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7936022 No.7936022 [Reply] [Original]

Marriage is sort of a business decision, isn't it?

I live in Los Angeles and am 33 years old. I've actually begun thinking about settling down, and dating someone who I'll eventually marry.

The problem is that literally all the women I meet are completely loser whores who would make terrible mothers, even if they are hot or beautiful.

It's almost as if advertising and jewish media have destroyed the minds of women. They don't know how to do ANYTHING, literally. They can't cook, they can't clean, they're like retarded children who just play social games with each other to get what they want. It's fucking gross.

They complain about men but that's because they honestly are jokes of a human being. Obviously there are some good women, but most of them are foreign or first generation immigrants.

I've been going on a series of tinder dates with my crypto gains, and almost all of the girls I go forward with will fuck you on the first date. I really do lose respect for them, subconsciously, if they do that.

What do you think? Is marriage over? Am I doomed to a life of whores and porn stars? (I've actually fucked a few porn stars, pic related)

>> No.7936078

I don't think you actually want to marry, or that marriage would make you or your wife happier.

>> No.7936079

>tinder dates
There's your problem. Try looking for women in other ways, maybe you'll find someone who suits you better.

>> No.7936124

try eharmony anon, it's more in-depth than shitder, still no guarantees but people there have actually taken the time to fill out a shit ton of questions so it's unlikely to be populated by whores

>> No.7936142

women will never love you the way you love them anon it's a harsh reality that has taken it's toll on my psyche. I've accepted that I may be alone, at first it was depressing but it led to following a path of stoicism and wanting to become the best person I can be. As long as I can mold myself to become someone I'm proud of why do I need a woman? Sure sex and cuddling is great but every relationship I've been in over 2 years you get tired of fucking the same girl and they turn into nagging bitches. How much did you pay to fuck that roastie btw?

>> No.7936149

Marriage is cool when you find the right one. My wife cooks me good meals, is incredible suportive, a great lover and a friend. I could be fine being single, but with her at my side things are easier.

Has its cons too, after a few years you really want to try different pussy, we talked about doing a threesome, but I'm still not sure about this, scares me a possible change for worse in our relationship.

>> No.7936179

I don't know how else to meet people. I guess I could volunteer but I'm a crypto millionaire so I don't have time for that shit.

I've been reading a lot of child psychology books and have met with a therapist over the years, because my parents were fucking retarded when it came to child rearing (obviously not THAT bad, but not great) and it fucked me and my siblings up, and I think I spent my 20's trying to sort myself out and "cure" myself.

So naturally, I'm concerned about my children if I have any, which I want to do someday. I know first hand the effects an incompetent mother can have and I want to avoid it at all costs.

Aren't women supposed to biologically know how to be mothers? I just snorted cocaine the other night with this bitch and I was thinking in the back of my head, "holy shit, you're worthless". I don't mean that in a mean spirited way, in fact I was sort of empathic towards her and felt sorry about the whole situation. I guess we were doing drugs to numb ourselves, albeit about different things.

>> No.7936180

you're trash with unrealistic expectations. any normal woman would leave you if she found out you have a history of banging whores and porn stars.

>> No.7936201


>> No.7936203

With the right girl it'll be cool. But it takes being real good friends. It takes me a long ass time before I feel comfortable with an older girl. If they are 30 and single then they might be fucked in the head.

I rather just be with a girl. She can spend the night a few times. If there are no issues maybe they move in. But free to leave whenever. That way it's less messy if she turns out to have a 40 year old mental break down due to never having kids and I dip cause I ain't crazy enough to stay.

>> No.7936210

Marrying 3D for love is stupid, you can literally get all your affection and love from a waifu.

>> No.7936256

eww christ the weakness oozing from this reply

>> No.7936267

go on.

