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7948675 No.7948675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>get invited to party by girl i really like
>get there
>we've been talking for over a year but only saw her a handful of times, wasnt that into her but, but the last time we met not long ago something felt different
>literally get along so well, joke about shit that only autists would laugh at, shes cute, funny, smart, ect
>anyway back to party
>trying to get some alcohol in me so i can work up the courage to tell her how i feel
>fucking literal tinder chad shows up
>im trying my best to have fun with her, and we have some fun times despite the lingering Chad
>shes pretty hammered and fucked up and is in the bathroom crying in chads arms, two seperate times for like 2 hours
>its fucking 5am at this point and im going to pass the fuck out
>chad walks in and kicks me and this other chill muslim kid out
>theyre both wasted as shit so im hoping theyll just fall asleep
>literally next door with muslim kid
>lying wide awake listening to her get fucked by a literal Chad
>feel like the most beta male on the planet

i want to kill myself fuck. i thought there was something different about her, we get along so well and this chad is just some tool.

any advice anons or similar stories would be appreciated.

to keep it business related, should i go all in on SPANX coin?

>> No.7948730

never speak to her again

>> No.7948743

thats what im planning on lol -__-

>> No.7948764

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.7948770
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Did you REALLY think you can compete with Chad? Seriously how STUPID do you have to be. God I wanna punch you so fucking hard.

>> No.7948771

That could have been you lmao

>> No.7948793

Here is the thing you should do
>Buy a house
>Make a hidden room
>Write a diary
>Get killed
>Let your family publish the book
>Get famous

Thats how you win

>> No.7948808

I don't know the details, but you should definitely talk to her, maybe just tell her how you feel and then never speak to her again, but it's important to tell her. Posting it on /biz/ is probably the worst thing you could do, because there are 3 types of people here: 1 Pajeets. 2. People who are trying to ruin you. 3. People who don't reply.

>> No.7948859

Haha I think that was me m8. You soybois really have to stop acting like you do. Fuck some whores get your self esteem together don't be a fool. Girls always laugh at what males say couse that's their way of saying I'm horny fuck me.

>> No.7948864

Agree with this just say you thought she was better than that, I wasn't looking for a friend so have no time for you anymore

>> No.7948872

reminder to filter all tripfaggots

>> No.7948881

abort mission, abort!
your just a friend for her (beta orbiter), abort mission.
im sorry that happend to you but i guess its just life, similar things happend to me too..

>> No.7948899
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forgot-->pic related

>> No.7948902

sounds about right

>> No.7948933

So she had sex with an attractive, confident, healthy guy whom you consider a "tool" out of pure jealousy? Seems pretty normal to me.

>> No.7948962

Post tiddies

>> No.7948984

You should've told him to fuck right off when tries to "kick you out." If he lays a fucking finger on you you fight the motherfucker. You ought to be drunk enough to not give a shit. Doesnt matter if you get your ass kicked or not, don't willingly capitulate to some pretty boy faggot's demands.

And stay away from that bitch

>> No.7949005

if that was the case i wouldnt be as salty if i got beat by someone i thought was literally superior than me. but this guys such a Chad douchebag, that doesnt actually give a fuck about her for what she is, which is this quirky strange outcast like me

>> No.7949012

I feel bad for you. Never speak to her again. You are in your pre-ico phase, start working on yourself. Eat healthy, work out lifting or cardio, but do the changes slowly. If you are min wage cuck, get education. You will need mentors, but biz is not the place...

>> No.7949044

fucking kys loser and get this shit of /biz/

>> No.7949046

Looks are the only thing that matter to women, consider plastic surgery, lifts, and a cycle of test

>> No.7949050

>this guys such a Chad douchebag, that doesnt actually give a fuck about her for what she is, which is this quirky strange outcast like me
Are you larping right now? Anon, you literally embody the beta "nice guy" who's not actually nice at all 100%. You must be messing with me. If not, I can explain to you why I'm saying this so that you can work on it.

