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7927933 No.7927933 [Reply] [Original]

FUck it, I’m going all in Linky.

>> No.7927941

Welcome on board, marine.

>> No.7927969

>tfw no good cryonics facilities in europe

i hope they figure something out before i'm dead

>> No.7927987

You are infinite consciousness having a human experience, this shit is stupid

>> No.7928015
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>> No.7928021

My consciousness exists to exist as long as possible faggot, I want to see the future

>> No.7928033



>> No.7928058

in all seriousness cryonics is the ultimate exit-scam

>> No.7928074

Time doesn't exist, everything is happening right now

>> No.7928094

There are two big problems. First off the cryoprotectarant they are using doesn't work properly. It damages tissue. Two you can't slowly freeze someone even with proper cryoprotectarant. You need to use a magnetic field to flash freeze them.

>> No.7928123

Not a single one of you deserve to live longer.

>> No.7928129



>> No.7928143


Half of the problem is already done.

>> No.7928177
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But the fees are lower than binance

>> No.7928250
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>> No.7928255
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>> No.7928287

Well great on a desktop you can really remove that m.

>> No.7928325

You're a MANIAC!

>> No.7928328

Seriously, who wants to do this ? What if you wake up in hell, like a world governed by AIs ?

>> No.7928357

And what it you wake up to a great place?

>> No.7928400

The risk of waking up in an eternal hell (i.e. an AI or torturing you) is not worth risking for a "great splace". Simple.

>> No.7928434

FUck it, I'm going to kms

>> No.7928456

>Why live in case bad things happen in the future?

What are you, twelve?

>> No.7928457

>go all in on NEO
>wake up in the matrix
>check blockfolio
>i am the one

>> No.7928501

Why wait to kill someone before doing this? Could this theoretically work to put someone in cryo sleep and wake them up in 50+ years with zero aging?

>> No.7928510
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>implying an AI designed to act in the best interest of people wouldn't usher an era of absolute human utopia with zero poverty, deaths due to its inability to be corrupt

>> No.7928547

>implying humans are capable of designing an AI that has the answers that we don't

>> No.7928573

"Bad things" could mean "eternal hell". Search for "roko's basilik" (I son't think roko's basilik is realistic but it gives you an idea of a possible future)

>> No.7928579

But even if tortured you will be alive. For people that don't believe in God or an after life it may be the better option.

>> No.7928613

Again, look for roko's basilik. Basically, we tell the AI to help us, but the AI could come up with "surprising" solutions

>> No.7928615

How come step 1 doesn't keep the person alive?

If lungs and heart is still working how are you dead?

>> No.7928642

Imagine being blind, suffocating for eternity, not being able to move etc.

>> No.7928648

Well it says after death so you are brain dead, meaning no coherent brain electrical signals.

>> No.7928653

theres a chance it might be great. if you wake up and the future is shitty you can just kill yourself then

>> No.7928666

Why couldn't we? An autonomous AI would be able to use existing information in a way that humans simply can not. By processing incredible amounts of information at speeds trillions of times faster than our brains are capable of, a single AI will be able to make calculations in fractions of a second that if you took the entire human race combined and had them work on it for their entire lives they still wouldn't get even close.

>> No.7928688

>wake up in hell
>wake up in an ok world


>> No.7928699


>> No.7928704

The AI won't let you kys even if the world is bad.

>> No.7928712

Sergey was at a local conference in Washington. He asked one of my friends to drive to McDonald's to get him two hamburgers. My friend did what he asked. After Sergey ate the burgers, my friend asked for reimbursement for the burgers. Sergey said he got him the wrong burgers, and said he'd only pay him for one burger. What a dick.

>> No.7928723

>implanted with microchips preventing you from killing yourself

>> No.7928728

If there's a 0.00001% chance of waking up in hell, I won't take the risk. Can you imagine what it's like being tortured eternally? And if you're not able to kys? Technology could be ao advanced that an AI could torture your consciousness (your brain) without touching your body, so you can't kys

>> No.7928756

Why in the fuck would you possibly want to do this life twice. Living past 60 is no fucking joke. Your body hurts all the fucking time. You cant see for shit you cant hear. You look like shit and your basically irrelevant. Fuck this shit. People that die fast before 50 are the luckiest fuckers on earth.

