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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 80 KB, 1263x800, skycoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7929875 No.7929875 [Reply] [Original]

muh decentralized internet

thank u for ur support

>> No.7929969

new exchanges when

>> No.7930058


>> No.7930218

literally kys

skycoin will replace btc

>> No.7930500
File: 155 KB, 1280x960, photo_2018-02-24_18-33-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my miner ready

>> No.7930650
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So glad Synth fired Bradford and all his lackeys. Bullish on Skycoin now.

>> No.7930681

Rumor to be added to 3 new exchanges over the next month...jump on the train now anons

>> No.7930693

BTC founders created Skycoin...? Scam?

>> No.7930711

SHIFT is way better than this shitcoin anyway

>> No.7930725
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Let's just hope he doesn't replace them with even bigger retards.

>> No.7930748
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My pis aren’t shipping from fasttech until 3/10. Am I gonna be too late?

>> No.7930762

No, likely won't start until late march early april.

>> No.7930831

Don't you have to be whitelisted on Skywire to be able to use a DYI miner, and the whitelisting proccess is not defined yet? I mean, I will try the whole thing in a regular PC before building anything.

>> No.7930886
File: 122 KB, 516x800, IMG_20180224_101942_187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin will replace 4chan

>> No.7931009

Yes. He said only the best miners will get whitelisted. He wants to see effort go into building it

>> No.7931016

i just hope shipping doesnt take a month. coming from china.

theyre not going to let you use your PC on the testnet

the testnet is really for testing special hardware for the mesh net. im building mine as close to the official skyminer specs as i can

>> No.7931025
File: 552 KB, 799x1065, memest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think synth said in interview that all dyi miners will be whitelisted, only those that will cause any network issues will be kicked from the testnet

>> No.7931074

He also said we moon in 2 weeks

>> No.7931112


New exchange? About time.

>> No.7931121

Would you be able to build a DYI miner with ODROID-XU4's?

>> No.7931163

confido 2.0 scam exit

>> No.7931193

if theyre 64 bit

>> No.7931267


this fucking guy

>> No.7931271

Just use raspberry pi ffs

>> No.7931293

This sucks dick. The guy hiring these people needs to fuck off.

>> No.7931321





>> No.7931418

The Next Web have no credibility. They write hit pieces on a bunch of coins, their most recent victim was IOTA.

>> No.7931441

what are their arguments?
>waah whitepaper 2 complex 4me
>waah miner costs 1btc
even tho you get 99% rebate
its not fucking mineable its completely new consensus algo, all coins are created in genesis block and coin distribution is hardcoded
>then some more whining about whitepaper being too complex

a literal retard wrote that

>> No.7931475
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official response

>> No.7931544

wait really? he was so cute and punk ;_;

>> No.7931627

Don't worry I will go there and do something drastic

>> No.7931641

someone explain this coin and its progress please

im getting good but bad feelings about it

>> No.7931714
File: 136 KB, 960x1280, photo_2017-12-20_03-48-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. SKYCOIN: A coin that is technically superior to any alt there is. Transactions with zero fees that take approximately two seconds, unlimited transaction rate, no need for miners and block rewards, low power usage, ALL of the bitcoin's technical vulnerabilities fixed, a consensus mechanism superior to anything that exists, resistant to all conceivable threats (government censorship, community infighting, cyber/nuclear/conventional warfare, etc).

- Once coinjoin is implemented and the network is running over skywire, it will have a higher level of privacy than any other coin (more anonymous than zcash/monero and without the overhead). Wannabe drug lords should switch from monero/dash to skycoin after the CXO browser and skywire are available, because all of the ecosystem components are integrated with each other. You could have a decentralized silkroad on skywire and pay seamlessly with the same coin you use to pay for your utilities.

- Numerous peer reviewed whitepapers.

- Skycoin is being developed by legit engineering geniuses, for years (predating Bitcoin’s boom).

- Holding Skycoins generates income in the form of Coin Hours (like NEO’s GAS). There will be a marketplace where Coin Hours are traded and Coin Hours will be used for services within the Skycoin ecosystem.

