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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7926671 No.7926671 [Reply] [Original]


If you unironically don't own any link right now, one could only be convinced that you are willfully ignorant.

>> No.7926686

B-b-b-but everyone on /biz/ and Reddit says LINK is a meme and that it has seven other competitors so it won’t succeed!!!

>> No.7926696

What does this mean? Just that they've been doing work. Um, yeah? So what?

>> No.7926724

Damn, they're putting in the real nigga hours now. It really is time for link to gain traction and go public.

>> No.7926934
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The amount of community involvement at this stage is enormously impressive.

The past week when I discussed and contemplated on the LINK project and its current stage, I would always refer to it as being in its "early state". Perhaps early in the projects lifetime- yes - but infantile in its development in when compared to the rest of projects?

Unequivocally not. The functionality is already virtually there! It has been a SINGLE week since the go repo went public and the talented developers in the LINK community - mind you, not strictly official employees but developers already putting together projects of their own.

Even projects that seek to provide a complementary service to the project and community itself - linkpool.io -

This is the most exciting project in the space right now, bar none.

>> No.7927380

Is it really for something that's rumored to have a lot of nonpublic working arrangements? All I see so far is linkpool jonny and a few people who seem incapable of running the node software. Nobody else is writing adapters or doing anything other than steve and dimitre, both official employees. If more of the people who starred the repo were active I'd agree but everyone is quite underwhelmed.

>> No.7927505

Yea I think linkies are about to be very disappointed, there will be no partnership announcements with mainnet

That being said the potential of LINK is enormous so I'm not worried

>> No.7927543

The partnership with Hyperledger was the reason everything was rewritten in GO.

>> No.7927600

>Yea I think linkies are about to be very disappointed, there will be no partnership announcements with mainnet
I think the way its shaping up is it will start to come out they're working with a bunch of small fintechs but no legacy finance and insurance companies. No SWIFT, no AXA, none of that, just things the people here will have never have heard of and the price will fall dramatically over the coming months as all the newfags get bored. They all forget for some time there was a real opportunity cost to holding link because everything else moved while it didn't. The same process will repeat.

>> No.7927629

>Yea I think linkies are about to be very disappointed, there will be no partnership announcements with mainnet
Kys faggot, they literally said that all partnerships will be revealed (or rather the users will be visible on the network) once the mainnet is up and running.

Sure, because small fintechs were the exactly the kind of customers that Sergey was aiming for when he did the POC with SWIFT, banks and insurances.

>> No.7927695

If no swift announcement with mainnet would make you dump your tokens you should probably plan for that eventuality

>> No.7927701

>Kys faggot, they literally said that all partnerships will be revealed (or rather the users will be visible on the network) once the mainnet is up and running.
But from the currency github activity it really does look like there isn't much partnership stuff going on.

>Sure, because small fintechs were the exactly the kind of customers that Sergey was aiming for when he did the POC with SWIFT, banks and insurances.
If Sergey already had these in the bag he wouldn't need to be shilling LINK on twitter right now.

I'm not saying LINK is a bad investment, I'm all-in with 11k stinky linkies. I'm just saying I don't think there is going to be a big reveal any time soon. We've had too man larpers getting our hopes up...

>> No.7927934

It wouldn't.

>But from the currency github activity it really does look like there isn't much partnership stuff going on.
>github activity is an indicator of partnerships

>I'm all-in with 11k stinky linkies.
I have 300k and shut the fuck up, if you think Sergey hasn't been networking all these months to secure some of the most high profile partnerships in the crypto space then I suggest you take your pathetic weak hands and press Market Sell on Binance.
I'm not saying that we'll see SWIFT, AXA, etc. Day 1 of the launch but these things will happen eventually.

Ethereum didn't moon 1000x during the first year of launch, you faggots are way too impatient.

>> No.7927944

all you need to know is aBunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.7928010

also link being over $1 defeats the purpose of the coin. just read the whitepaper.

