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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7947073 No.7947073 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like this is going to be a very slow year for crypto in general. The x100 x500 gains we saw last year will never happen again it feels like. I think only some of the coins right now will be able to perform as good as neo and eth did last year.

I feel like nano, req and ven are the only coins with such growth potential and I only have 12 nano as my whole portfolio. If it goes to $1k, i'll be able to have money for a year.

Fuck. I'm too late for crypto wealth.

>> No.7947122


>I feel like this is going to be a very slow year for crypto in general
The x100 x500 gains we saw last year will never happen again it feels like
>I feel like nano, req and ven are the only coins with such growth potential
>I only have 12 nano as my whole portfolio

>> No.7947142

Look at lower mcaps and dyor

>> No.7947165

Buy ECA, it's about to rocket ya queer.

>> No.7947174 [DELETED] 

Psst... free synapse coins. No investment needed, no credit card or bank details needed.

ICO ends middle of March.


>> No.7947980

March 2017 to the end of Jan 2018 was the time to make it. People turned $100 into $200k during these months buying any shitcoin shilled on /biz/.
Will we ever see a run like that again?

>> No.7948052

Crypto hasn't even begun to see real normie money. The jew puta stop to it until they could get themselves positioned in the game. Markets are going to be heavily manipulated by the kikes from here on out. Money is still there to be made... lots of it. You just have to be more careful with the artificial dips and crashes.

>> No.7948304

I believe I'm going to get a 1000x, it might take more than one year but I'm going to get it if I hold

>> No.7948345


The state of nufags is simultaneously hilarious and unbearable

>> No.7948400

You should gas yourself anon:
dee ebbill joo is invested since after 2008 during the following investment crisis when QE money was cheap and good investments scarce.
I am stock market vet, unlike you braindead mongrel I read all those articles about elites buying into crypto after other markets were saturated.
If at all dey ebbill jooman already cashed out at ATH to short your mongrelass Xleveraged.

>> No.7948428
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>Anybody else feel like we
>feel like
If you dont have any source or explanation as to why crypto ATH has already happened, you dont "feel" like anything, youre just anxious about the possibility of you losing money/not making enough money. Just cash out right now and fuck off in that case

>> No.7948563
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been in crypto for an entire month and still don't have a million dollar portfolio
>crypto is literally dead
>the ponzi is over guys

>> No.7948949


get job or learn a trade, pick up a hobby, build some self esteem and self respect. Do you realize we are less than 2 months off ATHs for every major coin? Do you think shit just goes up indefinitely?

>> No.7948987

This guy gets it

>> No.7949020

the bear market is getting to me
i feel depressed
i feel like im not gonna make it

>> No.7949186
File: 394 KB, 1432x707, 1215918591824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckall money has come into this market compared to what you think, faggots
toughen the fuck up, or you will give up before you get your chance to make it
pic related for the argument why we're not in a bubble, and the real bubble hasn't even begun

>> No.7949333

take that tendie out of your mouth and speak to me like a man

>> No.7949368

I made about 100k profits on crypto but rapid gains and measuring gains in x's will be a thing of the past. It will take another 10 years to hit, say, 4T market cap.

>> No.7949394

This is when normies leave and aspies buy, although i'd wait for 4-5k at least

>> No.7949399

>we can probably safely assume that at least 3 million and perhaps upward of 5 to 6
yeah let me just pull these numbers out of my ass, the 1 mil gone from satoshi, ok i believe that, an additional .5 lost from early miners/wallets ok but 5-6 mil? i almost want to stop reading

>> No.7949428
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>> No.7949469

why is every other crypto "investor" like this retard? i mean wtf? you dont get fucking 500x roi from your shitcoins and you crying here because of that. you should just shut the fuck up and sell already! just fuck off please you fucking retard!

>> No.7949481

>let me fixate on obviously conservative estimates, and ignore the bigger point of the argument
The point is that a ridiculously small amount of fiat has come into the market, compared to what could come in this year, given that a lot of projects are coming online, exchanges that are regulatory-compliant to encourage institutional money are coming online, and we're still not even above $200bn of actual fiat entering this market, ever

>> No.7949522

>and we're still not even above $200bn of actual fiat entering this market, ever
it almost hit 900billion, id say there was really 400-450bil fiat in the market, now we are around 200 bil

>> No.7949539

No one else is going to buy, though

>> No.7949615

>No one else is going to buy bullshit coins anymore
yes i agree, this is the year of utility and use case, only real function products will be invested in, the community as a whole has been forced to really take a step back and reconstitute where the value truly exists, no more getting burned on shitcoin #4000

>> No.7949640

No I mean no one is going to buy cryptoassets in any great numbers any more, period. People are afraid and won't re-enter the market, we are at a huge low in volume.

>> No.7949708


so in other words you are not buying ever?

>> No.7949748

did you not see btc recover from 6k? that was a moment of restored faith in conjunction with the sec hearings and jp morgan defense
people are just being more cautious now, we are still ground floor in a lot of areas, specifically blockchain use case and not so much cyrpto"currencies"

>> No.7949806

that recovery was one giant whale p&d

>> No.7949904

His wife on the left, daughter on the right?

>> No.7949940

No way. 50 bil max

>> No.7950053
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>> No.7950090


>> No.7950092

It ticks every box of bubble's definition but it still isn't a bubble? Hmm

>> No.7950219
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I raugh at u China big prans take over worrdddd