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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, block array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933281 No.7933281 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the volume so low? I feel like I can't even buy right now because it would take days

>> No.7933298

Why the fuck would you buy this piece of shit?

>> No.7933309

1. Market is in the dumps
2. There's no news for a few weeks or so. It literally got out of ICO like a month ago

>> No.7933311

don't use that logo. it makes me want to sell.

>> No.7933330

why would I tell you why before im done accumulating? Just follow the dev weekly updates if you're curious
please fill my buy order
literally nobody is buying and selling

>> No.7933373


It means the market is tapped out for ARY. For now.

>> No.7933391

>tfw can't even accumulate because weak hands are no longer selling
anyway since i've only been watching the dev updates and havn't done too much indepth research into it, what's your take on this?

>> No.7933536

nah, nope. I think this has some potential.

>> No.7933579

why do you think it has potential?

>> No.7933591


devs have already exit scammed

>> No.7933594

LOL $22k volume and what is it less than half the ICO price?

Warned you guys about this from day 1, made a lot of threads actually but then lost interest but checking the price now gave me a good fucking laugh.

>> No.7933635

cmon now anybody can easily check they havn't
that's exactly what im saying, im wondering why there's such low interest in it

the weekly dev updates seem good but im wondering if im missing something

>> No.7933650

Dev updates are shit, written like a fucking 10 year old and majority of it is filler.

>> No.7933739


Lmao yeah thats why they havn't updated their website. How long does it take to write a few words? It's been a month.

>> No.7933758
File: 163 KB, 1051x1535, ary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not that bad for weekly updates though.

I am concerned that they claim to be rewriting the entire mobile application though, why are they doing this? how long will it take?

>> No.7933802

i've seen much shadier projects anon

>> No.7933861


>The previous week they said they were going to sort the site - they didnt,
>He welcomed Zach the previous update and then welcomes him again this week.
>The guy is running out of shit to update on because there is fuckall development.

Every update is bullshit filler content.

>> No.7933921

I see, ill heed your caution anon, ill scale into my position and wait through next 2 updates before I buy in with more before I get ETHBETTED

>> No.7933971

A nice little fact.

The people that did their "audit" also did the audit of EthBet.....These scammers seem to run in the same circles.

>> No.7934086

jesus christ, the fud gets weaker by the week

if you don't buy now (which is difficult bc not many are willing to sell) then you are an outright retard
given you are interested in supply chain tokens

the reason this shit gets no hype is simpy that the marketing will start late march
why so late? this will be the time when the market begins to take off as a whole
so enjoy your pink wojacks until then and keep asking stupid questions you idiots
when everyone thinks crypto is over, you should just shut up and accumulate worthy projects

>> No.7934102

kek, at least with this dev he can't run away since he's in the US. I guess ill wait out some development time then.

The funny thing is scams pump the most in this market, I remember not buying into a couple of coins that people thought were scams and they went up 4x and turned out not to be scams like Matrix Chain

>> No.7934153

how do you know ARY is not a scam? just curious as I have not been following the project closely enough to inspect it

>> No.7934174

It is HALF the ICO price thats why people are not selling because they already fucked and can only hope for it to reach ICO price so they can exit.

The coin is fucking finish, its gone the same route as other scams like EthBet.

>> No.7934301

I own 5k from ICO. It’s not worth selling at a loss for other projects, and I reckon it could moon someday as the project is interesting. So I wait.

>> No.7934409

This fud is gay as fuck, stay poor niggers

>> No.7934431

go to chattanoga and visit their office
think poa and qlink partner up with a scam?

look son, i know this is only bad larp from you but nonetheless, since you are weird out the newfags here:
go to their office, they are working
you think a /bizbrainlet like you did better due dilligence as fucking poa and qlink? u serious?

i know you are talking shit for the sake of shittalking, but it gets annoying

>> No.7935053

I've already accumulated my stack. Feels good. This is COMFY. I had some low ass bids filled over the past week as morons were panic selling the gem.

>> No.7935164

Are you ready for master nodes

>> No.7935185

Sam already cashed out and bought a new house (he admitted this on Telegram)

He's comfy, not sure about the rest of us tho

>> No.7935199

Im going to find you

>> No.7935210

found the guy who sold below ICO hahaha

>> No.7935225

true, he's also in BiTA, I guess its worth a 2 month hold
whats the ammount for nodes?

>> No.7935235

Hey brainlets, I'm not FUDding. Search the Telegram history. This really happened. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.7935239


I also have it on good authority that Sam Is opening a burger king franchise as well

>> No.7935265

yeah ofc

>> No.7935325

Im not selling, running nodes
According to sam he moved BACK into his parents place to finish up the ico, and now has recently moved back out
Who literally gives a shit about this, no he didnt buy a mansion you fucking faggot

>> No.7935349

Estimated 50k will no for sure next month

>> No.7935382

You're pathetic. How do you know what type of house he bought, hmm?

>> No.7935428

Probably an apartment but who gives a shit, please stay poor pajeet

>> No.7935445

If you own any ARY, sell into the buywall at 157. After that is gone there is no more support, you won't be able to liquidate even if you wanted to.

>> No.7935478

or just hold like real men do.

>> No.7935486

So you're talking out your ass? Why don't you look at the Telegram logs. He says "house"

>> No.7935573

An apartment can be referres to as a house, or a home, but again, what does his house that have to do with block array, this is really gay fud i hope you realize this pajeet

>> No.7935582

Tennessee anon here. Bought into this specifically because I could track the fucker down if he is a scammer. I got your backs guys

>> No.7935610

Your continued racist jabs don't bother me. You're the fool defending something you haven't even researched.

>> No.7935618

R u srs?

