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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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794488 No.794488 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get rich for one and only one reason. I want to make the people that made me suffer previously, pay, and beg for forgiveness.

I want the guy at the pizza store that only gave me back $0.50, out of my $0.70 in change to beg me for his life and his family back.

I want my parents, to get on their knees and beg me for their livelihood back.

I want my extended family to give up their children for fostercare, because they have no clue how to raise themselves, let alone new people.

I want my Principal to die, in a gas chamber, for being the fucking Jew she is.

I want my fucking teachers to die watching their families get murdered.

I want to rip apart my lawyers life, for not doing what I wanted him to fucking do.

I want my fucking "friends", to pay for any of their doubts they had about me.

I want the fucking world, to know who I am, and to know I don't fuck around.

I want the fucking world, to know my name, my face, my skillset, my power, and my influence.

I want to be more powerful than Hitler, I want to be King, of this world, and any world after.

I want to own people, I want to own the roads people use, I want people to beg for my forgiveness, I want them to get on their stomachs, and beg me not to rip their hearts out.

I fucking hate how indecent people are, no fucking respect for anyone, or anything.

That is why I am going to get rich. I am only doing it for the power, the fear, the awareness that money commands from other useless scum.

What's your reason?

>> No.794490

>I want to get rich because I have teenage revenge fantasies and a Nazi fetish

>> No.794493


I will fulfill these fantasies, I am telling you, one day you will hear about a guy, who finished anyone that ever crossed him.

>> No.794503

So I can be the boss for once.

>> No.794504

ok roland

>> No.794509


I want to make my mom happy.

>> No.794510

>I want my Principal to die, in a gas chamber, for being the fucking Jew she is.

>> No.794513
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Say that to my fucking face I dare you.

You will pay.

>> No.794518

you look like roland too
All you need is a triangle knife and a turkish hitman

>> No.794520
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I want to buy an island, import 100 women all different nationalities, impregnate them all, see how my offspring look and act as the years go on, at 18 years of age take the 10 kids with the highest IQ and promise, send everyone else off my island without a penny, raise the 10 children to become leaders of industry and their implant the life goal to them to do the same as I did for 100 generations this being the first, start a legacy of great leaders and supremacy.

>> No.794521

I want to get rich by selling "Get Rich Fast" guides to thirsty retards like you so I can laugh at all of you while I count my money lol

>> No.794523

I don't know, seems like a fun objective.

>> No.794527

I am a woman who has been equally mocked and revered by my peers. If I wanted revenge there would be cause for it. However, I don't care for spiting people or hoarding things. The hobby that has tempered me the most is reading. I read many books. Greek classics. Autobiographies. Contemporary lit. Anything that interests me. It is like I have lived a thousand years.

OP, you're never going to succeed as you are now because you're too fucking insecure about what others think of you. You need to take a step back and re-evaluate your life. If you live only to control others, you're as much of a parasite as NEETs on welfare. Plus, I can tell you're like 15. You don't have a concept of how human relationships function in the day-to-day. You talk big game but you haven't done any work researching industries, the stock market, or even personal finance. You're posting on /biz/ for validation, and most likely as some sort of screenshot to look back on in the future.

To answer your question, I want to become a multimillionaire because I want to help the world. I am an altruist. I hope to create for-profit corporations in developing countries so that people will stay there and stop immigrating to the developed world (US, UK, and Germany). That way the first world's safety net won't become overwhelmed, and the global economy will be revitalized.

>> No.794529

>Muh inmigrants took our jobs

>> No.794552

I want be rich so I can use my money to help others.

>> No.794554

You seem mad. Are you mad?

>> No.794574


>complains about how indecent people are
>wants to be rich to make people who hurt his feelings suffer

nah, you wont make it. go spend the rest of your day on 4chan like you did yesterday, and the day before, and the month before, and the year before.

>> No.794589
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>> No.794604

Which is why youll be forever poor.

at least hedonism feels good and you taste it along the way. All that pent up negative energy is just gonna sap you and guarantee you fail.

Old chinese proverb. If plotting revenge dig two graves.

