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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7916608 No.7916608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys what does it feel like? Please tell me I've tried everything to recreate it.
Sponges in cup with latex glove
Towel wrapped around latex glove
Cutting hole in stuffed animals
Vaccum cleaner
Microwaved bananas

Please guys I'm seriously desperate to know. Is it the best feeling ever?

>> No.7916621

what is "it" ?

>> No.7916622

Microwave a cantaloupe brah

>> No.7916632

its less about the dick feeling (although that's nice, hard to describe ore recreate though) and more about the feeling of a girl right up next to you, your skin touching all over her, kissing her neck, feeling her breath, her hair, hearing her sounds

>> No.7916633


>> No.7916635


>> No.7916650

That's fuckin' gay

>> No.7916660

"it" as In the vaginal walls you brainlet

>> No.7916682

what part of your post is even vaguely related to business? why post this on the business and finance board?

it doesn't feel like anything. like a ziplock bag filled with warm lube. it's a total disappointment and women are very terrible people.

weed is nice. but to hear potheads talk about it you would think it was the most amazing thing ever. to see movies about weed you would think you're about to trip balls. but after you've smoked weed a few times and enjoyed it, you're also aware that weed isn't even that awesome and people blow things out of proportion.

>> No.7916699

>Microwaved bananas

>> No.7916702

It feels like the inside of your cheek. Saged and reported.

>> No.7916712

It feels amazing.
Best feeling is when you wake up horny with a rock hard boner, and you make her horny while waking up. Love it when that dick slides inside her wet pussy immiediatly in the monring,

But sex is nothing without love.
without love it will just be the same as a good masturbation session.

>> No.7916714

the vagina is like that. it's just a subtle feel, you can barely feel anything. and people talk about it like its the most awesome thing ever as some kind of heterosexual virtue signalling about how cool they are that they have sex.

>> No.7916718


Sex with women IS gay, bro. Welcome to real life.

>> No.7916722

>vaginal walls
hahahaha lololololololol

>> No.7916726
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I know that feel

different vaginas feel different

some feel like hot tight velvet (the best)
some feel weird an sinewy
some feel wet and loose
some feel like sandpaper

doing big cums feels good though man

>> No.7916730

never used one, but the reviews on fleshlights seem to make it sound very similar.

>> No.7916733

this this this this. It doesn't even have to be 'love' the two people have to connect on some level or else jacking your dick is going to give you a better orgasm and more satisfaction.

>> No.7916737

Yeah, do you like that morning breathe as well?

>> No.7916740

Its wet warm and slippery

>> No.7916741

buy an onahole jesus christ

>> No.7916743

Used to be brainlet. Had sex. Got married. Had kid.

Seriously, buy as hooker.

Nothing compares to pussy. Evolution specifically engineered a vagina to pleasure your dick. Microwaving a cantaloupe isn't going to hold a candle to a million fucking years of evolution.

Pussy feels amazing. Its even better knowing a cute girl is cumming off the feel of your dick inside her

>> No.7916745

that's right ladies, you're stupid fucking vaginas barely feel like anything. like a wet plastic bag. and your personalites are fake as fuck, you're boring. you are shit, all 3 and a half billion of you can fuck off

>> No.7916748

it's unbelievably soft, warm and wet. hard to describe it beyond that. and yeah it's 100% one of the best feelings ever, and I've done most drugs.

>> No.7916754

You're not missing anything, take the wizard powers.

>> No.7916757

Calm down there Rambo

>> No.7916766

blowjob is superior bruh, most pussy is like a train going thru an ocean

>> No.7916772

its really really wet can hardly feel anything cause its like putting your dick inside of a pool of water. also the way its positioned its hard to tell if your inside of a butthole or not.

>> No.7916775

not if you have a big dick. fucking teeth on dick makes my boner go soft. meanwhile I love to stretch that pussy out

OP, please improve yourself and don't miss out on this

>> No.7916776

shut the fuck up
it's not even remotely that good

>> No.7916794

spotted the faggot

>> No.7916795

>why post this on the business and finance board?