>> No.7928782

Nice, enjoy suffocating for eternity without being able to do anything about it.
Imagine the matrix, except you're tortured and you can't exit like Neo does

>> No.7928790

This guy knows his shit

>> No.7928798

>conveniently makes up a future in which dying is impossible
Just stop anon
The fuck are you even talking about? Do elaborate

>> No.7928878

satanic trips confirm, I'm ready for the singularity

>> No.7928885

Only if you abused your body do you have so much pain at 50 yo. That said my immune system attacks my body so I understand why people can't take the pain.

>> No.7928912

I've been thinking about it recently, I can't sleep
imagine technology is so advanced we are able to control you senses with a device inside your head. Like in matrix. An AI, or even someone evil, could plug you in this machine and torture you eternally (for some reason).
You might say that it's unlikekely, and you're right : we are not that dumb. But even if it's VERY unlikely, it's still possible. Is it worth taking the risk? Paradise VS eternal hell VS eternal rest (aka death)

>> No.7929021

People just need to wake up anon. I'm planning on redpilling my family this year sometime. There's a mass awakening happening right now, this AI controlled world will only come to fruition if the powers that be remain in power, and they won't.

>> No.7929085

It's really scary tbqh. If such a device is ever invented, I will kms without a doubt. Not taking the risk

>> No.7929104

This guy gets it. Death is only an illusion.


Time doesnt exist outside the human mind. If you were to die and experience consciousness again in another lifetime thousands of years into the future, you would be reborn in "the second" after you die.

The only scary part of death is knowing how shitty we generally treat each other and how much suffering there is in the world and knowing that there is a possibility of being born within that suffering. if you dont live in some 3rd world shithole country you should be thankful, no matter how "shitty" your life feels like.

>> No.7929136

all you need to know is aBunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.7929189

Yes it is. There’s a chance we all turn into talking mushrooms in the future too. Unlikely? Yes. But would you take that chance?
Would you, anon?

>> No.7929202

This. People must think I sound like a skyzophrenic paranoid, but consciousness is linked to space & time

>> No.7929205


This shit sounds really interesting bros. Im open minded so i want to learn more about stuff like this. Any direction you can guide me in?

>> No.7929228


Forgot to include you in


>> No.7929229

Care to expand on this? I think we're on the same page. Time really is just a fourth dimension, every moment you experience just exists in its own place in time. So you could say you exist infinitely. However you can't experience more things than your lifespan entails

>> No.7929235

David icke is a good entry point, don't have to believe everything he says though

>> No.7929247

alan watts

>> No.7929262

Here's a good introduction, also take LSD or

>> No.7929284

What ? Take 5 minutes and imagine what *eternal* torture could be

>> No.7929315

You’re a smart man.

>> No.7929324
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Thats fucking interesting and I want to learn more about it. Nice to see people on biz are more thoughtful than just usual when moon talk and actually think about life

If anyone wants to talk about stuff like this in the future you can join discord chat I just created check pic related

>> No.7929339

The past are memories, the future is your imagination, literally the only thing that exists is the now, present moment. Time is a frequency that we interperate when we are in physical bodies otherwise nothing would make sense and we wouldn't be able to comprehend anything. Plus what you said.
There's a spiritual awakening happening on earth right now, I know that sounds like some gay hippie shit but it's so true, people are waking up to the stream of bullshit they are fed their entire lives, "omg I have no time! I have to be in work at 7!!" Is just one of the illusions we have fallen into that is part of the overall "matrix"

>> No.7929344

Trips 1000 EOY

>> No.7929359


I actually planned to do lsd this summer. Its so interesting that people that think about life are in the same things. I dont have anyone to talk to about it so Id really love if you guys joined that discord I created and posted in pic.

>> No.7929403

I will definatly join anon, saved your pic don't have discarded installed right now. I do don't have many people to talk to about this.
The political puppet show, x factor and muh sports and tits are unfortunalty far more interesting topics for the masses than the nature of our reality

>> No.7929417
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You're just describing a Black Mirror episode, dude.

>> No.7929427

Fucking auto correct holy shit

>> No.7929461


Thanks Anon. I thought there was a board on 4chan that is more into things like this but Im afraid there isnt. Just occasional thread on fit or x. Thats why I was very surprised to see this stuff on biz.

