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7926868 No.7926868 [Reply] [Original]

Whose shit is still fucked up? 40k student loan debt for a useless degree from Shekel University, working at Target making $12/hour FML

>> No.7926910

Learn a trade you limp wristed faggot

>tech school was ~10k
>made 50k first year out at 23

>> No.7926921


29 going on 30, similar debt. I guess the only difference is I built a business that’s worth a decent amount if I sold it but in the mean time I don’t make much/have wage cuck benefits. Debating selling it off and being a Normie cubicle cuck or doubling down and working harder. Idk. Cross roads and shiet.

>> No.7927435

>40k student loan debt
Faggot, I saved up about 15k in just half a year.
You can knock that shit out in a few years.

>Working at Target making $12/hour
>40k student loan debt for a useless degree from Shekel University
>Working at Target
>degree from University
Well there's your fucking problem

>> No.7927449

40k denbs is nothing. You're also still young so you can still make it. Just stop wasting your time at Target.

>> No.7927457

haha loser
I make 75k a year out of school
debt will be paid within 5 years

>> No.7927470


$12 an hour isn't bad at all. Ignore these retarded fucking anons and keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.7927479

I had most middle 20s (23-26) taken from me and now all I want to do is live the lifestyle.. I was very close last month but for some reason believed bitcoin was going to keep going up.

Had enough to pay taxes, 12 months of an $1100 a month apartment, and enough to pay student loans off.

>> No.7927498


I had same debt, roughly 40k after dropping out of uni. I was 28. now I'm 30 and have 0 debt and some savings, and an apartment with mountain views. And no, I didn't make any money off of cryptos. I did, however, learn web development and have a comfy six figure job now (this is normal entry level salary level)

>> No.7927510

no debt
$30k in saving that i can't touch
no job
living in a shithole of a town
not even first world
will never make it

>> No.7927523

I'm 22 btw

>> No.7927534

I got myself out of it but was max out credit card, living pay check to pay check and making $13 / hour as a security guard

>> No.7927557


$13 an hour isn't bad at all.

>> No.7927574

>looking for new jobs on Glassdoor
>Know your worth calc says I'm overpaid

Apparently I've wasted the last ten years working

>> No.7927587

its bad if you're old

i'm 32 and only making like $22/hour and it's pathetic compared to most of my friends of similar age who all own homes and new cars and have nice lives, meanwhile I'm renting a 1 bedroom apartment in the bad part of town. I couldn't imagine making $13 while living alone.

>> No.7927620


How is $22 an hour pathetic? Do you not save your money?

>> No.7927717

It's bad lad. I make 12 and basically cannot get a mortgage. I have saved up 100k and the bank will only match what I have. 200k homes where I live is bottom of the barrel ghetto

>> No.7927732

What did you study?

>> No.7927743


M8, where do you live might I ask? A 200K home where I live is massive.

>> No.7927761

>have bachelors in fine art because follow your dream meme
>now security guard (it's comfy but doesn't pay very well)
>about 8k left on student loan
>drive rusted out '03 toyota echo
>rent because houses are stupid expensive (minimum 350k for a detached)
>gamble on crypto and weed stocks because safer investments barely keep up with inflation

Let the good times roll.

>> No.7927791

I live in southern florida

>> No.7927813

You're still better off than most of the world

>> No.7927839

Don't do that

>> No.7927895

Web developers earn like 20k in the UK

>> No.7927916


20K is good money

>> No.7927965

Not six figures entry level though is it

>> No.7928023

living alone is expensive
$22/hour is about $44k/year gross, before tax

some of my bills per month:
>rent $850
>car insurance $150
>gasoline $100
>food $200-250 (cook at home, never eat out)
>internet $70
>cellphone $45
>electricity $50
>gym membership $40
>medical insurance $100
=$1630 approximately * 12 = ~$19,560/year

and thats just bare bones, doesn't account for any social or leisure expenses, and of course there's always unexpected expenses throughout the year, car repairs, home repairs, saving towards a vacation (rarely take one though), periodically buy new clothes once or twice a year, etc. after taxes are deducted off paychecks it doesn't leave a lot leftover or make it easy to save up towards buying a home for example.

I'll admit it could be worse but it's certainly not great and I say that as someone that's already extremely frugal. I have almost no vices, I don't drink, don't smoke, don't buy any collectibles, don't buy new tech gadgets/cellphones, don't buy clothes very often, I basically waste no money ever on anything I don't absolutely need.

>> No.7928038

~70k a year
Special Operations in military
Travel the world and make per diem while doing it
65k surplus in bank account
No debts
Recently dumped all girlfriends in each country I've been to change my life around
Life is great

>> No.7928075


You can easily save money. C'mon man.

>> No.7928166

of course i save a little, just not a lot to change my life

i end up saving a couple thousand a year usually, if i keep at it i might have a deposit for a small house by the time I'm 45 or so, then i will be able to pay the mortgage until i'm dead, should be great, lots to look forward to!

>> No.7928186


Just keep renting. Jerk off to porn and enjoy life.

>> No.7928213
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hope u make it anon

>> No.7928222

What can you do to increase your profitability? What industry do you work in?

>> No.7928251
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Easy muh faggotnigger, A) learn a trade at community college. Or B) go into sales. Sales takes balls. Grow balls.

I know a dumb slut with a sub 80 IQ who makes six figures walking dogs for rich people. If you're poor you are dumb or lazy. Sad but true, faggotnigger.

>> No.7928271
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>in crypto since June '17
>pretty much only 2x'd my $ value
>started an internship for $750/month

To rope or not to rope?

>> No.7928278


Literally the biggest loser in this thread, thanks for making me feel better man. Doing God’s work.

>> No.7928281
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>30 years old
>80k in debt
>depression and anxiety
>no friends or gf
>portfolio is down 12%

>> No.7928318

Did you just give out 90 pct of your private key?

