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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 450x360, muhbuffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
792222 No.792222 [Reply] [Original]

Feels good knowing I just have to sit on my BTC stack for 10 years and retire.

June 20 2015. I want you to show how clueless you are below so I can take a pic of this thread and laugh at you in the future at how you missed the boat twice.

>> No.792265

but it's already june 20 2015

>> No.792340

Remember me when you're looking at this thread on June 20th, 2025 sitting on a stack of phone books in your gramma's shed eating ramen noodles.

>> No.792418


>not sitting on moneroj

I almost weep for you

>> No.792435

Nice quads, you fucking lamer.

>> No.792572

I have some, not many.
Only coin holding mega long term is Bitcoin.
Keep the posts coming, im screenshoting this shit.

>> No.792600

> 2015
> investing in anything you can't use in China.

>> No.792610

This guy knows!

>> No.792787

>> investing in anything you can't use in China.

>> No.792907

Comedy gold, OP.
Anyone that chooses BTC as a long term investing asset is a delusional manchildren and deserves what's coming to him.
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.792967

Nice, another future suicidal in my screenshot folder.

>> No.793007
File: 100 KB, 800x400, 1433350566821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people actually believing this shit

>> No.793423
File: 612 KB, 5000x2600, bitcoinwins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a nice graphical view on the future. Every increase in the blocksize limit is a bunch of guys commiting suicide in regret.

By 2030, when Bitcoin is the world leading eletronic transaction platform, everyone here will have commited sepuku already in a mixture of rage and shame.

>> No.793431

Retire off 10? So theyre worth 250...you need each coin to add...4 zeros? 3?

I think we can easily see 500 again after thr 30th if grexit goes down but im not sure we'll be in the 250k+ range...you know. Ever.

>> No.793432

>when Bitcoin is the world leading eletronic transaction platform

But other than first mover advantage...why?

myspace had first mover advantage and went away over night because facebook was utilutarian. It did what was needed. Why not litecoin? Or maybe some newer coin?

im not just rustling jimmies here. Lets discuss

>> No.793530

>still using muh myspace-facebook analogy
Since you don't seem like yet another retarded troll i'll take the time to answer.
The analogy is wrong because bitcoin is open source and can adapt anything that comes along the way, in case someone else does it outside the bitcoin ecosystem.

In any case, by doing so you are only losing money. With sidechains you'll be able to experiment with weird futuristic shit and test it in a real scenareo, and if it works it can be implemented in a BIP.

To sum it up: There's nothing that would make moving from Bitcoin to something else worth it, the network effect is too big, people will work in favor of Bitcoin, because you'll be losing money doing otherwise. It will keep adapting anything that treatens it.
Similarly, trying to attack the network would make you lose money instead of putting those resources in a legitimate way to help it (51% attack scenario).
Satoshi is/was a genius. Satistically no one is going to be born during our lifetimes that can come up with something that can show severe objective design flaws that can make people abandon Bitcoin for another totally different coin.

>> No.793531

I didn't mention my stack.
I would say that holding 21 coins for 21 years would easily retire you. Of course few are going to do that, there will be many bubble burst cycles along the way that will keep scaring people out.

>> No.793550

Fair enough. Doesnt the computing power come and hence security come more from the coins price then anything though? Say an eccentric billio aire wanted to compete he could make some code and do an IPO release , using his own networth to guarantee the value of each coin at a level above bitcoin for the first year.

wouldnt everyone jump ship to the new coin bringing all the hashing power with them?

or did I just totally makeup a nonsense hypothetical with no real world application?

>> No.793558

Also. Who are the bitcoin devs , like. How is it decided what to implement and what not to?

>> No.793652
File: 27 KB, 620x620, 783483456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not converting everything you own into doge coin

>> No.793674

>the internet not existing 2020
>sushi captchca

>> No.794358

There are main devs, Gavin Andersen, Mike Hearn, Greg Maxwell.. but anyone can implement their own code throught BIPs


If the community agrees it becomes a definitive feature.

I dont know how people become Core developers. I guess it's throught creed.. proving you are a genius, like this guy:


The billonaire would gain more by supporting BTC rather than trying to compete, thats why Winklevoss, the Virgin guy, the McAffee guy.. etc are all in. If any billonaire wants to hire coders and try to do their own shit then good fucking luck.