>> No.7936277

I gotta be honest. Most of the women I've met who are capable of cooking, cleaning, being subservient (not doormats, big difference) to their men are from other countries. I am going in an hour or so to meet with a Chinese girl who offered to cook for me and does what I want her to. Not like I'm some psychopath who needs complete control over a woman but it's nice to not have to deal with the attitude and complete lack of anything to offer outside of sex that a lot of western women have. And I also live in LA so I know what you're dealing with OP.

>> No.7936320

Granted my first marriage was a failure cause she was a bitch and I was a beta faggot, you're pretty on point.

>> No.7936343

SAGE SAGE SAGE holyshit the redditors here that think posting their blog of advice is somehow good, is extremely embarrassing

>> No.7936365

So you mean to tell me women on a fuckbuddy app are whores? Who'd have guessed?

Basically handing an open invitation to cheat.

>> No.7936395

>Unironically asks for threesome
How can i short your marrage

>> No.7936400

This isn't about love, it's about competence. Like I actually think women in their late 20's don't know how to raise children, like AT ALL.

shush faggot.

>> No.7936425
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OP I feel the same way, NYC here though. I'll probably never marry, but have multiple companions on and off for the rest of my life.

>> No.7936426
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I forgot add it, but yeah, she knows I'm the boss, and there's no problem in this. A happy woman is a subservient woman, it's in their nature. She knows I love and will stand by her side, but she' well aware that she doesn't own me.

>> No.7936428

enjoy dying alone you drug addled piece of shit.

>> No.7936490
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We were high on dmaa in a festival, the conversation went pretty well and natural. I highly doubt she'll ever cheat on me, but if it happens and I find out, I'll dump her, pretty simple. My part I done well, and that's what matters.

>> No.7936517

To be honest, this talk is pointless unless any of you are married for more than 4 years.

>> No.7936527

How much do porn stars cost desu?

>> No.7936555

Thats because 99% of attractive women have reduced themselves to sex objects who care about nothing but attention and are given everything on silver platter by beta orbiters. Why learn to do anything when everything is just handed to you and you get a bigger sense of accomplishment from posting a picture of your ass or a selfie on Instagram than learning something valuable?

>> No.7936562


bruh, details on your encounter with ava addams. she's lives in my town and is a big fan of the local sports teams here.

>> No.7936569

33 and still single? you don't sound like much of a catch yourself

>> No.7936594

women nowadays don't have an inner life. they don't cultivate the intellect. they just scroll instagram checking their notifications for likes. they could read a shitt ton of books in the time they spend on social media and they would actually have conversation topics

>> No.7936619
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>he fell for the settle down meme

>> No.7936626

you're a beta orbiter with no idea what it's like to be a desirable male with resources.

>> No.7936648

that is one seriously deviated septum...she has done bucketloads of coke...bucketloads

>> No.7936672

let me guess, society told you you need to be in a relationship? don't fall for women fomoing

>> No.7936731

Go to clubs every single night. When you see a girl at a nice club that isn't wearing makeup and is wearing reeboks, ask her on a date.

That's how I met my wife and I'm pretty happy. She helped me at my job hanging up curtains this week.

>> No.7936767

fuck no.
>roasties want to settle down after the cocks.
>Where's all the good men
Gf is good, marriage is a no no

>> No.7936934

Why was she at the club like that. Is she one of those le quirky types? Like a Luna lovegood fairy princess?

>> No.7937009

how much is this whore per hour?

>> No.7937085

she got dragged there for her friends birthday, I asked her to go ice sktating and end up cooking her dinner at my apartment. I then forced myself on her. We've been together ever since, though we have less sex now.

>> No.7937109

>I then forced myself on her
why paint yourself like this

>> No.7937220

I cooked her dinner then invited her into my room to watch a movie ( I lived ina shared models apartment). Then I made my move and she was receptive. A few months later she confided in me that she was scared I was going to kill her if she said no. We laugh about it now. She's very naive

>> No.7937223

I want this so bad but I have no idea where they are hiding. All I find are soulless stacys.