>> No.7928341

>in crypto since June '17
>pretty much only 2x'd my $ value
>started an internship for $750/month
>robbed by 4chan

>> No.7928379


>> No.7928382

like I said earlier, no education beyond high school

ended up doing manual labor all my life, worked in various manufacturing/processing factories, did some industrial painting, construction (framing/drywall), stuff in that realm, never anything customer service related. I do decently well at these jobs, tend to move up to lead hand/supervisor positions, but that's about as high as I get, and through a series of bad luck (companies going bankrupt or losing contracts) have been laid off from most of these jobs after about 3-5 years.

I dunno, probably have undiagnosed mental problems, think I self-sabotage myself or beat myself down mentally (tell myself I can't do any better, etc.) and accept failure/defeat telling myself "this is as good as it gets".

There was a time where I thought I'd do more with my life but each year that goes by where I haven't improved my situation I end up feeling worse about it and fall further into despair. Despite all that though I still feel decently happy about half the time, guess I'm able to block out the bad thoughts when necessary.

>> No.7928426

>weed stocks
do you mean you sell w33d?

>> No.7928502

What the fuck is with all these web development guys stating they earn 100k starting. I can hire a team of pajeets to do it. In 5 years that shit will be so fucking automated anyways these 100k web devs back on social welfare anyways. Automation will end most careers. The only ones with a guaranteed future are those who can maintain and develop AI/ML , absolute pioneers in thier field or those with capital who invest in the aforementioned. Y'all fucking delusional.

>> No.7928552

Couple things.
You can get a better phone deal than $45 bucks a month. You can probably cheap out your internet too but that's at your own risk obviously. Only you know if you can reduce electrical costs.
You work in manual labor. Invest in some basic free weights and ditch the gym membership.

Beyond that, you need to find a construction or labor related job wit apprenticeships. 30's is not to late to increase your value. 40's is pushing it. Depending on where you're living and what end of the scale that rent is at, you might consider shopping around for a better deal there as well.

>> No.7928580



>> No.7928671


Nigger. Life is very short. There isn't enough time to make any money worthwhile

>> No.7928697


>> No.7928742

27 yo STEM degree cuck reporting in. $0 debt including car paid off. $110k salary + bonus, ESPP, and RSUs. $85k in the bank, $130k in stocks, $50k in crypto. About the rekt my shit though and buy a house.
>might not even be a millionaire by 30
fml why did I fall for this fucking meme degree I should have just put that tuition money in bitcoin. FUCK

>> No.7928942
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>repaying student loans.

>> No.7929093

>2 degrees
>150k/yr income
>student loans just paid off
>300k in assets/crypto
>cool friends
I still live like a student and have no gf though.
My goal is to become a millionaire and get with a really cool chick by the end of 2018.

>> No.7929211

What trade Anon?

>> No.7929260

Not fucked up, don't have any debt, have a large net worth 50K crypto, 250K in stocks, some money in the bank. But don't have a job and live at home, probably don't have much hope of getting a decent job.

>> No.7929622
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$3k in crypto
make $2k/month self employed (net would be like $1300 a month)
work from home which is comfy as fuck
$20k student debt

uni was the biggest waste of time and money of my life.

>> No.7929653

>uni was the biggest waste of time and money of my life.


>> No.7929654

how to end it quickly

>> No.7929663

>his parents didn't pay for college.

Lol you'll never make it. Plus it's extremely easy to graduate with zero debt or very little. I bet you didn't apply for any aid, scholarships, and probably went out of state and lived in a dorm. Your fault faggot.

>> No.7929669

Just save up to buy a food truck. Its 800k per year here in LA. My parents own 3 so they could afford to let their autistic kid to loose a lot of money in crypto.

>> No.7929812

>about to graduate from uni with CIS major
>0 debt
feels good anons

>> No.7929924


I'm gonna turn 22 this year and going to comp sci college, already learning a lot on my own in c#, python, java and now some C++ also.

I start in about 8 months, but I still live with mom, wagecuck currently, college is free since I'm from EU comfy country, but feel like the biggest failure/loser for being this old and going to college, while my friends are getting out. I know I'm going to work harder than these 18 year old spoiled kids with zero life experience, but still.. fucking sucks.

It's not even that I have to battle with depression due to circumstances, but knowing so many people had bigger expectations of me and me myself was a very bright 16 year old likeable guy.. fuck sake, I want to disappear sometimes.

but then I read about guys like OP and it makes me feel alright actually. sorry OP, at least you make me feel better.

>> No.7930165

>extremely frugal
From that list you can live a lot 'fruglier' if you really really wanted anon.

>> No.7930270

What MOS anon? Currently military as well, (23 and infantry).

>> No.7930411

I hear helium is a painless suicide.

>> No.7930446

nigga, it took me 7 years to complete my cs major, mostly due to being a part time student for quite some time and having to retake courses. Chill, you're still very young.

>> No.7930447
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>28 y/o
>25k debt for shekel U still
>learned to drive an 18 wheeler tho
>work in oil field
>75k a year
Driving a big rig is strangely satisfying. Some real great people out here. Money is pretty good too. Feelsprettyokman.png

>> No.7930450


26 yro
Spent years at Uni.

Managed to find contract roles for govt agencies and banks.

Contract roles finished naturally.

Now I have nothing. You know whats complete bs, people ask you what you do and you say unemployed or job searching, and you are immediately regarded as subhuman trash.

Then when you get some bullshit mundane temp job, they speak to you like you are a damn christmas tree.

People are bloody sheep and never learn anything.

>> No.7930653

>Faggot, I saved up about 15k in just half a year.
how do I get a job like you have?

>> No.7930686

im 32 and my life is a mess

>moved back in with parents because of depression
>lost all my friends in last cpl of years
>owe five figures in backtaxes even though I spent years outside of the country but didnt really understand the jew laws
>busted my ass last year to become a top performer in the company I work for. still make barely 50k a year
>crypto has destroyed all my remaining motivation to work

>> No.7930754

knock yourself out (pun intended)
I wouldn't mind being a big rig trucker one day. Just me and the road for days at a time.