>> No.794612

>I want my Principal to die

OP confirmed for edgy highschooler
I probably can't convince you to leave but sounds like you belong in /b/ or /pol/ or something

>inb4 OP is 18 year old skinny white guy with bowl cut and crazy eyes who is currently taking antidepressants and writing a manifesto
>yes I'm implying he's the next mass shooter

>> No.794626

Opposite problem. The GDPs of first world countries benefit when skilled workers immigrate from developing countries. The peoples left behind are those who suffer. For example, 24 out of 47 sub-Saharan countries have only one medical school and eleven have none (Nierengarten, R. "The Need For Adequate Health Care In Sub-Saharan Africa." 2007. PDF.). The 47 Sub-saharan countries have a "a critical shortage of healthcare workers, the deficit amounting to 2.4 million doctors and nurses" (Naicker, S., et al. "Shortage of healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa: a nephrological perspective." Clinical nephrology 74 (2010): S129-33.). This is all linked to emigration to the first world caused lack of basic needs in many communities like a well to clean underground water and irrigation (Nierengarten). African "brain drain" has become such a problem that the UK has enacted immigration restrictions meant to stem the tide (Naicker).

>> No.794641

>you will hear about

If we're hearing about it, surely the police will have as well?

Enjoy those prison cocks m8

>> No.794643

It is my destiny to be rich.

>> No.794659

>i am a woman
>implying it matters

tits or gtfo

>> No.794670

>I want to become a multimillionaire because I want to help the world. I am an altruist.
Ok, you can help me by sending me $500/month so that I don't have to kill myself in my third world shithole, and can instead do something productive with my life. Thanks in advance.

>> No.794693
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Jesus christ summer underage b& pls

>> No.794696

Something tells me if you're this pissed off with everyone you're too weak to follow through on your threats.
My money is on you snapping and killing people and then masturbating after which you'll blow your own brains out.

>> No.794704

Hey chill out over there OP.

>> No.794721
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So I don't have to beg other people to buy me shit and be forced to live with other people while owning absolutely nothing.

Get fucked, retard.

>> No.794726

>forced to live with other people
this is the worst feel

>> No.795167
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I didn't know this was a cringe thread

>> No.795179


fucking coward posting this on a message board.

a real man wold have rid this world of 9 niggers in a SC church by now. what the fuck have you ever done you fucking coward?

go suck nigger cock fucking beta

>> No.795197 [DELETED] 

Why not

>> No.795202


What a faggot.

>> No.795203 [DELETED] 
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[Shooting intensifies]

>> No.795206

Wealth != Power. Compare Bill Gates with Vladimir Putin. Gates in a million years will never yield as much power as Vlad.

>I fucking hate how indecent people are, no fucking respect for anyone, or anything.

Who gives a shit about "respect"? I dont care if you respect me or not, I just want your money. Thats the way of /biz/. Respect is only important for the types of ... people... who start shootouts over a bad facebook message.

>> No.795215

>Gates in a million years will never yield as much power as Vlad.

Just stfu kid.

Vlad is sitting on a house of cards, slave to an ideology with radicals on both sides.

Vlad is not even the master of his own domain. He's as likely to be shot by one of his underlings for being too extreme, or not extreme enough.

The midget is a prisoner on his own throne. Unable to take a shit without consulting his staff first.

Gates controls his own funds, world, and people. He IS the master of his domain.

>> No.795219

You're seriously this retarded, bought into anti-Putin propoganda hook line and sinker. I won't even bother to explain why. Let me guess, a RUSS shill from December?

>> No.795236
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this sounds like a pretty immature reasoning. Just stop giving a fuck about what others think and do and follow your own plan.

If you live for revenge it will be pretty depressing as those pizza store guys forgot about in about 2 days probably.

>> No.795238


lol. Go back to /pol/ kid. Biz isn't for you.

>> No.795239

Putin apparently already survived 3 know assassination attempts.. That doesn't sound like a pleasant life indeed. He probably sleeps with a pistol below his pillow..

>> No.795240

it's only a 9 billion difference though

wealth does not mean you have power but it certainly is a prerequisite

>> No.795241

Vlad controls the russian mob, and was ex kgb. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Look at the power he has over billionaires in this meeting.


He was voted most powerful man in the world for a reason.


>> No.795243
File: 27 KB, 383x454, PutinPedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek... look at the power he has to kiss little boys.

>> No.795246
File: 423 KB, 1558x587, ToppityKek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this a couple of months ago :). It aint much but thanks for the cash buddy.

>> No.795250



kremlin basement troll farm in full effect.

"Vlad controls the russian mob"

> the russian mob is the hand up Vlad's tight little asshole


>> No.795251

It's about the % gain not money earned.

Anyone who gets their business advice from mainstream media is ayy lmao

>> No.795256
File: 32 KB, 353x334, youdonthavenixontokickaroundanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking hate how indecent people are, no fucking respect for anyone, or anything.
>I want my fucking teachers to die watching their families get murdered.

>> No.795270

dude you're a loser

>> No.795279

I want to get rich so that I can invest that money in highly technical industries and fund research to advance the human race.

Basically I want to be Elon Musk, but then again, just a little bit bigger and better.

