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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7945689 No.7945689 [Reply] [Original]

>paycheck day
>49 hours overtime
>free coffee every morning
Guess having a real job is not that bad after all! I'm actually making money!!!!!!!! $$$$$$
What about you, How's your ponzicoin treating you? Looks like not so well :) That really sucks, maybe time to get a job? Otherwise you'll never feel that warmness on your heart when your boss says "nice work". How do you cope with that huh coinfag?
Who here /comfynocoiner/?

>> No.7945734

You’re actually bragging about being a wage cuck. That’s funny.

>> No.7945936

Made 1k profit sleeping. Tough life

>> No.7945971

49 hours overtime huh. Get a job LARP

>> No.7945987 [DELETED] 

>No overtime
>Work 25 hours werkle

>> No.7946022
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>No overtime at all
>Working 25 hours a week
>Great wage
>Very relaxed atmosphere
>Free coffee

>> No.7946046

But anon, the free coffee!

>> No.7946059

ITT: brainlets

>> No.7946080

Lololol at this fucking wagecuck
Free coffee!

You know that there are still people, coiner or nocoiner, that still aren't wagecucks / actual cucks like you right?

Even without crypto, still make $xx,xxx monthly in subscription based income online, and you're still a lowly wagecuck. ;)

>> No.7946091

>that warmness on your heart when your boss says "nice work".
the absolute state of wage slaves
do you have daddy issues

>> No.7946109

>still make $xx,xxx monthly in subscription based income online
nice LARP

>> No.7946126


How do I do this

>> No.7946128
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>paycheck day
>49 hours overtime
>I pay my own coffee
>I don't get paid overtime

>> No.7946199


Lolol, keep wagecucking.

>> No.7946244
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>tfw I remember I also haven't been paid my full regular salary for the last six months
someone end me

>> No.7946291
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Scam elderly boomers into signing up to your subscription list, feed them shitty watered down financial products using a funnel model, suck them dry, use that money to lure more from prime mailing lists, rinse and repeat.
It's a very deceitful practice, and it's all about pretending to be the benevolent chad offering his cast knowledge to the lowly plebian.

>> No.7946366

I've been on paid family leave for three weeks. Still two more weeks to go. Been blazing every night. I get as much coffee at work as I want (lol). Lunch is subsidized and costs like 4 euros. Pay is 3k after taxes. Parents give me extra 1k every month. I hold about 5 BTC in alts on top of my 21 BTC stack. Life is pretty good overall..

>> No.7946368

I work a much better job than you, and own so many coins I can retire at 23. Suck my balls you fucking nerd.

>> No.7946384

Post is obvious troll/not serious

>> No.7946432


how about you end your job? serious. do you think you wont be able to have a better life than the one you have?

>> No.7946491

coffee is pretty cheap. brew your own for a few sats.

>> No.7946558

i was going to do something like that but once i made enough money in crypto i realized by trading 60 hours of your waking life per week (plus 20+ for commute and other related shit) you subjectively will only experience 1/7th of your waking time on your own terms, and you will be tired, and it will be disjointed. so you basically have 7 tired and disjointed years of subjective life experience left if you can't free yourself. it started going by fast for me. now my wagecuck life seems like eons ago. time is so plentiful now. I can see you you'd try to cope though.

>> No.7946575 [DELETED] 

It's a pretty good job all things considered, notwithstanding the whole pay clusterfuck. I doubt I could get something better in my field. But yes, quitting that job likely would make my quality of life go up exponentially. Normal schedule is four 10-12 hour graveyard shifts + one regular day shift a week, with a 37.5 hour a week paid and no paid overtime. I got hired when a bunch of people burned out. You can't find a bigger wagecuck than me.

>> No.7946632

>Check computer twice a day to make sure bots are still running
>Average $400~ day in this bear market

I can afford to pay my own coffee.