>> No.7930766

You have a job?

>> No.7930796

I'm a convicted pedo, I don't think any of you could have it worse.
Fuck your normie lives with normie problems.

>> No.7930805


im a freelancefag and work from home
barely do an hour a day lately though as I have almost zero energy for anything these days

>> No.7930813

>no debt
>working a pajeet job online for pennies
>hate my friends and cant relate or symphatize with people
>stuck in a relationship with a girl I cant be arsed to take care of
>just came back from her parents place where we watched the Beautiful Mind

>> No.7930850
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When you’re 40 and gone through your fifth back or knee surgery and you can’t get outta bed without 2oxys and a shot of whaskey you’ll suddenly realize why Jews get into finance and why people do fancified college work
>unclog my fucking toilet you replaceable pleb worker

>> No.7930862

>40k student loan debt

>> No.7930876


>> No.7930896


No, gurls. I always think to myself "at least I'm not gay".

>> No.7930905
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>Living comfy as fuck off the gains from my 100k portfolio.

>> No.7930944

>Whose shit is still fucked up?
Not really.
I have ZERO debt.

60k Networth.

I earn $200 bucks per weekday.
$20-100 bucks through crypto per week.
$50 unrealized gains per day (on average, plus increasing by 2% on average every month per deposit).

I am pretty comfy as fuck. I'll be getting a raise this week as well. I know I'll end up a millionaire at 35. I'll be using the power of LEVERAGE soon.

I am 26 right now.

Word of advice, University and college are a waste of time.

>> No.7930975

Better than nothing. Debt aside, what's keeping you from just committing to the work and winning?

>> No.7930976

>$50 unrealized gains per day
This is through stocks by the way.

>> No.7931005

-$70k networth here ($75k debt, $5k in crypto), no degree, dropped out of college, depressed since last 8 years, no friends, family or lovelife, outside of wagecucking spending most of the time sleeping or drinking myself to blackout
it can always be worse anon

>> No.7931032


anon I worked 10-12 hours days for months. I read dozens of books in my field and frankly Im one of the best in the industry in my country.
and all thats worth to my shitty client is 50k a year. I made more money just holding bitcoin (and then I lost it all again because BTC tanked). so Im not gonna fall for the "just work hard" meme again. if you work for other people you are getting fucked. and I cant be bothered to start my own business

>> No.7931048


10k Community college and making 22/hr. I feel like such a s fucking loser because I've been into crypto since like 2011.

>> No.7931073

>I cant be bothered to start my own business
calm down. no one here is harping on you except yourself.

>> No.7931077


I made my client millions last year and all I got was like 1500 bucks in bonus payments. we are talking literal MILLIONS. from pure numbers I beat every record in the last 20 years for that company and noone gives a shit, nobody even congratuled me for it.
and if you do, just put in minimum amount or you will get fucked, mark my words anons.

>> No.7931114


depends on your age, i was a late bloomer as well.

> 26, just finished master: 0$ salary, $-10k net worth
> 27, started working: $100k salary, $0 net worth after a few months of working
> 30 (now): $130k salary+bonus, $250k net worth (crypto gains)

>> No.7931120

lol thanks for serving as a goy guard.

>> No.7931148

>making 12hr
>wanting to buy a house

How about you fix your income problem first?

>> No.7931202


Most good non-labor jobs require a degree anon so lay off the crack pipe and quit dishing shit advice.

>> No.7931401

rent $850
internet $70
cellphone $45
gym membership $40
food $200-250
is this really the cheapest? I am asking because i am not from burger land.

>> No.7931424

>owe five figures in backtaxes even though I spent years outside of the country but didnt really understand the jew laws
Explain? Which country?

>> No.7931458


How did you amass this much wealth already?

>> No.7931616

trustfund babby or at least upper middle class parents who paid for all his shit

that’s fine and all but not all of us are as lucky or have had the same opportunities

>> No.7931618

20 soon 21, no debt, two years ago college was giving small amounts of money for student research, I presented idea to research crypto. built first mining rig with that money, kept the rig and used it to build more rigs, paying my own college now and mining/trading crypto.
You should look out for research scholarships thats how I got started
sometimes they are basically free money

>> No.7931665

>gym membership $40
>food $200-250
>is this really the cheapest? I am asking b
That's pretty standard yeah. Maybe $700 rent cheapest...Internet $50 minimum. Othes are about as cheap as possible.

>> No.7931753
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>same road except making 12/hr
hope that makes you feel better

>> No.7931905

>shit advice
>He has never read Rich Dad, Poor Dad

It's great advice actually.
Your gampa's time might have been a great idea to go to post-secondary education, but right now it's not. There is too much competition.
The best advice is, forget post-secondary. Start working. Start saving and reinvesting.
It's called the compound effect.

The better job you have through post-secondary education the worse you're taxed. Plus debt and there is ZERO guarantee you"ll get a job. Back in your dad's or grampa's days they only applied to 10 places and they got 1 job response.
These days you'll have to apply to 100's of places just to get an internship.

