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7930982 No.7930982 [Reply] [Original]

BAT? It will die.
PRL? It will die.
LINK? Unless Vitalik fails to solve the oracle problem himself within ETH natively, it will die.
POE? It will die.
CVC? It will die.
MAN? It will die.
VEN? It will die.

Because none of these tokens need to exist (aside from LINK if Vitalik is lazy). The companies behind them are doing interesting things with blockchain technology, but the coins/tokens themselves are needless. People invest in BAT and CVC because the ideas of Ads and ID verification combined with blockchain are really smart. What those pumpers fail to realize is that coins/tokens ARE NOT FUCKING STOCK.



When you buy stock in Apple, for example, they have incurred a cost. A cost of capital. When a company raises equity (stock), they forfeit future profits. When a company raises debt, they incur interest expense. When a company hosts an ICO, they receive literal free money. The only reason coins like CVC and POE and BAT exist is because the devs want FREE MONEY, and so they've shoehorned a bullshit explanation about "incentives" into their whitepapers to encourage dumbass investors.


>> No.7930986


The majority of devs who host these useless ICOs will take the money, make little or no progress on the actual project, and then cash out while the currency they issued loses all value. The rest of the devs will make progress, but will only try to establish a use for the currency after the fact, which will never happen since businesses will be left wondering "why don't you just use ETH if you're on their blockchain?"

The current level of token fragmentation is unsustainable. Almost 800 coins have been issued in just the past year (the total market has about 1200 coins). Not every single niche application can have its own currency. If you're holding any of the above mentioned coins (and really, any single erc20 token or any coin that claims to just be a better version of ETH), exit now. If you ever want to make it, wait for projects that: a) are not on another coin's blockchain, and b) innovate to the same extent that ETH innovated from BTC.

>> No.7931001


>> No.7931028
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What would you buy then?

>> No.7931044


>he doesn't understand it

>> No.7931045

>Shilling your coin by shitting on LINK's use case
Risky one

>> No.7931064

>25% BTC
>25% ETH
>25% LINK (sell immediately if ETH solves oracles itself)
>25% QRL, IOTA, and Q1S (quantum proofing)

>> No.7931069

just bought 100k thanks op

>> No.7931075

>DUDE LMAO vitalik will just code in decentralized oracles into eth xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
You're retarded if you think this.

>> No.7931085

Yes, please, tell me more about how your "incentives" will ensure that your niche token is used as a serious currency.

>> No.7931101

You're retarded if you think that's impossible. Still bullish on LINK.

>> No.7931103
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why do you faggots that make these threads not understand that hardly anyone gives a shit if these "projects" actually succeed.
it's all about making enough $$$ to escape mundane lives. though too many people that have made it are greedy fucks and refuse to cash out. i only have 25k, but as soon as i get 50k, i'm out. i only need that much to use as a safety net to chase actual goals i have in life.

>> No.7931113

Thank you :)

>> No.7931137

Because, retard, the boom for altcoins already happened. The flood of ICOs is what caused the late 2017 bubble, and the realization that these new coins were massively overvalued caused it to pop. If you want to risk your cash and bet that the exact same thing will happen again, be my fucking guest. Just make a few entertaining pink wojac threads for me

>> No.7931143

What about NANO?

>> No.7931155

It's too late for that, now that everybody thinks they will be rich nobody will be

>> No.7931166

Like literally every other coin that wants to be a currency, it will do meh. It won't outperform BTC, and it carries greater risk due to a lack of brand recognition

>> No.7931183

Tokens are shit, that's why ARK is revolutionary

>> No.7931329

Exactly what I was thinking.

>> No.7931369

It will do better than BTC. Simply because of the fact that Bitcoin cannot scale and LN is only centralized solution for unsolvable scalability problem.

>> No.7931407


>> No.7931464

damn, you know your shit
what do you think about NANO?
it's not erc-20 at least

>> No.7931477

Steem > Bat
Same thing but its far more effective and censorship proof.

>> No.7931515

ICOs are literally an investment in people.
if the project works and the people are good then the token moons and the investor gets a nice ROI as well as helping bootstrap a fledgling startup into something bigger.

if the people are shit, then the project likely fails and the investor loses.

an ERC-20 token could be used to represent shares or whatever but that isn't really on us to decide but each individual company.

