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7939936 No.7939936 [Reply] [Original]

All of you that go on about how important IQ is. my IQ is only 77, it may be on the low side of average but im not stupid.

Im creatively smart, I have a large volcabulary, I made over 6 figures in crypto currency investments and I know 2 languages and 3 instruments. If you let your IQ define you, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.7939950

must... resist... urge... to post... brainlet.... wojak...

>> No.7939955

42 IQ brainlet here. What you mean by the last part?

>> No.7939972

buy walten its the year of the walten . in china its going to a million

>> No.7939991

Denile isn't just a river in Africa

>> No.7940011

The test I did when I was in middleschool I got mid 90s but I just 88 is my recentest one

>> No.7940036

Dude. 77 is literally medically retarded not "low side of average". Pls larp harder.

>> No.7940054

A 77 iq isn't so bad when talking about 1 person
If u cloned yourself Anon by 400 million u end up with
Comoros 77
South Africa 77

>> No.7940072

Thats actually higher than haitis average. lmao.

>> No.7940086

but it's not? statistically, 77 iq would put you on the same part of the bell curve as a 5'4 male, short yes, but nothing crazy.

>> No.7940091
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IQ is a meme meant to herald the ability to integrate into a working environment ie wagecucking for people with more vision

>> No.7940097

It's because you have ADHD senpai

>> No.7940122

>If you let your IQ define you, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.

I fucking hope man cause I'm sitting here with a 148 IQ and lost like 60k from crypto in the past few months.

>> No.7940136

but but but he knows 2 languages and 3 instruments and i bet at least one personally if not intimately

>> No.7940145

>it may be on the low side of average but im not stupid.

Keep telling yourself that bud.

Do you know Koko the Gorrila has a IQ of 75 and she cant fucking talk.

>> No.7940147

So like idiot savant, or autistic, what kinda praise you want here?

>> No.7940172

This. ADHD will dramatically lower your IQ score even though you may actually be intelligent. You have to get it tested by an ADHD specialist.

>> No.7940221

Are there ways to cure yourself of ADHD by focusing a bit more every day and I guess get better at focusing over time?

>> No.7940255

Uh I guess. 5 4 is a really small dude :/

>> No.7940305

AHDD, dyslexia and the like are all nonesense labels attached too poepol who cnt spel nore consentrat

>> No.7940334

Not true, I have ADHD and I have had my IQ tested as 131, 137 and 138 (in chronological order from age 10 to 25)

>> No.7940342

I am diagnosed ADHD and just don't take my meds. I was tested at 138 at 12, when my parents were getting divorced.

Does that mean I have a better score than that?

>> No.7940368

>77 IQ
You are a literal retard. Sorry Anon. At least you're about on te same level as an average nigger

>> No.7940377

Nigga fuck that iq shit that fo whitey an sheit
I made quarta mill flippin these briks namsayin
Fish scale nigga
Y'all whiteys at mxdonalds makin 8.50 an hour

>> No.7940391


you have to be like below 50 to be disabled and Im closer to being above average than I am from 50.

>> No.7940397

It is impossible, you are learning or your test results were wrong. 77 iq is borderline retarded. A person with 77 iq wouldn't know what a self-fulfiling prophecy is, let alone bell curve.

>> No.7940406


>> No.7940479

Just trying to dispel a myth. wouldn't be a point if I was larping.

>> No.7940575

>did one IQ test when younger
>still unable to make money though

should i start crypto?

>> No.7940588

They only changed it to that because the nigs kept scoring in the retard level and they thought it was too problematic to call an entire race retarded

>> No.7940758

If your IQ was actually that low, you probably wouldn't be able to operate a computer on your own.

>> No.7940776

literally came here to post this

>> No.7940837
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>> No.7941300
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>> No.7941513


>> No.7941537


not only that but, with 77 IQ he would express himself the way I do. And he doesn't he uses big words and stuff.

>> No.7941579

Don't worry, it's just a pol meme

>> No.7941623

When most of you fail to realize he spelled vocabulary incorrectly, IQ means nothing I scored 160 and I'm 25 working a minimum wage job

>> No.7941656

I think it would actually be 5'5
>tfw only 1 inch taller than that

>> No.7941692

FACT: The only people who talk about IQ on the internet are 14-25 year old insecure kids with iq 120-140 who are struggling with growing up and finding out they are not special.

>> No.7941805

below 80 for whites is retarded - they usually have developmental issues to go that low

it's about average for Africans, who are normally at around 80 anyway

>> No.7941821

No, the cure to ADHD is taking stimulants

when you're on stims they make things fun enough to actually focus on them

>> No.7941870

B-but if you made more than 6 figures you made 7 figures

>> No.7941919

I wouldn't call that a cure. they're used recreationally so they'll potentially enhance anything for anyone

>> No.7942252

I tried not drinking caffeine for 3 months

It was a very boring 3 months. I didn't do anything. Just kind of laid around in bed.

