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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7947481 No.7947481 [Reply] [Original]

If you're mainly invested in any shitcoins/tokens pre-2018 that aren't named LINK, you're not going to make it. The bubble for pre-2018 tokens popped. If big money comes back to flood the market, it will be for brand new coins, not used goods.

Go to icobench and look for your next moon trips there. You will never make it by dwelling on the past. And you will never see 100x gains by looking at Top 100 "market cap" coins.

>> No.7948193

Buy abt on huobi tommorrow, faggots

>> No.7948264

you're a fucking idiot. Why don't you go neck yourself? Have fun getting dumped on by whales lmao

>> No.7948384

How are those bags feeling, retard? And please, tell me how billion dollar coins are going to go 100x you fucking moron.

>> No.7948423

Watch me get rich off of Tezos

>> No.7948459

Technically 2018, so go for it anon

>> No.7948528
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at least they won't go down 100x lmao

>> No.7948572

>thinking I'm buying shit

Faggot DYOR, jesus. Coins with good teams and good ideas don't just lose 99% of their value, especially before they've been heavily pumped a la late 2017. All you need to do is wait a month or so after ICO and buy at a discount. It'll probably just bleed until the next bull run, when it will likely 100x if the idea/team are as good as you think. Goddamn, were you even around last year?

>> No.7948596

Marketcap is a meme kys newfag

>> No.7948607

Yeah, when I bought eth and xmr at 20 and held half of my stack.
Not touching /biz/ shitcoins with a 10 ft pole

>> No.7948668

Once upon a time xmr and eth were /biz/ shitcoins. Kys newfag.

What do air quotes mean to you, loser? Market cap is idiotic in valuing a coin, but it gauges its popularity. Kys.

>> No.7949765

this looks like kick-starter tier, and it supports KYC which defeats the purpose of crypto