>> No.7937294


She has a nice pair of titties.

>> No.7937321


>> No.7937714
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>paying for sex
the state of some men

>> No.7937846

Go back to your therapist and maybe talk about this shit with him. Sounds like you just hate women desu. If you're in LA I'm not surprised you're running into a bunch of fake prettied up girls with no substance though. You're probably gonna have to look outside of LA if you want to find a woman worth settling down with. Also, don't use tinder or go to clubs unless you're just trying to fuck.

Get into a hobby that includes social interaction, and then join a club for that hobby. Once you start making friends you'll expand your social circle and that will help you meet women that aren't just looking for a bump of coke or a free dinner

>> No.7937886
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>forced myself on her

>> No.7938119

honestly that's pretty cheap. how do you get in touch with her?

>> No.7938123

Get ur self an old school European women.

>> No.7938133

>t. can't afford whores so he has to settle for full-time servitude to a single woman

>> No.7938164

I have a few madams that I go through.

I don't hate women, I've dated some really amazing women in my life, but things didn't work out because of jobs, location, etc.

It's because of that I can actually judge the state of average women in America. It's ridiculous. I genuinely feel bad for them.

>> No.7938167

anon GET THE FUCK OUT OF LA. I lived there for 8 years that shithole is worst place in the country to meet women. they are all wannabe star fuckers that think they are going to become a singer or some shit when in reality they will be a waitress forever. vapid. shallow. dumb as rocks. get out while you can.

>> No.7938180

sounds awesome actually

why would you marry these whores when you can fuck them

>> No.7938181

dude, marriage.... naaaaaa

>> No.7938185

beta pussy faggot

>> No.7938186

how tight was avas pussy? did u do anal?

>> No.7938189

Facts. Dudes a simp.

>> No.7938194

um no, LA is his problem. move out of that Marxist shithole immediately.

>> No.7938209

t. ugly, obese ShareBlue "woman"-man thing.

>> No.7938223

listen to me... buy ZCL, get rick and go to thailand... sex sex sex

>> No.7938231
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the ShareBlue garbage never gets old

>> No.7938249

Los Angeles and every other american city are literally so right wing in praxis that they might as well be feudal zones. you trailer park faggots have no idea what the fuck you're talking about ever

>> No.7938266

How to get in contact with her? I'd be down for it.

>> No.7938283
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imagine being an ugly, obese female

>> No.7938298

>I've been going on a series of tinder dates with my crypto gains, and almost all of the girls I go forward with will fuck you on the first date.

this is what tinder is for

>> No.7938308

> I've been going on a series of tinder dates with my crypto gains, and almost all of the girls I go forward with will fuck you on the first date
Maybe you just have mad game.
I try to escalate quickly, but I find that like only 1 out of 5 girls are down to fuck on the first date.
Maybe I'm just not getting the extreme sluts who put out really quickly (or my game is just not as good as yours).
What's your secret?

>> No.7938320

bitch that's ava addams, a porn star

>> No.7938321

thai bitches are ugly as fuck

>> No.7938346
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better than obese white "women" in shitmerica

>> No.7938348

OP if all you meet is shitty women most likely have a shitty perception of reality. You miserable Gen X. Be happier, it's not too late to share some love.

>> No.7938355
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>> No.7938424

marriage and LA

I stopped reading

Go up north way north


>> No.7938433

But would you have killed her?

>> No.7938442

>wanting a literal obese dyke from Seattle

>> No.7938490

ShareBlue bait

>> No.7938508

white american women are ten leagues above some third world hell hole with a toilet for a gene pool like you see in thailand

this whole FUD on american chicks is like the funniest, gayest cope i've ever seen

>> No.7938511

>she was receptive.
>later she confided in me that she was scared I was going to kill her if she said no.
Damn she probably came so hard that first time.

>> No.7938636

my game is strong, just aggressively borderline flirt in a comical but not annoying way. Also be good looking, tall, and rich.

