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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 528x530, Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 12.33.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7917050 No.7917050 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this at 70 cents and kept dollar cost averaging till 30 cents, still its falling.Need some opinions on holding this long term. Does the team really have the expertise to pull this off? Their posts on twitter look so childish

>> No.7917066


>> No.7917322

that fucking logo looks like a college graduate giving himself a reach around while jerking off... id say no

>> No.7917836

just hold faggot. the team is just getting back from the chink new year.

>> No.7917861
File: 114 KB, 768x768, int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this piece of shit chink horse dildo scam

>> No.7918127
File: 12 KB, 300x560, IMG_4525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the logo is a red candle

>> No.7918162

>falling for such an obvious scam coin

>> No.7918185

wow, nailed it.

>> No.7918550

Already known scam, either pull out with huge losses or become a bagholder and wait for price to go up~

>> No.7918675

Looking at all you people who bought this shit at or near ATH taught me the valuable lesson that if you're gonna get into shit shilled on /biz/, you better do so as soon as the shilling starts

t. bought INT at 0.2 and sold at 0.7 thanks for the money dude

>> No.7919746

Confirmed pump and dump shitcoin

>> No.7920440
File: 697 KB, 1300x994, team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like the iOTA ‘muh refugees’ developers.
That constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work for shit. And they have been at it since 2015.
This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you are wrong and deluded.
>muh fake partnerships
Just before Chinese New Year there was a conference attended by media, academics and representatives from the ‘fake partners’ Microsoft, Huawei en IBM and also SAP. These partnerships are yet to be formally announced and this coin will fucking explode when it does. The writing is on the wall.
The team has already showed INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper, western exchange listing, partnerships and roadmap are to follow, the team has also confirmed that they are collaborating with Huawei on an IoT router.
>muh marketing
They don't cater to impatient neets on /biz/reddit. They don’t give a fuck about marketing yet, they are focused on building the actual tech first and then the marketing, this is common business practice in China.
The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. The price has plummeted because the market took a shit and low marketcap coins suffer the most, this is also common. Of course crypto is mostly speculation but there are many good reasons to think this coin can rival iOTA which is 120x the MC.
Name one team with a more capable team to make an IoT platform. Pro tip: you can't. Don't be like the brainlets that fudded Ethereum or Antshares guys, this is your chance to make it and patience will be VERY rewarding on this one.

>> No.7920473

You anons are so stupid.