Fucking eternal September. The cancer never ceases to spread. If there was a more active /biz/ on other boards I'd be there.

>> No.7916799

>can hardly feel anything cause its like putting your dick inside of a pool of water
that's the only accurate description itt

just stick your dick in a bowl of warm water op. there you go

>> No.7916817

Making love with someone you love is the best feeling ever, during this moment only the two of you exists in the world. You become something, you are worth something for someone, you bring someone pleasure and comfort, you exist. A man without a women is just a robot, made of hard steel.

>> No.7916819

for the full effect imagine the bowl of water has a really boring personality and it keeps trying to mindfuck you and start arguments and you're just sick and tired of its bullshit

>> No.7916833

you're not in love with her, you're in love with the person you're both pretending she is. she's mean, cold, boring, and nasty, like all women. they're shit

>> No.7916839

>hearing her sounds

Pajeet spotted

Poo in loo faggot

>> No.7916850

That's exactly what a robot would say

>> No.7916852

Just buy an onahole my guy. Would recommend the ZXY it's my fav by far feels pretty much like the real thing if you warm it up first.

>> No.7916869

Ahahaha holy Fucking shit. Accurate as Fuck. I wish I were a faggot some days. Women are such cunts

>> No.7916872

Fuck off normie faggot

>> No.7916879

Nothing can recreate it OP - sorry to say. A hot pussy feels like it has electricity running through it and your dick is the lightning rod

>> No.7916886

you'll be able to think clearly again a couple months after she dumps you to coldly "trade up" and you might wonder what you ever saw in her in the first place. it's just your hormones tricking you into thinking she's better then she is.

>> No.7916892

Feels worse than fapping if you're using a condom.

>> No.7916913

>>a hot pussy feels like a cold glass of beer on a warm day while riding a roller coaster on the moon. it's 100% the most fucking incredible thing ever and basically everything else in life is shit compared to pussy.

fuuuuuuck off

>> No.7916918

this 100%

>> No.7916920

>But sex is nothing without love.
>without love it will just be the same as a good masturbation session.
This. Fucking a random slut can be fun but it isn't particularly special, making love to a girl is something else entirely.

>> No.7916939


>> No.7916960

just buy a fleshlight

>> No.7916971

until you finally figure out what women are and you learn to see through them like glass, realize they literally are all the same, and then all you can do is hate them. and i don't even get off on hate fucking so. i think i'd rather just stop craving sex, it's just terrible. being addicted to women is just awful. it's like craving a drug you don't even enjoy taking.

>> No.7916982


just pay for a whore/escort

>> No.7916992

I broke up with her 3 months ago robot friend.

>> No.7916997

Wtf stop jerking it so much if your dick has that little sensitivity (or you're fucked if you're circumcised)

>> No.7917000 [DELETED] 

You know I can tell you have a small dick?

>> No.7917006

Best feeling ever?

as far as physical sensation, pleasure and euphoria, not even close. The satisfaction, enjoyment, and fulfillment from sex has less to do with physical pleasure than it does with other mental rewards.

Drugs feel a lot better than sex. Shooting cocaine and heroin together (mainly because of the blow) is the #1 most pleasurable thing a human can feel. on a 1/10 scale if a speedball is a 10 sex is probably like a 3 maybe 4

>> No.7917013

This 110%
Making love makes me feel soooo happy
Fucking a whore can never replicate that
That care, the love , the affection, the way you pamper her and she returns the favor
I repeat , nothing in this world can replace making love with your gf

>> No.7917044


Honestly latex glove in sock with rubber bands around the sock and ample lube is better than the real thing. My hand is about equivalent to sex while wearing a condom

>> No.7917055
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>they literally are all the same
t. literal retard

>> No.7917071

i'm not even kidding. i'm starting to suspect there is only one woman, with 3 and a half billion bodies. a single hivemind creature. i don;t actually think that, but i would not even be surprised. i think women might be the devil

>> No.7917087

Sex is overrated, I don't hate girls but I realize they are an unnecessary distraction from living a good life. If you can tolerate women and their incessant nagging, emotional "cycles", and constant need for attention in return for sex or companionship... well.... fuck. I know that I can not / do not want to do it though.