>> No.795308

not sure if I want to be rich anymore but when I did I wanted to be remembered

>> No.795311


Do what gates/buffet/bezos are doing... give it all away.

Personally, I'd like to be remembered by unique buildings in Universities. Public parks. Donated libraries. Foundation/scholarship of some kind. Etc...

>> No.795325

I don't really have a taste for luxury so that's no issue

but I'm not sure it's worth it trying to get all that anyway

we're all gonna be forgotten one day

>> No.795354
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Ok Dylan.

>> No.795357

I want to get back at the filthy sluts who rejected me

>> No.795358

you're a fucking subhuman, kid.

>> No.795366

>I want the guy at the pizza store that only gave me back $0.50, out of my $0.70 in change to beg me for his life and his family back.
I lost it then stopped reading. Shouldn't have started with the funniest one, there was nowhere to go but downhill from there.

>> No.795370

I basically just fucking hate going to college, I hate most people, I hate the fact that I may have to get a normal job. I just want to buy a huge plot of land in Oregon and not worry about my dad getting financially drained by another woman. Also have 4-5 small apartments all over the world. Mansions don't make much sense to me, other than the big garages.

Also I want to have enough $billions so that I can wake up and choose to monopolize a small niche on a whim, just because I feel like it. Basically the same sort of thing as me deciding to make a month long coding project just for fun now

With my business right now, my dream scenario is making my competitors go broke, explaining to their kids why they can't keep the lights on during Christmas-because of me :^). Edgy I know but I'm almost there, my biggest competitor (35 year old guy) keeps putting his own money into his business while I'm greatly outperforming him.

>> No.795371
File: 32 KB, 500x576, CujDxIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give her grandchildren

there is no point for a woman to get rich, and if there were, it would always be easier to marry a rich bloke, so get fit

implying they would care

pic related

>> No.795374

wow edgy

>> No.795397


>> No.795446

You sound so foolish like really dude get a life.... Worthless shit

>> No.795514

had to let off steam guys, sorrry bizfriends

Anyhoo, glad to see some solid reasons for becoming rich

my actual real reason for becoming rich is so i can help the people that i couldn't help in my life, so i can buy the homeless person i see everyday his own apartment, and not just driveby and listen to my parents lecture me about not helping the less fortunate

i want to give africa a chance, i want to build schools in my name and my image of what learning should be

i want to start a small city, and eventually become the sole owner of an entire small country.

i just want to help people, and if some bitches gotta die for that dream to come to fruition, then some bitches gon die

>> No.795516

So I can go to sleep without having to worry about shit

>> No.795522


yes lol, im not that stupid kek

i have lots of money to make before i start hiring hitmen off the dark net

>> No.795525


also, still a virgin :(

got pussies to TEAR up before i hire the "unfriendly solution" hitman kek

>> No.795547

Breh I'm a /fit/ missionary; cometh to the board of gains, getting rich doesn't necessarily mean good pussy.

>> No.795548

This. Also I want to manufacture an action figure in the US just to shove it in the faces of people who said it couldn't be done because government.

I don't know what OP's problem is. He can make those people suffer without getting rich. Just ask that dude who shot up a church last week.

>> No.795600


Are you 13 or 14?

>> No.795603


holy shit you're straight out of a cringe thread

>> No.795806

I want to get rich to help people who don't deserve the suffering they receive

>inb4 savior complex

>> No.796277

because my penis is too small and I need money to buy hookers to fuck me

>> No.796284

I want to get rich so I can fulfill my fantasy of living like Tony Montana. I want to own a big ass mansion with a tiger, 80s Lambos and Ferraris, dressed in a white suit with a red shirt and wearing Linda Farrow sunglasses. All while blasting "Push it to the Limit" in a stereo while I shake people's hand while entering clubs and smoking cigars.

>> No.796287

Have fun killing your relatives out of cocaine-fueled paranoia and getting shot dead later that night because you wouldn't assassinate a snitch along with his family

>> No.796334

>With my business right now, my dream scenario is making my competitors go broke, explaining to their kids why they can't keep the lights on during Christmas-because of me :^).

Sometimes I struggle to believe that people like you actually exist.

>> No.796337

I just want enough money to get a 2bd/2br on 10 acres of land and stop working, really.

>> No.796411
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>> No.797224

So I bang 18 year olds until I die.

And have a harem

>> No.797315

My yearly expenses are less than $5000

the only reason I want to get rich is to have so much more than the people i despise then act like a complete idiot to make them hate themselves for not doing as well as an idiot

>> No.797434
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>> No.797464

why are you faggots so fucking edgy

>> No.797680


So I can buy that view.