>> No.7931718

What do you mean?

>> No.7931743

>hasn't been skypilled
wew lad

>> No.7931759

2. SKYWIRE: A decentralized ISP where you earn coins for forwarding traffic/bandwidth (like Tor but faster, not backdoored by NSA and you are getting paid to run a node), that will give everyone nearly free internet access and will get a lot of users and actually be useful. Different networking protocol than TCP/IP, designed to be immune from literally all currently known network based attacks. Will function as a wireless meshnet spanning over cities once the network backhaul is in place. Will use 5GHz long range antennas reaching 1.2gbps over distances up to 100km.

>> No.7931760


>> No.7931765

I got bad feelings about all the successful coins I held early on... especially NEO. Do your own research and take a gamble. Don't buy when Reddit is shilling it.

>> No.7931787

3. SKYLEDGER: A platform that’s their version of Ethereum’s ERC20, but better. Every coin is given their own blockchain and the platform runs on top of the skywire infrastructure. Coins have already started doing ICOs on skyledger (Solarbankers.com, SPACO, etc). About 30 coins lined up so far. There’s a programming language (CX) and it’s not limited to just "smart contracts". Developers of each chain can hardcode whatever they want to do. For example full video games could be embedded on the blockchain, if anyone would want that.

>> No.7931814

4. Then there’s a massive ecosystem of stuff being built on top of the previous three things. Like the sky-messenger, the file sharing/dropbox functionality, distributed social media (sort of like Steemit but running on skycoin’s infrastructure and platform), and DEX and OTC markets for the whole coin family. There’s now about 15 development teams all working on different projects within skycoin’s ecosystem.

That's pretty much it

>> No.7931832

where can i get those stickers?

>> No.7931895
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>> No.7931977

What about smart contracts?

>> No.7932059
File: 98 KB, 600x800, skypretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in

>> No.7932149

dumb contracts you mean? skycoin has a Turing complete C based programming language.


>> No.7932467

comes with the miner i think

>> No.7932498

this is the most obvious coordinated shilling, a bunch of these people are in discord, slack and telegram together all day, they do these breads all the time and fail to make them look organic

>> No.7932539

This. And I say this as a Skycoin holder. These retarded shills need to stop or switch up their game.

>> No.7932549

How many miners have been sent out so far?

>> No.7932565

Wow. That sounds awful.

>> No.7932601
File: 625 KB, 3000x2961, skylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u mad Skybro

>> No.7932697

I doubt it, there are several shills ofc, but most of of the shitposting is coming from bagholders. Skycoin is trying to replace the whole internet, it's exciting.

>> No.7932717


I think the first round of 250 just went out a week or two ago.

>> No.7932840

Kind of. I wish this community had better shills.

>> No.7932862

No I always see them making these same kind of low effort threads. Same pictures and copypastas.

>> No.7932880

He was terrible. Lazy ass motherfucker who didn't care about Skycoin. He's a beta and Skycoin would fail because of him. I hope Synth hires somebody organized that knows what they're doing.

>> No.7932904
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are just bored bagholders waiting for the testnet

>> No.7932930

This picture pisses me off. Stop posting this cringeworthy shit.

>> No.7932977
File: 34 KB, 657x657, frobaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a joke, SkyPilot

>> No.7932987

Where did you read he was fired?

>> No.7933037
File: 976 KB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This picture pisses me off. Stop posting this cringeworthy shit.

>> No.7933093

im in almost every single one of these threads and i've never heard them mentioned in telegram/discord. I'm just a chan addict since 2006, and a skycoin addict since late 2017. I'm obsessive about shit. So its organic in the sense that it's bottom up unscripted behavior, but you are correct that it's unnatural, because i am a freak of nature in many respects.

>> No.7933135

we'd have better shills if it was actually organized like you guys are suggesting. We're shit shills because we're actually just literal shitposters shilling for shits and giggles.

>> No.7933203

just got my tracking info yesterday, and i'm in the first 200. some people have gotten theirs already.

>> No.7933286

Removed from Skycoin team page and he's not in the telegram anymore.

