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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7938951 No.7938951 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7939000


>> No.7938999


>> No.7939008

so close yet so far

>> No.7939012


>> No.7939015

so fucking close

>> No.7939025
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>> No.7939035
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$800 by 2019 guaranteed. bog just called me and confirmed.

>> No.7939046


>> No.7939115


>> No.7939155
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>> No.7939205

If this coin is goign to be a currency, it makes more sense for it to stay low in value. BTC is a store of value, hence its high price, but currency coins, like ripple and nano, are doomed to stay low.

>> No.7939230


>> No.7939241

Ripple. Low. Choose 1. Literally top 3 coin. Calls it low. Doesn't account total supply and market cap. Stay poor pajeet.

1200 eoy.

>> No.7939277


$580 EOY 2018

>> No.7939297

500 AUD

>> No.7939307

2 wooden nickels

>> No.7939308
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>> No.7939311


>> No.7939314

5000 NOK :)

>> No.7939319

>> No.7939326


>> No.7939348


>> No.7939401

5-10 USD

>> No.7939445


Nigga i got dubs, does that mean I'm half right?

>> No.7939520

kek. I would be poor if I was holding NANO. Sold last night at $17 after buying back in at $7. Sold on the previous pump in the $30s. I'll sell again at $10+ when I buy back in under $8 in a few hours. This coin was meant for arbitrage and daytrading. Why do you think there is so much volume? You neets stand no chance.

>> No.7939594


>> No.7939596

Zero. It can't scale because the blockstate updates with each new transaction. At high levels of use this means an enormous amount of orphans. You can't keep all of these separate blockchains synced together if they each are required to be updated in tandem in order to function. Imagine having 1,000 transactions per second. How the fuck do you imagine a scenario in which nodes won't broadcast transactions out of order when the blockstate is updated with each transaction? It cannot be done unless you completely centralize the network.

>> No.7939676
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go suck a rotten cunt m8

do you have any proof for those claims?

>> No.7939706



>> No.7939707

You don't even make sense. The PoW is by the user, it doesn't requires to be updated in tandem. Go read the whitepaper again before saying something stupid.

>> No.7939713


shit sorry, meant to say 1 Nano will be worth 1 Nano EOY

>> No.7939729


>> No.7939746


>> No.7939978


>> No.7940000


>> No.7940016

$12, screencap this

>> No.7940017


>> No.7940022
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>> No.7940025

:O we all will be rich

>> No.7940042
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>> No.7940057


>> No.7940104

I did, and if you spend some NANO then that goes to another user's address on their own personal blockchain so it does require you to be synced up, just through the DPOS nodes, not your own node. The problem is that at high levels of transactions the DPOS nodes all need to be synced the entire time, but because the transaction state of the network updates every transaction (1,000 times a second or more) the chances of an orphan are very high. Remember, each DPOS node has to be synced after each new transaction. So if you have 1,000 transactions per second the chances of an orphan due to a random bug or kink are very high. Even in Bitcoin which only has a blockstate change every ten minutes orphans occur. Yet somehow with thousands of block state changes every second it is supposed to sync? Remember, your wallet must be synced with the DPOS node. And each transaction updates the block state. Are you telling me that with that many transactions updating the blockstate there won't be issues? And the overhead involved from having to update with each transaction is ridiculous. There's a reason Bitcoin uses blocks that seem somewhat slow. Its to make network synchronization easy and to avoid orphans. But you can't avoid orphans at high use with blockstates that update frequently. And the blockstate of Nano updates every transaction. That isn't sustainable at high rates of use.

>> No.7940115

By the way, that would put Nano close to 500 billion market cap. It may seem unfeasible now if you look at it superficially, but remember that the total crypto capitalization EOY will be much higher than it currently is. It will be a few trillions.

