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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7937816 No.7937816 [Reply] [Original]

I need to turn $10k into $100k in less than 4 years or I will literally die.

>> No.7937870

Buy literally anything on Binance
Everything will x10 in 4 years

>> No.7937884

25% BTC
25% ETH
25% NANO
what else am I missing long term?

>> No.7937920

ADA 10x this year

>> No.7937931


>> No.7937935

all in with the king

>> No.7937940

IOTA will 10x 4 years from now as well. All of the recent FUD as been proven to be completely baseless.

>> No.7937958

>coming to /biz/ for financial advice your life depends on
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7937960

Find a job and you'll make more than that in 3 years time

>> No.7937990

OMG, duh

>> No.7937999

let's waste money on vaporware that'll be left in the dust by the time ETH adopts PoS and side chains. sorry, bud, but an established coin will hit critical mass and ADA will be essentially like Linux

>> No.7938018

Saved my half sister from basically slavery but I have to pay the guy back 100k in 4 years or he will kill me and my family

>> No.7938035

Go all in on VET (formerly VEN)
>10,000 tps platform
>pays dividends in THOR regardless of how much you hold
>Partnerships with billion dollar corporations with thousands of connections
>soon to be the official blockchain of China

>> No.7938057

You should call the police on him dude
Unless you’re black
But otherwise they will help you with that kinda stuff

>> No.7938069

more details bitch
btw i got a coin that will probably 10x very soon

>> No.7938081


Your welcome

>> No.7938091

if you saved her, you can sell her as your property now. easy 10x. do you even biz?

>> No.7938115

I'm not in the US and I can't leave my country, I'm starting public university in hopes of getting a visa and leaving as I graduate if I fail to get the money or even if I don't reach 100k I can use that money and my title to be able to leave.

>> No.7938118

is biz finally starting to change its' hivemind on iota?

>> No.7938125

Nice larp.

>> No.7938145

Just make a go fund me page and post proof of your terminal illness. You'll have 100k by next week.

>> No.7938158

Sell your half-sister's cunt. $50 per hour. 4 clients a day, 5 days a week. $250k in 4 years easy.

>> No.7938163

wages are not good here
I can't make my situation public and I have to keep a low profile

>> No.7938177

fuck off

>> No.7938230

It had news today so people remembered it existed. It's still shit.

>> No.7938255

Why not? Better than dying aint it?

>> No.7938319

That's actually a good idea. She will be working 5 hours tops only 5 days a week.

>> No.7938382

Like sexual slavery?
Was it your sister that got herself into trouble in the first place?

Be vague but honest. I need the details to give you the best way out

>> No.7938471

No, she was forced into manual labor, as for the sexual stuff I never asked and never will.
I come from a middle class family and was always good with money but I spent all my savings (save for the $10k) solving this issue.

>> No.7938499


>> No.7938516

All in sky

>> No.7938517

Easy, just invest in bitcoin.

>> No.7938626

Fuck it, monday I'm going to be going $2500 in link, $5000 in Nano and $2500 in ETH.

>> No.7938664

send them to me i'll turn them into a car.

>> No.7938733

IOTA is a certified shitcoin. The network doesn't work without coordinators and they've made a ton of very poor design decisions out of sheer hubris.

IOTA is more of a marketing team than one that can produce a competent product.

>> No.7938790

>30% ETH
>20% Monero
>30% Split between NEO/ADA/EOS / other competitors to Ethereum that are smart contract networks.
>Other 20% not sure, listen to other people in thread.

>> No.7938810

Also what country are you from? South America? Or Eastern Europe?

>> No.7938854

South America, (not venezuela)

>> No.7938986


What country?

>> No.7939005



>> No.7939072

Well guess I have until monday to decide guys.
If anyone would like to support me by signing up with my binance referral that would be cool

>> No.7939158

I don’t disagree with eth but don’t count out charles. Guy is a blochain genius

>> No.7939196


>> No.7939233

Dont do Nano please, its a huge shit coin. Double spending, cant be implemented on exchange and there's no incentive to run a node.

You only need a coin to grow by 80% a year to make 10x in 4 years. Invest in NEO and Vechain as safe options that can easily 10x.

>> No.7939248

Do you want to die? Because that will absolutely get you out of your situation. Moreover, there are many ways to ensure safe sex nowadays.

You should never put into crypto what you are unwilling to lose.

>> No.7939274

how old is your sister?

>> No.7939299

Literally all FUD, it's listed on most exchanges without a problem.

>> No.7939305

cardano maybe if they decide to actually do anything

>> No.7939408

kucoin had troubles with it and binance withdrawals are still slow as hell.

But ok, lets not talk about technical stuff. From a design perspective, there's no incentive to run a node. What's nano's solution to this?