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7911923 No.7911923 [Reply] [Original]

>have few acquaintances (or "friends")
>they all have had the same shitty restaurant job for years
>love wagecucking
>the only thing I hear from them is stuff like:
>"anon, would you like to come with us and blow $200 at the club tonight"
>"I just bought a pair of $400 shoes"
>"bought a brand new car, the payments are half of my monthly wage"
>"anon, we're going to the casino to lose $500 in a night, wanna come?"
>"what do you mean you can't go out because you're working on your own business?"
>"anon how can you afford that **insert cheap 6 year old sporty car that looks expensive** if you don't work?"

How do I meet like-minded people?

>> No.7912013

You don't, they don't exist. Welcome to hell faggot. You're stuck here now with the rest of us.

>> No.7912111

start by not hanging out with only people who work at restaurants? This seems like a pretty obvious first step.

>> No.7912113
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i've always had the best luck with unusual hobby groups: Beekeeping, Fencing (with swords), Camping, Uniclubs for entrepreneurship.

Still 99/100 people are going to be shit, and of the 1/100 the relationship will die unless you put in a huge amount of effort to come up with things for the two of you to do together

>> No.7912142

Pretty much this OP. This is the mindset of the average person, aka Normie. The entire reason the US is under such heavy debt. The reason Bernie almost won the nomination. People are unwilling to control their spending in the here and now for the benefit of later. Its an alien concept.

>> No.7912155

That pic made me laugh and cry simultaneously
God I hate wageslaving
I hope crypto saves me from it one day

>> No.7912180

they're basically the only people I know. they're from high school and I've struggled to make friendships since I graduated

>> No.7912216

I don't understand this mentality of wage cuck 60 hours a week, while spending ridiculous amounts of money on crap to the point where they have no money left to pay bills so need to rely on credit cards.

>> No.7912363

Materialistic society in which people like to show off to impress others. It's a tradition since our early ancestors. It made sense many centuries ago if you were a noble but no so much now

>> No.7912448

this plus people are utterly brainwashed.

>> No.7912734
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We have the same kind of "people" in Germany and I don't get it.
These idiots buy cars that are worth two of their annual salaries...

>> No.7912762


>> No.7912796

This. I hate materialistic things but love stockpiling money.

>> No.7913093

You have to start realizing that entrepreneurs are loners.
The sooner you understand this, the less you'll care about society and the more you'll care about your own individual success.

>> No.7913216
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>> No.7913404

women are so fucking materialistic as soon as you have more money/ are more successfull than someone else you automatically seem more attractive

>> No.7913588

there's nothing wrong, that's just how it works stop being such a faggot

every relationship is a form of trade. There's nothing sacred or meaningful about it.

>> No.7913658

this faggot gets it.

beta much?

>> No.7913825

Because it’s not enough to live meager and be rich, people instead want to live rich and be meager.
I like to compare it to cars: ever wonder why vehicle safety standards have sharply risen, yet vehicle deaths are unmoved? It’s simple. People adjust their risk tolerance every time a new safety feature comes out, so that the risk is always the same. In other words they take bigger risks and negate the safety features.

They do the same with their finances. Make more money? Spend more money. All of this perpetuates an unending brinksmanship in which people are continually one misstep away from being broke. The worst part is I have no idea why people do it, and I think I do it too.

>> No.7914100

What car? I'm curious what normies are impressed by

>> No.7914132




you should be glad, this is like a fucking cheat code for getting bitches

>> No.7914164

You're wrong and shallow by the same metric as might makes right.

>> No.7914206

What car

>> No.7914229

Literally make friends with mathematics majors or engineers in college, talk about ideas and shit. Service industry people are the dumbest and most financially retarded people on Earth (i bartend so i know your exact situation) i also go to school though and have met really cool people they usually are in a STEM major, but basically get out of the service industry world to meet better people

>> No.7914357


I've been a couple years in uni and I have yet to make an actual friend.

>> No.7914383

Making an actual friend is tough outside of childhood and college it really is, best way would be to start some kind of business venture with a person you click with

>> No.7914391

Nice. I just want to say, man, you'll definitely have to put yourself out there to meet people worth your time. Go to meetups for things you like, perhaps.

>> No.7914419
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this guy nose what's up

>> No.7915663

Normies will be impressed by anything flashier than a Accord.

>> No.7915714

>People adjust their risk tolerance every time a new safety feature comes out, so that the risk is always the same.

Oh my god fucking this. And it happens with everything not just cars.

I'm Australian and our government just keeps taking freedoms away in the name of safety and retards still manage to hurt or kill themselves in this artificial bubble world the government has creates so the government takes more freedoms away in response and people do even stupider things and the snowball continues. Everyone lives their whole lives here with training wheels on, then they go overseas on a holiday and die to something fucking simple and stupid. The aussie death toll for holidays in SEA is fucking massive and all of it to the dumbest most simple shit anyone who wasn't a total brainlet can avoid.