Crypto is still just a pile of speculators throwing money around and hoping.

>> No.7931543

>MAN? It will die.
>VEN? It will die.
OP is a brainlet.

>> No.7931550

Does't really matter what Vitalik does unless he comes up with an agnostic solution. Not everyone wants to use the ETH blockchain.

>> No.7931683

Vitalik has enough on his plate already, no reason to chase that one until like 2020 and at that point whatever. Biggest problem could be that THE blockchain becomes something that isn't supported by core adaptors.

>> No.7931709

PRL is platform, SHL is utility

>> No.7931712

Defend the tokens then, retard. Also understand that I'm shitting on the tokens, not the ideas. VeChain is a billion dollar idea that has no use for a fucking token.

>> No.7931825

>muh marketcap

>> No.7931850

Not talking about market cap you fucking moron. Market cap doesn't even make sense in the context of currency.

>> No.7931885

I honestly love your motif for pursuing investment in crypto, I respect it more than any other stupid ass reason I’ve heard on this board so far.

>> No.7931944

Vechain and Matrix AI are developing their own blockchains. VEN/MAN will be what ETH is to Ethereum, a native token on its own blockchain.

>> No.7932008

Almost all correct OP. ETH is a protocol layer, oracles are outside its remit. Chainlink could well be outcompeted by other solutions though, ones that aren't hobbled by a useless utility token. And there are plenty of non-utility ERC20 tokens with real value propositions (see maker's model [MKR] for instance)
You're absolutely correct that the vast majority of coins and tokens are ultimately worthless, but I think we all knew that already.

>> No.7932021


>implying my tokens are "currency"

VEN isnt a currency, numpty

>> No.7932039

They're both currently erc20 tokens.

>> No.7932067

Until they aren't. They are ERC20 because the devs needed funds that they obtained through an ICO. Right now their price is entirely driven by speculation and the tokens are useless, but it won't forever be the case.

>> No.7932095

>The VEN token has two purposes within the blockchain:

>The largest nodes (250k VEN) are used to validate transactions and information through proof-of-authority.

>Any amount can be staked to produce a new token called THOR Power, which will be used to pay transaction costs within the blockchain.

>This will lead to demand for VEN, where companies interested in using the blockchain will find it cheaper to generate their own THOR than to buy it whenever they need it.

It's a cyclical, self-contained currency. It has no value outside of supply chain management, and even then, with all the different blockchain services on offer to companies, why do you believe that they'll be okay with having to manage 30+ different flavors of erc20 tokens for a variety of different uses?

>> No.7932106

yes but they will be swapped and their price will be priced in at that time

>> No.7932330

If you're making a huge investment in LINK, you're betting on ETH succeeding long-term.

>> No.7932427

Isn't LINK supposed to become blockchain agnostic?

>> No.7932432
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Coins aren't stocks, right. They're meant to be digital cash.

>> No.7932496

At the peak of the "boom" ALL alt coins market cap didnt even rival apples.....you dont know what a boom is..

>> No.7932611

Why would the same altcoins that had their value spike 100-1000x and then right back down to shit, do the exact same thing again on an even bigger scale? It was called the dot com bubble because once it popped, it popped. It didn't pop, die, and then pop again.

That said, I'm positive that a new wave/generation of coins will fuel the next big boom. However, I'm fairly confident that the majority of altcoins that benefited from late 2017s boom will not benefit again, at least not nearly as much as the new generation of coins. In short, I'm saying investing in pretty much any token pre-2018 is fucking retarded.

>> No.7932669

He's right though, there was a bubble, everyone was buying into every ICO because they were sure it would rise in value. There definitely was a boom, it wasn't a gigantic boom but it was a boom nonetheless.

>> No.7932735

you are a fucking retard stop posting here
the reason everything dropped is because if people want to exit into USD they have to sell their altcoins for btc.

>> No.7932878

You're such a fucking moron. You have no idea what you're talking about. Let's just take what you said:

>the reason everything dropped is because if people want to exit into USD they have to sell their altcoins for btc.

