? Why do you think you "know" that?

Also you sold the bottom during a temporary btc crash.....lmao

>> No.7959774

ven is junk compared to icon but lol @ that bottom seller barking in here

>> No.7959779

wtf is that. more shit like this and i sell all my VEN

>> No.7959797

watch this pull out an ICX in the next weeks
hype will die out until something new about thor comes out
hodling is a meme and if he got out with profit that's all that matters

>> No.7959796

Good post, anon, here's a (You). I've known about both of these projects from the start, but didn't buy either because RFID doesn't really interest me. Having seen them both develop, WTC is by far the more credible project. Nonsense like the VeChain "ad" just confirms this.

>> No.7959798

What the fuck? That's a trailer for money?

>> No.7959804

I actually feel sorry for you. This is real isn't it. You keep a gun under your pillow case and buy the iodine tablets that Alex Jones sells.

>> No.7959807

Why is it crashing?

>> No.7959814

jesus not just "the bottom", but the ABSOLUTE bottom
this type of panic selling can only be from somebody who bought high

>> No.7959819


>> No.7959826

just says a lot about your average VEN fudder, a buy high sell low retard

>> No.7959828

>chinks copy Blade Runner scene for scene

Never change.

>> No.7959840
File: 161 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180225-194820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I sold. And I'm glad I did. Here's my new portfolio, of real, DECENTRALIZED, digital currency.

I will prosper, and you will fall. Give it time, chink worshippers.

>> No.7959855



>> No.7959857

>bitcoin cash


>> No.7959861
File: 764 KB, 1632x1056, wtcpartners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7959866
File: 37 KB, 1000x594, 1517905065840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7959867

Just like that guy that sold at 20k sats fudding when we hit 28k sats because "unsustainable growth", "it's going to dump retards, laugh now". I bet that guy killed himself.

>> No.7959876

nano is the only good pick there
just because reddit goes ape shit for it doesn't mean it's a shitcoin faggot

>> No.7959877

right on schedule, the lonely waltoncucks arrive to beg for attention, since they are incapable of having their own thread

>> No.7959881

hi grandpa

>> No.7959915
File: 46 KB, 396x368, 1516070052558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walton cucks resorting to spamming vechad threads again, sad! Can't even have a thread that reaches 10+ plus replies.

>> No.7959919

who the fuck makes these lol

>> No.7959926


>> No.7959953


>> No.7959983


>> No.7959986
File: 269 KB, 850x891, 1504480333230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960073

Walton only managed to go 3x since December 1 (around the time you started shitting up vechain threads and walton posting) meanwhile Vechain went 17x from that time span.

go away broke walty salty

>> No.7960077

lol wtf .....memes aside who would pay these people to spread slander

>> No.7960097
File: 167 KB, 1592x876, buyhighselllow vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go guys. Save this for later!

>> No.7960113


And Verge went 100x so clearly you need to go all in on Verge.

>> No.7960114


>> No.7960117

It's gonna be funny when all you are broke and I will have retained my dignity, not getting scammed by chinks.

Save this for later, faggot.

>> No.7960277

You can get anyone to do this type of shit for a couple dollars on fiverr or similiar sites.

This VEN FUDing is fucking hilarious

>> No.7960284


>> No.7960287

>my dignity
>sold the bottom

what does verge have to do anything? I'm just comparing both marketing powers, As you can see Vechain already surpassed walten a long time ago.

>> No.7960305
File: 94 KB, 1200x800, 1515428806603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960307

I was just taking a shit thinking about doing this but my computer isn't optimal for it and I was feeling lazy. Thank you so much. We can post it together in a few months

>> No.7960339
File: 27 KB, 399x385, pepekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960360

Lol crypto is like stocks for 16 year olds. Are they providing a service or making a fucking movie?

>> No.7960365 [DELETED] 
File: 673 KB, 2500x1667, 1518831681681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960389
File: 147 KB, 522x563, 1394080158451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7960422

How’s your first day here going

>> No.7960472

Serious question

Selling and buying back with the launch

What are some strategies that someone should consider here

>> No.7960541

That's a tough one because there won't be a launch.

>> No.7960600
File: 662 KB, 292x300, 1395750871492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this fud is making me excited

>> No.7960651

>You will decide the fate of this world!
Vechain confirmed new Bitconnect.

>> No.7960692

These retards that are selling are gonna get so burnt

>> No.7960780
File: 353 KB, 1588x800, SHIT FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throwback to last month when walty salties were calling it a scam

>> No.7960864
File: 759 KB, 1215x732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic

>> No.7960941

I remember walties fudding VEN when it was 20k sats

>> No.7960981

Not listening to walton cucks was the best financial decision i ever made !

>> No.7961141

Cringe. That is worse than Bitconnect. This thing is going to drop like a rock especially when all the weakhand cryptobros start selling.

>> No.7962014

HAHAHHAHAQHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA you sold the absolute fucking bottom!! Never change /biz/ I have been laughing all the way to the bank while you salty waltys get cucked. Vechain is the best performing coin of 2018 so far and will continue to be for the next 1-3 years. I cant believe you fucking sold the coin that is bringing crypto to mainstream adoption to the masses holy shit how fucking stupid are you HAHAHAH