>> No.7917092

get your testosterone levels checked, seriously not even joking bro
I am almost 100% sure you got low T

>> No.7917152

Everything is described perfectly in these two posts.

>> No.7917171

thanks for your concern but i drink a glass of warm onion juice every day so i'm sure i'm fine

>> No.7917200

Yes, is by far the most satisfying and best pleasure I've felt. Ignore the faggots that pretend to be "Unique and different" that have told you it's not. Also, it's not only about the penetration, but about the person and you relationship with her. Anyone who says a different thing is a virgin faggot trying to show off and avoiding been called a "normie".

>> No.7917232


>> No.7917243

Sounds like you just had sex for the first time last week.

>> No.7917258

You better slow down on that much onion juice. I take a couple shots every 3 days and i'm fucking jacked.

>> No.7917273

>Yes, is by far the most satisfying and best pleasure I've felt. Ignore the faggots that pretend to be "Unique and different" that have told you it's not. Also, it's not only about the smoking, but about the strain and you relationship with it. Anyone who says a different thing is a straight edged normie trying to show off and avoiding been called a "pothead"

you remind me of potheads who think weed is the best feeling every by far and live to smoke. weeds ok, but it's really not that fucking incredible.

>> No.7917313

>Also, it's not only about the penetration, but about the person and you relationship with her
and women are all garbage "people". but i guess that's only a problem if you're capable of noticing

>> No.7917339
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Feels dominant bro
Primal as shit

>> No.7917388

I think having the potential to fuck a girl is more important than actually fucking a girl. I’m still a virgin at 24 years old. I’m not sad like a lot of virgins because I know that I can fuck one if I wanted. Whenever me and my buddies go to a bar, thots are always touching me and trying to talk to me. I could easily take a bitch homeland fuck her raw, but I don’t wanna. It’s almost like NoFap taken to a new level. Sexual potential energy is powerful as fuck. Instead of wasting your time fucking a thot, use that energy to lift some heavy ass weight. The power you feel the morning after some bar thot is putting herself all over you is a great feeling.

>> No.7917418
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>> No.7917435

Actually this. Penetration is my least favorite part.

>> No.7917443
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spotted the incel

>> No.7917449
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>Real answer- Manswers said that veal was the meat/ food that would most closely resemble a pussy in terms of feeling.
source: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=131108163

>> No.7917468

virgins dicklets detected. Corporeal sensations are irrelevant. Dominating her mind and soul is everything

>> No.7917472

spotted the roastie

>> No.7917591

Just hire an scort man. Also if you have the money, look for one offering the "girlfriend experience" (usually abbreviated as GFE) you won't regret it. In my country a good GFE scort cost like 300€, but I'm Spanish, if you are American, it may be a lil more money.

>> No.7917594

>be mid 30's
>totally lost interest in sex

it's strangely liberating

>> No.7917653
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>take hairloss pills
>effectively chemically castrate myself at age 22.

>> No.7917669

Checked and kek’d. Literal autism. Good thot patrol though.

>> No.7917701

m8 did they not tell you about the side effects

>> No.7917743

You started losing hair at 22? Jesus. I’m in my early 20s and my hairline is kinda slanting up around my temples, but nothing so drastic that I’d take a hair loss pill for.

>> No.7917809

hey retard, you're GENETICALLY ENGINEERED to have sex feel great.

don't be a fucking idiot and compare it to smoking weed.

>> No.7917863

hey retard, you're "genetically engineered" to be addicted to sex and obsessed with it, but the actual feeling isn't that big a deal

>> No.7917939

What the fuck just realized I’m on /biz/. Thought I was on /fit/. What the fuck. How have mods not deleted this yet?

>> No.7917958

thought the same thing, you fuck her, not admire her whole life

>> No.7917972

Just get a quality of onahole

>> No.7917998

Like salty bags of sand milk coins

>> No.7918008

there are no mods on biz

>> No.7918086

It feels okay.

>> No.7918211

I don't even think about my dick until she comes, so fun to experiment with movements inside each girl until you find out what they like the most.

