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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, Cup+Water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934793 No.7934793 [Reply] [Original]

The true /biz/nessman test.

The water costs $1 more than the cup.
How much does the cup cost?

If you answer incorrectly sell all your crypto and get back to wagecucking.

>> No.7934826

>How much does the cup cost?
more than the water

>> No.7934838

When calculating the business case for a Six Sigma project, the cost of poor quality (COPQ), which is the cost caused through producing defects, is a commonly used concept. Within the total amount of quality cost, however, COPQ represents only a certain proportion. Costs do not result from only producing and fixing failures; a high amount of costs comes from ensuring that good products are produced. This article explains the cost of quality as a more comprehensive concept covering the cost of poor quality and the cost of good quality. In short, any cost that would not have been expended if quality were perfect contributes to the cost of quality.

>> No.7934846

why the fuck would I pay for water, especially 1.50 for water in a shitty cup

>> No.7934849

thanks bought 1000k water and cups

>> No.7934854

50 and 1.50. thx ill stay in crypto u pajeet retard
> .25 and 1.25

>> No.7934880
File: 584 KB, 1070x999, 8a71874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup is 25c

>> No.7934890

this. $0.25 and $1.25. get out with these child riddles

>> No.7934898


Water is $1000 by eoy, you heard it here first.

>> No.7934903

25 cents, wow what a stringent test I had to think about it for a whole milisecond

>> No.7934913

Thanks just bought 100k 25 cent estrogenic plastic cups

>> No.7934917

ok its a dollar more?
25 cent for the cup

>> No.7934918

Cup + Water = $1.50
Water = $1.00 + Cup

Water = $1.50 - Cup
Water = $1.00 + Cup

Numbers don't add up!

>> No.7934961

depends where you buy the water and the fucking cup retard.

>> No.7934974

cup = .50
water = $1


>> No.7934987

why is that tiny amount of water more than $1 anyway?

>> No.7934993

Shhhh ((((THEY)))) will hear you and take all your crypto.

>> No.7934995

It's heavy water

>> No.7935016

that's 2 dollars you retard.

.50 for the cup therefore 1.50 for the water. Total of 2 dollars.

>> No.7935049
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1515888227192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOOOO ok, I get it now. Whatever I don't care I'm still staying in crypto. Just because I got some dumb riddle wrong doesn't mean I'm stupid.

>> No.7935050


It's a trick question. Real businessmen would know that the water would never cost $1 more than the cup

>> No.7935051

Good job. You formed a system of equations with 2 equations and 2 unknowns. Now solve it.

Spoiler: cup is $0.25 and water $1.25.

>> No.7935058


Therefore, if the cup were $.25 and the water is $1.00 more, that would make the water $1.25.

$1.25 + $.25 = $1.50 = cup + water

>> No.7935108

In America you can get water in a little plastic cup for free just by asking for it. I KEKOL @ you europoors struggling to figure out the price of something that could be free

>> No.7935133
File: 202 KB, 888x1120, 11491475719061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it doesn't. Shoot for the stars my friend

>> No.7935134

if you don't understand how math works i guess it is easy.. to be wrong!

1 dollar more than cup.. A WHOLE DOLLAR MORE THAN THE CUP. Cup + Water = 1.50.
1.50 = Cup + (1.00 + Cup)
1.50 = 1.00 + 2Cup
.50 = 2Cup
0.25 = Cup

>> No.7935157

water: 1 dollar
cup: 1/2 dollar

thus, the water costs 1 dollar more.

>> No.7935160

A system of equations in two variables?? Too fucking much man... guess it's wagecucking for me, fuck...

>> No.7935182

how does that add up to 1.50?

>> No.7935214

Who'd pay $1.25 for a cup's worth of water?

>> No.7935218

Cup = X
Water = X+1

X+(X+1) = 1.50

2X+1 = 1.50

X = .25

>> No.7935237

>2 unknowns
stealth brainlet

>> No.7935266

incorrect retard burger

In europe any place of business is required by law to provide drinking quality water for free.

>> No.7935287

Seen this math problem on Reddit a few days back since I spend all my time there.

The cup is 50 cents.

The water is $1.00.


>> No.7935288

its not a riddle its basic maths, brainlet

>> No.7935309

wait a minute. is this your homework? did u just make me do ur 6th grade math homework for you

>> No.7935323
File: 7 KB, 250x227, 1516196492248s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok OK, I acknowledge I am a brainlet with low IQ and low understanding of math but I have the heart to be open minded and not let that stop me from learning why I am wrong and correcting. Not all brainlets are brainlets if that makes any sense.