But honestly, the totality of a girl's senses is devoted to determining whether a man is worth fucking or not, that's it. ALL their senses are geared towards feeling you out, just have to understand that.

>> No.7938681
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t. roastie

>> No.7938720

Go to church you degenerate piece of shit. You want a woman with morals when you've been just as much as a man slut all your life? Repent. Go to church. The lord will provide you an 18 year old virgin. But you must be honest with god!! Faggot!

>> No.7938739


>> No.7938765

there is no such thing as a man slut, just successful men.
but there is such thing as a slut.

>> No.7938806

you're poor trailer trash

>> No.7938807

>he fomo'd in his twenties
loving every laugh

>> No.7938811
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>Also be good looking, tall, and rich.

>> No.7938830
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hi ShareBlue (:
you make 7.25 an hour

>> No.7938851

It's like op going to the ghetto to find a princess. Holy shit? Get off tender if you want quality. Quality is found from god! Go to church and repent!!!!! Fags.

>> No.7938864

do you think repeating this /pol/ bullshit over and over again makes people forget that you're a loser

do you honestly believe that your little gay politics, meme wars nonsense matters one bit in the grand scheme of things

>> No.7938870

having a perfect body is worth way more than being rich. women just use guys with money then cheat with the guy from the gym. facts f a m
you make 7.25 an hour go wash your mouth

>> No.7938878

You fucking soyboy beta faggot.

>> No.7938905


The struggle is very bad these days. But there are a few good women out there. Don't even try under 27, they are all social media whore idiots.

I had pretty much given up until 2 years ago. I met a great woman and we now live together and are very happy. Shes got her mind together, is nice and fun, and we have a great sex life. Never thought I'd see the day.

Try church. You don't need to buy into the Jesus thing to find a good woman. It's worth a try.

As for marriage, fuck that. All it does is add pressure and risk to a perfect situation. I'm prob not marrying my woman. And she's fine with that, thinks the whole idea is kinda retarded, just like I do.

Also I think you are having problems because it's LA. Everyone moves there for the fame life. Women that want fame and attention are never good women. Ever.

Oh, how was Ava Addams? She is hot as fuck.

>> No.7938909

You're girl is going to cheat if she's at home cooking and homeschooling your aryan children. Good lord forgive them. This is not rocket science.

>> No.7938926


I don't agree. I've seen a few relationships where the woman would die for the man, if he asked.

>> No.7938933
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Listen up you beta cucks. If u want a serious relationship and do some whore you need to be smarter. Dont go into a date looking filthy rich, for me id rather dress poor then slowly let her know about the money. Also if ur a beta cuck and u want a trophy wife to love you its not gonna happen get over it fuckers.

>> No.7938953
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>> No.7938956


> after a few years you really want to try different pussy

Jesus this is true. As men we are built for infidelity. It's terrible.

I love my GF, and she is fun to fuck, and yet I still spend lots of time considering what it would be like to fuck other women...

I would never cheat on my GF though, a little bit of pleasure is not worth destroying a good relationship.

>> No.7939010


On this note, there is something I should add for the young anons here.

Before settling down with a wife, you need to go on a lot of dates and fuck many women.

For 2 reasons, (1) you don't want to spend your married years wondering what kind of crazy sex is out there that you missed out on and (2) you need to learn how women work before settling down.

Every time I see a guy who ends up marrying the first girl he fucks/dates he ends up being a beta bitch who is the woman's slave. Seen it so many times.

What's sad is women don't want to dominate. They want to be dominated. They just want the guy to do it in a charming way.

>> No.7939011

Well first of all don't even look at women over 30.
20-25 should be what you are aiming for, maybe 26-29 if they actually have a good reason for not settling down for that long (like actually a good career like a Doctor or something).

I don't think Tinder or any other app is of use. Except maybe Bumble???