Firstly, if everyone was trying to exchange into BTC, do you know what would happen? BTC was go UP. But do you know what happened instead? It dropped 60% over the same period when alts were bleeding out. Even putting that aside, do you know what it means when investors leave a market en masse? IT MEANS THEY'RE DONE. If I invested in shitcoin #204 in early 2017, got a 100x return in less than a year, and then cashed out, why the fuck would I still be interested in that coin?

You nearsighted dipshit. New coins are coming out every day. The next boom will be disconnected from the coins that already boomed. Plan accordingly.

>> No.7933034

Funny how Blockstream pushed the narrative that Bitcoin isn't meant to be money.

>> No.7933063

Truth. It's retarded to invest into utility tokens that have no value as currency, unless they make serious effort to ensure the tokens remain around. Most of these companies don't.

>> No.7933144

No, no you are not you brainlet, LINK is blockchain agnostic.

>> No.7933255

If a token is not integral to the business model then it's a retarded hold

>> No.7933323

Yep. But retards need it spelt out and explained.

>> No.7933482


>> No.7933649

the only tokens I hold are designed to be used as part of their system, remove the token and it won't work

sure they can replace the token potentially but in their current state that's how it is

>> No.7933837

Nice. Wanna share a few for us my man?

>> No.7933917

There is JNT, their entire system cannot work without their token, they plan on either making it blockchain agnostic or creating an entirely new ecosystem around it. For now it is an ERC20 token and even in this state it has a use.
I don't know much about other tokens, I found that most of them are utility tokens supposed to be used as a form of currency, which in my mind isn't going to fare well.

>> No.7933918

MAN is exempt because its used as a utility but ALSO directly as PAYMENT for services on their systems, like renting out baysian computing power for big data applications, or hospitals paying for AI diagnoses as described here


I agree that most/all utility tokens will die. Blockchain 4.0 will all be feeless, or at the very least have stable fees

>> No.7933923

let's be honest, no you aren't. u be stuck in this game forever and will continue to be a NEET like the rest of us

>> No.7933995

Just because token can be used a method of payment doesn't mean it would/should. Obviously most of these shittokens can be used within an ecosystem (see: BAT). But again, why? Why do I need a MAN token, when the real value is within the company's blockchain AI tech? And before you say "because the company will only accept MAN as payment," just stop and think about how stupid they'd need to be to leave money on the table.

>> No.7934078

>no reason to invest in Apple because Microsoft will solve the GUI problem first
This is how stupid you sound
One big company doesn't solve everything, LINK will not be replaced because the problem is very specific and very challenging. ETH is more concerned with their sharding than anything right now, for eth sharding is do or die, LINK will live on even if ETH dies

Let me guess you're 26 and you think you know what's going on

>> No.7934096

The 'company' aren't accepting anything, the miners are. And miners clearly have a reason to want the token of the blockchain that they're mining to have value, so will have no qualms with the developers setting it that the only way to pay for those services is with MAN

>> No.7934192

Right now is very good time to observe coinmarketcap top500 list, which projects are in green zone now. While 99% of market is dumped, there are some projects with a very little grow during this dip. If you will look closer, most part of them have not yet mooned and have real world use cases.
Any thoughts, OP?

>> No.7934218


what about Ark?

>> No.7934223

I mostly agree with OP's take, except with VEN.

>> No.7934230

PRL is scam, SHL is megashit
fixed that for you

>> No.7934307

Same here anon

Ven is king

>> No.7934346

You talking about OMG?

>> No.7934407

Hey OP who has figured it all out. What are your thoughts on the "startup bubble" if you will, where any hairbrained idea for an app/service gets VC capital and potentially a future IPO. The VC market has dried up a bit, and restrictions have made it harder to invest in high risk startups, hoping for "moons." Regardless of your view of traditional stock market, did you ever stop to think that "investing" money into ICO's is the a market efficient mechanism for getting around the dried up VC scene and getting funding for good ideas? Sure, it's not legally shares in a company, but if I can nearly instantly drop money into a promising real world business case without a bunch of red tape, I will. If the business fails and coin becomes worthless, it's no different than if I invested in a failed startup. You are conflating cryptos and stocks as if holding shares holds any more influence. It doesn't on a true pragmatic level... how many shareholder meetings have you gone to?