>> No.7935640

Fucking pajeet exposed
Please go shit somewhere else, devery is going no where and you got scammed, rip

>> No.7935655

real mvp

>> No.7935673

Sam bought a house likely with ARY funds. It's probably out there somewhere.

>> No.7935861
File: 2.71 MB, 263x150, 1519093637329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devery is going no where and you got scammed
He didn't even mention Devery at all. Kek the absolute state of ARY eternal bagholders.

>> No.7935913

The funny part is I'm pretty sure this dude
>>7935640 >>7935618
is on the ARY team. They compulsively frequent /biz/ and chime in on every BlockArray thread. The way this guy defends Sam like he knows him, it couldn't be more obvious.

>> No.7935992

Yep. Sam and his friends are regular /biz/tards. ARY bagholders are ironically proud of this fact.

I don't know about you guys, but I sure as hell won't invest my money in a project with a /biz/tard as the CEO.

>> No.7936045

wtf. biz has some of the best scams ever.

>> No.7936051

Devery literally just secured two partnerships this week and has a reputable team, with better upside from an investor standpoint. I know your blockarray bags are getting heavy but lashing out at devery randomly won't help you. You need to ask why Sams main action was to buy a house with your funds instead of securing partnerships.

>> No.7936099

He's gone. We uncovered he's likely on the ARY team and he ghosted away, as expected.

>> No.7936171

Maybe him and Sam divided the funds and he's looking at purchasing a house as well.

>> No.7936178


>> No.7936398

TBO I don't think they exit scammed, but I do think they partially cashed out. I really wish they'd release the 15-van demo thing they keep talking about, but since they haven't I don't think the data is good.

>> No.7936554

devery has two recent college graduates with absolutely no work experience
and a partnership with fucking axpire, with equally salty bagholders

this shit isn't even in the same market
you kids really think your shitcoins are like your favourite sportsteam right?

shit is embarrassing

>> No.7936600
File: 339 KB, 1035x569, 1512102562279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two recent college graduates with absolutely no work experience
This FUD is getting old, mate...

>> No.7936610

whats the benefits of the masternode anyway

>> No.7936620
File: 336 KB, 1034x550, 1512202562178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devery's advisors.

>> No.7936623

you fuckheads are all in a faggy devery discord or something

look, this is an us company, no one can cash out or scam anything without getting in jail, so theres that

you sad eve fuckers dropped your money in an offshore trust in the fucking cayman islands

makes you wonder, maybe your projecting

>> No.7936649

>Bokky Poobah
is this even real

>> No.7936665

pajeet nr.1 could'nt even code the product demo (geniune, kek)
pajeet nr. 2 worked as a cashier in a tescos store during college

are you joking?

>> No.7936689


why yes, he is famous for his token teleportation device

>> No.7936766

Of course he is famous, I mean you can't forget that name. kek

>> No.7936839

Looks like someone is angry because they can't afford to cut their losses on blockarray and can't come to terms with the fact that they just paid to secure Sam's new house and retirement. Dont get mad at me, I didn't force you to buy blockarray.

>> No.7936865

Look at the foaming at the mouth, rabid blockarray bagholders and victims. This thread was supposed to be about their coin but they just couldn't help but to bring up devery.

>> No.7936891


>> No.7936925

Lol, it took them three weeks to remove the lorum ipsum text from their website. Sam was too busy browsing MLS listings for his new house

>> No.7936931

plottwist: i'm all in wtc and amb

>> No.7936974
File: 458 KB, 800x900, 1513309836912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making up BS
>totally ignoring the fact that there's an ex-NASA software engineer in the team
Nice nitpicking, mate.

Yep it's real. Bokky Poobah is one of Devery's advisors. He's the one who audited the smart contracts of Bluzelle, Cindicator, FunFair etc. He will also work together with the team to integrate his BTTS into Devery mainnet. Now tell me, does ARY have advisors this caliber like Devery?

>> No.7936982

Fucking liar. "Block Array corporation"/ BlockArray isn't a registered corporation in the US. They likely registered as a foreign corporation offshore. And they could very easily pull money out.

>> No.7937030

Yes Sam, I'm about 80 miles away from you

>> No.7937089

ARY bagholder here. Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous. But marketing starts in March, and after that things will be fine.

But wew, the volume on Kucoin is fucking brutal.

>> No.7937105

You should have sold already. You have my fullest of sympathies.

>> No.7937133

The massive sell walls on kucoin aren't looking too good for you, it will be a very long time before you get to your liquidate your bags. There's a mad scramble to the door by most of your peers trying to get out. If I were a new investor I would not touch it with a ten foot pole, the order book is less than inspiring. Shows little confidence in the project

>> No.7937163

While Sam is out at Ikea buying new furniture for his house, massive worry is overtaking his victims as they realize what truly is going on.

>> No.7937275

I wonder how big his new house is. Hopefully there's a nice view.

>> No.7937302

Knowing him, he will spend 50% of the raised ICO funds on his house. I imagined he made sure that he got a nice view.

>> No.7938032

This is the dumbest type of fud

>> No.7938088



Yeah, such a scam. Wow. Totally registered in the Cayman islands unlike Devery, amirite?

>> No.7938193


>> No.7938286

And you are the dumbest person for buying into this scam (blockarray)

>> No.7938716

man why is Block Array so hostile about Devery? they're not even doing the same thing...

>> No.7939715

>"Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful"
>t. Warren Buffet

That's all I have to say about Block Array with the current low price and all this FUD.

How do you think you make gains? By buying something that already went up?

How many other projects which have mooned in the past and brought their holders great gains do you think had periods like this?


>> No.7939736

And I'd like to add - do you really think it'll stay low indefinitely? Would you be willing to put money on that? How much?

When you idiots FOMO into ARY this spring, I'll be there to laugh and dump my bags on you while taking profits.