>> No.7946713

what job

>> No.7946762

>400000 a year
>Liked to come over here to look at interesting business tips but it's all cryptoshit
>Enjoy pink wojaks

>> No.7946799

Who else is is employed in a comfy job earning half decent money, while still with a fat crypto stack?

That is the master race

>> No.7946804

I unironically am the left. I earn enough to have bought my house to reduce my upkeep costs (saving is better than earning due to taxes in this society). I invest in dividend paying stocks that have good plans for when the next crash happens.

I only come here to post in threads that are not about crypto, but the technology and political implications of it do fascinate me.

>> No.7946813
File: 43 KB, 462x462, images(3) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have my own business
>invest in crypto
>live in a country where i can have sex with 14yo cuties
>have sex with a minor at least twice a month
Get on my level wagecuck

>> No.7946821

I work 16 hours a week

>> No.7946826

Kek me too, max 30hrs

>> No.7946834

my respectful job drains the life out of me each day

>> No.7946868

You should make friends there. The only reason I have any friends after I moved regions post university is because I made friends at work. I imagine if I was just day trading (stocks, crypto, whatever) I'd be just as alone and miserable as I was before I graduated.

>> No.7946880

>finantial products

Such as?

>> No.7946897

Best way to get a bot for someone who doesn't know how to program one?

>> No.7946916

rich kid

What's your profession and what did you study?

>> No.7946956

I am a coiner and I have a job too, cuck.

>> No.7946959
File: 82 KB, 750x937, 1517067196409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise you'll never feel that warmness on your heart when your boss says "nice work".
The difference between /biz/ pre and post reddit tards
You are a cuck and want to be one

>> No.7946970

wut bizness do u have

>> No.7947004


What country is this? My friend is curious.

>> No.7947018
File: 183 KB, 822x1279, Best+character+_5da2dc23c6051064d083ddaf6211bca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>live in a country where i can have sex with 14yo cuties
Which country? and do they have cute girly shota boys?

>> No.7947057

That statement is pretty pathetic (in an obvious troll post). I enjoy the warmness of cuddling with one of my coworkers though.

>> No.7947080
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Totally sincere, you desire to be subservient and seek approval

like 90% sure you're a woman

>> No.7947091

I used to work every day for 12 bucks an hour, usually 13.5 hour shifts for 6 or 7 days a week.

My life was honestly a lot happier than it is now.

>> No.7947104
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>newfag thotposter calling someone else redditor

>> No.7947116
File: 619 KB, 1438x908, coiners vs working people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this

itt manchildren with no money who larp that they are millionares

>> No.7947133

Just to be clear I was saying the OP is a troll and "Otherwise you'll never feel that warmness on your heart when your boss says "nice work" is pathetic

>> No.7947154
File: 1.96 MB, 286x400, 1517414261406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, thots have been posted on /biz/ for years, cancer

>> No.7947189

T.newfag redditor soyboy cuckold

>> No.7947217

oh, right. whoops

>> No.7947243

>working 65 hrs a week
Literal wage slave detected

>> No.7947249

guides to different indicators, trends, mainly basic stuff at first, but lead them to 'powerful' strategies that are rare but give guaranteed profits.
Basically shit you can find for free online, but packaged in a digestible format since boomers are incapable of using the interwebs.

The true irony comes when you buy the rights to some of these 'guides' to sell to your pet boomers because you can't be bothered to make them yourself...
Still profitable though.
The best one I saw was a comprehensive course on mailing lists that you got the license to resell at the end of the course, literally a course that you pay for, to teach you how you were scammed, and how to scam other people into paying to learn how to scam others with that shit...

>> No.7947261 [DELETED] 

Psst... free synapse coins. No investment needed, no credit card or bank details needed.

ICO ends middle of March.


>> No.7947262
File: 386 KB, 1341x1527, 1517630664044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it doesn't even matter because when GEN2 gets 30-2 nothing will stop cascades, and the buffer protocol being SSG227 means that the 'bal' SOPS are in effect redundant
Its all good ;)

>> No.7947281
File: 80 KB, 778x948, 1437958682243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here

i get to work with brilliant scientists on things i enjoy and have access to over 50M$ of equipment in a top tier lab.