>> No.7935334


X+Y/W (X-Y+W) + (W/Y-X) = $0.25 = V
X+V = $1.25

Therefore the cup costs 25 cents and the water costs $1.25

This is kindertgarten maths.

>> No.7935344

Yeah, you're correct. I forgot most of my math.

>> No.7935406

A man in a desert

>> No.7935452

What coin is this?

>> No.7935462

iff x=0.25

>> No.7935471

Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations.

Which is more probable?

A)Linda is a bank teller.
B)Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement.

>> No.7935480
File: 34 KB, 817x443, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7935495
File: 22 KB, 645x729, 1516837172816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's B... isn't it

>> No.7935581

Congrats, you are the first person I have ever seen get this wrong.
Try again:
Consider a regular six-sided die with four green faces and two red faces. The die will be rolled 20 times and the sequence of greens (G) and reds (R) will be recorded. You are asked to select one sequence, from a set of three, and you will win $25 if the sequence you choose appears on successive rolls of the die.


>> No.7935643

C) She's just active in the feminist movement.

>> No.7935644


basic linear algebra

c+w = 1.5
w+1 = c

add 1 to w:

c+w = 1.5
1w = c


c+w = 1.5
w = c

substitute w for c

c+c = 1.5


c^2 = 1.5


c = sqrt(1.5)


c = s*1.5 + q*1.5 + r*1.5 + t*1.5

look up values of s, q, r, and t in identities table:

s = 0.132321, q = 0.010212, r = 0.013112, t = 0.011021


c = 0.132321*1.5 + 0.010212*1.5 + 0.013112*1.5 + 0.011021*1.5


0.1984815 + 0.015318 + 0.019668 + 0.0165315


0.2137995 + 0.0361995

Add again:


round to the nearest cent:



>> No.7935683
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>> No.7936198

Yes Chad you're right! Please don't bang my girlfriend

>> No.7936254

25 cent

>> No.7936474

water 1.25
cup .25
total $150 dorra

>> No.7936492
File: 88 KB, 645x729, 1516347995049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRGRRR since there is more green than red so you should probably see more greens in the sequence than a sequence mostly dominated by Reds.

>inb4 WRONG

>> No.7936511

screenshot this

>> No.7936659



>> No.7936724

a buck fifty for a cup of water?
i don't have a dollar for water
i won't pay 75 cents for a cup of water
50 cents for that cup of water? i don't have it
very well, i shall 35 cents for that water and not a shekel more

>> No.7936920

It is the same sequence but with one less dependent event. for you to be right RGRRRR must also be right and something with a less than 1 probility must also occur (the other G rolle). Its the same as the feminist question, to be a banker and a feminist she has to be a banker.

It's like if you flip a coin, its a 50% chance of heads. if you flip it twice the chance it is heads than tails is 25% because it needs to be heads on the first flip first so its 50% of 50%. Obviously flipping a coin and getting heads is more likely than flipping two coins and both being heads.
The sequence of the dice roll doesnt matter since each roll is discrete with equal probility of each colour.

>> No.7937179

obvious answer given is the cup is 50 cents but that does not work because that would make the water 1.5 plus cup equals 2. unironically the cup has to be 25 cents and the water is a dollar more making it 1.25 which would be cup .25 plus water 1.25 equals 1.50 do i get to keep my link?

>> No.7937367

The cup is 19 cents plus tax and the water is 1.19 plus tax.

>> No.7937474

+1 dollar
= 2.50 (dollars)

now we have 2 items (water + cup) so we divide by 2
2.50:2= 1,25$

So if the total is 1.50$
and water is 1.25$ then the cup must be
1.50$-1.25$= 0.25$


>> No.7937631

Is this my bottom line or sale price? If I've bought cups in differing quantities (therefore differing unit cost) then am I using the median cup price across all my cup stock, or checking which batch of cups this particular cup comes from and using the unit cost for that batch? How am I measuring the volume of water? By eye? Inaccurate. Error in water volume will affect the cost to me of this product over a few hundred or a few thousand sold. Where in that calculation are your sunk costs? Didn't think so. Sell all your businessmen and go back to sucking dick for chicken wings.

>> No.7937676

Does the price of cup and water add up to the price of Cup+Water?

>> No.7937747
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x = price of cup
x+1 = price of water
2x+1= 1.50
2x = 0.50
x= 0.25
this takes mere seconds for the non-retarded.

>> No.7937849
File: 57 KB, 645x729, 1519385858815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i will not buy your stinky drinky bags pajeet. Shoo