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File: 27 KB, 485x443, 1518846481919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7929536 No.7929536 [Reply] [Original]

You're little schemes are coming to an end.

>The IRS suspects many bitcoin users have been evading taxes, and will step up enforcement

>The IRS treats cryptocurrency as property, so there are capital gain implications for every single trade, no matter how small


>> No.7929566

also for you meme people saying, "just transfer coin to coin."

>Exchanging one token for another — for example, using bitcoin to purchase an altcoin — creates a taxable event. The token is treated as being sold, thus generating capital gains or losses for every transaction

>> No.7929801

good thing ive only FUCKING LOST ON EVERY TRADE

>> No.7929868

good thing i live in a 3rd world country

>> No.7929912


>muh IRS
good thing Im not a burger

>> No.7929919

the only thing I've gained is shitcoins but they keep going down in sats

>> No.7929948

I have a gun and I will proudly fight and die for my crypto gainz

>> No.7929952


murican irs is a complete jew.

no country is even close to this, i pay 15% on profits and it s not even as good as some other places

>> No.7929973
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>paying taxes on crypto

>> No.7929991

Haha, these dipshits don't realize how many people can claim capital losses now. A whole new sector of capital loss claimed. That will offset any taxes you get from crypto.

>> No.7930047

If you can't hide crypto gains there is no hope for you other than being a government slave. Do you know any businesses ranging from small businesses to large corporations that don't hide gains?

>> No.7930081

lel americucks

>> No.7930090

cant be taxed if you don't make money

>> No.7930152

>muh land of the free
i know you mutts won't believe me. America is one of the least free countries on earth. so many pigs out the street (they are not doing it to protect you), worlds largest prison population. the fuckin IRS tax citizens no matter where you live. so not only does most of the world hate mutts the IRS will take your taxes on global income!
t. lived in AZ for 12 years, oh & been to 32 states.

>> No.7930282
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>be amerigrug
>go to harvest festival
>get thrown arrow on head
>town shaman need 5 pebble to fix head
>buy shiny bitrock for 2 pebbles
>bitrock now worth 1 pebble
>town chief need 2 pebbles for tribute

>> No.7930414

fucking kek'd

>also friendly reminder to buy xmr for anyone else reading this. stop buying shit coins k thanks

>> No.7930444
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never sell/exchange any coins/tokens on a verified exchange, only buy with FIAT
keep trading without worrying about those filthy regulators.

Once you make it go to a country that only taxes
(out-in)*tax%, that's it very fucking simple
And as a side effect I guarantee you other countries will follow or they can forget about their citizen's money

>> No.7930621

KEK, yes for 2018, they will be able to deduct.
The still owe 2017 tax which were pure gains.
All you amerifags that are below 50% of your 31.12.2017 folio value literally have a zero worth stack.
JUST'd by the bear and the IRS.
Double JUST!!!

>> No.7930697

When you spend it it does not mean you don't own taxes.
By spending it you bought something and therefore profited.
You owe tax on value earned.

Only losing and before 31.12.2017 could have saved you

>> No.7930925

>He doesn't know that the tax code has been switched to a territorial system
Regardless you just sound like a pure fag

>> No.7931184
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Why do you report your crypto holdings? Serious question. Can't logically comprehend why would someone be retarded enough to declare anonymous assets. Is this, dare I say, the peak of burger education?

>> No.7931259

Because it's the law. And how am I supposed to pay off my house after a $100k bank deposit? You think they're just gonna ignore that?

>> No.7931276

lmao bend over burger bitches

>> No.7931298

they MIGHT

I read somewhere that the IRS is reducing the amount of Auditors severely. If you avoid a few key red flags you might slip under the radar.

>> No.7931334

A law that goes against every principle of freedom America was founded upon. Defy or enjoy living in a totalitarian country in a few decades.

>> No.7931367

>make $10 on a bitcoin trade
>now owe 30% of your stack because muh taxes

I'm just not going to pay. If they come after me I'll just transfer everything into Monero and sit in jail. IDGAF

>> No.7931392
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Highly unlikely you're more intelligent and better at breaking the law than Capone was.

If they got Capone they can get you dumb fuck.

>> No.7931421
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lol I conveniently lost it all margin trading on BitMEX get fucked IRS

>> No.7931428


I would bet my whole fucking stack of everything this is a bluff. This is obvious as fuck and you are a stupid cuck if you actually fell for it.

1. Where the fuck is the IRS going to get info on your shitcoin trades? You think the exchanges are going to hand them over?

2. Tokens are property as much as a magic gathering card is property. You see the IRS taxing somebody because he sold a card on craigslist? This is beyond stupid

3. Trusting the fake news kike media. Didn't you learn by now that they are liars?

This is just a fucking scare, and if you felll for it you deserve it.

>> No.7931488

>implying I live in the Socialist States of America
How much crypto did Al Capone own, you dumb plebbitor?

>> No.7931553

1. They don't need to. The burden of proof is on you. No proof, they make up whatever penalty/rate they want. Don't pay? Go directly to jail.
2. If you sell your magic the gathering cards and realize a gain, that's taxable you idiot.
3. yes, they're liars. but IRS code isn't.

>> No.7931609
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>implying I live in the Socialist States of America

You know what I fucking meant, arguing semantics is weak.

>How much crypto did Al Capone own, you dumb plebbitor?

Imagine being so stupid that you don't know Capone went to prison for tax evasion.

>> No.7931619

Hey brainlet do you have to be to write this. You don't owe money until you trade out. So when the crash happens you don't owe the gains you made from the last trade.

>> No.7931647

Yeah good luck getting my trade history from decentralied exchanges and a chink based exchange

>> No.7931650
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>implying that I'm not implying that Al Capone went to jail because crypto didn't exist back then

>> No.7931658

This. You just have to fully cash out by EOY. Then start 2019 with your new investment.

>> No.7931692

>no country is even close to this

Apparently Poland is even fucking worse.

>> No.7931871

>Go directly to jail.

How long do you go to jail for? Maybe that's an option...

>> No.7931888
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Capone was convicted because the government could prove he was buying things that he shouldn't have been able to afford you retard. Have fun never being able to spend your crypto because as soon as you buy anything over $1000 people are going to start asking questions

>> No.7931893

>territorial system
no they fuckin didn't, you stupid fuckin mutt, i just wasted my time looking this up. they are talking about it they did not change. i had to leave your country cause of the low IQ, you are one of them.
like you even know what other countries are like

>> No.7931932

Taxes in the Netherlands are often above 55%

>> No.7931939

Move out of your socialist shithole then.

>> No.7931959

Too many pussies out there to allow for actually competitive tax rates

Its scary that you cant exit the us tax system even if you migrate abroad

Its like being born into servitude to the biggest power wielding organization on earth

>> No.7931976

How does the prison thing play out exactly? So they throw you in the pen for X amount of time. You can still have a significant stack waiting for you when you get out.

Maybe that's an option.

>> No.7932009

Prison is just awful though

>> No.7932013

Well the prison thing plays out with you getting raped in the ass.

>> No.7932020
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>> No.7932022

If you defy you go to prison, if caught wiht big sums

In germany only murder a d capital crimes never vanish / become statute-barred

>> No.7932028

the thing is even if you calculate your taxes like an autist with a surgeon's precision they can come after your ass in 2-3 years regardless. They will just "prove" you were wrong because you took prices of btc from a different exchange then they would like to.

It's made so complicated and ambigous ON PURPOSE, last thing they wanna see is uneomploed neets retireing at the age of 20-30yo. They will never allow it,
That's why you need to take your ass outta there ASAP, if tax laws in my country will turn out to be equally retarded you bet your ass I'm taking my private keyes and never coming back here

>> No.7932046

Just claim your money was hacked

Hide that paperwallet well >>7931392
Not comparable

>> No.7932050

It is EXACTLY what you owe. On value added until fiscal year ending.
Even if you don't cash out.
That is the whole issue. Paying tax on gains when cashing out is logical and would be accepted.

>> No.7932064

Whatever, if it means a clean slate then fuck it. As of now going into debt for merely holding coins into the new year is a strong indication prison is unavoidable anyway.

That or consider just leaving America for good.

>> No.7932066

Yea but that dude was.killing people>>7931428

>> No.7932071

So if everyone defies then everyone goes to jail?

k germanycuck, you know a lot about dictatorships

>> No.7932078
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>open up off shore company
>use credit card for everything

>> No.7932081

Sure, nothing in life is easy. But right now the current crash means I am 100% fucked. They want more than I have.

>> No.7932116

File bankruptcy, I thought taxes were on the profits you made? How the fuck do you owe more than you've got?

>> No.7932118

You mean to tell me you dont pay taxes if you exchange a highly valued pokemon card for a couple low value cards?

Right, you pay income tax once you sell your stack for usd

They will have to treat.crypro like gambling because, surprise, 89.24% of investors are doing exactly that

Pay your tax if you cash out 250k and build a house

Dont if you exchange pokemon cards for a nice bike

>> No.7932145

Can you sell magic the gathering cards for magic the gathering cards? Is that taxable?

>> No.7932159

People did trade though, between coins. Which is the same thing as "cashing out".

>> No.7932168

Because it crashed right as the new year began. I am down more than 50% and all I did was HODL.

I am actually no bullshit considering prison as an option just because of the fucking IRS changed the rules right at the last second.

>> No.7932169

Blew my mind

>> No.7932172

What about trading goods in World of Warcraft? Is that a taxable event in the land of jew and a home of the cucks?

>> No.7932189
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What if mass adoption of cryptocurrencies by huge corporations becomes a reality? If this happens these tax regulations would severely fuck over the profits for huge corporations. Many of these corporations could pay off the Congressmen on the ways and means committee to make fairer tax regulations.

It's a little naive to assume our elected officials are the only people in control of tax regulations.

>> No.7932246

Yeah id be fine to be set for life with groceries, holidays, a nice little boat here and there, maybe a used car...

Many family businesses are very keen on peer to peer, off-the-books trades.

Like that farm i worked at that bred race horses that sold for about 200k tops. One ejaculate went for like 5k

Im sure it was all taxed properly

>> No.7932247


This shit would make a really amazing comic strip. Kind of a breaking bad vibe but its over shit like this HAHAHA

Too bad I will be in fucking jail so I wont be able to make it. Or maybe that would make the shit even more funny.

>> No.7932249

no it's not. When you trade stocks you go to fiat inbetween, with crypto you don't and I don't give a fuck about IRS's mental gymnastics

Just leave your country if it's retarded to tax every trade. Simple

>> No.7932262

So what if you don't cash out but pay a person with crypto for a product?
Say I payed for a house with trtle

>> No.7932272

Not everyone is a burger you fucking wankstain

>> No.7932282

Same plan here
Where would you go?
Id get international health insurance and a job to cover just that
And then one long journey around the world

>> No.7932299

Good luck putting millions in jail. The whole point is to get away from centralization. For people to join one another in a globalized, but decentralized financial system. Worst fucking thing was letting the banksters take over the government.

>> No.7932314

I'm saying according to IRS policy, your opinion carries no authority unfortunately.

>> No.7932315

Id just claim my money was hacked
Put it on exchange log in from different device put crypto on some wallet
Aaand its gone

>> No.7932340

Impossible >>7932159

>> No.7932363

This in the wild west grandpa there is no taxes lmao

>> No.7932384

Question for the state is:

Is crypto/bitcoin money, or not?

If it is, money does not need to be made by a state, thus effectively making monetary policy superfluous

Inb4 gold

You cant pay your taxes in gold now can you

>> No.7932393

Burger tax system is retarded

>> No.7932410

I just told my wife that I am no bullshit considering prison as an option. Put the stack away for safe keeping. Wait for them to come for me then just say I am not paying. Go to jail. Leave the country when I get out.

>> No.7932425

You need to pull everything out right now and just report everything as one big 0 cost basis sell. Get an accountant to help you do this. The IRS usually won't look into it much because the 0 cost basis makes it look like they're getting the maximum amount of money possible. It'll start the statue of limitations running, and just wait for it to blow over.

>> No.7932429


I'm in this situation as well.

I have no idea what to do.

>> No.7932443

I'm not going to lose everything for this. I would sooner destroy the wallets then allow this to happen to me.

>> No.7932444

No one gives a shit pal

>> No.7932456

It's not money. It's "property" with a fair market value measured in dollars. When that value exceeds cost basis during any exchange, you owe capital gains.

>> No.7932464

>your opinion carries no authority unfortunately.

>he he look at me how stone cold I am, I'm such a badass, no emotion he he, based IRS will fuck us all ha ha ha what a badass citizen I am

kill yourself you retard. I'm just saying anyone willing to get fucked by his retarded government is an idiot and deservers to be poor.

probably some eastern european country with simple tax laws only on the cash out amount minus initial. My portfolio will be worth 3x more there than in the degenerate west

>> No.7932465

Should be because it is valued in usd
Oh wait

>> No.7932491
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You're an illiterate monkey anon
And the IRS and just beating their chests
The fact is that if you're not a total retard
Then they wont know about your stack at all

>> No.7932505

Everything is valued in USD. Everything is worth something.

>> No.7932522



>> No.7932524

You wouldn't lose everything. You would just pay whatever the income tax rate is on the value of your portfolio.

>> No.7932525
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>unironically being an americuck

>> No.7932545
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Let me trade my Bitbeans directly for usd
Oh wait

>> No.7932550

Its above 100% right now. I lose everything and have to pay more on top of that. Suicide is another option. Prison or suicide.

>> No.7932554

Nice, don't fall for this gay ass fud

>implying civilization isn't collapsing as we speak

>> No.7932573

Highly unlikely I’m one of the worlds most infamous criminals known throughout the world with law agencies checking every nook and cranny of my life for something to put me away for all the murders done by me/under my supervision.

>> No.7932584


Land of the free. Fuck the banker kike tyranny

>> No.7932586


Bro just do what I am going to do. Cash everything out on April 10th and sell securities to make up the difference. Pay the tax, it is what it is. We all learned a lesson.

>> No.7932610

I KNOW. I'm saying use the 0 cost basis thing as a loop hole to avoid the 100% tax. That's what the IRS / accountants do when you have no records. Just "lose" all your records, cash everything out in BTC. Then just report 1 fat BTC sell with a cost basis of 0. Then you'd just pay 15 - 37% on whatever the fiat value is.

>> No.7932618

I know the logic but do you declare a trade when tou give your neighbor a chicken and he gives you two stacks of hay?

>> No.7932627

If you at least report this and get an accountant to help you, they probably will never look into it further.

>> No.7932628

why not leave now?
just tattoo your private keye on your ass or something and show the faggots on the airport a middle finger

>> No.7932665

You're supposed to technically.

>> No.7932741

>100% tax
t. IRS

>> No.7932759

yes let's also tax the grandpa who gives his grandkids money for birthdays.
Let's also make everything cashless so the good 'ol jew can see everything

>> No.7932767

December buying isn't looking so bad now. I lost money last year, so I'm hoping to be in ok shape. Though I'm concerned because I didn't know what I was doing and was more or less playing around, making a bunch of trades and now I have to sort it all out.

>> No.7932786

still capital gains

>> No.7932799

this comment right here should cause deep thinking. You should also realize were are probably at the first sell off stage. You all thought (((They))) would let a way to see every bit of cash flow die? Bitcoin, things like REQ and link, etc are going to be bigger than you ever thought.

>> No.7932801

>If you at least report this and get an accountant to help you, they probably will never look into it further.

what do you mean probably?
yea it's convinient excuse for someone who started with a small amount and doesn't care about the cost basis but those motherfuckers from IRS won't leave you alone that easily, the can change their mind and knock on your doors in 2-3 years because you didn't report every trade.

Just fucking leave that shithole lol why do you people are such cucks

>> No.7932813

t. IRS

>> No.7932817

This shit made me laugh. I don't know guys, maybe if I was more mentally ready for this I would have some kind of plan that doesn't suck. I have no fucking idea what will work best. Cashing out means giving up on future gains too. You guy know the 2018 bull run around December is going to be fucking ebin right. All I need to do is survive another couple years.

>> No.7932819

>1. Where the fuck is the IRS going to get info on your shitcoin trades? You think the exchanges are going to hand them over?
Yes. Bittrex already hands over tax info to the IRS as does coinbase

>> No.7932825

they never got him for murder


>> No.7932851

anyone using an exchange that requires identification verification and not expecting them to share that with local authorities is RETARDED

>> No.7932881

that's why you only use chink/obscure exchanges with no verification lol
I withdrew everything from buttrex as soon as I smelled what's coming.

Every western exchange will suck the regulators' cocks, I hope bittrex fucking dies from jewmerican regulators hands lol

>> No.7932891

>idiot alert

it's not 30% of your portfolio dumbass, 30% of your GAINS.

so you owe $3 out of that $10

>> No.7932895

Nobody trades with coinbase though, I have no verification documents on Binance in any case so they have no idea how much I may or may not have when I go to eventually cash out some of my stack on localbitcoin.

>> No.7932897
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Nigger, for less than 150K of people in this world is BTC actually a tax concern... many of those addresses belong to the same people... the level of larping in this place is unimaginable. you're shitcoin is banked motherfuckers and you're not the bank.

>> No.7932935

and that's how it should be.
If it's an amount below let's say 30-50k why would you even want to pay taxes lol just cash out on localmonero etc keep cash at home and live like a free man, not a wagecuck

>> No.7932986

Monero is going to pump hard come March!

>> No.7933003

it really isnt that hard anon
also take into consideration the amount of split wallets, exchange wallets, lost wallets etc
Did regulators keep up with piracy, anon? Or is that just the way culture evolved with technology?

>> No.7933009

Who are you nocoining basement dwelling salty faggots?

4chan, a place for social outcasts and you manage to be an outcast on the business section of this forum... When everyone is anonymous. Extreme autism achieved. Congratulations fucknut.

>> No.7933092

>what is monero

>> No.7933185

Portugal has nice tax law
Czech republic too
E-residence in estonia could make sense

>> No.7933187
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>> No.7933206

Servants hate rebels

>> No.7933229

Yes they did as part of the new tax law. I sincerely thank you for leaving and improving our gene pool.

>> No.7933240

Dude in Joe King

>> No.7933251

I guess this is the next generations "You wouldnt download a car would you?"

>> No.7933289

>Czech republic too
that would be cool
do they just tax (out-in)*tax?
and what percentage is it?

>> No.7933307

Yea but nobody does it

>> No.7933365

Its illegal do make a peer to peer payment above 1000 eur in spain, in cash, per month


War on cash

>> No.7933459

> let's also tax the grandpa who gives his grandkids money for birthdays.
Are you 12 or retarded? "For 2018, the annual exclusion is $15,000." irs .gov. Is grandpa giving you $15,001? Then it's not excluded and taxable.

>> No.7933525

it's all fucking vague, it's a pure terror on the citizens
how many times a year can I gift someone 15k before they accuse me of structuring etc?
go back to sucking government's cock

>> No.7934124
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"You wouldn't profit from your own money then not allow the welfare surveillance state currently replacing your demographics with the third world so as to reinvigorate their authority to take their cut, would you?"

>> No.7934178
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do i need to worry about the irs if i live in canada?

>> No.7934360

plz give evidence then

>> No.7934421

Didn't murrican system still hunt you for taxes as long as you have citizenship even if you live abroad?

>> No.7934490

yes it does but some anon
thinks they changed it. i will await his evidence as none exists, just that they are talking about it. like the president can change it...
look up the grace commission to find out what happens to your taxes

>> No.7934596

>the burden of proof is on you
>"IRS, I didn't do it. What say you?"
>"Gee anon, we you're free! "
what am i missing?

>> No.7934733

Doesn't roll off the tongue quite the same...

>> No.7934746
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>mfw the foreigners replying don't realize Americans pay taxes so they don't have to live in their worthless shitholes

>> No.7934774

How come steam games don't get taxed then?

>> No.7934797

marketability was never my strong suit

>> No.7934851

Do we really need as much socialism in a post crypto world though? That is the real question.

We can make social media that pays you for posting content. We can make video games that pay you to play them. We can have people making money by doing things that we normally do for free in a post crypto world.

>> No.7935299

As far as i know its a 15% flat on income tax

>> No.7935362

We can until everyone is playing games instead of working hard

Would we reinvent creativity, or the wheel?

>> No.7935577

Now it's as dirty as drug money. Or worse. Not a solid plan.

>> No.7935627

good luck, localbitcoins is at LEAST half DHS undercovers. 17 people in my state got raided and gag ordered a couple years ago and I stopped using it.

>> No.7935658

it's not an option they take your money and you owe them when you get out

>> No.7935695

it's not clean slate u still owe retards and interest piles up at .5% a month compounded while yr in prison

>> No.7935701

local bitcoins works on reputation
how exactly would authorities lull people into that unless they were retards using random buyers?

>> No.7935718

you'll still owe the money after prison and you only make 10 to 20 dollars a week in there

>> No.7935724

explain how the IRS would know you have a stack in the first place.

>> No.7935754

annual limit means once a year you insufferable idiots

>> No.7935767

because half the people on there with long reps are already undercover, or pinched by the feds and working for them now.


>> No.7935782

> We can until everyone is playing games instead of working hard
> Would we reinvent creativity, or the wheel?

Its hard to really understand how a society like this will function. Everyone will be making money from everything they do. Normal jobs would be mostly automated. Posting pictures of food on the blockchain will probably pay the bills.

the main difference is that we gain the ability to monetize things that were not monetized before. You can control the masses even more by providing incentives that didnt exist before.

One example is being able to incentive's going out and cleaning litter from the streets. Instead of employees you have people making money for picking up trash dynamically. Toss in a bit of augmented reality and you turned doing shit like that almost into a video game.

>> No.7935786

t. IRS

>> No.7935808

Why would the IRS warn you about fed honeypots? Dipshit.

>> No.7935849

They might not but then your money is no better than human trafficking profits or drug money. You can't buy anything large with it. They will track your life when you get out of prison, your bank accounts, your purchases, waiting to pounce on something to seize or a wage to garnish. And that whole time the interest is adding up.

I hate it too and I'm probably gonna get fucked aswell but don't go to prison thinking it clears what you owe. I have a roommate that owes 9 million and they will be in his life forever

>> No.7935930

ITT: Dunning-Kruger retards who think they are smarter than the IRS

>> No.7935958

how would a reputation based system working off an anonymous communication exchange allow itself to a honeypot, are you suggesting that everyone is fingered and noone would spill the bean anonymously, noone is that competent despite using one of the first services of exchange?


IRS sissies and r/buttcoin would have you believe that the all seeing government eye is just waiting for you to lie to them so they can fuck you 100x instead of 10x

when in reality
they are outgunned and completely impotent in this situation
hence the psyop full of sissies trying to get people to give themselves over
you lost faggot
tax law will have to reform to fit society
because society has moved away from your "jurisdiction"
cry more about it queer

>your money is no better than human trafficking profits or drug money
kek, people honestly believe this? It has been years worth of people cashing out, buying property and paying their tax faggot whatever they feel is needed. Anyone smart enough realises that most tax is based on literal INTENTION meaning if you bought with the intention to sell later for profit, then its a money making exercise that is taxed differently from say if you received it and held for personal reasoning. There are ways where you arent liable for ANY tax surrounding cryptos.

Anyone that is willing to spoonfeed feds here is RETARD.
Enjoy being little cuckboys sucking government cock.

>> No.7935974

There's literally nothing wrong with paying taxes. Just throw them a good approximate amount of money and no one will care. as long as you try they're happy.

>> No.7935995

>is a

>> No.7936021
File: 583 KB, 1536x2048, bashar-assad-syria-laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in the US
>being the best goy

>> No.7936027

take a look at burtw.com he's the only one who managed to beat the gag order and speak out on it. Taxes are shit but I don't want all my computers and electronics seized using LBTC. you are probably in for less trouble cashing out legally and just not paying

>> No.7936047

I am not into clicking 4ch links m8 but I'll look into it

>> No.7936065

Okay have fun trying to sell your coins on localbitcoins but don't come crying when you sell to an undercover

>> No.7936163
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1517490983015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont participate in cryptos ;)

>> No.7936264

Use Tor or someone else's phone

>> No.7936508

Come April /biz/ is going to be one of the most interesting places on earth. On that note, what are the best ways to get out of this situation? If your stack is worth -10k and you dont have a way to make 10k any time soon without starving in the streets.

What makes most sense to do? Going in owing -10k is not an option. shining a light on myself is probably not an option. I am seriously fucked. I might as well have just been a fucking criminal my whole life. FUCK...

>> No.7936584

Old news tax cuck. Nice try but we small fries don't really have to worry. If you are making trades often of 10k or so I'd be worried. Also if all your trades are done on goybase and gdax that's probably not good. If you are on a chink exchange you're good.

>> No.7936624

you arent getting a penny FAG agency
and if you come to my house, Ill kill you where you stand

>> No.7937716

from my cold dead hands bitch

>> No.7938093

>Article says its going to be a landmark year for taxation.
>IRS offers little guidance on cryptos for past 4 years.
If you look up actual sources are saying less that 0.04% filed gains. Pretty fucking funny if you ask me.

OPs article is full of complete shit. Whoever posts this shit and writes these articles can get fucked.

>> No.7938150
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, wesley snipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IRS can suck my fucking dick.