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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7945258 No.7945258 [Reply] [Original]

Itt wa pay respect to the fools that are selling now for peanuts just before the presentation of BBB at the world mobile congress.


>> No.7945303

BAT is as good as dead, and I say this honestly. You might delete the thread and start a new one if you want to ignore this, but you know it's true. I say this for your own good anon.

>> No.7945330

Nigga bat is fucking dead.

>> No.7945384

I just screenshoted your reply, ill post it in the future add insult to your injury of not buying BAT

>> No.7945404


Literally broken tokenomics

This thing is a useless piece of shit

>> No.7945412
File: 1.36 MB, 1515x1445, 194FB27C-53A8-4DB2-AA56-7C2C451A0C1E-2227-000001B0B82679B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure thing kiddo, looking forward to it

Pffff ahahaah

>> No.7945421

It's the same thing as other tokens. People think "ads, that's a trillion dollar market, this can't lose!" and don't stop to think that there is really, truly no need for a specific use token for this. It's the same with a lot of other coins desu. These are all people who don't remember the lessons from the dot-com bubble.

>> No.7945488


I pity OP. He really believes he is clever. Smug to boot with his "screenshot" comment. Poor fuck, we need suckers like this though to line our pockets with their cash. I love crypto.

>> No.7945519

It makes me sad more than anything.

>> No.7945526

kek. scam coin based around advertising. Wew just bought 100k

>> No.7945550

Im bullish on BAT and ive been in crypto since 2013. Most people here don't have the patience.

>> No.7945577


Holly crap, how I'm going to laugh reminding you about these coments. Thanks anons.

>token is dead, +10% while everything is tanking

>> No.7945623

It only goes up from the speculation involved in people buying the dip. In reality no one wants to download the brave browser so when every other token posts real world news and developments bat holders will only jump ship until this shitcoin bleeds out.

>> No.7945648

Good luck, I wish you the best - sincerely -, I was simply trying to be nice and help another anon.

>> No.7945751

I made about $500 in BAT contributions last month. Its not much but it is a start. This proves to me that there is an actual product and use for the token. Unlike 90% of crypto out there.

>> No.7945766


Ill be nice too them and recomend you to take a lookat the whitepaper.

The common FUD is that you need the brave browser, when the people at BAT are developing a whole ecosystem. Chrome and FF plugins, rumors of FF native integration, android and iOS SDK (have anyone ever paid for candycrush?), smartTVs...

The project and possibilities are huge, so much that I wont think twice about it if the man at the helm wasnt a living leyend and probably one of the people with the most contacts at silicon valley.

There are rumors of google trying to buy it and Im not surprised. If I were google Ill glady trow a couple of billions to stop the guy that finished the IE monopoly.

>> No.7945778


500? Shit, how many followers do you have?

Are you swedish and have a gay haircut?

>> No.7946220

The browser is adding 400,000 regular users each month.

>> No.7946351

You know a project is good when it constantly gets FUD on new threads, i have already accumulated 100k BAT and throughout this bear market its remarkably remained pretty damn stable.