>> No.7932084
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>Be Me
>25 years old Burger
>60k in student loan debt
>dropped out third year, no degree, not even associate's
>10k total debt from multiple credit cards. All not been paid for 6+ months and in collections
>Unemployed for 2 years+, full Neetdom, almost true Hikikomori
>politically Identify as "alt-right," or fascist. Listen to TRS/TDS/Alt-right youtube religiously 3-4 hours a day, and then stuff like Molymeme, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson or history podcasts rest of day
>Not left my house in 9 months straight
>zero income, zero wealth. Have watched /biz/ rise from the sidelines, knowing I missed all the gains.
>zero IRL friends
>only interaction with world is 4chan, wizchan
>only play single player games, don't even have steam account, utterly anonymous. zero online presence. As if I don't exist.
>zero family outside of mother and father, and a sister who hasn't talked to me in 6 years
>live in middle of nowhere, 10 miles from nearest town of 900 people
>No driver's license, have never driven
>5'6" (~169cm)
>310 Pounds (~140KG)
>zero exercise
>diet consists of frozen pizza and hot pockets
>zero alcohol, drugs
>shower about once a week
>never shave face or cut hair
>never trim nails
>never wear deodorant/use hygienic supplies
>brush my teeth about once every 10 days or so
>wear same cum-stained, shit-stained sweatpants, and 5xl t-shirt for up to a month at a time without washing
>no end in sight for any of this besides a schizophrenia diagnosis or suicide

>> No.7932100

Nigger investing isn't a magical science, people do it all the time and people also choose not to do it.

>The better job you have through post-secondary education the worse you're taxed. Plus debt and there is ZERO guarantee you"ll get a job. Back in your dad's or grampa's days they only applied to 10 places and they got 1 job response.
These days you'll have to apply to 100's of places just to get an internship.

Unemployment is the lowest it's been in a long time so yea quit giving shit advice. And choosing to not earn more because you'll be taxed more is the most retarded thing I've ever heard and it's quite obvious you don't even know how taxes work if you believe this shit.

Here's an example of good advice:

Don't go to college if you're going to not try and pick a shit degree out of state racking up stupid amounts of debt.

>> No.7932136

cool larp

should use those storytelling abilities to make it

>> No.7932248

sounds harsh man, but you sound self-aware so maybe you want to improve your situation?

I'm not the best person to give advice but one thing I will say is that it helped me immensely by losing weight - I was up near 270lbs at my all time high and decided to try a ketogenic diet at the recommendation of an anon here on biz about a year ago. It's a great diet, can eat things like bacon, chicken, beef, nuts, eggs, cheese, some vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and then mainly drink water/coffee/tea. I went from 270lbs to 180lbs in less than 12 months, and it was really painless, was never hungry, the food was still delicious, and I felt a lot better, more energy, all the joint pain I had went away completely, and now am able to actually go outside and enjoy myself, go for a run, ride a bicycle, whatever.

If everything in your life feels like hell I'd consider looking into a ketogenic diet and losing some weight. It doesn't even take much research, just spend a day or two reading about it, then go and buy some of the appropriate groceries, and throw out all the stuff you're not allowed to eat. I remember when I tossed out all the rice, pasta, hot pockets, microwave dinners, and anything with sugar, was one of the better decisions I've made.

Making one change like that (diet/weight) can end up resulting in other positive things happening down the road as well. One step at a time bro.

>> No.7932250
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>country sucks
>university sucks
>job market sucks

the only thing saving me from despair is that I'm renting out a house I inherited and living with my mom who's pretty supportive of me despite not accomplishing anything, I don't expect to see any big gains from crypto for years
living in a 3rd world country has sucked the willpower out of me

>> No.7932258
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the worst thing about my life is its so horrible, the few times I tell it, maybe every couple months, I'm told i'm a larp
im so fallen, even fallen for this cesspit

>> No.7932351
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my weight has been the great burden of my life, and is responsible for me abandoning it, and succumbing to abyss. I fought against it for years, and lost every battle. I'm the man in Hell JBP warns about. The knowledge that I am responsible for my life, not a third party, has only deadened me more.

>> No.7932430

Just paid off college loans and am a net positive for the first time. Not to shabby for now

>> No.7932447

Ya I know the feeling of being in that abyss. You end up falling deeper and deeper if you let the problems fester.

Like I said, give keto a look. Prior to that I'd tried other diets and just trying to apply willpower to control portion sizes and restraint but it didn't work. Keto allowed me to still eat foods I loved (meat, nuts, eggs, cheese) so I didn't feel like I was restricted to nasty foods I despised.

As for the other stuff you mentioned about hygiene, maybe try taking one day a week consistently (say Sunday) where you clean yourself up, shave/trim, cut your nails, that kinda thing. Even if no one else sees you it might still make you feel a bit better.

>> No.7932638


>> No.7932803

Ahahahahahaha. What did you do idiot?

>> No.7933276

Not the anon you're talking to but my weight also is a burden for me. I'll look into the keto diet and I'll start tomorrow (stopped eating at 6pm, trying out intermittent fasting)

Thanks, desu. I don't even care if I get lose skin any more, my weight is worse than a prison. It's not letting me live my life. All the things I wanna do just for fun I can't cause I'm either too heavy or too disgusting looking to not wear a shirt. I also wanted to create a youtube channel and teach people how to play the ukulele but I'm too fat and ugly and I don't want people to see me. I'm literally ashamed of people looking at me.

Hope this helps. If any of you feel like me, try to change it. Fuck being fat. I refuse to live like this anymore. I'm already 25. that's half of my 20's fucking LOST because of being fat.Can't waste any more time.

>> No.7933348

Your not the only one. Spent life browsing /b/ years ago, someone saw cp while i was browsing on phone, reported. V&nned and life ruined forever.

>> No.7933479

And what is it that you do?

>> No.7933865

You have no fucking right to call yourself a fascist, you disgusting waste of flesh and blood.

>> No.7933990

>Can't waste any more time.
You are absolutely right. Do yourself a favor and join a gym. If you're reluctant about it because of self esteem issues, look into a tiny one with little traffic, or get yourself a set of dumbbells to use at home to get you started. You don't necessarilly have to have great amount of equipment to start with.

I'd personally recommend the gym, though - understand the fact that 90% of people can't be fucked to care about the way you look, 9% will admire you for actually getting off your ass and taking steps towards self-improvement, and maybe 1% might look at you and smirk. That's pretty much the worst that can happen. People in gyms tend to be friendly though, I've had great success with people telling me how to use equipment, proper ways to excercise, etc.

tl;dr: join a bloody gym. It's the best thing you can do for yourself, both physically and mentally.