>> No.7949059

Why did you even let go of her if you liked her in the first place? I would've tried talking the entire time. When do 4chan fags realize you dont need to be a beta and bow down to chads? Be the chad and do whatever the fuck you want to do

>> No.7949063

Honestly you are fucking pathetic. You should have stood up for yourself. Getting beat up by Chad trying to stand up for what you want would at least leave you with sense of dignity. You got cucked; remember this feeling and use this anger to better yourself. Stop bitching on an IMAGE BOARD thinking thats gunna do anything.

>> No.7949064

>tries to fight chad
>gets beat up and cries
>listening to her get fucked with and icepack on my face

i get what youre saying tho. i wish i could just murder him.

seriously this emotion of emptiness makes me want to shoot up a school.

>> No.7949075

>but this guys such a Chad douchebag
lmao, coping hard here

>> No.7949082

>maybe just tell her how you feel
no avoid, abort mission. thats the most beta advice on this thread.
dont talk to her again, find another one, you just talked to her sporadically for 1 year not 10. she might even think your a wierdo if you do that.

>> No.7949088

noted, thanks for your input

>> No.7949102

>be you
>save pictures of nigger on your harddrive
>have cuck stories to tell
how surprising
go call in ethphoenix you faggot

>> No.7949106

It's illegal to have intercourses when the girl is drunk, report him for rape.

>> No.7949124

What's with the increased /r9k/ beta complaining here recently?

I can only forgive the serious heartbreak off topic threads. Like that guy who lost his wife after 15 years and they were high school sweethearts.

This shit is not /biz/ worthy. OP get your fucking shit together. Realize this is a fantastic experience that you can grow from because you will never let this happen again and from that desire to avoid this pain you will develop more into the man you want to be.

>> No.7949126

Ofc it is a larp. Next is his wife's kid that he has to sell crypto for.

>> No.7949142

Alright dude, you are obviously still putting this chick on a pedestal after all that. Go and improve yourself and forget her.

>> No.7949151

Tai? Tai Lopez is that you?

>> No.7949171

Here's the thing man. You get one shot with girls. You have to prove yourself when you first meet. So she checked off the boxes on your list. If you don't prove that you check off her boxes, that's it. You have to move on at that point. Try to pass the tests next time. (Keep a chill confidence about yourself)

Plus she sounds like an unstable psycho, crying in a strangers arms at a party twice in a night, then fucking him. Not gf material.

>> No.7949179

not larping. our personalities are so similar we can habe conversations for hours like its nothing, seriously thought she was gf material cause of the way we understood each others similar point of views

>> No.7949195

>I wish I could just murder him
Forget what I said anon, I'm not even going to try and help you. Figure this shit out on your own like I did or remain a pathetic bitter beta forever.

>> No.7949196

Somebody has to hold our bags. /R9k = Late majority

>> No.7949217
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Hey man. Look, bitches comes and go, but you know /biz/ stays.
Don't stay mad about it. Let it go.
Stop caring about it. When the next opportunity arises, give it another shot.
You learn from this. Failing AND GETTING BACK UP is what makes you a better person than who you were before this.
Life isn't over. It's just a girl. You'll meet other ones.
If she lets herself get so drunk and be played by a chad, she probably isn't even worth it...
Focus on building long-term relationships. She isn't the one. She just proved that to you.

>> No.7949218

what did the chad even do wrong aside from perpetuating degen hookup culture?
>doesnt actually give a fuck about her for what she is, which is this quirky strange outcast like me
and that's why she fucked him. because he knows she's a slut and doesn't fall for her act like op did. she's not special, no woman is, they're all the same. the guys that realize this and treat them like what they are, get laid more. women don't respect men that can't see them for what they are.

but if you're not attarctive then no amount of not falling for their shit will get you laid. and by attractive i don't mean physically, that's optional.

>> No.7949220

See >>7949195
You're terrible, you need to change or you have no hope with women, and for good reason.