>> No.7940154
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>> No.7940213


You got it all wrong, it wont create orphans, some of the nodes will get out of sync yes, but they achieved 306 tps easily without any problems. I believe 1000 tps is already possible and will not create orphans like you said
Source: https://medium.com/@bnp117/stress-testing-the-raiblocks-network-part-ii-def83653b21f

>> No.7940279

At least, so keep hodling guys, it would be idiotic to sell right now.

>> No.7940280

common sense

>> No.7940295


>> No.7940298

not really. its a pump and dump coin that just pumped...

>> No.7940312

LOL a pump and dump of 3 days with 400 million 24h volume, yeaaaah right.

>> No.7940317

Thanks, bought 100k

>> No.7940329

>I believe 1000 tps is already possible and will not create orphans like you said
How? If the DPOS nodes aren't synced then that means they are validating different transactions at different times. If your transaction relies on another persons transactions even if you use different blockchains you will still need the network to be synced. How can you accept transactions with DPOS nodes that are out of sync?

>> No.7940336

No, no, no, Nano is worth trillions. Why would it go down after a three day pump?

>> No.7940371

That's where you didn't read the whitepaper enough, DPOS nodes like you call them only activate in case of someone trying a double spend or a fork of NANO, these are not nodes validating each and every transactions. The transactions are validated by the user's wallet with a quick PoW.

>> No.7940568

I'm still lost as how you avoid orphan blocks. It seems worse that DPOS nodes aren't used for validation because if you have 1,000 tx/s there is no way that each transaction can get validated by each node at the same time so the network is in sync. This article here says that sometimes Nano blocks just go missing (http://coin5s.com/content/rai-blocks-blockchain-superhighway)) which is what I mean. Things go wrong when you have to update the network so often. If things go wrong, this takes a lot more resources from the nodes. Explain to me what this article means when it says "They also state that blocks can “go missing”. This means the block doesn't have a recognizable past. Almost like an orphan. (No offense to any actual orphans.) This can happen in error or purposefully." With more blockstate updates this will happen more often.

>> No.7940639

I can't help you now if you don't really understand how it's all work. you can always head out to r/nanocurrency on reddit, or on the discord channel if you want to talk with the dev team.

We already know that 306 tps is achievable without orphans and nodes getting out of synch :https://medium.com/@bnp117/stress-testing-the-raiblocks-network-part-ii-def83653b21f

Doing a 1000 tps stress testing will be easy when the wallets are open beta for everybody so we will see.

>> No.7940754


>> No.7941077

Fuck you man. Don't talk shit about me and my orphan friends.

>> No.7941284
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>Tech is moving towards blockchain agnostic payment solutions to get rid of these ridiculous pure currency coins
>Meaning anyone can pay with any crypto they'd like, and the receiver can receive whichever crypto they'd like. See Kyber
>Why? Because no one will ever agree to which currency crypto should be used, aside from King Bitcorn

Why would online stores choose to accept Nano, when they can receive Bitcorn or whichever crypto is the least volatile, and their customer can pay with whatever crypto they are holding, which would massively increase the customer base.

This isn't FUD. Someone please explain how you see pure currency coins as viable when everything else is evolving to get rid of them. Except Bitcorn for obvious reasons.

>> No.7941304


>> No.7941374

And I'm not shilling REQ. If they fail, which I think they will, someone else will pick up the ball. Most likely Coinbase, since they've already shanked REQ in the ass.

All they have to do is utilize 0x and Kyber. And every pure currency coin becomes obsolete over night.

>> No.7941403


>> No.7941435

kek wills it

>> No.7941583

Thank fucking god, these bags are so heavy

>> No.7941650

One of you care to address this? >>7941284

Pure currency coins will be made obsolete once a payment solution that utilizes Kyber/0x will essentially have a built-in Shapeshift function.

So why will Nano continue rise in spite of this?

>> No.7941856

$200 dollars? Not bad

we could do worse than 0.01 BTC

>> No.7941880


>> No.7942933


>> No.7943343


>> No.7944307

>currency coins will be worthless
>except my pet currency coin