>> No.7934045

in since Oct '17
pretty much only 3x my $ value in the greatest crypto bullrun
should i neck myself?

>> No.7934140

Just keep listening to the man....

Im not going to college. You probably won't ever need to pay that loan bc plenty of people have the same problem. That loan market is going to pop.

ps fuck school

>> No.7934191

Let me guess you're a crypto day trader?

Enjoy laying concrete for a living.

>> No.7934205

>rent $850
>is this really the cheapest? I am asking because i am not from burger land.

southern california $850 might get you a bedroom in a shared house.

>> No.7934324

>Nigger investing isn't a magical science
Compounding is magic.

>people do it all the time and people also choose not to do it.
Poor people don't. Rich people do.

>Unemployment is the lowest it's been
People with poor financial education believe this. Anyone not looking for work within 4 weeks, is removed from that. Anyone discouraged from finding a job for a while is not included in that.
Anyone doing temp job (uber or anything part time) is removed from that. Part time jobs are the highest it's ever been. Full time lowest.

Unemployment rate is not a correct method on viewing how well the economy is doing.

>shit degree
No. Doesn't matter if you have a good degree.
Only degree that matters is high quality jobs, like Doctor, Lawyer or even engineering.

Anything else med-tier like business, computer science, English or Psychology is not worth it.

It's even better to start your own business.

Everything is better than wasting 3 to 4 years in school then another 2 to 5 years in debt.
Even McDonald's if you know how to save and reinvest. Within 4 years you'll be ahead by 80k if you save and reinvest properly. Within 8 years you'll be ahead by 240k.
That's when the average university joe schuck is out of debt.
Of course I am comparing if others did the exact same methods as me. But even half of that is 120k Which is not bad at all.

>> No.7934381
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>paying for education
>paying for AMERICAN education
>paying for a useless degree

My country payed ME to study.
And YOUR country got you KEKED.

>> No.7934395

It can't pop, it's Federally backed.

>> No.7934468



You don't know what you're talking about and the biggest mark of a fool is talking about shit he doesn't understand. I can't convince someone who thinks that working at McDonald's is a better life choice than a college grad career though. Statistics say you're wrong over and over and over and over again.

>> No.7934542

See social security and how well that shit's doing

>> No.7934585

Git gud st something

>> No.7934624

>no education
>200k in savings, half of that from crypto
>planning on switching to part-time work and living off interest

I've pretty much won at life, I think.

>> No.7934688

Rich dad poor dad is literally a scam book written by a con artist in order to sell more books and seminars. The only thing you can learn from it is how to con normies into paying for advice that is actually useless.

>> No.7934776

you should declare bankruptcy maybe and try to start a new life.

>> No.7934969

>Statistics say you're wrong over and over and over and over again.
My Networth says otherwise. I am not saying I am the richest man alive. But it is very easy to acquire wealth when you have wealth and financial education.

Not a single one of my university buddies nor most millennial are working at the job they wanted and are living paycheck to paycheck in minimum wage job because they have debt they owe. They can't do free internship because they owe debt.

Obviously if you look at "statistics" most uneducated people are the poorest. That's a fact and the most uneducated people end up being people with no college degree.

If you also look at the most wealthiest people. about 30% of billionaires don't have post-secondary education. And majority of billionaires made their wealth through investing.
All you need in financial education and you're set for life.

Actually if you read it properly he gives a lot of good advice on how to properly get wealth. He just missed one single element but otherwise it was spot on.

>> No.7935075

Gee turns out your anecdotal evidence really doesn't mean shit compared to statistics because if you actually were as smart as you claimed to be then you'd realize that.

Fun fact: Earning more allows you to invest more and thus ensure greater returns! Who would have thunk that!?

>> No.7935107

I'm in SF, mid-range web devs make at least $100k and average of $120k here. If you're at a large/top company, then closer to $300k.

>> No.7935139

Get your own contracts. Start your own company. Make $1M+ per year.

>> No.7935197

>anecdotal evidence
It's called observation. It's not just my anecdotal. It's happening all over the west.

>Fun fact: Earning more allows you to invest more and thus ensure greater returns! Who would have thunk that!?
So does 4 to 8 years of head start with no debt plus 4-8 years of work experience.

Nobody is stopping you on living an average life.

But there is a good reason some people succeed and most don't.
And it's not the degree in their hand.

>> No.7935229

Most pajeets, especially those that work for low wages, are absolutely terrible at coding. They'll do the bare minimum to meet the contract requirements, and write terrible unmaintainable code.

This is great if you're planning to make a cheap prototype that will get rewritten/scrapped entirely. Not so great if you want to create a scalable/reliable codebase.

There's a reason why top companies don't outsource, and will pay big bucks for coding talent. There isn't a shortage of programmers, but there's a definite shortage of good programmers in the market.

Also, programming is probably one of the last things that will be automated. If you believe programming will be automated, then you can assume pretty much every job will be.

>> No.7935250

>not first world
You already made it

>> No.7935345

I can show you all the evidence in the world but keep burying your head. Sorry you couldn't hack it in college, it's really not that hard.

Is a college degree the only path to success? No at all, but your entire assertion that college is worthless falls flat on it's face in front of evidence showing otherwise. If you can't admit you're wrong then you have zero businesses dishing out advice. Especially the kind of fool who takes self-help books as gospel.

>> No.7935374

28 here, finally turning my life around making bank on dumb ETH games


>> No.7935438

29, in college, like 50k or less in crypto, no debt. Can't talk to people or maintain eye contact, don't know what I'm gonna do after college

>> No.7935461

This anon is legit. Probably more legit than me. Indians view software as a trade, not a profession.

I just passed $0 net worth. Feels pretty OK for the first time.

