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7926449 No.7926449 [Reply] [Original]

I'm drowning in sex addiction.

I made over 1.1MM in 10 months with crypto. My highest point was 2.4MM but that only lasted a few days. I've cashed out over 500k, a large part has been set aside for taxes.

I live in LA and have been fucking whores and porn stars almost ever 3-4 days, and I'm constantly jacking off until 1 day before I meet with a girl.

I take crazy amounts of supplements to improve my load amount, and zinc etc to deal with orgasm fatigue. I don't have a job and am literally drowning in pussy (that I pay for).

I'm a good looking guy and tall, and I got laid regularly before crypto, but whores are SO MUCH BETTER than pedestrian chicks. I love getting my dick sucked and normal girls won't do it like porn stars (unless you're lucky).

What do I do? am I on the road to hell?

>> No.7926476

I find it hard to believe people do stupid shit like this with as little money as 1m, it's like they want to run out of money in a year

>> No.7926483

If you don't like it, don't do it.

>> No.7926484

You have to realise you are a machine

When you get lots of money your brain goes into success mode. It think, wow, i'm smart, I should reproduce.
Its a neural circuit in everyone only activate if you think you're amazing

It helps the survival of the species

Now you know why it's happening you're one step closer to fixing the problem.

>> No.7926504

nothing wrong with fucking whores. just do whatever you want and enjoy life.

>> No.7926512

Who cares if you enjoy it. If you stop liking it just do the exact opposite..

Yin and Yang my friend. It's all about balance. I was a sex fiend for like 5 year straight. Now I've gone without trying for about 2 years (still got laid a few times regardless). But I'm starting to get the urge again.

>> No.7926517

Someone explain why its MM instead of just M

>> No.7926532

I'm already rich via inheritance.

I love it, I just feel like shit because I'm cumming too much. I can't get motivated to do anything except exercise occasionally.

hmmm. ok

>> No.7926540

M is used for thousand (roman numerals) so we use MM

>> No.7926545

you're a fucking pajeet who came to money by luck, hope you go homeless you piece of shit

>> No.7926546

Name some of the porn stars you've fucked, LARPer

>> No.7926547

Share some stories anon.

>> No.7926552

plant your tree now

>> No.7926562

Oh yeah. If your stories are interesting enough they'll turn your life into a movie.

>> No.7926564

Which pornstars?

>> No.7926578

why the fuck would you use a trip for an answer like that.
if you need a username there's reddit for that.

>> No.7926582


>> No.7926612

500k, living in LA, blowing your money on whores and porn stars every 3-4 days? You're going to be broke in like 3 months might as well make the most of it.

>> No.7926618

to annoy people and to make more people use trips. /biz/ needs more trips to for a healthy community. I needs to be 10% of users with trips. I will start the revolution.

>> No.7926651


Fuck it. I'm going to write a fake autobiography about how I became a crypto millionaire and lived the wolf of wallstreet lifestyle before losing it all due to my own hubris.

>> No.7926672

tanyone else just applied a filter to this fuck can guarantee he is a greasy cunt

>> No.7926683


>> No.7926695

Care too share on how to increase load amount?, love making a paid whore swallow my seed

>> No.7926708

how did you make that much money in crypto?

>> No.7926721

10K in BTC
5K in ETH
2K in LTC
Come back in 10 years

>> No.7926723

Can I have like 5k to pay student debt bruh, shits haunting me.

>> No.7926731

I know you're larping faggot, but if you're not, you're gonna blow all your money before you know it. You need at least 20m to start living like that and not be broke before you know it. Even then, you still need to be money conscious if you want to spend that lavishly.

>> No.7926757

You unironically need to find god

>> No.7926767

I think you should get yourself some ETH and put it in our-roulette.com. Pretty sure it'd help with your whore problem. Or it might help me acquire one.

>> No.7926780

if you keep this up you'll be homeless on the streets in a month
stop doing that and do something else than spending with your money

>> No.7926793


kek, this faggot

>> No.7926803

I hope you die a horrible, painful death, fucking faggot.