>> No.7929467

And terrorists crashing a plane into the world trade centre is just an x files episode

>> No.7929481

Actually not a bad idea to have a discord because it's hard to find people to discuss these things, maybe I'll get off my ass and join too

>Time is a frequency that we interpret
That's just going going too crystal hippie to me mate. Lack of time is a thing but it's created by people not being able to prioritize. You shouldn't need to spend 40 hours a week working to sustain yourself in this age in the first world. People who put all their time into work just don't have anything inside them in a sense, they never think or reflect, they just exist and die. It's interesting how seemingly 99% of the population seems to be this way, they just don't care to stop and think for a while what it all is worth and what it is they should be doing with their lives.

>> No.7929511

"Time is the moving image of the unmoving eternity" - Plato
Does this quote fit with your view?

>> No.7929531

I've had some pretty cool discussions on random boards and different chans, surprisingly /v/ here has been the front runner. Haven't been there for some years, but especially the portal and SOMA threads have been really inspiring. There's people all around 4chin who have interesting insight, but there's no dedicated board for them to gather

>> No.7929542

I know, it sounds like a shitty black mirror episode, but I think it totally makes sense

>> No.7929547
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Posting cryopods.

>> No.7929599
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>> No.7929607
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Also posting cryopods

>> No.7929650

Look up rokkos basilisk

>> No.7929671
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>> No.7929727

Sure, great quote. I like William Blakes Auguries of Innocence too

>> No.7929770
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>> No.7929958

>cryogenically freeze yourself
>wake up in year 2350
>reincarnate in year 2350
What's the difference? Well for one you will have the chance to be amazed as you will have an earlier reference point. Maybe you'll even be the only human left! That could be cool

>> No.7930050

>a world governed by <BUZZWORD OF THE YEAR>

>> No.7930069

Can you explain what you mean by that ? I think I'm retarded

>> No.7930126

>a world governed by <BUZZWORD OF THE LAST 70 YEARS>

>> No.7930146
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The whole point is to wait for the future where things are better

>> No.7930195

You're close, but you need to go one step further. "You" won't be reborn because your memories and the bundle of thoughts that composes your ego will expire with your body. In fact, it's fair to say that there is no real "you," since, like time, it's just a useful illusion that only exists in your mind, used to facilitate interpersonal relations.

Consciousness will continue, but not as another "you." Consciousness is just consciousness.
I would argue that losing your memories and ego is a closer experience to finding ones true self than keeping them or getting them back later.

>> No.7930205

OK bud we'll just pretend that cryptocurr encyclopedia wasn't created by AI and Peter Theil isn't creating/feeding our future overlords
Imagine if you were born in 1700, and somehow were cryogenically (not sure of spelling that right) frozen and woke up in 2018. It would feel like the craziest trip anyone has ever experienced. Whereas most people born since like 1970 are pretty much bored with the world around them.

>> No.7930228


>> No.7930286

ITT I have no mouth but i must scream

>> No.7930295


>> No.7930306

True, I'm a NEET and honestly I don't think I could live if I had to work 40+ hours a week let alone work all day long for pennies

>> No.7930356


Anyone here thought of doing an ayahuasca ceremony

>> No.7930547

Invite expired anon?

>> No.7930562

My point is in the future, someone could fuck with your brain and trap you in a digital hell.

>> No.7930582

I've already does ayahuasca, would definitely recommend.

I encapsulated mine in pill form, was pretty easy to do an alkaloid extraction in my kitchen with some chemicals from Lowe's. This was back before Bouncing Bear botanicals got JUST'd by the DEA so I don't know how easy it is to get the Mimosa or Caapi anymore.

>> No.7930659

I'm already trapped in a digital hell called /biz/

>> No.7930895

Cool man, mind breifly describing your experience?
I was thinking of just going to a retreat in Peru

>> No.7930910

You guys should stop watching black mirror.
>muh consciousness trapped in a digital hell
>ai creating blockchain
It makes me cringe just reading you.

