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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7954193 No.7954193 [Reply] [Original]

I will make it.


>> No.7954234

If not LARP, how much did you start with, what were your biggest gainers? Mirin this portfolio.

>> No.7954250
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Not bad. Pretty smart, but you have some shitcoins in there.

>> No.7954256

fake and gay

>> No.7954301
File: 30 KB, 640x628, 1516229883742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're they wyvern guy who shilled it by blacking it out and samefagging that you could 'barely read it.' shill us now

>> No.7954304

gay and fake

>> No.7954306

dumb LARP but at least you recognize the potential of LINK

>> No.7954334

I find it hard to believe that anyone who goes from zero to 1 mil doesn't cash out.

>> No.7954348

About 100k. Biggest gainers were ETH, ICX, and MAN

>> No.7954368

Like what?

>> No.7954391

1m isnt that much money. I'm cashing out at 10m.

Its either all or nothing.

>> No.7954409

I actually wasn't samefagging. I don't know how tf did that anon figure it out but he did. Won't shill it too hard, just say it's a protocol and dao for decentralized trading of ETH assets and tokens. Basically ZRX but can also trade stuff like cryptokitties, ENS domains, ponzicoins, bundles of tokens, etc. ZRX had $1.2 billion MC at peak, WYV has <$3 million right now. Also the exchange has fees which go to the DAO, where tokens holder can keep the fees or use them for bounties or whatever.

>> No.7954413

Or diversify into stocks, real estate, leave some in crypto and sleep easier.

>> No.7954445

>Why do you feel like larping on an anonymous cartoon board?

>> No.7954449

ICX and MANA. Not neccesarily shitcoins, but ICX is extremely overhyped and MANA is a retarded idea that won't succeed. Looked at MAN quickly and didn't like what I see but you probably did more research so I won't comment on that. Definitely better coins to put your money into or even put more into OMG, LINK or REQ.

>> No.7954454
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I would cash out that shit instantly, that's enough to retire for the rest of my life and thats the only thing i want from crypto.

>> No.7954472
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>> No.7954646

Well you are clueless.

It's Matrix Chain. ICO sold out in 7 seconds.

>> No.7954668

More BAT that you will ever have in any asset in your entire life.

>> No.7954818

But why BAT? (serious question)

>> No.7955154

The amount of shilling that the youtubers will do to push Brave and BAT will be astronomical.

It already has a product more so than 99.99% of crypto.
It is headed by the most legit team in crypto not a bunch of high schoolers. The founder invented Javascript.

It will be at least $2-3 by December.

>> No.7955168

This "throw caution into the wind" approach may be what separates him from us and what, ironically, might in the end do him in. Assuming he's not a larper.

>> No.7955180

Who else am I going to tell. Your mom is too stupid to understand.

>> No.7955212

It could sell out before it even started for all I give a fuck about. If I don’t see a solid team with solid fundementals and a purpose for a token I don’t invest.

>> No.7955214

there's no such thing as enough money. once you "cash out" and "retire" to "take care of your family" you quickly get bored and once again seek the thrill of risking your money in crypto casinos

>> No.7955266

has anyone else lost motivation to do anything but trade crypto? I feel like /biz/ has rejuvenated me

>> No.7955271

Team is actually beyond legit. Look into it. You will thank me later if you buy now.

>> No.7955292

How so?

>> No.7955518

True, a sub dollar coin and normies are a good combination.

>> No.7955551

because his judgement is not affected by fear

>> No.7955603

>biggest gainers

Poor shilling

>> No.7955606

Fear is an emotion.

You don't make logical decisions based on emotions.

>> No.7955701

What’s the purpose of the token? Does it actually serve a purpose or is it one of those projects where it could just use ETH but the token is only there to raise money to the team? Coins are not stocks.

>> No.7955744

The purpose is to secure the network using a hybrid PoW/PoS consensus mechanism.

Certain nodes will have staked tokens and then these nodes will be randomly selected to perform PoW that performs actual computational calculations for the network, not mindless math like BTC.

Staked coins will receive the transaction fees. Like miners do now.

>> No.7955745

You are an idiot. Just open the website and you have your answer.

