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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7938128 No.7938128 [Reply] [Original]

>Washer breaks down (spyder failure)
>Cheaper to replace than fix
>Decide I want the top of the line $2000 set because I got taste for fine things
>Try negotiating around town but no one budges
>Salesmen laugh at me telling me $2000 is close to cost
>Call my wholesale supplier she offers them for $1700
>Buy them, get the invoice, and immediately cancel the order
>Load the invoice up in GIMP and drop the price to $1200
>Write in contractor discount on comments box
>Walk in local big box store
>"Hey, my cousin is a contractor and can get these for $1200. Can you price match for me so I don't have to go through the hassle of ordering through him?"
>"Holy smokes that's a hell of a discount, I'm going to have to ask the manager this is close to our cost."
>Walk out with the set for $1200, while watching a soyboy buy it for $2000 because that's the one his chubby wife wants.
>Do this consistently to fill house with nice stuff, and always have nice stuff because I can sell things close to my cost after a few years use.
>Who else is living life so devilish?

>> No.7938244

Nice. I go to the markets and will pick up textbooks for $1 each, and sell them on Facebook buy and sell pages anywhere from $10 to $120 depending on the condition. Takes about five hours in total between driving to the markets, buying and listing. I only do pickup. I’ll make about $250 a week doing this, and I’ve been doing this for six months.

I wouldn’t say I’m devilish, but I did sell textbooks I bought for $2 to a mother for $90. They were in fairly good condition and would have cost her $90 each.

Any more stories OP? Keep up the good work, you’re definitely gonna make it.

>> No.7938261

Nice. I'm too lazy to go through that hassle, though. I'll either pay full price or steal it if the opportunity presents itself..like putting in apple codes for a pomegranate at the self checkout.

>> No.7938293

>steal it if the opportunity presents itself
you a nigger, mate?

>> No.7938347 [DELETED] 


Why aren't you all in biz?

>> No.7938357

Thanks, here is my car buying strategy

>Find out the true cost of the car after hold back.
>Negotiate close to it.
>"Hey, if you drop the price by 5K more I'll finance through you at 10% instead of my credit union".
>Truth is you where approved for 3% at the credit union but you want to inflate the number to make them think they can make a killing on the spread between what they are borrowing for and your 10%.
>You can even make fake paperwork from the bank saying you've been approved at whatever bullshit high rate.
>Buy the car for close to cost.
>Pay the entire thing off three months later or refinance through you credit union.
>Three months is optional but it will allow the salesman to keep his commission if you care about that.

>The negotiating strategy I employ is to have my cousin at another dealership work up one of those four square pricing papers things.
>He writes bullshit numbers close to cost because remember your only barging power with a dealer is the price you can buy it else where for.

>> No.7938383

Fake tits, shit ass, sage.

>> No.7938509
File: 60 KB, 500x491, 1517993784408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch needs better shoes. Those things are atrocious with her outfit.

>> No.7938521
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>> No.7938689

how much for 3 hours

>> No.7938972


it's like her dresses are almost classy, then take a hard turn for slut at the last second

>> No.7939058

i was about to say that

>> No.7939070

still you have to pay extra to close it earlier.. not really worth it

>> No.7939474

I got a pretty good deal on a new tv black friday, but normally i don't go too hard.
My gf is the real jew, she turned a 70 dollar bill into 17 and got walmart to pay her 1.50 to buy tide pods.
Fucking jewpons, god bless that woman

>> No.7939524

Nope, car loans are usually open.

>> No.7939714

iv always wanted 2 try that seems like alot of fun. how did she start?

>> No.7939751

So fraud, right? Fraud is the name of the game.

>> No.7939803

I unironically don't understand, how is it fraud?

>> No.7939804

Yes! Are you a soyboy that is scared of a little fraud? I will do anything I have to get ahead in life. Just be smooth and worst case they say they can go to a price that low.

>> No.7939815
File: 734 KB, 762x767, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The receipt is photo shopped to show a lower price. Technically fraud but the chances of getting caught are absolutely zero.

>> No.7939840

It's only illegal if you get caught.

>> No.7940077
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1517623178982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that work to save $800 when you could have been swing trading LINK.

>> No.7940216


Tbh you deserve to discount a few things at self checkout. Employee discount after all.

>> No.7940270
File: 109 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p1sbzy7ian1wa233so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are women so powerful? All I want to do is be a foot/heel slave even if I'm paying for it.

>> No.7941194

Not sure, but i know she uses an app called 'flipp' to price match, and she scours company websites for other coupons and combines them.
She networks with her peers about other money saving strategies as well

>> No.7941252

Keep posting

>> No.7941271

Nah, I just buy shit without scrimping because money is easy come in crypto and IDGAF. Whatever works for you, though, bro.

>> No.7941295

This is actually a good idea. Thanks anon.

>> No.7941318

>when you only own one pair of really nice Louboutins.

>> No.7941418

Broke thots lmaooo

>> No.7941745

That's cool anon. Money saved is money earned I guess. Depending on where you can make more money, I think people should allocate their energy there. If I can earn 1600 over the course of a day trading then I'm going to do that over saving 800 by researching the way you did. Either way, good on you.

>> No.7943104

This is one of the ways to stay poor forever and a lot of people fall into it. Spending 3 hours trying to save $5.

>> No.7943155

Probably also fake.

>> No.7943890

Well, "devilish" is roughly the same thing as "Jewish".

>> No.7943923

>Washer breaks down
i assume must be the pic you posted
FUCK ME you got a good deal, besides washing what else does she do? good looking model!

>> No.7944060

You all have bad taste in women if you think her attires are classy. Screams thot from a mile away.

>> No.7944104
File: 57 KB, 500x666, tumblr_p4hgjjVBA81wycg4io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about thots turn me on.
Maybe it's the way they dress so promiscuously and hook up with guys but never me.
Even if I got rich and hired an escort, I wouldn't want to have sex with her, just have her tease me and humiliate me and talk about her sexual experiences while patronizing me.

>> No.7944154

are you just some roastie fishing for a rich crypto autist to dominate? be honest now, your photos always have tumlbr names

>> No.7944222
File: 121 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p3v5m5Hz6R1u6lthjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a beta who fantasizes about getting dominated by women.

>> No.7944266

That's not nearly as entertaining from where Iam sitting

>> No.7944483


Jesus christ you fucking beta cucks, this bitch has a good body.

If you remove her make up, hair being done, having a dress and posing, she's literary nothing.

are you really so stupid you cucks

>> No.7944495


>Christian Louboutin
>Shit shoes

For what they are they're the cream.

>> No.7944497

I have some friends who drive hours buying shit in Facebook groups to flip on eBay. One time they drove two hours to buy some purses, bought for 200 sold for 300. The amount of gas they spent, time and fees they probably only made 40 bucks, so literally each made 8.50 an hour with wear and tear on their car as well.