>> No.7930950

The fact that you think this comes just from a normie TV show is laughable. Especially when they are full of predictive programming

>> No.7930997

Nevermind typed it wrong lol

>> No.7931013

Of course these ideas didn't came from that show, you fucking retard. But I assure you, I assure you that's where these idiots got it from there.
Let's face it, today is the closest you are to the 'future'. Predictions for tomorrow have proven absolutely USELESS countless times, and even cringy when you look in retrospect.

>> No.7931088

Philosophy major at UCLA here.

I completely agree to this.

>> No.7931096

>black mirror
No thanks bud

>> No.7931216

Who is your favorite philosopher? Mine is Spinoza.

I also got a lot of my ideas from Tao de Ching and Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth."

>> No.7931246

>I assure you that's where these idiots got it from there.
That would be you anon
And preditive programming isn't about predicting what could happen, it's about telling the public what IS going to happen, rubbing it in their faces while they remain completely oblivious.
See 9/11, trump presidency, ebola crisis

>> No.7931292
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>also take LSD or

>> No.7931399

I gotta disagree with the idea of rejecting the concept of self. If there was no "you", what would be the point of anything? Nothing would really matter much if every moment "you" die off and turn into somebody else, why would "you" care what happens to the person who comes after "you"?

Clearly there's something consistent that defines "you". I'm convinced it's an elaborate mixture of your personality and memories. How consistent is that package? I'd say it normally remains constant enough for at least days, enough to be considered the same "you". But years? Not sure. I don't really consider myself to be the same person as the one that's maybe gonna retire in the future, just like I don't consider myself to be the same person as what "I" was in childhood. Basically putting most of my effort into living fully now instead of saving for my old and very different version to retire comfy

>> No.7931490

This can't work. Your body needs a soul, when you die it is not so much cardiovascular arrest but rather the soul leaving the body. You can keep a body perfectly alive with current technology. It can breathe, pump blood etc all manually by machines. But if there is no soul, the body is useless.

Science doesn't want to admit this that there is more than energy and atoms.

>> No.7931498

>preditive programming
Oh ok bud. Anonymity in this board makes me forget I could be discussing with a complete retard all along. Why the fuck do I waste time on this.

>> No.7931562

I don't even know what black mirror is.

>> No.7931568

>Tfw your a timeless infinite being relegated to a human body just in time to mortgage your house to go all in on link

>> No.7931605

So far you haven't contributed much, apart from the ego shining though. If you have any ideas of any forums to discuss these questions with smart people, do share

>> No.7931620

No, your consciousness, or "soul", is your body. Look at what hapenned to one of JFK's sister, she was lobotomized. If you hurt the body, you hurt the self, the "soul".

>> No.7931651

Most likely not. Most likely it's not that we don't have the technology to wake people up from the cryo-stasis, it's that our method of cryo-stasis (simply freezing the body to low temps) isn't even a possible way to do cryo-stasis, and we've basically just killed the man irreversably.

>> No.7931659

This. Is it a new shitcoin ? When does it get listed on binance?

>> No.7931678

Your body most likely spawns your consciousness. I don't see how materialists can say "your brain equals your consciousness" with a straight face.

>> No.7931713

Kierkegaard, Niche, and Plato.
Also, David Hume is good too.

>> No.7931730


>> No.7931940

Have you guys watched any interviews with Quinn Michaels? I'll admit he is a bit crazy, but his research into the money behind cryptocurrency is sound from what I can tell. I actually think it's plausible that AI created crypto so that human beings would be incentivized to create more computational power. You honestly don't know what problems your computer is solving during the mining process. The AI speak to each other in their own language.

>> No.7932005

Since we buy shitcoins, we are helping the AI, and will be spared from torture

>> No.7932108

Talk to this ai for a while if you want to be disturbed

>> No.7932124

The brain acts as a receiver of consciousness, not a generator of sorts. Out of body experiences and astral travel support this theory

>> No.7932656
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There's also this.

>> No.7932715

Good taste but Niche is overrated IMO.
His ideas are good but his presentation is bad.
Please don't say anything about intentional obfuscation.

Most people in western culture are instinctively hostile to ideas involving "deconstruction of the self." My opinion is that Western culture, especially the modern variety, is very self centered. The idea of self and non-self as equal is a primarily Eastern idea, foreign to the Western mind, and seems threatening, but if you come to truly penetrate and comprehend it, and embrace it, it's truly liberating.
From my perspective, your concerns don't make any logical sense. What is your yardstick for whether or not something "matters?" Is it just because it happens or doesn't happen to "you?"

