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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 318x159, ambrosus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7923719 No.7923719 [Reply] [Original]

Who else believe in the power of that coin ? Looks like the Swiss Vechain to me...

>> No.7923813

have 422 AMB.
Am I going to make it?

>> No.7923827


gonna be so pissed if I check back in a few months and this is $50

>> No.7923943

Unironicallty I believe more in TRAC than in AMB.

The team and references of AMB are great, but supply chain is a hard to crack market, with all kind of existing solutions. Also, all the sensor stuff will be undoubtelly be handed by oracles in the future (im trying hard not to shill you-know-what here).

A protocol that adheres to standards makes more sense in my book, specially as "glue" among systemd and for a progresive integration given the size of the existing solutions.

>> No.7924305

why not $500 by the end of 2019 ?

>> No.7924800

You do realize there are room for multiple successful solutions in the marketplace, right? Supply chain is a huge space - this will not be winner take all.

>> No.7925110


>> No.7925132

CEO is a man child only a matter of time until he sub goofs

>> No.7925361

Yeah, what doesn't have extra room is my budged, lol. If I could I'd buy both, but I prioritized getting a TRAC masternode. Maybe Ill regret, who knows

>> No.7925409

Amb are developing their own & potentially superior sensors. You need these to generate the data which link feeds to the smart contract.

>> No.7925483
File: 86 KB, 750x1093, 1518712558601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRAC and AMB aren't even competitors. TRAC is a protocol so it complements platforms, ie the bigger AMB/VEN/WTC/WABI/MOD/etc get the better TRAC will fare as there is more demand.

TRAC currently only competes with EVE and possibly ARY and it blows both out of the water easily

Pic related

>> No.7925749

i unironically beliebe you are an utter retard
>i have absolutely no knwoledge about anything but make assumptions
>linkshit will take other anything
pls tell me you are a wannabe smartass 16yr old
if not, then your colleagues are embarrassed on a daily basis by your idiocy

>> No.7925802

Woaw, carefull with that edge kid

>> No.7925983
File: 34 KB, 675x694, 1519171899982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it go 500$? That would be awesome.

>> No.7926293

Amb bro here. I challenge anyone to show me a supply chain project with a better team than this.

>> No.7926337

I just had a phone call with Bogdanoff. He's ok. Seriously, it would be great. But who knows ? Cryptomarket just looks like the Far West right now...

>> No.7926344


>> No.7926360


Ahahaha what is this word salad? Your post makes no fucking sense, how are oracle's going to act as sensors? Dumbest shit I've read today.

>> No.7926420


No of course not, don't be ridiculous.

I can see it hitting $20 - $50 next year though

>> No.7926459
File: 76 KB, 560x602, 284293553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chad CEO
Gains confirmed

>> No.7926497

1.35 and im selling this nigger shit pie..

>> No.7926591

there are three things potentially coming in the next 1-2 months that can make this skyrocket:

1. unveiling of token economics. CEO has said they are being very careful and won't release full details until everything is cleared with clients and legal, but he also hinted at masternodes and that retail investors will be pleased. once they clarify token economics in a blog post update, a lot of uncertainty will clear

2. new website (and rebrand?) it's due out in end of march / early april, and he said there will be 2 websites (hmm, wonder what for)

3. potential release of the many, many NDAs that they have with huge companies. while not a sure thing, i think there's a high chance of good news in this area since their team has some amazing people with connections from Eth Zurich to Nestle.

overall, the CEO is very active and energetic and a workaholic. he also has a huge ego, which i think is to the advantage of investors because he wants to see the project succeed and beat all others.

>> No.7926831

This guy fucks

>> No.7926926

>3. potential release of the many, many NDAs that they have with huge companies. while not a sure thing, i think there's a high chance of good news in this area since their team has some amazing people with connections from Eth Zurich to Nestle.

Lots of faith in this coin, it'll go places.

>> No.7927070

There are many NDAs with massive multi-nationals... just isn't revealed who with yet. But when it's revealed..... wew lads
Here's a rundown of the speculation list so far, based on mild work of autists:

Nestle – Preliminary talks on pilot projects; Global R&D Programme Leader (Dr. Fabiola Dionisi) is Scientific Advisor to Ambrosus [link]

INS Ecosystem – Ambrosus to record INS quality assurance data and establish joint pilot projects

Trek Therapeutics – Ambrosus to integrate into drug manufacturing process in Trek’s clinical development program

Swiss Canton of Vaud Government – Funding of Ambrosus development

Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne (EPFL) – Technology support and management (Stefan Meyer, Vlad Trifa, Esther Amstad, Prof. Jean-Paul Sandoz, Prof. Sandro Carrara)

Parity – Core Technology Partner (Gavin Wood, Jutta Steiner)

Wachsman PR – Public relations advisor to Ambrosus

United Nations – Partner to the UN 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme with proposed pilot project

Bitquant Research Laboratories – Pilot Project already established and CSO (Dr. Joseph Wang) is Ambrosus Project Manager

Lyons Communications – Communications advisor to Ambrosus

Kenetic Capital – Project Funding; Managing Partner (Jehan Chu) is Ambrosus Strategic Advisor

LDJ Capital – Project Funding; President (David Drake) is Ambrosus Strategic Advisor

Wageni Technologies – Pilot Project (w/ Bitquant Laboratories) already established

EIT Food & Swiss Quality and Safety Association – Official endorsement

Migros – Preliminary talks on pilot projects

Cantone Group – Established partnership and trials/projects for the hospitality sector

BioFirm AG – Established partnership and trials/projects for the meat processing sector

Crypto Valley Association – Official Endorsement; President (Oliver Bussmann) is Ambrosus Strategic Advisor

>> No.7927100


Here's their stated NDA list:

Here is their stated NDA list:
Agricultural Commodities Company (100 billion CHF+) – NDA

Food Manufacturer (30 billion CHF+) - NDA

Food Retailer (25 billion CHF+) - NDA

Food Manufacturer (10 billion CHF+) – NDA

Cosmetics and Fragrances Company (4 billion CHF+) - NDA

Food Manufacturer (3 billion CHF+) - NDA

Food Processing Company (2 billion CHF+) - NDA

I honestly don't know why this token isn't worth at least $1bln right the fuck now. Oh wait yes I do... because their marketing has been shit and they just let go of their CMO to get things on track finally.

honestly, this is the time to load up.