Money can't buy these things.

>> No.7947294

nice referral link faggot, how much do you get for that?

>> No.7947353

>Work for prop firm in singapore
>work on trading strategy (including crypto)
>get paid to watch markets all day
Who else is like me here?

>> No.7947358


How do you find people to get on your subscriptions?

>> No.7947412

the free coffee at my office is disgusting

>> No.7947453

We need a response of this.


>> No.7947513

The fuck is this pajeet talking about

>> No.7947526
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>retirement options

>> No.7947532


>> No.7947549
File: 32 KB, 453x500, pepe100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope

I have 401k matching while you have "gains" you will never cash out

>> No.7947580

wtf I want to kiss pepe now

>> No.7947596
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1433, 1517421035458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. brainlet

btw pajeets hate thots because they are paid to shill and dont get paid if they cant shill and they cant shill because they are horny fuckers

>> No.7947658

I get so many fucking sick benefits from my job.. free healthcare, a $900 HRA, great retirement plan options with 100 percent match, all sorts of events with free food and booze, constantly going to nice lunches, cushy office where all I have to is write a couple stories, etc...

it's pretty fucking sweet.

>> No.7947719

Mainly mailing lists, cheaper invariably means less response rates, but the more expensive ones require buying in bulks of at least 500 or more, so the average 'get rich quick' kid will never spoil those prime lists with his fiverr landing page.
Adverts used to be a viable option also, but Adblock and shorter attention spans make this increasingly hard for any but the titans to profit from.

It's not something for those with strong morals though, why else do you think the Jews dominate such things?

>> No.7947730

>financially independent
I don't even

>> No.7947736

>great retirement plan options with 100 percent match

you're larping

noone gives that much matching

>> No.7947763

yeah I bet you look forward to cashing that out someday when you're old. congrats on that, seriously.

>> No.7947774

sure, wagie. only 50 more years and you can hang with us neets all day

>> No.7947793

>Posted at 10:38:16AM from Location: Alice Engleman's basement

>> No.7947812

I don't get these posts. Are we supposed to be jealous that you work 2 weeks worth of hours each week? That sounds fucking awful.

>> No.7947849

The only way I've found to enjoy a job is to truly believe in the mission that the org is working on, that it's important for the work to be done. For most mature people that mission has to be something deeper than 'get rich selling this widget' which often leads to nonprofit, govt or volunteer work. Then the trick is to be able to survive and live the life you want with those kind of salaries. I have achieved this and am in the comfiest time of my life right now.

>> No.7947922


Kek as a neet living on passive income on the beach this is too fucking true.

>> No.7948091

I love how salty you are. I've cashed out 10 years worth of salary in crypto and I'm basically all set for life already. It must sting that you've missed stocks growth, crypto and all other market booms while spending the majority of your life working for somebody else.

>> No.7948110
File: 23 KB, 600x484, retarded pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larp lmao

>> No.7948135

>has to wake up in the morning to earn good goy points

>> No.7948148

Sure, believe what you will.

Are you Finnish by the way?

>> No.7948191

If only there was some way to invest in crypto AND have a job...

>> No.7948203


>> No.7948216

the school I work for charges $25k/year tuition and gets multiple $1 mil+ donations. They can afford it.

>> No.7948234


>> No.7948239

We can't have everything we want ;_;

>> No.7948321
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>have an office but boss doesn't even work in the same country
>just work from home whenever I want and 4chan from work

I thought the NEET lifestyle goes away when you get a job what am I doing wrong?

>> No.7948355

>i get free liquid stimulant!!! i i-it's worth being a wagecuck right guys!?!

>> No.7948364

have fun with taxes

>> No.7948430

>people here make money only when price of the coin goes up