>> No.7928308


>> No.7928330


It is a meme. Just look at that Github. 0 activity for months.

>> No.7928583

Not to mention that ripple inherently factors oracles in, and mobius can handle anything ripple doesn't. Link is dead in the water on two fronts - and this is without Sergey's complete and total inability to explain what the fuck he is talking about during conferences.

>> No.7928698
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Adding your "not to mention" after:
>also link being over $1 defeats the purpose of the coin. just read the whitepaper.
topkek here's your (You)

>> No.7928971

refute it

>> No.7928996

Accurate though.

>> No.7928998

I'm not selling until it hits $10

>> No.7929016

It’s not gluten free so my body is refuting is

>> No.7929158

your stupid answer is all everyone needs to see

>> No.7929175


I'm not selling for 5 years, and it'll be a fuckload more than $10 then.

>> No.7929261

I'll take pity on you because it makes me sad that you so desperately want in on the meme but you're not able to make sense of all this information.

The first 4 paragraphs are true, the last is a mixture of true, out of date and straight inaccurate info. To find out which is which is possible with basic googling.

>> No.7929294


>> No.7929332



>> No.7929335

never has a shitcoin been shilled this hard. and yet after all that shilling, only 20000 accounts own any link.

who do you think is going to be behind link when ethereum starts integrating their own oracles? your only hope is that ethereum dies, and you cant look to eos or neo or cardano, etc, because they're also going to need their own oracles too.

there just isnt enough people that give a shit about link to make sure it succeeds in the face of competion from every platform that link desperately needs to integrate with.

>> No.7929363

Hey it’s a deadly allergy. I’m telling my mom so she’ll talk your mom

>> No.7929495

32million ico. 4 devs? What?

>> No.7929546


Yes, and as we all know AWS has its own version of the internet, and Azure has its own, and Google Cloud Services has its own...

Except that's not how it works. A chain agnostic approach will be what's needed, with some services being on one chain and others on another while everything needs to be able to communicate between all permutations simultaneously. That's the value of SmartContract's approach.

>> No.7929554

As someone who worked in the financial industry, I can tell you that ChainLink is way to futuristic for most companies. I already see them struggling with simple data issues. Even simple implementation of compliance rules takes years. Maybe a big company will start a proof of concept with ChainLink, but the first companies using ChainLink in the beginning wil be small fintech. Only exception I can see is when a innovative company needs a smartcontract solution (Tesla for example )

I'm in it for the long run, and so should you.

>> No.7929608

Quality over quantity

>> No.7929615


Ya its a long term play for sure. Its like the early internet when companies were reluctant and many somehow thought it would be a fad. It will take a while before the value prop is there enough for large banks to commit, but from what I understand 2020 should be a clear turning point and that's not that far away. I don't plan on liquidating LINK until past that point because I want to ride out that shift.

>> No.7929937


>> No.7929959

There is a PnD group who mainly post here and use bots and their holdings to swing the price of link up to 40% but normally 10% to milk money out of small buyers. They spam the board with shill or fud depending on whether they are pumping or dumping or recycling back in. They use algo step buying, fake buywalls and milk retards on here who think they are part of a special club. The truth is in this post. It's pathetic and ugly but the truth and its been going on since the ico

>> No.7930290

That seems extremely generous and wishful thinking on your part.

>> No.7930354

all that has to happen is a few big companies buy link and use it for node operation, then LINK moons, you fucking retard. stop trying to decipher shills and retards and go and learn something, you are embarrassing

>> No.7930383

>all that has to happen

yeah its a 50/50 shot. Let me have my fun with the shils in the meantime

>> No.7930508

>all that has to happen is something highly unlikely then i'm gonna be rich
not gonna make it anon

