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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 248x189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934476 No.7934476 [Reply] [Original]

look at me
i have a trip
i am magically smarter than all of you
and every word i speak must be truth

>cc: assblaster
>cc: oracle
>cc: helper
>cc: whoeverelse

this board is pathetic

>> No.7934575

you forgot the best of them : Omegamaker

>> No.7934625

pardon me, they have been so plentiful as of late on this ANONYMOUS bahamian underwater basket weaving forum that I have lost count

>> No.7934676


Don't blame the tripfags, they're just desperate attention seekers who think they're on reddit and don't know any better.
Blame the faggots who "follow" them because they're literally too retarded to learn and contribute anything of value themselves.

>> No.7934719

redplebs think they're getting some insider info or some top secret, confidential peeks into the inner machinations of crypto when it's actually 16-year old LARPers with 4 figure portfolios drawing meme lines
but what do I know
I'm just a fed up anon, i mean tripfag

>> No.7935407

AB and Oracle earned their trips

>> No.7935449

Kek no. He called it going up on an uptrend. Big fucking deal. He was wrong about it not dumping at 12k. And he also says it's very unlikely to go below 9k. He's about to be wrong about that too.

>> No.7935628
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check m'trips

>> No.7935741

This. HAHAHAHAHA hope that faggot kills himself soon

>> No.7935780
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>> No.7935790
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>whale here

>> No.7935800
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>> No.7935818

hah you guys are all pajeets

>> No.7935821
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>> No.7935829

wtf I might be gay for sminem

>> No.7935850
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>> No.7936173
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he´s here. kill him

>> No.7936242
File: 570 KB, 1680x1260, 1518667115613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he panic sold
>Dump it
>he managed to 2x his stack
>Pump it
>hes not selling
>pump it more
>he took profits to BTC at Ath
>put him to sleep, call Bitfinex, print 1 billion tethers
>hes awake and his portfolio is 3x
>make him think a crash is imminent , drop off the volume
>he sold everything to USD
>Activate a 50% crypto market crash
>he bought back at the absolute bottom and put a long on Btc at 100x leverage
>pump it again
>he wants to buy the Confido dip
>pull a DDoS attack on all the exchanges
>print 2 billion more tethers when he goes to sleep, and then pump it
>hes awake
>load a dip
>he bought the dip
>huge green dildos till sleep, get Mr Satoshi on the line
>Mr Satoshi is on
>Make Satoshi lock his coins forever and make a public statement as soon as he wakes up
>he already made it
>Activate new paradigm protocol
>he feels Alone now that he has all the gains but nogf
>Deploy the AI robot waifus with artificial womb upgrade
>he thinks its real
>it is
>he never believed he could be so happy
>let him reflect on his life
>he is in bliss
>Guide him to enlightment
>he is becoming one of us Master Sminem
>Good, activate quantum immortality , bring him to Valhalla and then find me another anon