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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7941283 No.7941283 [Reply] [Original]

Get this on sale while you can anons. This is unironically a top 5 coin in a market that could easily reach 20 trillion in a couple years. The former COO of the Soros Fund left his job to work with Jibrel. Don Tapscott is serving as an advisor. They are closely partnered with the SEED group, the company owned by the Maktoum royal family of the UAE/Dubai. UAE has said they want to run on blockchain tech by 2020. Take a step back and realize that Jibrel has big potential to be a major player in the transition.

>> No.7941319

Ok I'm selling my QASH for Jibrel

I'm over diversified so I have to make a difficult choice between QASH or Jibrel, I'll go with Jibrel.

>> No.7941367

If youre going the fintech route hold both imho

Qash and Jibrel will both be goliaths 2 years from now.

Personally I’d invest in these over any other coin asides from BTC, ETH, Monero, NEO, VEN, etc.

>> No.7941438

Selling one moon mission for another moon mission. If you dont have shitcoins, leave it as it is.

>> No.7941444

The problem with Qash is the token currently does nothing and isn't intended to do anything, it's basically a placeholder until Liquid gets off the ground at which point it'll be swapped for a new token. But once it does it'll blow everyone's tits off.

>> No.7941472

Disagree. While both projects are great, JNT is a waaaaay better token for holders compared to QASH. Consider the token economics. Meme, I know, but do it nonetheless.

>> No.7941478

I’m more or less all-in on JNT, have a bit of tether for buying the dip if Bitcoin crashes and we get ICO prices, but thats it. Oh yeah, also a bit of LINK so I don’t neck myself if it actually moons.

>> No.7941630

Bought more JNT...now i am at 380k...this will be a comfy 2018

>> No.7941974
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Comfy indeed