If you don't do it already try a DEEP thrust while also pulling her shoulders down towards your dick while she's on top. She might not be able to form complete words for for a while

>> No.7918225

>Please guys I'm seriously desperate to know. Is it the best feeling ever?
no, either the girls i had where bad at sex or its massively over hyped.

>> No.7918247

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.7918275

>Tfw I watched so much porn that I don't get morning wood anymore

>> No.7918278
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>Is it the best feeling ever?
Sober? No, not really. But on acid? You will die after the orgasm and become reborn. Its actually kind of scary but extremely exhilarating.
You guys got btc and monero you know where to cop.

>> No.7918284

There's like five of these types of threads up right now. Just let it go, these threads pop up on every board regardless of what the board is supposed to be about. It's just a chan thing, it gives the site its charm. I'm glad the mods allow it, these threads always get tons of replies too.

>> No.7918286

a virgin and a faggot

>> No.7918625

Look up Setipiprant, currently phase 3 trials, none of the side effects of finasteride.

>> No.7918722

lol this is me except im just an insecure fuck and I get horny like 1 month of the year

>> No.7918745

That’s cuz you become possessed by jinn

>> No.7918776


>> No.7918791

Psychedelics open you up to their influence

>> No.7918805

I think they just exaggerated your schizophrenia

>> No.7918834

Nope.. would never have sex on em. That’s just asking for it. I did warn you though, good luck with everything

>> No.7918842

You are describing a loose whore vagina. The nice and tight thing isn't a meme, you don't know what you are missing

>> No.7918903

Robot, you need to go back...

>> No.7918983

Ah wow reading through this thread made me sad for a lot of you guys.

>> No.7918986
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Nah I want you to explain this now. I'm interested. Keep going.

>> No.7918987

What the fuck does this have to do with business

>> No.7919033


>> No.7919157

It feels great, that’s honestly the extent of it in terms of the physical sensation. It’s warm, wet, and the texture is kind of like the inside of your cheek except padded and softer. Vaginas do vary, mostly due to angle in my experience, though there is a noticeable difference if the girl is getting railed all the time vs. if she hasn’t don’t it for awhile.

Like others have said though actually giving a shit about the person you’re fucking does make it better. Especially if you’re actually emotionally connected and know what each other likes, at that point sex goes to an entirely new level. I’ve actually been single for about a year now, have fucked somewhere around 8 girls since. It’s fun, but it doesn’t compare to the sex I had with some of my past girlfriends.

You can go get a hooker just to ‘feel’ a vagina, but that’s not what drives you, and it will never make you happy.

>> No.7919559

>Shooting cocaine and heroin together (mainly because of the blow) is the #1 most pleasurable thing a human can feel. on a 1/10 scale if a speedball is a 10 sex is probably like a 3 maybe 4
If you never tried those things sex is a literal 10. I feel exactly the same 10 pleasure you do when I have sex with my girl.

>> No.7919617

>You can go get a hooker just to ‘feel’ a vagina
through a condom? nah. and fucking a hooker without a condom is pretty retarded

>> No.7919638

the shortest and most precise answer is that it feels like your tongue pushing on the inside of your cheeks

>> No.7919656


>> No.7919711
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>> No.7919720
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Saddest thread I have seen in a while. Speaking about it and putting it on a pedestal won't help you. It will just make you depressed. You need to get out there and have a social life.

>> No.7919739

Thanks for letting us all know you've only fucked loose hookers, tight pussy is great and a tight ass feels like it'll squeeze your dick off

>> No.7919763

You can still feel shit with a condom on, stop trying to act like an alpha chad, we're all anonymous here

>> No.7919790


It's everything. Making love to a woman, you can just feel her softness, hint of hormones in the air, wetness of her vagina, it's nothing you can ever replicate because sex encapsulates all of your senses not just visual, in fact I'd say sex itself is sensed much more through touch and smell than sight.