>> No.7927001

fuck your mother, if you want to fuck

>> No.7927054

>I love getting my dick sucked and normal girls won't do it like porn stars (unless you're lucky
with a girlfriend it's not only a matter of luck, you can train her

>> No.7927220

Get regular std check ups and keep pumping.

But eventually you will start to go to drug fueled orgies and there you will catch all the shit you fear.

Stay away from the orgies

>> No.7927228

put a mil aside to cure your std's

>> No.7927234

You're gonna piss away all your money, enjoy you fucking idiot.

>> No.7927258

Wahhh I have a sex addiction??
How is this a problem?


>> No.7927263

go to the orgies OP

>> No.7927269

Unironically take antidepressants.
Hypersexual here.

>> No.7927279

MM is 2 thousand in Roman numerals tho, seems retarded

>> No.7927288

you are fucked OP

>> No.7927290


The most effective cure for your problem is running out of money

>> No.7927312

M is primarily used for Mega you retarded fucking tripfaggot

>> No.7927346

Go enjoy life/

>> No.7927623


>> No.7927734

I know where you're coming from.

I've been in the Bay Area for the past month or so, but I spent the previous 3 years in Hollywood.

I fucked different whores in different spots over the city. Straight up mongering. I fucked a hot blonde russian from TER. Blew money at strip clubs.

It was exciting going into a fuck spot and boom fucking a hot girl. And the money meant nothing because I had also made a good amount from crypto.

I'm up in the Bay now to recharge and get away. It was hard identifying with normies. I couldn't anymore.

Curious, how did you fuck the pornstars? Hit them up on twitter? I tried making some craiglist posts but all the girls sending me pics were not hot.

And were you using EROS, TER? How did you find the fucking dimes?

>> No.7927769

dude are you me? im in la let's meet up.

been doin this since 09

>> No.7927798

>Thinking I'd believe anything you just wrote

>> No.7927800

bro my saturday morning post shower thought:

what kinda white whore can i find
do i go asian
do i go latina


so much fun

>> No.7927810

Dorian Gray?

>> No.7927880

im over 800

the best lay of my life came 2 weekends ago

holy fuck a tiny little latina hoe perfecto
maybe about 22? about 5 ft tall. nice tan. tits...
it was like having a tiny little tinkerbell on me
she fuckin loved it
i fuckin loved it

the cowgirl on top was insane. that's why i'm typing about it. memorable for life. best ever. i felt like i was gonna spitroast her for real. so tiny.

flipped her over and rode it doggy so good til end

fiat is fake; memories are real

>> No.7927903

Where are you finding these? TER or EROS?

>> No.7927967

ter is good

>> No.7927988

Fuck off satan

>> No.7928004

I was debating whether or not I should fuck a whore next weekend, this post convinced me

>> No.7928042

This is truth. Dated my wife for 10 years before marriage, and got her to suck my dick better than I've ever seen a porn star pull off. Took most of that time, however.

>> No.7928057

I'm so tired of the LARPing on this stupid fucking board. Please fuck off. Does impressing neets with fake stories really get you faggots off? Like what the fuck is that about

>> No.7928315

How are people this pathetic? I seriously do not understand how a human cannot just stop and reflect for one second and then do something about their pitiful existence. They might as well be another grain of worthless sand in a endless dessert.

>> No.7929118
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>> No.7929121

Where are these drug fueled orgies?

>> No.7929173

seconding this

how 2 get into an orgy?

>> No.7929269

just take finasteride

it'll smash your sex drive to a sensible level and make sure you don't go bald early

wonder drug for male productivity

>> No.7929340

not OP but that makes you an eunuch or something? because I'm a hypersexual but I don't want to lose my sex drive, but I am balding

>> No.7929345
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>> No.7929368


>> No.7929442

My best was a tiny 22 year old Korean spinner. Holy shit she was flexible and enthusiastic. Looked like a 10 kpop star.

>> No.7930035
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>You have to realise you are a machine

>> No.7930122

>Where are you finding these? TER or EROS?
>ter is good

is this code or someshit

>> No.7930137

We know it's a larp because you posted some DB meme instead of one of the whores, OP.