>> No.7927154

Bought at $1... Currently at 0.50, hope this shit raises, it needs to double just for me to break even.

People are crazy who say it'll go more than $5.it's currently at 100m market cap, it can go max 7-800m. People are dillusional if they think it can have a market cap of $50b.

>> No.7927184

Unironicallty I believe more in TRAC than in AMB.

The team and references of AMB are great, but supply chain is a hard to crack market, with all kind of existing solutions. Also, all the sensor stuff will be undoubtelly be handed by oracles in the future (im trying hard not to shill you-know-what here).

A protocol that adheres to standards makes more sense in my book, specially as "glue" among systemd and for a progresive integration given the size of the existing solutions.

>> No.7927223


What is going on here, folks? Do I smell a paid shill?

>> No.7927240

Literally copy/paste. Even misspelled "Unironically" the same way.

>> No.7927262

Don't worry man. I bought up there too. Bought more down here. A 10x on this is a foregone conclusion. Just a matter of when

>> No.7927282


Just an idiot. Could be a paid shill though.

>> No.7927294

Different ID tho

>> No.7927306
File: 536 KB, 3000x2961, citi_link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking retard kek

>> No.7927308

Just some retard trying to fud TRAC with shitty controlled opposition tactics. By the way, do you have any response to the points that the original guy made or are you just going to chalk it up to "muh paid shills xd"?

>> No.7927340

Mars Inc. is speculated to be one of the "Food Manufacturer" partners. They do have an office in Switzerland...

>> No.7927356

Fuck sake how new are you brainlets. NDA =! Partnerships. The days of moon missions are over. If you're not 100% in blue chips you're throwing your money away

>> No.7927537

Fucking this.
AND what us niggers must get in our heads is that nestle IS the fucking food industry. It's got dibs on everything from water to baby food. You know, the highest volume type of food. MOST of the food. A shit ton. So that's alot of fucking planetary power, a whole lot more than most of us think or believe.
IF the chad pulls off a partnership with nestle then it's game fucking over.
This is not IBM (nerds) toying around in their labs jerking over some code with some banks and some we don't exactly know who or what. This is fucking old moneis. Powerful moneis. Moneis that shake worlds. Suddenly connecting with crypto in an actually useful manner, one that solves a number of problems and opens up shit we can't even think about yet. This could literally be the biggest shit to ever happen to western crypto, for a while. First (or second or third doesn't fucking matter) wide mass application and adoption of crypto, how will the market value that anon? Huh?
But it's still fucking vaporware. Like everything else. Investing in dreams that could pop any second. And do. Btc could crash to 3000, chad loses all his moneis and this shit tanks. Or we could go to 1tril mcap within 2 months and god fucking knows what this board will turn into. Anything can turn to shit or gold. So keep the love up.

595 AMB reporting in

>> No.7927571

True, NDAs are not guaranteed partnerships.
However, "Moon missions are over" was a meme from aug 2017 until dec 2017. Moon missions returned.
"Moon missions are over" is now a meme once again and yes they will return again.

The market works in cycles.

>> No.7927610


the days of moon missions are not over. they havent even begun yet.

the next bullrun is going to be bigger than what btc going to 20k was and it's going to make alts moon like never before. but its just not yet. we need bear periods as well

>> No.7927667


I don't know enough about TRAC to refute is claims which have no evidence... but,

"Supply chain is hard to crack"... any business that can get an edge on competitors with better technology will adopt or fall behind. Supply chain is no exception.
"all the sensor stuff will undoubtedly be handled by oracles"... great Link shill, but how is this statement an argument? What evidence is there that oracles are a better solution? They still need the sensor technology and a blockchain if they are going to adopt the next generation of supply chain infrastructure/tech/business practice.

>> No.7927715

>the days of moon missions are not over
Is this what decemberfags keep telling themselves to relieve the pain of not investing years ago? There are only 4 groups left:
>PnD groups

Normies are checked out after getting massively dumped on. Institutions and elites will NEVER play in a system where neets with no class, status, or culture have a head start.

>> No.7927774
File: 29 KB, 406x452, 1517033804425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Institutions and elites will NEVER play in a system where neets with no class, status, or culture have a head start.
oh no he's retarded

>> No.7927829

If they can make huge sums of money don't think they care what the neets are doing. Who do you think alot of the whales are?

>> No.7927871


>> No.7927888

confirmed salty-nocoiner

>> No.7927893

You know the true market cap of crypto is not even 100 billion usd? And you think global institutions and elites are in? Wake up call newfriend

>> No.7928897
File: 72 KB, 1080x975, 12302016Sakitgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hinted at masternodes
masternodes are confirmed at this point

>> No.7929470
File: 254 KB, 1739x1446, E66331E8-4712-476D-B049-9B98F5A60FC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1540 AMB poorfag reporting

>> No.7929691

yeah pretty much confirmed... but once officially confirmed i think there will be a rush to grab tokens for it.