Last point, the value of shares is almost never based on true fundamentals, but rather hype, fomo, speculation etc. Don't try and justify Tesla, Uber et al valuations like they are based in reality, or on fundamentals.

>> No.7934454

Correct. Most of the currently existing blockchain projects could exist on top of eos. Including ethereum. Eos is the future.

>> No.7934509

>how many shareholder meetings have you gone to?

I work in banking, you dumb motherfucker.

And you're forgetting the main difference with ICOs: in the slim chance that the devs nail every one of their goals and make the project a working success, you then confront the brutal reality that their token is still fucking worthless and was -- again -- used only to raise free money from idiots like you.

If you want to try and ride the speculative wave and play the market, be my guest.

>> No.7934637

>I work in banking
1) Does your bank have any projects regarding to crypto? I mean research, analysis, working group, whatever. As far as I know banks do research crypto and some actually buy it for themselves, but still don't recommend to buy it for employees and their customers
2) Do you speak for your own opinion, or what you say in this thread is also related to thoughts of your colleagues?

>> No.7934701


that's my point, you dumb motherfucker. Joe stockholder doesn't do jack shit when he buys shares in a company other than look at the stock performance on an app or in the newspaper. And what happens to joe stockholder when the company goes tits up? You know better than anyone else, but most of the time they get fucked hard, or bleed to nothing as the stock tanks. At least in crypto, if you stay on top of your shit and know the status of what you have invested in, you can quickly cut your losses if you think it's all going to shit with a coin.

Further, since you work in banking - I'm already seeing ads for Crypto ETF type instruments and 401 (k) "like" instruments. When these become adopted in mainstream financial industry, are you going to scare your clients away from crypto?

>> No.7934759

>your clients

Who the fuck do you think I work with, civilians? I'm not a teller, idiot. And if you stayed on top of your shit, you'd be able to smell a shitcoin a mile away. Jesus, you sound like one of those retard redditors who think investing 1% into 100 different shitcoins will make you rich. DYOR before investing and you won't even need to constantly be checking any coin's status.

No, we do M&A and ESOP advisory. Pretty boring shit. I have no opinions, anon.

>> No.7934769
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Luckily I'm mostly in FUN then.

>> No.7934883

you have nothing better to do than to fud this industry and act like a giant asshole whenever anyone makes a reasoned argument? fuck you. You sound like either a LARP or are otherwise pretty insecure about what you're talking about. Either way, and again, fuck you and fuck off.
ps. your banking job will be automated by crypto and you won't be able to transition to the new industry because you're a small minded asshole

>> No.7934889

ETH is a shitcoin in disguise, pumped due to first mover advantage, but its advantage is nowhere close to that of bitcoin, it's bound to die, no idea why would anyone shill it.

>> No.7934959

If you knew anything about my job you'd know how ridiculous you sound. No amount of automation could replicate the amount of autism required in putting together client pitchbooks. No amount of automation could fudge a bullshit cash flow model and pick arbitrary comps. I am as safe as can be.

The real irony is that programmers will be largely wiped away with automation. Eventually, we'll have AIs capable and creative enough to instantly solve any errors and create new iterations of software.

Also, I'm not FUDing, you dumb cunt. I'm invested in the market, and I believe in more than a handful of altcoins. Sorry that I came after one of your precious shitcoins though.

I know you're baiting, but ETH is the only reason the market is where it's at right now with so many interesting projects.

>> No.7935122

it depends on the economics of each token
if it's a simple currency for a particular service that goes in and out I agree, unless a shitload of people want to use it at the same time, they are pretty much useless, but many tokens have good holding incentives, the ones that let you run a node for passive/semi passive or straight up income (Link) will always be in demand.

Just becuase there is "too many" ot different tokens doesnt mean anything. The devs need to have motivation to develop something, no one is gonna work for free developing a project that will use someone else's tokens. No one is gonna do a go fund me for devs' dreams without getting something in exchange (tokens)