So try meet them IRL at a place you would actually like to meet them, business networking events, gym / physical activities, some kind of class where you are learning a hobby, church etc.

>> No.7939042

what are your thoughts on marrying young for those who fuck around young as well?

>> No.7939100


Totally fine.

Just for me, I'm really glad I got that stuff out of my system.

I've fucked black chicks, latina, asian, some milfs, crazy sex on hotel rooftops, anal, etc..

I tried pretty much everything.

So now that I'm settled down, I have no interest in getting some sexual thrill that I have not had before. I'm very satisfied with what I have.

>> No.7939127
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>Be me
>500k Net worth
>Dont want whores want real women
>Prefer innocent pussy after marriage
>Hangs around alcoholics,druggies,Party fukbois. all the bad influence niggers out there
>Has the will to not give in to money hungry whores

>> No.7939171


Here's the problem.

If you want a woman who is good in bed, it's not likely she is also going to be the Christian type who waits until marriage...

>> No.7939185

You should go to Europe. Spain. Portugal. Italy.

They will cook and are hot.

>> No.7939194

>goes on tinder
>complains about women fucking on the first date
If this isn't just a bait thread you're a fucking retard, I'd normally just ignore it but its already gotten 100 replies anyways.

>> No.7939197

"good in bed"
Why is that important ? im not a nympho tho, i wont last more than 5 minutes

>> No.7939202
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>Obviously there are some good women, but most of them are foreign or first generation immigrants.

Probably the most important information most of you will ever see on /biz/. This is literally about half of your life, so you better pay attention.

ONLY foreign women are worth dating and marrying. There are NO exceptions to this rule.

>> No.7939204

That's a retarded argument, you teach her you fucking idiot how can a self respecting man entertain a girl who spend 4 years learning how to suck your dick with other men, no thanks fuck you're dumb

>> No.7939226

You still end craving different pussy after a couple years, trust me, I fucked over 70 whores before marrying, and the itch won't go away.

>> No.7939251


Why is that important?

Dude what. Are you serious.

I dated a girl (2 women actually) that refused to give head. Just said they did not like doing it.

Instant relationship ender.

I dated girls that made me work for it, like I had to put in all this charm effort every time I wanted to get laid.

I dated one girl for 2 years. In the beginning we had sex almost every day. Around the 2 year mark she only wanted it once a month. And when we did she just laid there, and complained some.

That shit is awful bro.

And that's a common thing BTW. Women who love to fuck for a few months, and then a few years in they just completely lose interest in sex. It's fucking terrible. If you marry one of those women you are completely fucked. You are literally better off living single and jerking off to porn, than being stuck in a dead marriage/relationship. It's soul sucking.

>> No.7939253

it only gets worse doesnt it ? like worse than a drug addiction, but ur dealing with a women's seduction

>> No.7939267


I completely agree, but I think you are better off having known that world, than spending many many nights wondering what could have been.

>> No.7939275

>I've actually fucked a few porn stars, pic related
OP when I make it I want to do this for the experience, where did you find them? Are there like, official escort agencies specifically for porn stars?

>> No.7939279

fuck man that sounds like a real problem fuck i wanna get my meatstick sucked off man fuck fuck fuck fuck wat i do ? fuk fuk fuk fuk

>> No.7939320


Lol, good luck with your chaste woman!

>I'm not in the mood tonight honey (says that every night)
>I'm just don't enjoy giving you blowjobs
>I don't like doggy style it feels disrespectful

Lol, just do the stats. The type of woman who will be free and aggressive sexually (which makes the sex fun) is not the type of woman who is going to wait for her prince charming to marry her. She's gonna fuck some dudes.

But hey stick with your plan and see how it goes for you!

>> No.7939336

Still, being married is better than being single. Having a partner at your side for anything is priceless, and worth the sacrifice.

>> No.7939352

yo how old r u my brother

>> No.7939377

You can teach a virgin to be a whore friend. Woman must be reminded constantly who's the boss.