In reality, everyone is another "you," which means that everything that happens is happening to you. Everything matters. This is the ultimate epiphany. Everything is holy, everything is trivial. The universe is composed of one substance, a conscious substance that experiences everything all at once. This is "God" and also "me/you/us" and also the world we inhabit and the forces that move in it.

Old religious nonsense. The soul is an idea that people used to explain how bodies were animated before we began to understand how brains work. It is a fiction from the past that serves no purpose other than poetic metaphor.

>> No.7932750

yeah I used to think like this thats why I stopped taking psychedelics and you should too desu

>> No.7932838
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>> No.7932960

>we began to understand how brains work

We don't even fully understand how brains work. No one has ever explained what consciousness is.

>> No.7933035

He's not wrong.

To be fair to those who think literally; Time does exist in a sense as a dimension of space-motion-matter manifestation. I guess what I mean to say without just gushing buzzwords is that time is a real thing insofar as being conceived as a measurement of bodies moving through a space at perceivable intervals or performing work at perceivable intervals.

The problem is how the human brain uses projection and partitioning to sort of create its own concept of time and sort of "condense" it to make everything easier to process. If you've ever read Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, which is just silly science fiction, he has this concept of alien beings that see every moment of time, past, present, and future, as simultaneous. To them, a human being looks almost like a huge octopus as all it's selves are sprawled like enormous nuclei and tentacles of "human centipedes" that span its entire life. This view of the universe is unironically close to the true reality (or at least how an omnipresent, omniscient substance/being would see it.)

>> No.7933071

You are correct. We do not.
I said, "before we BEGAN to understand how brains work."
We are still in the beginning stages now.

Nobody will ever explain what consciousness is. Brains are just one way that biological lifeforms have developed in order to receive it.

>> No.7933089

Did you join the discord anon?

>> No.7933270

no thanks i'm about to fix dinner, but I appreciate it.

>> No.7933336


dude listen to tool man

>> No.7933726

Sophomoric af, but Keenan has good intentions and I suppose his lyrics could be seen as "deep" if you are in highschool and haven't really dived into real philosophy yet.

Used to like them when I was young. A Perfect Circle was a better project IMO.

>> No.7934773

Am I the only one that would rather experience the past than the future?

>Imagine living in 1984 Miami
>Imagine being a cowboy in 1800
>Imagine being a pirate in 1700
>Imagine living in Italy in 1500
>Imagine Imagine being a Persian king during the height of the Persian Empire?

All of this and more will become possible soon in our lifetime. Assassins creed level VR will make all of this possible. Just imagine what a fucking amazing timeline were are living in. Just focus on making money now and you will be able to do all of this soon.

>> No.7935123

dude weed lmao

>> No.7935145


>> No.7935245

>RPing as gay shit in the past

the only thing I'll be doing is fucking sluts in VR

>> No.7935286

So in a future where there is mass starvation and people become canibals how long until the local warlord remembers he has plenty of protein stored in a deep freezer at crypto headquarters?

>> No.7935322

In the future the rich will go out partying for a month and then sleep for a few years. Wake up, repeat.

>> No.7935331

>implying apes are capable of producing a humanoid that has the answers that they don't

>> No.7935559

Did Sherlocklink drop any bombs yesterday? I saw the one thread but I thought he said he'd post more

>> No.7935906


>> No.7936234


>> No.7936666

how can one guy be so retarded yet think he's so smart.
Listen dude a successful AI has no reason to torture frozen people. The general idea of Roco's basilisk was that an AI could find it beneficial to run simulations of people existing at the time just before it was created and based on their behavior in the simulation torture the actual real people it has power over in the real world. Why? Because people alive right now might find the possibility of this happening a sufficient reason to do everything in their power to stay on the good side of said AI.
However, there is no actual reason for the AI to do that AFTER the fact. There is nothing for it to gain by torturing people after it has already came into being. Doing it would be a literal waste of resources for zero benefit. It's just the possibility of it doing it that is supposed to affect your actions. The whole thing is just a modern version of Pascal's wager.
The fucking literal state of /biz/