They get so used to the safety net under them in every aspect of society they can no longer function without it.

>> No.7915777

no shit.
once dated a girl with autism.
she was the sweetest thing.
didn't have all the gold digger brain cells or something.

>> No.7915837

and she wouldn't have given a shit about him through elementary, highschool and uni. Honestly anyone who lets these kinds of girls act like parasites off of their achievements is a literal cuck. Idk why you would want someone who doesn't want you back and only wants your money... how can you live like that

>> No.7915878

> it's my bosses fault my living standards are low

Blame the government and central banking

>> No.7915907

EE here
I didn't meet many people who had great conversation skills, let alone interesting ideas on philosophy, finance, or technology. Mainly just socially awkward overbearing personalities we either gave 0 shits about their study or had their head up their ass and thought they were always right

>> No.7916091
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Too real, too real.

>> No.7916132

checked can confirm,
gf while not autistic is definitely on the spectrum.
Best woman I've ever met.

>> No.7916144

...this cant be true right? do you have examples of these deaths?

>> No.7916177

How do they die anon

>> No.7916461


You mean in Australia or overseas?

Off the top of my head for stuff that has happened recently. Retards go get high on meth and then decide to joy ride their car around and smash into people killing everyone. Retards go get drunk and then fail at picking up a chick at the club so they look for someone they don't like the look off, walk up behind him and punch him in the back of the head, knocks them out, they fall on the pavement and hit their head again, then die from bleeding out, retards also continue going to these clubs despite the "coward punch" being a thing and like 20 people dying from it in the last few years and it's on the news every time it happens, yet retards still go there and turn their back on angry people. That's all in Australia. Overseas, retards go to third world nations, see stuff like parasailing off the beach. They think "yeah I will put this parachute on, tie a rope to a boat and let it pull me off the beach nothing could go wrong" even though you are supposed to start on a fucking wharf so if anything goes wrong you fall into the fucking water not on the sand, and then they fuck up the take off, fall onto the sand below and die. Retards also just eat weird food from roadside stalls meant for locals and die from weird parasites, they also drink locally brewed alcohol moonshines and die, retards think third world roads work the same as Australia roads and just ride their hired motorbikes around without a worry in the world and get taken out by busses. Retards want to go on island cruises, just step off the boat onto the jetti like nothing will go wrong and slip off knocking their head, or the boat moves and they trip on a rope and get dragged around and die.

All this was in the last year or so IIRC, probably more I am forgetting too.

>> No.7916585

This. The person that got me into crypto is my best friend who is an EE. Our whole friend group is full of people making 6 fig salaries or on their way to doing so.
We party and have a good time but don't do/talk about stupid shit.

>> No.7916588


Oh some more particularly idiotic ones I forgot.

A tradie dickhead was supposed to be training some apprentices on the job. When it came time to use the buzz saw, he gathered them all around to speak to them and goes "now listen up lads, the buzzsaw is very dangerous, you could very easily saw your whole arm off with this thing so be careful. Now watch here and I will show you how to use this and what not to do." her grabs some wood and turns the saw on and starts cutting it "now look where my hands are, and see how they stay behind this line, and, I always make sure the guard is down. It might seem like extra work and it slows you from cutting, but always keep your hands behind their line and keep the guard up, or you can hurt yourself, because, look here, if you do this, and pull the guard up, and put your hand here to cut the wood which might seem easier at first you can AAAAAAARHRHRHR" and he actually fucking stuck his hand over the line and got his arm sawed off, the absolute fuckwit.

Also retards go onto building sites and think because they are wearing a hard hat they are invincible, and don't have to worry, so they just throw bricks and heavy material around, including chucking them over the edge of the scaffolding since it's easier than carrying it down, ends up hitting goes on the head down below all the time. People also think because the safety standards officer checked it, that it must be a okay so they go and move scaffolding and do their own makeshift stuff and spill cement everywhere, then slip off the scaffolding and kill themselves.

>> No.7917844

That's exactly how I feel about the people I meet in uni

>> No.7918052

>Fencing (with swords)
Wew, glad you cleared that up. Started to think you had rows and rows of fences in your yard. People like what they like.

>> No.7918132

I work a full time salaried job that pays well.
I wagecuck at night and weekends for fun and much prefer. I use the extra money to have fun like your friends.
Ease up OP.

>> No.7918237

This totally dead on accurate. Meet people about ideas and future

But don’t limit yourself either. Go find hobbies that challenge you ima pick up rock climbing. A lot of geeky hippy chads though