>> No.7930200

angelina valentine, sophie dee, ava addams (she doesn't claim to escort, but I had an in with an LA madam.)

>> No.7930294

I’m jelly as fuck.

I’d pay TOP dollar to fuck those bitches. Sophie Dee comes across as being a bit shit in bed though. Ava would be AMAZING

>> No.7930352

ava just oozes sex, it was amazing. I kept sucking on her tits and her nipples got huge, she's a cow with a tight puss.

>> No.7931144

Poorfag here, I wish I could live 1 day like you anon ;_;

>> No.7931381
File: 327 KB, 1663x2495, 6b913924bf93dd69964b8d275d4fc845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy DBC and you can. completely serious. I own over 4MM dbc

>> No.7931422

Im not him but its my understanding that these whores aren't exactly expensive. I'm talking 200-500 an hour tops

>> No.7931445

porn stars are 1500-3000. Don't get escorts under $300 unless you just want a bj

>> No.7931468

Holy shit fuck that, just fly to Europe and fuck whores for that kind of money make a vacation out of it

>> No.7931503

I have only 100$ I ain't going to make it, 3rd world shitter here, I love sex but the girls that you can get here without having money are literally just ...meh I would love to fuck my fav pornstar, you're living a dream anon

How much would a pornstar like Lisa ann or Sophie dee cost? those are my 2 favs atm

>> No.7931645

Pls. Need this

>> No.7931699

Peterson is brainlet tier self improvement, but its miles better than the shitty hedonistic nihilistic shit all these edging 30 year old losers have.

>> No.7931720

Tell me about anhelina valentine. She looks crazy in a good way.

>> No.7931721

No woman is for free. But it's not that hard to get a 8/10 that will pleasure you for free. With that kind of money all you have to do is get an appartment, work out and flash your wealth. It is very easy my dudes.

>> No.7931768

I hope your mum dies

>> No.7931780

sophie dee was 2k/hour

>> No.7931808

dick sucking ability was out of control. She is fatter now though. Hands down best head I've ever gotten.

>> No.7931818

>What do I do? am I on the road to hell?


>I take crazy amounts of supplements to improve my load amount

is the funniest offbeat shit I've read all day so thanks

>> No.7931853


I meant, "yes, but..."

whatever... you're on the road to hell but there are worse ways to go to hell

>> No.7931860
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>mfw hedonistic nihilistic 30 year old

How do I stop being like this. I'm so fucking lonely anon.

>> No.7931870

2000 fucking $ a hour

jesus, fuck

>> No.7931922

don't you guys realize having sex with these whores is going to give you dozens of varieties of HPV which will ultimatey result in either penile cancer or oral cancer

>> No.7932016


>> No.7932048

Pornstars and whores are on average cleaner than your average roastie since they always get check ups and use protection

>> No.7932056

Everyone is lonely fool. There's 2 answers: learn to deal with it or get lucky.

>> No.7932070

pornstars aren't tested for hpv, and condoms don't protect against hpv (pornstars don't use them anyways)

>> No.7932099

I think we need some green stories from you bro. I don’t think there is more than 3 people on this Mongolian basket weaving forum with your experiences

>> No.7932102

anon if you want to meet up in LA we can go do fun shit
add me on instagram > d3vur

>> No.7932119

your average woman also has HPV

so yeah

>> No.7932209

How much do porn stars pay the porn producers to advertise themselves like that?

>> No.7932266

your average woman probably has 0 to 2 strains of HPV
your average pornstar/whore probably has every single strain of HPV

>> No.7932269

They don't need advertising for hooking, plenty of people with money fuck them.

You really get some great experiences with hookers. This one girl will jam her mouth to the base of your cock and let you blow a load down her throat. Physically it doesn't feel as good as when a girl keeps sucking on the tip when you come, but psychologically cumming down a girls throat like that feels great

>> No.7932291

FighterZ is awesome.

>> No.7932320

All women are whores you fucking choir boy. 30 is considered a low number to the average woman.