>> No.7933356

Ask the sky developers how a company who uses skycoin blockchains can connect external real world data with these blockchains & report back

>> No.7933424

shoo shoo stinky linky

>> No.7933530

Honestly the best news I have heard in a while. His "Keynote" was pure cringing

>> No.7933615

>fail to make them look organic
This, skycoin threads lood painfully manufactired

>> No.7933736
File: 14 KB, 198x195, 1518498221430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right

>> No.7933982
File: 79 KB, 600x800, synth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin might be more interesting if it wasn't as cultish.

>> No.7934047

it is interesting precisely because its so cultish, bitcoin was the same during the early years. Also that's not synth

>> No.7934065

Skycoin sounds amazing, but I feel like it may just be to large and difficult project to actually succeed.

For their skywire 'be your own' ISP to actually be a success they will need widespread adoption. What do you think the Cable lobbyist and the FCC will do when they catch wind of it? Just way to many hurdles. But it would be magnificent if it did happen.

>> No.7934151
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>> No.7934206


It's based on an idealistic vision of freedom through technology, which was what underpinned early BTC too. Yes what it's proposing is difficult, of course it is, but that doesn't make it impossible.

>> No.7934278

just bought some on cryptopia

deposits were down for awhile last week but theyre up and faster than ever now

my withdraw is pending atm, but i dont see why it wouldnt go through

>> No.7934294
File: 179 KB, 612x657, Screenshot from 2018-02-25 02:12:35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's not much they can do about it.

>> No.7934494

>1 bitcoin for a hand full of off brand raspberry pi and sd cards.
>not a scam

Pick one.

>> No.7934529

This is part of the problem. If they were shilling and trying to encourage as much people as possible to build one, I'd be more inclined to think it was legit, but asking people to pay 10x what it's worth to show 'faith' looks like the kind of things cults do.

>> No.7934644

you get 1 BTC worth of SKY, minus the cost of the miner

I think the reason for the btc/sky trade is because the devs need to raise money for hardware production, and they have a lot of SKY they need to bring into circulation still.

and the reason you dont see people shilling the DIY miners is because nobody wants you buying the orange pis or getting some of their testnet mining rewards

there are over 1k people in the skywire telegram making DIY miners though

>> No.7934674

Thanks, if there are DIY options that's a good sign, I'll at least look at the project a bit more.

>> No.7934825

so this gus were the early adopter of btc and smelled the riches early?
and now they want YOU to give THEM 1btc and you generously get their premined coins instead?

they are truly geniuses, i'm sold, where can i join?

>> No.7934829


>> No.7935032
File: 3 KB, 214x236, 1515859426344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get back the BTC in skycoins that you can just sell back for btc then what's the point

>> No.7935065

ok and iota is shit so they sound pretty credible to me...

>> No.7935102

More liquidity you brainlet.

>> No.7935200

What Skycoin is doing with selling these miners for 1btc is no different than an ICO.

>> No.7935285

that just puts a big barrier for poor people. they should just sell it for 800 dollars and keep the 200 profit. Alot more people would buy it and they would get even more profits

>> No.7935409

Poor people can build their own... Why don't you guys understand this? The guys buying for 1btc are just supporting development and getting Sky at a price lower than market rate. It's a win-win for everybody.

>> No.7935410

actually theres alot they can do about it. They said the same shit to me in their telegram pointing at the darknet. Yeah sure, they can't fully stop it, but if they ban it you won't see widespread normie use. Theres about a million things that can go wrong. The whole concept is farfetched. I mean don't get me wrong I'd love for it to happen and im almost inclined to just throw a few grand at it for the fuck of it, but its probably not going to pan out like they say.

>> No.7935424

the testnet can only handle 6k nodes max right now, and the hardware to build the miners are sold out everywhere. its not about selling the miners its about testing the network and raising money for research

the final "plug and play" product skywire node will be close to $30, according to synth

>> No.7935485
File: 6 KB, 250x249, 1515424781789s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this guy was fired but he's still talking in the telegram chat and acting like he's on the team. What if Bradford wasn't fired? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH