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File: 2.92 MB, 960x540, cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7917688 No.7917688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is cum noticeable ?

>> No.7917707

Also sauce

>> No.7917714


>> No.7917758


Yes. It smells stronger than you think to other people.

>> No.7917793

Spoiler: she does eventually eat the spaghetti.

>> No.7917803
File: 257 KB, 604x613, 1504643493522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917807

spoiler: the spaghetti sauce contains cum

>> No.7917819

poor woman

>> No.7917828

>is being subhuman gook filth noticeable?

>> No.7917851


>> No.7917878

Oh, hello there. You seem to be lost >>>/pol/

>> No.7917884

fucking sssssaaaaauuuuuuuuuucccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7917950

its tomatosauce from what i can tell.

>> No.7917974

and cum

>> No.7918020

Everything south of India needs to be banned from using this website.

>> No.7918075


Unironically send and I'll give you the full link

>> No.7918117
File: 29 KB, 701x799, 7UdyFDz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to find with obvious keywords. It takes a while to sift through all the spaghetti vidclips, but it's better than sending some larper money.

>> No.7918134

i found it

>> No.7918149

>Moms spagehtti joke
Back to plebbit fagot

>> No.7918163

I just want some NANO since I don't have any and yeah, he gets what he wants too

>> No.7918172

>begging for coins
eat some bukkake spaghetti

>> No.7918186

Pay up Anon



>> No.7918187

He literally just said he'd pay
Go back to plebbit already

>> No.7918248 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 240x232, 1407583029752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't post the link because I don't want to get banned, but why are there so many spaghetti videos? Do people get off on spaghetti? I will never eat spaghetti that I haven't prepared myself ever again.

>> No.7918297

you're just mad cause you fell for the spaghettiroll and it reminded of what a sucker you are, made you think about all the money you lost investing in memecoins and how you now have to beg online and try to scam others out of their coins to make back what you lost. But deep inside you know you'll never make your money back and you should probably get your job at mcdonalds back, at least then mom will maybe stop yelling at you.

>> No.7918298

You're the subhuman here bud

>> No.7918324
File: 311 KB, 1160x689, 1513768121721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once banned for posting a cartoon dinosaur (etheremon). This is a gook covered in jiz eating spaghetti with a fork (not chopsticks). MODS are faggots.

>> No.7918354

Yeah you got me bro pls sir plssz

>> No.7918707

So cute
Wish she was my gf

>> No.7918966

bitch has no idea how to use a fork

>> No.7919415

he was the one making the offer retard

>> No.7919444

The "cum" looks fake as fuck

jap-scam in pornographic form

>> No.7919505

jap porn actresses = cute girls you'd marry in any other situation
western porn actresses = universally trashy

not even a weeb, but this is undeniable
why is that?

>> No.7919529

Its not even cum
And its not even a real scene

>> No.7919682

Im trying so hard to find this for you, anon
Who would have thought "asian eating face cum" would be a boolean bamboozle

>> No.7919803

100 req for sauce, i NEED IT

>> No.7919884

because most western girls are trash

>> No.7919895


I tried. Gave up after this...

>> No.7919933
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1515178112900s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is down the hall and to the left >>>/pol/

>> No.7920008

I found it.
I'll post my nano address

>> No.7920013

that's not true, though
else there wouldn't be a distinct look to western porn actresses as compared to western girls
if you want to get that "stacy won't fuck me" angst out of the way, we could say all western girls are trashy and yet there's an obvious difference in normal girl trashiness and porn actress trashiness. in this semantic rephrasing, what causes the difference in levels of trashiness?

>> No.7920063



My req

>> No.7920076

Scene 1 28:30

>> No.7920112

It's because the degenerated west values trashiness. Just look at pop stars. They all look like disgusting porn actresses. Meanwhile in Japan they value femininity and cuteness.

>> No.7920508

Western girls typically behave like in this video:

They think that's cool, trendy, normal, we have this whole "I can do what I want and let it all hang out" mentality nowadays, where a big floppy ass, caked on make up, regular drugs and alcohol, casual and easy sex, its just how most women are, even the ones who say they aren't like this are usually just putting up a front.

this kind of behaviors enforced by the media and entertainment industry with celebrity worship and trashy Kardashian-tier programs.

I dunno, hard to fully explain, all I know is that I find it detestable. I didn't mind as much when I was like 18-21 and all I wanted was some easy sex and a blowjob but now I'm in my 30s and trying to find a woman that I could label as "wife material" is extremely difficult. I don't meet many women that I'd ever fully trust, or that conduct themselves traditionally or "lady like". When I see a girl twerking or behaving in a similar way it just pisses me off and makes me think they're degenerate sloppy whores.

Asian women (who aren't fully white washed) tend to still have many of those traditional, conservative qualities. They come across as more feminine and dainty and respectable. Sure there are definitely some degenerate Asian sluts but in most cases those are the ones who have embraced many Western values, and even then they're rarely as sloppy or disgusting as American white women.

>> No.7920555

kill yourself famalam asian girls are superior, you are just coping

>> No.7920593

>posting pokemon
>calling mods faggots

I think you aren't seeing the bigger picture here