>> No.794707

They mine large majority of them in china faggots

Beautiful chart.

Don't get me started about raising the block size. Fuck the assholes who don't want to raise it.

You are completely correct, believe in cryptocurrencies for sure but diversify. It's cheap as dirt to hedge into whatever tickles your fancy.

STFU, you are full of shit. You have no clue what the future holds.

You are literally saying that bitcoin is the most perfect money transfer protocol that is and ever will be.


>some billionaire could wreck bitcoin in a heatbeat!
If they could they would have done it already.

Banks want the tech so bad they are sinking money into trying to get around it like crazy. They hate bitcoin with good reason. Doesn't mean they can duplicate its success.

Visit the github page for that kind of info.

The main dev is independently paid through MIT so he has autonomy from external influence. (At least we hope.)


The captcha made me pick "sandwiches" which were hamburgers. Fuck that.

>> No.794708
File: 219 KB, 393x399, 40Idny0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes pic related for all of u

>> No.794715

There are something like $880k new bitcoin mined every day. So then the market is flat like it has been for the past few months, it doesn't mean people aren't buying. It means they are happy with the current price.

Miners HAVE to sell to cover costs like rent and power. Most of them sell p2p in bulk to large investors who then either speculate or try and make a profit.

What you see on the exchanges is maybe like 2/3 of the total bitcoin volume. (total bs figure)

If the volume stays static until... Next summer? When the block reward halves again, that means that there will be another ~$440k of demand which needs to find its way onto the open market. Which, in some people's eyes, means that the price HAS to raise to $500 a coin.

Personally I think if we ever approach $500 again that the speculators will flip their shit and blast past $1k, but I'm not holding my breath.

All those BS posts about, "THE NEXT WAVE IS $50K!!" piss me off. The capital from WallSt isn't even properly hooked up to the bitcoin exchanges yet. You can't get a... $500 billion? market without those billions flowing into it.

Everyone is counting their chickens before they hatch.

>> No.794815 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin will go to 500 to 1MM per coin in the next 10 to 20 years.

>> No.794818 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin will go to 500K to 1MM per coin in the next 10 to 20 years. Companies like Uber have bigger marketcaps than Bitcoin currently.
Bitcoin aims to challenge all the major electronic payment methods in the world combined, which would put it in the trillions market cap wise.

You aren't looking at the picture.
You are having a bad day holding you coins? Remember this: in 1976 Ronald Wayne sold his 10% stock in Apple for 800$.
Now its worth $60 Billion.


The train hasn't even left the station yet. Once we get close to the ATH and pass it again, consolidation of Bitcoin's amazing recovery will put it clear: The sky is the limit, and that 1.2K peak will look like it's nothing in the all time graph.

Long term holders: Don't be that guy.

>> No.794820

Bitcoin will go to 500K to 1MM per coin in the next 10 to 20 years. Companies like Uber have bigger marketcaps than Bitcoin currently.
Bitcoin aims to challenge all the major electronic payment methods in the world combined, which would put it in the trillions market cap wise.
In the future, you'll be using Bitcoin even if you think you aren't using Bitcoin.

You aren't looking at the big picture.
You are having a bad day holding you coins? Remember this: in 1976 Ronald Wayne sold his 10% stock in Apple for 800$.
Now its worth $60 Billion.
We are in the 70's when it comes to Bitcoin and the blockchain.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NncbZBEZLJM [Embed]

The train hasn't even left the station yet. Once we get close to the ATH and pass it again, consolidation of Bitcoin's amazing recovery will put it clear: The sky is the limit, and that 1.2K peak will look like it's nothing in the all time graph.

Long term holders: Don't be that guy.

>> No.794878

So in the future all of /biz/ will be millionaires! What horrible kind of future will that be?

>> No.794883
File: 442 KB, 635x467, mfwrealestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing all your money in index funds
>not buying bitcoins in june 2018 when bitcoin is $54
>not selling in 2023 when bitcoin is peaking at $20156


>> No.794893

>Bitcoin aims to challenge

It tried and it failed.

Stop shilling your Shitcoin, it's going nowhere because no one in retail is going to use it.

>> No.795313

>You are having a bad day holding you coins?