I thought I could get used to it, but I think after 3 months we can exclude that possibility

>> No.7942722

hate to break it to you but if you can type and read at this proficiency your IQ is over 77

t. had to deal with actual 77 IQ people
sample size = 1230
amount who can read and write at grade school level = 8%

flunking one IQ test because you weren't trying doesn't make you actually retarded

>> No.7943003
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>> No.7943115

How do you define proficiency? OP's post is kind of a mess. The average nigger types significantly better.

>> No.7943585

"at this proficiency" != "proficiency"
you are completely mistaken in your appraisal of average niggers. dollars to pennies you're white middle class and your interaction with black people academic performance is limited to what you read on the internet. so the important part you're missing: the niggers you see are the subset who are willing to use a text medium without coercion. it's the same logical fallacy as saying all women are sluts because you go to an EDM party and see nothing but sluts

>> No.7943913

Larp... 77 is near Gump dumb

>> No.7943952

Fair enough. That's not the limit of my interaction with niggers by any stretch, but it is the limit of my textual interaction with niggers. I do have a friend who's kind of a brainlet who types like OP. His IQ is probably above 80 though.

>> No.7944318

my iq is measured by specialist at 67 points but i broke 7 figures

>> No.7944864

>77 iq
Are you black?

>> No.7944994

why are burgers so obssessed with IQ tests? Hilarious

>> No.7944998

Judging by your writing there is no way you have an IQ of 77. Get yourself roperly testet if you are really interested what your IQ is. I ahve dealt with people below 80 IQ as well, the VAST mayority can not even work in a supermarket because the cashier system is too hard to grasp or they need over 40hours of training, compared to 5 hours amx for a university student etc. the numbers are very sad, since our world is getting faster and more complex every year, and IQ can notkeep up. More and more people will never be employed, because they are sadly just to stupid for even menial jobs sadpepe.jpeg

>> No.7945024

53 IQ here, just got done raping a white girl

>> No.7945054

I pity sub 140 brainlets

>> No.7945074

just wow, I was >120 before I was 12...

>> No.7945127

Yes many low iq retards win lotteries and casino jackpots. How is this /biz/ related?

>> No.7945146

Bcash is shit. Fuck off.

>> No.7945167

170 IQ here been NEET since high school because im lazy

>> No.7945171

bizbros, manlet or brainlet?

>> No.7945221

Why? They can actually relate to average people and enjoy normal stuff.

>> No.7945300


>> No.7945337
File: 381 KB, 1024x683, 1519316785485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My iq is somewhere around 130.

There are a few benefits to it, but the social retardation is just not worth it. Always controlling what you do with your legs, hands and eyes. Analysing every word before you say it. Its sickening.

>> No.7945401

>>My iq is somewhere around 130.

since you obviously have severy adhd I will fix this for you, np bruh

>>My autism is somewhere around 130.


>> No.7945480


>> No.7945514

Iq of 26 here, made millions in crypto, speak 12 foreign languages, and bang hot girls every night?

You jelly brainboys?

>> No.7945629

Iz only hz 34 IQ

Huuuh? Not undastend evn writiing u.

Msrter race I?

>> No.7945650

this - OP is a triggered SJW trying to make somalians and nigerians look better

>> No.7945669

sorry anon, on this one you are scientifically illiterate. 10/10 on SJW training though

>> No.7945844

is it mor van myn?
12iq mrastuh rece hir!

>> No.7945921

Serious question - I keep seeing people post about their IQ on here but do people actually score their IQ? I have zero clue what my IQ is , struggled through school and never went to Uni. Though careeer wise I make close to $200k a year and am pretty in demand as a IT consultant to the point I can pick and choose what top 50 companies I’ll interview for. For all I know I may have a very low IQ but life is good regardless.

>> No.7945960

You probably have a high IQ. it is not 100% a meme, and correlates with success in live etc. yet.. it is 90% meme ;). There are sewage workers with an IQ of 130+ , there are nobel price winners with 115, there are pilots with 95. Its only statistics, you wont see many sewage workers with an iq of 140+ and you wont see many or any doctors with an iq of sub 90 etc.

>> No.7945964

My fucking dog make 6 figures.

>> No.7946068

Cheers mate that explains it well.

>> No.7946151

Low side of average? You do know that 75 IQ is the medical definition of mentally retarded right?

>> No.7946211

np. also, iq does not correlate with happyness in life. You can be happy no matter how smart or dumb you are, but many retarded larpers here will try to convice you otherwise, only because they are too retarded, autistic (the 4chan autisitic way no real autists) or lazy to do something with their lives. instead of getting a job even if its at fucking walmart or mcdonalds is out of the question for them because they want INSTANT GAINZ and cannot, or rather dont want to think more then 2 days into the future. If you are reading this and you know deep down it is true, get you ife together. Neetbux and tendies are fine if you are 19, at 24 they are worrying at anything 27+ they are sad as fuck.

>> No.7946954

68 IQ here, cryptomillionaire thanks to xvg and trx.

>> No.7946955

shes 9,5/10

>> No.7947817

This board was the best when we actually had many very smart people pretending to be retards. now we have legit retards here (mostly from fuck plebbit) sad times sigh

>> No.7947864

IQ of 80 here.

Lost all my spare money on bitconnect.