>> No.7935484

Yeah right

>> No.7935500

>I can show you all the evidence in the world but keep burying your head.
I showed you evidence on billionaires not being post-secondary education.

>Sorry you couldn't hack it in college, it's really not that hard.
I did finish college and it was the worst decision I made. If I didn't, I would be 4 years ahead in my life.

>College is worthless
I never said that. You assumed that.

>If you can't admit you're wrong then you have zero businesses dishing out advice.
Right now, I am succeeding above people majority of people. I am pretty sure I can give out advice to people less well off.

>Especially the kind of fool who takes self-help books as gospel.
It's not a gospel but it does give out good financial advice.

>> No.7935575
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>26 years old
>make only 51k starting
>no debt
>live with parents
>only 70k in stocks and crypto

>> No.7935698

You're probably still better off than most.

>> No.7935765

>Only 70k

Fuck off humblebrag

>> No.7935874

Do any anons have an idea for what kind of business, venture or profession I can get into that I don't have to report to the IRS? I'm disabled is all, and 31 now. Sucks, but I'm willing to put in all kinds of work.

>> No.7935929

yeah this is why i became an engineering

>tfw 80k salary starting
>tfw can leave and get a job anywhere else if employer becomes a faggot
>tfw can afford nice things and still have money leftover to invest in crypto
>tfw feel like i have full control over my destiny

don't do trades anons. go to school for engineering, get good grades, be sociable, and land your internships. you won't regret it

>> No.7936014

I'm 30 and shit's more fucked than I ever thought it would be and I feel like I've only scratched the surface of just how fucked it can be, but my mind is OK because I've reached enlightenment. However I am a wounded shaman with bad lungs and low energy and I am trying to get healed so that I can reach my full potential. I think it kinda sucks that I probably pissed away most of my prime years playing with drugs and trying to find myself, but there is still some time left to live life

In minor debt
3k in crypto
Very low social status and shitty car, working 80 hours a week for peanuts and killing my body to make my jew boss rich while his family takes 10 vacations a year but acts like business isn't good and his employees are assholes

I want to get back to school but right now all I can do is try to keep my place in order in the few hours I have away from work, and trying to get more disciplined spending what little free time I have productively. And I'm trying to get heavily invested as fast as possible

>> No.7936015

>currently unemployed
>finished 4 year degree in dec 2017
>no debt and ~280k in liquid assets primarily from crypto
>spent the majority of 2017 glued to charts, ignored all networking and relationships in my life
>still live at home

Feels hollow but comfy

>> No.7936219

100k in SF is like 40k midwest, extremely average salary that affords you an extra 3-400 a month after every expense is paid (assuming you don't have a car payment).

>> No.7936321

LARP or inheritance unless his parents paid for his uni, car, and his monthly expenses like rent and food

>> No.7936332

You're a brainlet

>> No.7936608

friendly reminder that if your employer isn't providing solid health insurance for you and your family, you're poor unless you're making 250k a year

>> No.7937116

Depends on where you live, but assuming you're not an idiot and get a place within your means (most likely 2-3 BR apartment/house with 1-2 other ppl), you'll most likely have ~$3k each month after rent/food/basic expenses.

If you decide to get a $3.5k 1 BR apartment, then sure, you probably won't have much leftover.

Also, $100k is low for a midrange dev in SF, it'll most likely be $120k+ at a startup. Much more if you're working at a large/top company.

>> No.7937159

where do you fucking live where 200k can get a massive house? some flood zone in west texas or something?

>> No.7937246

avg rent is 4k in San Fran, a 300 sq ft cuck shed studio apartment is 1750. I'm not knocking it man I just get sick and tired of everyone on 4chan LARPing that they all make 6 figures writing code their first year out of uni. Lets just hope we all make it in crypto so we can have a taste of financial freedom.

>> No.7937272

Electricians don't have that issue

>> No.7937626

Avg rent for an apartment is more like 3.5k. $4k would easily get you a 2 BR apartment, so rent per person would be $2k.

Most people who rent in SF pay about $2k for their share, there's not many who pay $4k per share unless they're playing for a top class luxury apartment and have money to burn.

$100k 1st year is not unusual in SF.

>> No.7937697

One that handles a lot of cash. Constrcution, the trades, consulting, etc.. Anything that is contracted work basically.

>> No.7937728

Most work in cuckifornia and save 500 a month max.

>> No.7937739
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Ah for my carefree days as a young hellion at Shekel U
I'll see you at the alumni mixer anon

>> No.7937805


29 here, about 40k student loans for BS in Biochemistry. Currently going to work as an Operations Specialist at Ameriprise in a month. Pay is 40k, equivalent of shit, but crypto awakened a passion for trading in me.

Job deals in accounts that manage securities, so I feel like I'm in the right field for a transition.

I could try to get a job in chemistry again but that market reject me repeatedly, and at this point, all I give a fuck about is money and learning how it moves.

>> No.7937824
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Holy fuck. I'm 25 and feel way better after reading this thread all though I've only semi-made it.

>junior software dev 50k/year
>live with parents
>no debt since I went to community college and said fuck real college/university
>total net worth is around 50K and own my car

Granted I live in Canada and any decent home is retarded expensive but hopefully by the time I'm 30 I'll be getting some where.

Parents keep asking me why I don't have a GF yet now that I can "support a family with my income". Ride never ends desu.

>> No.7937851
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>> No.7938013


Is it really a problem if I could easily pay the monthly payment x2 and have an oversized down payment

>> No.7938130

>Earn 70K a year
>Made 200k on crypto
>300k net worth

Living the dream :). Bad luck to the rest of you guys tho.

>> No.7938153

Lel support a family on 50K a year while you are being taxed out the ass to pay benefits for degenerates and immigrants/refugees?

>> No.7938366

Yeah pretty much. It's my mom that pushes the idea the most but my dad is all like right wing and shit and supports me staying at home until the real estate market collapses. He also told me it's not worth giving money to some Mohammad running an apartment building complex so I just gladly give rent to my parents instead and invest it into our family as a whole.