>> No.7939381


Completely agree.

Eventually the truth comes out and the woman knows all of you, the good and the bad.

And when she stays after all that, it's a very good feeling.

>> No.7939390

what about stds ? :( i dont want to risk the diseases if i can just use my right hand :(

>> No.7939403


I agree, it's more just like I said, women that are fun in bed, are that way cause they have a great sex drive.

And a woman with that kind of drive is probs gonna start breaking the ice at 18 and doing people.

>> No.7939412

Again you teach her, enjoy your despondant meathole lubricated with other mens jizz what she will never forget and always use it to psychologically one up you because she knows she's trash and eventually you will leave because she's a whore but at least she showed your pathetic ass by fucking lots of men.
-the end of a shit story thanks women

>> No.7939426

I can see you wen't through the same enlightening process as I did brother, crazy.

>> No.7939433

that's why you fuck around age 14-22 then work and marry a clever 19year old to homeschool your seed

>> No.7939434

>>I don't like doggy style it feels disrespectful
said the art school feminist

>> No.7939437


The fact that you're upset just lets me know that the truth I'm speaking is getting to you.

>> No.7939453
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>> No.7939461


I've seen it all bro.

Once you have had good sex, that's what you want.

I feel bad for the guy who marries the first woman he fucks, and the sex is bad. And he thinks that's just how it's supposed to go.

>> No.7939487

huh? what truth that nigger dick makes your roastie fuck easier? how is that a good thing is MY point

>> No.7939507

I feel like u know wat ur talking about. can u give me describe to me how real sex is better than my right hand ?
>18 year old curious virgin

>> No.7939512

>The problem is that literally all the women I meet are completely loser whores who would make terrible mothers, even if they are hot or beautiful.

The only solution is to find a church girl who literally believes everything they teach.

I know it's hard but it will work.

>> No.7939531

>I'm a crypto millionaire so I don't have time

Wtf is your problem.

You are a millionaire. Cash out and be lazy for a few years. There will always be more opportunities.

>> No.7939549

you've obviously never been to america. the fat gun toting rednecks all live in the middle part of the country. every major city very liberal. LA is socialist as shit and overrun with mexicans. LA county is literally majority mexican.

>> No.7939559


>I have money but no time

I see this complaint a lot too, and I just shake my head.

You can always make more money. Finding a good woman is pretty important.

If you have to put your career on the back burner so you can devote time to finding a woman then do it.

>> No.7939600

OP said he wants something serious. LA isnt the place for that. I fucked probably 30-40 sluts during my time there, some of them very hot, but not a single dateable one in the bunch. literally all they care about is getting attention from randos on instagram. it gets old after a while.

>> No.7939703

you sound gay.

>> No.7939721


>n-no y-you're the one whose trash!

Nice try roastie

>> No.7939735
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>> No.7939781

lol look at this insecure faggot. you either have a small dick or youre a little beta soyboy cuck that gets cheated on by all your gfs. prob both.

>> No.7939862


Yeah I never understood men that are all "nobody can have fucked my women before I meet her"

FYI women are adults.

>> No.7939885


>he thinks roasties wait til age 18 to ride the cock carousel

>> No.7940176

so you fucked those whores in your dream

>> No.7940570

you're obviously so poor that you can't even comprehend the reality you inhabit

>> No.7940636

I'm poor, married, three kids.

Step one. Decide if you like where your life is headed without severe outside intervention. If you are ok with it, ramble on rambler! If not, do you want to waste more years trying to fix yourself or realize you are ultimately screwed and seek help.

Step two. Get moving. If you like where you're going, go. If you want to chart your own course, go. If you want to know de wae...get right with Jesus. Nothing else will really help.

