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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 165x250, jackbogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
793155 No.793155 [Reply] [Original]

Let it be started!

>> No.793159
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>> No.793161

The bitcoin fag, I know you're there. Come here right now!

>> No.793164

Gotta catch'em all!

>> No.793166

I have this feeling like it's the same newfag that starts these on all of the boards and then posts the results to 9gag or /r/4chan to impress all of his internet buddies.

>> No.793169

I can assure you it's not me. It's the second /biz/ humour thread I start ever and I only made it to add dramatism to my comment in another thread.

I'm in another computer, so I don't really have anything to post. Feel free to call me a fag. After all, I'm OP.

>> No.793369
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>> No.793372

Why would I care what prostitutes think?

>> No.793376
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>> No.793388
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>> No.793709

I used to own a lot of Smuckers stock but I had to sell it all because I got in a jam.

>> No.793875

They're not even laughing.

>> No.793877
File: 308 KB, 800x1124, Trading-Day-2001-movie-poster-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I posted in a previous /biz/ humor thread.

>> No.793879
File: 280 KB, 800x1124, Training-Day-2001-movie-poster-Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the template if you guys are willing to do some editing for chuckles' sake.

>> No.793904
File: 307 KB, 800x1124, Trading-Day-2001-movie-poster-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one. Less faithful to the original, but more to the point, imo.

>> No.793916

Smart companies don't issue dividends. The funds get reinvested and you get a stock value increase. Capital gain 50% taxable instead of 100%+ taxable dividend (sometimes the gross up makes it more than 100%).
Prime example if bitches not knowing shit

>> No.793923

Accounting jokes:
where do homeless accountants live? Tax shelter.

How does Santa's accountant value his sleigh?Net Present Value.

>> No.793981



>> No.794031

Divs r taxed less than capital gains in the us.

>> No.794193

Much appreciated.

It's similar in other countries. It's simply an ignorant statement.
For the accumulation phase: accumulation beats income/distribution.

>> No.794196


I wouldn't necessarily say smart. Companies that can invest all of the earnings to grow should not pay out dividends. Companies like Coke can only utilize so much to the point that paying a dividend is better value for shareholders.

Personally, I'd rather have capital gains for obvious tax reasons. It's why I like BRK-B. They took a vote if they should pay out a dividend and they had a resounding no because the taxes on dividends blow.

>> No.794205

>Divs r taxed less than capital gains in the us.
Absolutely, categorically, demonstrably 100% false.

This anon gets it.

>> No.794219

>Absolutely, categorically, demonstrably 100% false.

Qualified dividends, for 1000 Alex.

>> No.794225

>Qualified dividends
are taxed at the capital gains rate. Not less.

Try harder, Alex.

>> No.794241


A company that issues dividends neglects it's long term profitability because the money is moved from R&D and development of the business and handed out to greedy and fickle share holders.

>> No.794251
File: 149 KB, 1224x669, chris-chan visits biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only thread i saved

>> No.794274

You saved that for a year? Its not even funny.

>> No.794564

i keep things from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back i rarely delete anything

>> No.794649

Only time I laughed in the thread.

Holy shit guys this is pathetic. Smart people are supposed to be funnier than this.

>> No.794650

>Capital gain 50% taxable instead of 100%+ taxable dividend
>capital gain 50% taxable

Alright now how does that work? Capital gains are taxed at 10%, 15%, or 20% period. Qualified dividends are taxed at the capital gains rate.

>> No.794947
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>> No.794951

This is not true in the us. It is based in income.

>> No.794995

>>Qualified dividends are taxed at the capital gains rate.
>This is not true in the us. It is based in income.
Hey fuckwit, try using Google before you post stupid comments for the whole world to see.

"Qualified dividends, as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Code, are ordinary dividends that meet specific criteria to be taxed at the lower long-term capital gains tax rate rather than at higher tax rate for an individual's ordinary income."


>Jesus man, I didn't even have to open wikipedia to find that. Google puts it right in the header of the page when you search "qualified dividends." You are a giant, steaming turd.

>> No.795001
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>> No.795138

Okay retards, REGULAR dividends are taxed as regular income. QUALIFIED dividends are taxed at your capital gains rate, which is DEPENDENT on your income tax bracket but MUCH LOWER than your income tax rate.

Now what the fuck was this guy >>793916
talking about when he says
>Capital gain 50% taxable instead of 100%+ taxable dividend (sometimes the gross up makes it more than 100%).