They don't ask for much anyway I'm banking literally 90% of what I make since I drive an old as fuck car and maintain it as much as I can on my own. I'm hoping to drive it for as long as I can since a new car will just rob you blind these days.

I don't know how normies are fine with coughing up 30K for some meme car that talks and parks itself.

>> No.7938464
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why arent you a millionaire, tho

>> No.7938466

Yeah that is the plan dude. I also live in a city with really overpriced housing (Sydney Australia).

So I am just planning on saving as much as possible (like 70% of my after tax income) and putting it in vanguard index funds / crypto at a 80%/20% ratio. And then either waiting for a crash or moving to a smaller city to raise a family.

>> No.7938480

This guy is a pretentious faggot.

>> No.7938500

>White male, kinda Chad-looking
>Make 100K a year in a field lacking matching degree
>Made 2mil on BTC

You can always improve your situation. Be ambitious. You've already acknowledged your degree is worthless, but it's really not. You made it through college. That'll get you looked at, but now you just need to find a field that's relatively easy to break into and in-demand and fucking rock some shit. UX design, for example, is easy to learn. Make up shit portfolio concepts and people will swoon

>> No.7938549

Yeah don't worry mate. I am raising my goals now that I have hit my initial goals.

Trying to hit the gym and get /fit/. Gained 8kg of muscle so far in the last year.

I want to hit 120K income, 600K net worth, and /fit/ as fuck by 28.

>> No.7938610

right on! Keep that mindset. Even on my best days at your age, I was still overweight and drowning in debt from college. You can def change the cards youre dealt. some is luck, but most is smart moves at the right time and some foresight. you've already got the latter

>> No.7938752
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I studied psychology.
Then I got a job in psychology.
Now I make a whackload of money running my own practice.
I laugh at how many stupid fucks study psych and then whine about how they can't get jobs. Mental health services are in demand the world over. But you have to actually put effort in. Something many people aren't willing to do.

>> No.7938837

its your own fault for picking a worthless major. your parents should have bitch slapped you but I'm guessing they are retards like you.

>> No.7938840

What kind of job in psychology?

We talking actual MD (psychiatrist) or LICSW lol

>> No.7938955
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Nigga I made 12$ when I started working in a shitty ass retail store at 16 holy fuck.
OP is a fucking loser lmfao.

>> No.7938965

bro, why do you have to be toxic. offer some encouragement instead. do you realize how many kids are born to parents that don't always look out for their best interests? most kids have no clue what the fuck they wanna do come college time, much less what will matter most, so instead they go for something they enjoy. very rarely do those two things align

don't tear someone down who already got torn down by the grinder that is our modern day education system

>> No.7939004
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This isn't your hugbox, OP was a dumbfuck and still is. You literally don't even need to go to school to make 80k+ a year.

>> No.7939092

you're validating my point. our school's are fucked up. i work in a field i received no schooling for making six figures. most people blindly just follow a path they think they have to. all im saying is that this dude had his moment of clarity and you're just gonna rub salt in the wound like a dick. you can't even turn a topic into a conversation about what the dude could do. just "ur fucking stupid, hurhurhur". doesn't seem constructive, my doggie

>> No.7939178

/biz/ truly is the lowest iq board if it takes 25 years to realize something you easily could have realized in elementary school.

>> No.7939436

Honestly curious why you would have a portfolio. Depending on the type of debt, the best investment you can make right now is to just pay it off as it keeps accruing interest.

>> No.7939539
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>there are only social workers and psychiatrists
Psychology, doctorate. Assessment, diagnosis and clinical treatment.
Not goddamn social work.
Not psychiatry where you spend years learning about how to check a colon and solve problems by tossing drugs at people.

We charge the same rates as psychiatrists, we do the same job, we just don't toss drugs at people. The job is about utilizing scientifically valid techniques on statistically recognized problems. Mostly I do diagnosis by performing full battery clinical tests.

>> No.7939568

Does being a trucker not destroy your health? How do you take care of yourself?

>> No.7939587

Read the thread title fag

>> No.7939604


You guys are forgetting the part where you get taxed out the ass just for living in the state of California. $100K is $55K in the midwest

>> No.7939744

Still fucked up but recovery should be over this year
>Great job that taught me a lot but underpaid: $8.5/hour, 45 hours/week (not burger land)
>Debts from my disastrous commercial venture are paid since May
>15K in the bank
>Now qualified enough to be a manager
>Headhunters call me but salary is lower that what I earn already
>No crypto, no money I can afford to gamble but I'll probably do some index funding with the SEHK once I'm good

>> No.7939774

You just did it backwards bruh. I worked for a while after high school got experience started my own business made money threw it all in crypto. Now that I'm 25 and know what my interests are. I'm going to business school with an MBA in sight. The kicker is the government is giving me 6k/ year in grants and 4k in loans no interest till 6 months after grad because adults expanding on education get more assistance than high school kids. I could pay for my entire education in cash but I wont say no to 40k with 0% interest. I think the real travesty that we do as a culture is insist people to go to university too young. How the fuck is an 18 year old going to make adequate long term life decisions. This is how we end up with thousands of adults with no life skills or training for real world jobs application.

>> No.7940775
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50K school debt
no degree
around 18K net worth
5K is in crypto
had a job making 18/hr but had pay discrepancy with owners, quit job 2 months ago-I'm an asshole and they were terrible bosses so it wasn't going to probably last much longer anyway
Feel so lost, and don't know what to do with my life
Live in ohio and want to start buying duplexes and live in one and rent out like 2 others
you can get them cheap where I live like 35-40K and rent out each side for around 500-600

Only upside is my entire monthly living costs are about $900 total thats food, hygiene products, rent(utilities are included), car insurance, phone, and internet

What do...god I hate working for other people

>> No.7941339

>250k networth up from 30k since last year from crypto
>majoring finance
>no debt, paid family mortgage

feels good senpai

>> No.7941354
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>> No.7941455 [DELETED] 

>20k in debt
>about to graduate with honors
>don't know how I'll survive in the real world though; I'm socially paralyzed
>less than 1k in crypto, no other assets besides a beat-up old car
>afraid that the golden age is over and that I won't make it

I'll be okay, r-right?