I was lower middle class, public servant type for my first 33 years. Then I almost died. I spent four years wishing I did, then three more learning to live again. In this, I almost got divorced. She was cheating. Before I took her back, I stated my terms...unconditional surrender. I didn't care what she liked or disliked, she was to submit to my will. She fought it for years. About a year and a half ago, we started studying the Bible together (ttb.org) and I can honestly say that we are now happily married. I didn't give up power, but we've both mellowed out. Home life is peaceful.


I don't have any other way to describe what has happened. I sure didn't fix it.

Sounds silly perhaps, but it works. I accepted that Jesus died for my sins and rose again. I give ten percent of my pay to spread the Word. We have enough. We probably live off of less than you spend on coke in a year, but we are happy and our children healthy.

I thank God for that.

You should check into it.

>> No.7940654


>> No.7940715

wrong, just one and that was enough to ruin it, women disgust me now

>> No.7940721

>ramble on rambler!
>Step two.
>It. Is. A. MIRACLE.
>usage of ".' to presume significance

these are the things keeping you from integrating and sounding like a reddit queer.

>> No.7940726

Have fun when Satan slips his burning cock down your throat for a century or two, jackass.

>> No.7940729

it's more about the character or lack there of of slutty women that are sadly now the majority

>> No.7940752

holy shit

>> No.7940777

Reddit truly has arrived

>> No.7940803

Well, I'm sure all of you rich geniuses have it all figured out.

I'll just go to bed with my wife and leave you to "integrate" into this "community!

Repent or burn.

>> No.7940804

i'm from LA. I hear what you're saying, anon. LA is superficial... i mean we got hollywood, SNAP, and female marketing down our throats non-stop.

But thats LA's culture. I mean you can go down to Venice and hang out with hipsters. But who the fuck wants hipsters as friends.

Honestly for women, you gotta get out. San Diego is very much the same vibe, but a lot of transplants from other places. A lot of stupid party girls in PB.

NY, from what I hear is the same bullshit like LA. but more stupid chicks thinking they're men. A lot of tourists though

Try getting out. Colorado is pretty fucking mellow and the chicks seem decent, don't seem so uptight. I liked Florida, Alabama, Louisiana is dope.

LA culture is a fucking mind-fuck... the entire country is not like that. You'll find some cool mellow chick... if not. check out Latin America, or Asia. Hanging out in the nice neihborhoods of Latin America, you'll easily find chicks who speak English

>> No.7940834

yeah was thinking about that. peterson talks about that it takes 3 generations for bad parental to correct itself... my gf comes from a single mother....

so it's starting to make me question more deeply, which i dont't want to do, but its something serious especially if i wanna have kids later

>> No.7940847

Find hispanic mommy gf, they usually know how to cook and clean.

>> No.7940859

>Obviously there are some good women, but most of them are foreign or first generation immigrants.
You said it yourself. I'm married to an immigrant Indonesian woman and she's the fucking best. None of the shit that you have to deal with in American women.

>> No.7940885

But for how long... people adapt to the new cultures they find themselves in. It's probably a survival mechanism

>> No.7940916

Don't come to Colorado, everything that was good about it has been ruined by everyone who moved here and anyone with a brain is getting out before the housing bubble bursts.

Montana is everything Colorado used to be, dont be left holding bags.

>> No.7940929

It's been 9 years man.

>> No.7940952

wow, you're a faggot

t. loves Christ

>> No.7940961

Damn. That's impressive. How do you do two do it? My gf is from Russia, so it's been an interesting ride with being with someone from another culture.

Holy shit. Wow. That's true. Didn't think about that.

>> No.7942213

fuck this can't be more true

>> No.7942549

Fucking cuck
This is the kind of boomer cunt that has left the world a Marxist shithole

>> No.7942579
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>> No.7942597

well reddit, it's because your circumcised.

>> No.7943057

Lolllll being this beta-retarded

>> No.7943543

just go to a brothel and get it over with. it's cheaper in the long run and you can try them all out and be out the door.

>> No.7943555

this realisation was massively disturbing me for as well