I bought my stash between $11—$35

You are the one wishing for billions of investment dollars. I'm in the black with my original fiat investment, and I still have plenty in the game.

I'm not saying I don't believe in btc, I'm invested aren't I? I'm just saying that it's unlikely to happen soon, and not to count on it like a complete moron.

You are acting like you have insider trading information and you can guarantee returns. If that's the case, put your money where your mouth is and take shit tons of loans to buy btc.

Just remember that the market can stay irrational for longer than you can stay insolvent.

>> No.795317

ARE YOU ME!? Get out of my head!!

>> No.795475

>all of /biz/
Nope. No one here except a few own even 1 BTC, and 99% of them will sell them as long as it reaches the last ATH again (around 1K).

>> No.795478

>soo you mean, like a radio?

>> No.795480

Lol, I have a 4 figure BTC wallet.
NASDAQ is already in, all the fucking banks are IN. All of their infraestructures have been deprecated by the Bitcoin blockchain (they will use the Bitcoin blockchain because any other scenareo is lossing money and security).
You just happen to have some coins but you are fucking clueless, thats why you'll sell your coins in the next pump.

>> No.795819

Nope. Blockchains are a novel technology that had a good use as an anonymous method of payment before police caught on and half the people running exchanges ran off with the stuff because their chances of suffering consequences are fairly low.

>> No.795886

You are clueless. Stick to Coca Cola shares.

>> No.796047

Dude the value is controlled by a couple botnets and the inventors

It's flawed to high heaven

>> No.796294

Everything is "controlled" by early adopters at the begining of anything, until later on after a couple bubble brust cycles it gets more distributed. Fucking duh.

>> No.796380

how do I get an offline cold wallet going?

>> No.796678

>Complete delusion about the current state of bitcoin.

We can't even handle more than a few hundred thousand users with the current 1mb block size limit. What in the world makes you think that Wallstreet would suddenly adopt this tech which can't even support a tiny fraction of their needs!?

They want to gut bitcoin, not invest in it.

I have no idea where you think you are getting this information from. Unless you have insider information which you wish to divulge, you are just trolling.

Wallstreet just threw a few farthings our way, they didn't hand us the keys to the kingdom.

And just because you own bitcoin doesn't mean you have a clue about my personal investment strategy. Build whatever imaginary character you like to believe about me, and beat that straw man. I'm not the one who is acting like diversification is a cardinal sin, so don't go acting like you are Cornelius Vanderbilt.

I think bitcoin or some crypto will change the world but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.

You can mock me all you like if bitcoin hits $1,000,000 tomorrow though. I would be happy to eat crow.

>> No.796883


>still not getting the fuck in


>> No.796888


Yes, this means the Bitcoin blockchain, Chain operates with the Bitcoin blockchain.

Just fucking LOL at missing the most obvious and biggest boats of your lifetimes.

>> No.796893
File: 17 KB, 360x240, 564465465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bitcoin shills are back on /biz/

>$1,240 at the peak in December 2013

>$242.54 right now

>> No.796901

>Stick to Coca Cola shares
Smarter and safer longterm investment than bitcoins by a mile.

>> No.797677
File: 181 KB, 625x626, 1432640120871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To Run Pilot In Private Market Arm

Literally in the title. This means that it's not fully functional yet.

>so far has more than 75 clients.
A WHOLE 75! This means billions will flow in within months!

>Nasdaq aims to be at the center of this watershed development

As in, they aren't even done fucking testing it yet.

You are trolling me aren't you?

Gg I'm glad I played. Well memed my friend.

>> No.797700

the blockchain is open source anyone can make one for any purpose with few mouseclicks

>but then it wouldn't be bitcoin!

thats the point.

>> No.797721

Everyone can fork Bitcoin and get their useless, non #1 most powerful network in the world that Bitcoin has (therefore useless, easily hackeable) blockchain, everyone can get their own shitcoin without good core devs that will forever depend on what the Bitcoin core devs do, and so on and so on, and lose money doing so, thats why no one with a brain is using anything that isn't Bitcoin for their business. Also get cancer for making me reply to obvious bait once again.

>1980 internet sucks! no one uses this shit too experimental waaa please fuck my gay asssssssss

Stay poor with your grandpa, safe shit.