>> No.7930599

Chainlink doesn't need Swift to succeed. Would certainly help but not vital. The thing we should be aiming for and coding anons should encourage is getting the critical mass for monopolizing the network effect on smart contracts. Sure, Ethereum could add an Oracle layer and bring the same(not really) functionality but with all the scaling issues right now I don't think thats a priority and that's the make it or break it point of any crypto. If you can make your use case crystal clear, deliver the product and have a network effect (having third parties developing stuff on their own using your infrastructure) before the competition, it's most likely you will succeed.
BTC Decentralized store of value
ETH Decentralized developing environment inside the blockchain
LINK Decentralized smart contracts to integrate data between the real world and the blockchain.
Ethereum main focus isn't oracles right now, if Link can solve the Oracle problem before anyone else every link hodler will be in a better position than they are now.
Just my 2 sats

>> No.7930604

kek, literally low IQ

>> No.7930607
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I'm all in on LINK since october but even I am starting to believe this will never go anywhere
>crypto as a whole dying
>LINK seemingly resisting ALL attempts at mooning and good news never move it
>nobody outside /biz/ gives a single shit about it
plus there's the matter of me being me, and as such the universe would never allow LINK to moon as long as I hold it
and, well, sorry bros but I'm never selling

>> No.7930723

fuck your shitty pasta fud, do you really think its going to fool anybody you shitty pajeet

>> No.7930750

>good news never move it
are you fucking dense, it went up straight after the last Sergey talk at the conference

>> No.7930786

right, a whole 20%. and then dumped back to hell less than a day later and more because BTC shat itself at the same time

>> No.7930861


Even if a coin cured cancer, it still wouldn't moon without profit taking and corrections along the way

>> No.7930899

the impatience of retards like you is astounding. why are you even looking at what link does? it will be irrelevant for quite some time. learn to day trade and focus on things that will help you instead of whining

>> No.7930902

corrections usually don't drag the price down to well below pre-pump price my man
otherwise they wouldn't be called corrections

>> No.7930920

When's the actual mainnet released guys?

>> No.7931084


Have you even looked at the LINK chart? It retraced to exactly 0.618 fib. Actually investigate some basic TA before you speak

>> No.7931108

>muh voodoo
thanks for confirming you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.7931132


If you think TA is voodoo it proves you're a brainlet who can't numbers.

>> No.7931154

TA IS voodoo. the only thing it can be possibly useful for is guessing what bots will do next.

>> No.7931162

ooga booga click clack stop throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk

>> No.7931231

>that is up to him
How new are you?

>> No.7931233
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hows 19 going

>> No.7931270

jesus fucking christ you are stupid

>> No.7931294

My favorite thing about /biz/ is all of the LINK bagholders. Pretty sure the 500x I made through other coins more than makes up for the imaginary future 100x

>> No.7931322

This is every coin
Unless crypto gets a retarded amount of hype again we are slowly drifting off into nothing.... by that i mean lame ups and downs
>Good news comes out
>Coin has a pump....
>People take profits at the top
>It either drastically comes down right away
>Or slowly drifts down to before the pump
Meaning in the end unless you can time it perfect you aren't making shit
Every coin has been doing that for the past 2 months....
RIP me and biztard bag holders
We have nothing to look foward to until the end of the year IF it happens to go on another large run again. Until then.... slow bleeding with mild pumps here and there on a random coin you DO NOT have

>> No.7931423

>because BTC shat itself at the same time
Retard, you even named the reason. It NEVER went to pre-conference levels, SATOSHI-WISE, WHICH IS THE ONLY FUCKING MEASURE THAT MATTERS. Good grief, Jesus Christ.

>> No.7931461
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hello corecuck
you seem to have lost your way on the road to reddit
let me help you fren

>> No.7931522

unironically satoshi is all i watch when investing in coins without usd pairings. Dont be a brainlet. Once bitcoins reign is over satoshis dont matter

>> No.7931601


Ya people like that should be chemically castrated. They're the literal shit tier of the human genetic tree.

>> No.7931920

Hello Roger Ver, I have bad news for you, your BCash is dogshit
t. 0 BTC owner