>> No.7955781

Ugh I'm so fucking jealous of that REQ stack. Very clean portfolio, no mud

>> No.7955806

Reckless. Might as well all in link

>> No.7955874

And wasn’t it agreed on that MAN is just a buzzword PnD on normies? OBOR with MAN is just speculation

>> No.7955876

I don't have bad things to say about BAT and I agree completely with your $2-$3 come December, which is exactly why I'm not buying. Better gains elsewhere but that's just this faggots opinion, godspeed

>> No.7955902
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> I will make it.
> has 4 million

>> No.7955924

Thats fine. Someone line me. $2-3 is a lot. Liquidity is an serious issue.

>> No.7955925

Pay me 5 cents to watch an ad? Kek

>> No.7955942
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Good job OP, thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll continue to strengthen these positions.

I wonder what this will be worth EOY…

>> No.7955943

BAT is a small part of my portfolio. So if it goes to zero unlikely. I'll still be ok. What part don't you understand.

It's called shooting for the moon.

>> No.7955977

What do you think about FUN?

>> No.7956082

Honestly this is a hypefolio and will work in a bull market. It’s just not my style. Also you’ve already made it faggot

>> No.7956090 [DELETED] 
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If true, you already MADE it.
Also, send me some Ethers... just for a test...

>> No.7956113

Your greed will be your undoing OP

>> No.7956130
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Someone call the larp police

>> No.7956131

700k in link jesus christ you're one rich idiot

>> No.7956142

Here comes the begging brainlets

>> No.7956188

Or a reckless brainlet who got rich by luck

>> No.7956265

What is greedy?

>> No.7956296

confirmed larp

>> No.7956351

jesus im like the poorfag version of you, own every one of these except for LINK. OP should I buy more CPChain? I feel like it has a real good shot of mooning this year.

>> No.7956363

where the fuck is MANA? that's CPC you retard

>> No.7956480


t. brainlet

Bet you are in vechain?

>> No.7956695

Don’t be cryptic. Convince me why I should switch broswer for 5 cents/day

>> No.7956822

how many cents a day is your current browser giving you? my bet is 0. checkmate atheist

>> No.7956824

Brave is a brilliant mobile browser, best by far. Desktop still has some work to go. That said BAT ultimately wont be dependent in it.

>> No.7956841

how is that gonna work? I will be paid for every piece of ad displayed or will I have to watch some stupid videos?
If the latter I would rather make 0 and enjoy my adblock

>> No.7956888

i dont fucking know man, i don't invest in shit. The coin has already been shilled by youtubers, has a lot of marketing WITH A WORKING PRODUCT and it's still sub 100 btc volume on binance. This coin is dead

>> No.7956921

This. I'd rather not make 35 cents a week.

>> No.7956978



>A few years ago, neuroscientist Antonio Damasio made a groundbreaking discovery. He studied people with damage in the part of the brain where emotions are generated. He found that they seemed normal, except that they were not able to feel emotions. But they all had something peculiar in common: they couldn’t make decisions. They could describe what they should be doing in logical terms, yet they found it very difficult to make even simple decisions, such as what to eat. Many decisions have pros and cons on both sides—shall I have the chicken or the turkey? With no rational way to decide, these test subjects were unable to arrive at a decision.

>> No.7957070

Hi charles

>> No.7957163


This is literally not even the main sell of BAT.
The main sell is this:

Brave block all your ads and you distribute bats to websites you visit, users you watch and so on. This can be done automatically or you can manually adjust where you are contributing. This way the publishers aren't dependant to google and facebooks mercy shekells, but get direct payment from people that watch/ read them. Also now you can have people making content that they want to make and people want to read because they no longer have to abide the SJW Thoughtcrime laws of (((facebook))) and (((google))).

On top of that you can turn ads on and get payed for being shilled. But here is the good part about it, based on your contributions u get ads of stuff that interests you. EXCEPT that the information about what you like is not on (((google))) server but on a private blockchain.

Basically money to the people who create, jews out, privacy back in.

If you don't support this idea you basically should go check on your wifes son, i think he is awake.

>> No.7957164

I see that coin peeking out of the bottom, good choice.

>> No.7957223


Brave lets you listen to youtube when your phone is locked.

That is enough to make you switch to brave on your phone.