>> No.7919806
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stop thinking about pussy. stop beating off 12 times a day. lift weights. lift weights. read books. make money. get hobbies. like forging 16th century plate armour. of like skying or something. why would a bitch wanna fuck you if your weak and not intresting. women spread their legs and get what they want. men work hard to achieve what they want. work hard on yourself

>> No.7919810

>he thinks i'm acting like an alpha chad
have you even read my comments?
no chad is this bitter

i actually prefer it with a condom, at least then i can feel some kind of tightness. but the feel is totally different without a condom obviously

>tight pussy
lol, whatever. no such thing. vaginas are too soft and strethy to actually be tight

>> No.7919814


I know this is bullshit but I want to know why you're so confident.

>> No.7919831

OK then little dick.

>> No.7919853

>all this work to impress some cold hearted roastie that will dump you the moment she thinks she can trade up. meanwhile she has nothing interesting or funny to say and her only hobby is causing drama. but you have to jump through hoops and do a million things to impress her enough that she fucks you and she'll act like it's some great privledge to be around her when she's nothing but a walking loose wet hole.

are you a dog? sex is about the smell, lol.

>> No.7919865

8" around, almost 7" long. if anything i'm too thick and it opens her right up and in one stroke she's not tight anymore

>> No.7919904

8 inch around? bruh that is like a fucking ketchup bottle

>> No.7919945

getting laid naturally was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
made me realize sex isn't the end all, but it is nice with the right person.
had some pent up self esteem issues after losing it so late.

>> No.7920024
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How pathetic. You should work hard for yourself and not to impress random imaginary women. What is the point of your weak story? The women you describe there is not worth even thinking about, so who cares? If she is a shit person you stop making her a part of your life. You do not 'jump through hoops' for sex. You need to live your own life. There are way more interesting things in life then chasing vaginas. Try connecting to women on another level and without ulterior (sexual) motives. Can you do that?
The good women who are worth your attention show up once you are a mature person with drive and stop being self centered and insecure. In other words: once you are a man and not a boy anymore.

>> No.7920036

its over rated, its just more satisfying because youre doing it with and actual person

>> No.7920079

You are "genetically engineered" to be addicted to sex.
You are "genetically engineered" to be addicted to food.
You are "genetically engineered" to be addicted to drugs.

>> No.7920092

>he still believes there are good women
nah, they're all the same. you can trust a woman to be a woman in the same way you can trust a dog to be a dog. they're animals and they don't change

>> No.7920129

Get two bags full of sand and stick it in inbetween teh bags

>> No.7920249


>> No.7920251

Get help. Your insecurities will not get better on 4chan.

>> No.7920326
File: 7 KB, 318x159, 1512319364764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.7920372
File: 67 KB, 240x240, russiandrugqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on /biz/, just earn some good money trading and hire some expensive hooker. Problem? As for masturbating I tried quite a few things while younger and the best were thermoactive underwear/silk/velvet clad sockets made in the center of a rolled up bedsheet. Dry or lubed doesn't matter. It gives you some weight to play with, feels preety good, and connects to balls, thighs and abdomen area. That's pretty vital, focusing only on dick gets you nowhere near the real deal. Belt wrapped around the roll modifies the tightness. EZPZ, never dehumanize yourself again with masturbating with food, good thing you didn't come up with microwaving salmon filets and wraping them around you cock, Jesus. Have at least the miniscule amount of dignity in you OP

>> No.7920533


>> No.7920563

I'd argue the underlying purpose of /biz/ is entirely related, let's face it, we're all dudes here, and we're all making monies to be able to pump kids into prime vagene meat. 99% of us are at least. I know many here are MGTOW or at least pretend to be, and that's great because I am too but don't pretend the other 99% aren't trying to fuck Holes through getting rich.

>> No.7920581

>implying the best part isn't when she feels submitted and start fantasizing about getting violated.

>> No.7920698

Move your finger back and forth between your bottom lip and gumline. Now contract and detract your cheek muscles while you do that. That's like the kegel muscles squeezing. Now imagine it warmer than that and depending on how many pubes she's got down there some scratching against your hip/pelvis area.

I won't tell you how to simulate this because I don't know how because I fuck real girls.

>> No.7920781

Make it hard for her to trade up.

Or trade up yourself.