>> No.796335
File: 2.38 MB, 362x236, cowboylosing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best index investing crime thriller of the decade.
>John C. Bogle
you bastard

>> No.796477

>the funds get reinvested
This is often not the case. Usually, without a dividend, the cash will just sit on balance and do virtually nothing and share buybacks are not a solution to dispose of the cash because a buyback doesn't necessarily translate to a share price increase (I'm looking at you IBM).

Whether a company should pay a dividend or not is just dependent on the companies own situation. Companies still in a strong growth phase should probably reinvest what they make back into the company whereas older companies who's growth has matured should do dividends and share buybacks.

>> No.796549

I agree

>> No.796592
File: 257 KB, 516x526, banana0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz humor thread
>almost entirely people arguing about investments

>> No.796618

Never forget

>> No.796643

Well these were fucking terrible (I lol'd).

>> No.796670
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>> No.796747
File: 155 KB, 851x593, JChillinIntheCross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's more intelligent discussion in the /biz/ humour thread than in 95% of the others of the board.
The board is doomed.

>> No.796783

Maybe I shouldve said it is Canadian Tax :/

>> No.796839

Oh. That makes more sense.

>> No.796844

A businessman was interviewing applicants for the position of divisional manager. He devised a simple test to select the most suitable person for the job. He asked each applicant the question, "What is two and two?" The first interviewee was a journalist. His answer was "Twenty-two." The second was a social worker. She said, "I don't know the answer but I'm glad we had time to discuss this important question." The third applicant was an engineer. He pulled out a slide rule and showed the answer to be between 3.999 and 4.001. The next person was a lawyer. He stated that in the case of Jenkins v. Commr of Stamp Duties (Qld), two and two was proven to be four. The last applicant was an accountant. The business man asked him, "How much is two and two?" The accountant got up from his chair, went over to the door and closed it, then came back and sat down. He leaned across the desk and said in a low voice, "How much do you want it to be?" He got the job.

>> No.796846

If an accountant's wife cannot sleep, what does she say? "Darling, could you tell me about your work?"

>> No.796854

A high-priced lawyer comes home after a long and shitty day, jumps in the shower and the faucet comes off in his hand. Water is spraying everywhere, so he calls a plumber.

Plumber comes over and in literally 10 minutes, he has everything fixed. "That will be $500", says the plumber.

The laywer looks at him and says "My god, I thought I was doing well! As a senior lawyer, I charge $500 per hour and here you make the same in 10 minutes!"

Plumber says "Yep, that's about what I made when I was a lawyer"


>> No.797180

It might be the time without sleeping, but can somebody point to the punchline here?

>> No.797185

It's a complicated SJW punchline. The plumber saying: "thats what I did as a lawyer" implies that the plumber was once a lawyer but became a plumber because it pays the same without the stress and education.
of course any educated person wouldn't agree with the SJW's "life hack" of taking a shortcut, making as much as a lawyer with a plumber's profession

>> No.797190

A punchline about suicide and how unrewarding the lawyer's profession is would have been more suitable and to the point.

Thanks for the input, though.

>> No.797195
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>> No.797196

An accountant is rooting through the CEO's desk one night and finds 500,000US in 20s in the CEO's bottom drawer.

What should the accountant do?


Credit sales; debit cash.

>> No.797199
File: 48 KB, 480x700, 1371345676055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would debit cash and credit sales. No accountant would think the other way.

>> No.797205
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>> No.797220

I'm an accountant and I don't get this

>> No.797232


It's not fun to laugh at gods.

>> No.797247

>Net Present Value
so retarded, but i kek'd.

>> No.797371

Neither did I. Not accountant here.

>> No.797375

prob fake but still lol'd

>> No.797379
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>> No.797383
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>> No.797472
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>> No.797481

He pockets the cash (get it? "Debit card") and gives credit (snitches) to the sales department for "stealing the money"

>> No.797615

All in all I'd have to say it's a poorly written joke. It set itself up for good potential, but having the plumber say he was a lawyer before is just confusing and not funny.

>> No.797705

Actual accountant here, and I've gotta say that you're all retarded.
Since cash and securities are an asset, if you debit them, then you are actually putting MORE MONEY into that account, and by crediting sales, since it's in the owner's equity, you are actually INCREASING SALES.
It would actually make sense if you were crediting cash and debiting purchases.
This >>797199 guy is right. No self-respecting accountant would ever credit before they debit.

>> No.797706

Hey here's a joke

A guy went on 4chan for financial advice

>> No.797728

kek'd hard.

>> No.797763

We need a proper sticky though.

>> No.798015

This isn't funny. It's heart breaking and fuels my misanthropy.

>> No.798027

Be that a troll or not, I kek'd

>> No.798190

anon i'm smashing one into a wall either way