>> No.7932375


>I find it hard to believe people do stupid shit like this with as little money as 1m

ppl do this instantly right when they get win over $300 at the casino. Albeit depends on where u live, you can easily gamble $1000 and win shitloads and fuck whores that week... doesn't last long though

>> No.7932387
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>> No.7932392

Oh I know Iv fucked my fair share of whores over the last 5 years (couldn’t agree about them swallowing loads) If I get to 7 figures Iv got my eyes on Nicolette shea,Victoria June,Bridgette b and a shit load others. Best Iv had is one of them letting me absolutely defile her in every hole (surprised me with ATM) and liked it rough.

>> No.7932395
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limit it to one a month anon, you will cum atleast 3 times for your pornstar queens

>> No.7932412
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>> No.7932504

dat way shirt is kind of funny.

stupid, like all of them, but funny.

>> No.7932518

You're going into what every businessman in the 1980s went through. Massive success causes one to think that they're at the top of the world, and that feeling causes us to fall back on what our genes have told us to do for many a millennia. To fuck the shit out of everything in site. You're going to have to go back and be your own master now. Don't let your genes and memes control you anon!

>> No.7932620

I am the opposite of this. Crypto gave me 3 million and I am 24, still a kissless virgin and enjoying it that way. I am almost completely isolated and focus on spirituality and meditation.

>> No.7932624

OP is a LARPer because any big cummer knows that it sucks to have a huge cumshot inside of a condom.

LARP exposed

>> No.7932797

You're larping. Money changes you hardcore, I know from experience.

I never blow my load anywhere except in the girl's mouth and without a condom.

>> No.7932889

No I am not. I got lucky through crypto, but it didn't change me. I still have no friends or contacts and I don't desire them. I never had a relationship. I see life as incredibly short and I think it's more important to focus on having a clean track record, and I see my virginity as something extremely precious. Sexual desire is animalistic and can be repressed if you know how to. Once you control that beast you can focus your mind on fulfilling through spiritual enlightenment

>> No.7932910


>> No.7932964


>> No.7932979


>> No.7933029

Hermits have exhisted all throughout history. Why is it so hard to accept? 4chan is my only social interaction, but even here it's worthless.

>> No.7933044


Imagine paying 2000 dollars to fuck a fat basic bitch like Sophie Dee

I would honestly feel depressed if I matched with someone who looked like Sophie Dee on Tinder. Literally the type of woman who I'd just delete immediately.

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7933106

what do you actually do in your life? do you masturbate?

>> No.7933107

t. 30 y.o. incel

>> No.7933110

Oh I believe you. I just think that lifestyle is a complete waste of your limited time. What’s the point of it, you feel your moral superiority, and then you die.

>> No.7933133

You speak the truth. I let my emotions get the best of me I suppose.

>> No.7933161
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>> No.7933220
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help my newly started crypto twitter out *its for women n shit*

and ill show tits, you sex addicted scum fuck

>> No.7933494


i wish i still had my virginity.

>> No.7933522


Another LARP fail. Pornstar escorts would never let you cum in their mouths because chlamydia and gonorrhea easily infect the throat. Only on tits or in the condom.

LARPing ass LARP

>> No.7933561

There's a local pest control that takes btc, please call us if roaches or rats slow your roll

>> No.7933571


>sophie dee was 2k/hour

i dont even give a fuck if u got special sex skills, what a rip off

>> No.7933741

Uh yeah i gotta listen to jordan peterson so i can live the good life with my 6/10 wife and new dodge caravan


>> No.7933767

You've got a reptilian brain meaning you either feed fuck fight or flight. Nothing good to see here.

>> No.7933830

>I own over 4MM dbc
Wow, you're really addicted to getting fucked.

>> No.7933851

lol. yeah, they DEFINITELY do. I would not see an escort who didn't give BBJ or CIM. Pornstars all do.

>> No.7933858

Why? Virgin on the fence here

>> No.7934034


you lose your bending powers

>> No.7934207
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>wears condoms

>> No.7934456

These whores all look like actual whores. That's depressing.