>> No.7941506

Grades mean little to nothing in the real world. Employers want people that are practical and fun to work with. I hope you networked and have a job lined up.

>> No.7941553

not really, its only enough for like 10 years of being piss poor

>> No.7941589 [DELETED] 

Not extensively, but I do have some good connections through my parents. Succeeding academically is more of a personal thing for me. I'm just more concerned with full transitioning into adulthood. Escaping the tedium of middle-class life would be an added bonus.

>> No.7941602

>makes 75k
>will take 5 YEARS to pay off debts
lol, gonna be about 15

>> No.7941664

to inspire new lads. shit changes every years, trust me. the ride is worth sticking around for.

>> No.7941707


bs. You could fine a room in santa ana for ~$500

>> No.7941798

Cali has literally the poorest people (in terms of being able to afford things) in the entire country

>> No.7941807

Crypto easily outpaces your interest rate on minimum payments of debt.

>> No.7941849

>Literally living in my parents basement
>All my friends have moved away
>Past year I've been fighting legal battles over my psycho bitch ex falsely claiming abuse
>No job anymore (I quit but still)

But things are definitely looking up now:
>No debt
>Going to get my eng masters
>Have more than enough money in crypto to pay all my expenses
>Moving across country to a city I've always wanted to live
>Won all my legal stuff
>Bitch ex probably ruined her career because she started lashing out at people including her boss and professors; I may also sue the shit outta her but I'm kinda exhausted from this stuff so idk

I honestly feel pretty good for the first time in a very long time. Life gets better, even if everything at the moment seems dire. You just have to keep trying working at it.

>> No.7941887

I'm 25 too. I accrued about 36k student debt, and paid it off in a year after graduating. Sucked spending my entire year of savings on paying it, but feels good to have it gone. Why did you study to obtain a 'useless degree'? Sounds like you put yourself in that position

>> No.7941998


I understand very well how utterly draining all that legal bullshit is, but follow through on suing that bitch anon, I'm betting your gut reaction was a lust for vengeance and I'm here to tell you that that's not an overreaction, that was your PRINCIPLES speaking to you, that was your bottom fucking line. Crush her. If you have a solid case, take her for what she is worth like she tried to take you, claim your victory and enjoy your life. People who pull this, men or women need a firm fucking up the ass from the long cock of the judicial system.

Follow through with your principle anon, and you won't have to worry about feeling resentful about it later, one less thing for your ego to kick you up the ass about. Trust me. This doesn't make you heartless or malevolent, this makes you more dominant and thus a better producer of serotonin, you will be happier you followed through than to not.

>> No.7942320

Please sue that bitch anon. Society as a whole needs to start cracking down on lying whores.

>> No.7942380

as somebody with life long uncontrollable anxiety issues (PTSD), will confirm exercise and psychologists are way WAY more useful than fucking quack shrinks.

>> No.7942481

also never be foolish as to waste your 20s only lifting and working lads. I didn't and still got rich in my 30s. i could ride downhill mountain and enduro cross motorcycles in my 20s a lot easier compared to now as your ability to heal disappears mid thirties (but doctors prescribe testosterone now anyway...)unless you are a fucking faggot and dont do any leisure (women sports, like team sports soccer/football/cricket etc) or extreme sports of course. buy some quality knee pads. Youth is for experience, not just money folks.

>> No.7942500

because i was having fun

>> No.7942531

20 here, still haven't got my shit together yet. Can I make it in 5 years lads?

>> No.7942568

Double down and work harder. Much better than working for idiots and handing over control your own destiny in the process.

>> No.7943337
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>> No.7943450

Same! Recommend to rent until at least 2021-22. Thank me in a few years after the recession

>> No.7943474

True, they die in accidents before they reach that stage. Not to worry though, the insurance will bet your family a sweet 5k bucks so your wife won't have to sell herself to just bury you.

>> No.7943485

how do you graduate and then work at target ? LOL

>> No.7943503

Literally they earn $700~ per month in third world countries

>> No.7943525

Now that's a classic strawman I AM UGLY comic if I ever saw one. Glad to see gamersgate still got it

>> No.7943537

this is like 8 dollars below minimum wage in Denmark, lmao

absolute shit wage

>> No.7943856

That's in the city, if you head east to oakland or over the hills into walnut creek and concord, rents are easily half of SF. You can easily find one bedrooms and studios along the BART line. Living IN SF sucks, I don't know why anyone would, the traffic sucks, everything is crowded and expensive, there's shit and piss and needles everywhere, the weather sucks. Live in the east bay and pay less, and live better. Hell, parts of the north bay are still affordable, if you want to deal with the bridge, or take a ferry.

>> No.7943881

Americucks are truly fucking cucked.

I thought I was getting fucked over for getting a degree when there are people in my office without one...

I also feel bad about student debt, but it's interest free and I don't have to pay a cent until I earn 55K, whereby a few dollars gets taken out each pay cheque.

>> No.7943983


>> No.7944056

>be 29
>in a shithole country
>got 2x higher salary than the rest of my friends because I am more autistic than them in the field
>still have to support the whole family, parents and 2 siblings
>live paycheck to paycheck while my friends could save their money so they are richer than me even though they have lower salary
>now still struggling to get rich by any means possible and have high ambition

I'll keep trying till I made it, you guys have better life than me, stop complaining.

>> No.7944080

ONLY if you live in a country where there is no bad stigma for the mentally ill.

>> No.7944100

Yes it is, you can't grow beyond living meagerly as s single person without making more