>> No.7957270

that's nice and all but you assume I'm gonna buy bat tokens to distribute them?
who the fuck pays for something that they can get for free, and even if some fangirls do that, those youtubers will convert that shit to usd asap so no tokens taken out of circulation for a longer period of time

>> No.7957316

OP what's your day job? 100k cash investment is a lot for a biztard. Are you gonna quit your job soon?

>> No.7957475

I’m not worthy

>> No.7957488


Well you are right, but to an extent.

You wouldn't pay publishers? Neither would I, but there are a lot of people that would. Just like now a lot of people give contributions and donations to websites and youtube channels.
And you don't have to buy BAT tokens you can just pay in ETH, BTC, XRM etc.

But you are missing the big picture here. You see what is happening with net neutrality? How things are evolving right now with the current model you might have to pay additional $ monthly to browse /biz/ in the first. This is where we are heading currently. BAT offers an escape from this ORWELIAN nightmare that we are heading to.
Id rather pay a few dollars a month to the people that create content than to have to pay the fee they ask to just open some website that is making money by obeying the SJW overlords

At this point im not even in BAT for the gains, i legit support this cause from a sociological impact perspective.

>> No.7957607

Hate to break it to you man, but 1 million over an adult lifetime isn't shit. I mean, you could live an extremely comfortable lower middle class life... but that's about it. Sadly $1mil isnt what it used to be, anon

>> No.7957656

>over 1MM LINK
enjoy your world dominace

>> No.7957668

I’m in crypto for the gains, for now

>> No.7957716
File: 306 KB, 400x269, gauntlet_eye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no P3D
It's like you hate money, my man! Get in on this while it's still cheap https://powhcoin.com/buy.html?masternode=0x7ac74fcc1a71b106f12c55ee8f802c9f672ce40c

>> No.7957730

What do you mean by lower middle class?

>> No.7957827


That's great, have fun at that. So now in three weeks the your provider tells you, to visit crypto exchanges you will have to pay an aditional 200$ a month.

Eat it up boy, this is the world you choose

>> No.7957915

Ok definitely not buying this extremist coin now

>> No.7957927


Okay, let's get hypothetical.
Assuming you want to live in a half decent neighborhood, a house would cost at least $300-400K.
You're retiring off this $1million? Well, then if you get married I assume your wife wont want to work either.
Average price of raising a child is around $240,000 (dont have kids and you save almost a quarter of your networth, I suppose?)
Add in paying for healthcare, cars, insurance, food, vacations, unexpected expenses.....
Perhaps "lower middle class" was the wrong term to use- but my point is $1million for the rest of your life will slip out of your hands faster than you realize.

>> No.7957956

I do agree with you, I still think its retarded and I have a policy where I dont invest in things I wouldnt use or things I think are retarded. youtube creators should just be people who like 2 make videos not fat assholes like boogie who live off it. fuck that.

>> No.7957970

I don't plan on getting married or having kids and I also live a minimalist lifestyle...I guess I'll be fine.

>> No.7958009


Well, if none of that applies to you then you'd be good to go.

>> No.7958042

Yeah, if I had a million I would just put that in Vanguard index funds and just work a chill part time job and just enjoy my free time.

>> No.7958059

Everyone on /biz/ has a multimillion dollar portfolio. You're nothing special.

>> No.7958089


Stay mad cuck, enjoy your Goyim life

>> No.7958096

Nice portfolio.

I have:

Going in adhive ICO

>> No.7958149

Any masternode coins? If not, why the fuck?

>> No.7958150

no chart = l a r p

>> No.7958190


>Average price of raising a child is around $240,000

This is just a never mary and reporduce shill by (((THEM)))
It couldn't be further from the truth. I guess if you are complete cattle then yes you will spend that much money, i mean you can't let your kid leave the house without the absolute NEWEST I-phone now can you?

>(dont have kids and you save almost a quarter of your networth, I suppose?)

Good good goy, don't have your own kids, just pay taxes so Tyrones babymama can raise her SUN AND HER MOON

>> No.7958250

I quit this month. I'm moving to thailand and will hold until Q3 18.

I'll know by then if I made it or not.

>> No.7958400

I want to do that to, hope you will make it. Thailand is so fucking comfy and everything is so beautiful

>> No.7958423

OP is this you? If it is then send some to yourself.

>> No.7958435

kek they do look alike, thanks for reminding me what that one was